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Back to the Psalms Series@ PRODUCED BY: Layman Randy P 2019
Using: pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System Software

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Found: vw@Matthew:1 @ ENGLISH: kjv@TITLE: VW-Edition 2006 kjv@DESCRIPTION: English translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts. A 'literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV. In print: "About this Edition" kjv@RIGTHS: This module is not to be sold. Do not modify or reconfigure for other software without authorization from publisher kjv@PUBLISHER: A Voice in the Wilderness, POBox 9531, Spokane, WA 99209, USA (

Found: tab[gothic_ab_car@ntchap] @ BROKEN LINK TITLE: Gothic Codices Ambrosianus B DESCRIPTION: RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: tab[scots_gaelic@Mark:1] @ TITLE: Gaelic Gospel of Mark DESCRIPTION: RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: tab[sf_alban@ntchap] @ TITLE: Albanian Version PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: tab[sf_czech_bkr@ntchap] @ TITLE: Czech BKR DESCRIPTION: Czech Bible Kralicka: Bible svata aneb vsecka svata pisma Stareho i Noveho Zakona podle posledniho vydani kralickeho z roku 1613. RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: tab[sf_deje@ntchap] @ TITLE: La Bible de Jérusalem DESCRIPTION: C'est une traduction catholique, réalisée par 33 traducteurs assistés d'une centaine d'exégètes. Cette Bible est généralement très appréciée en raison de la rigueur de sa traduction et de la vigueur de son style ; son vocabulaire est assez recherché. RIGTHS: Editeur : Le Cerf PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: tab[sf_finish@ntchap] @ TITLE: Finish Version PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: tab[sf_ostervald_rev1@ntchap] @ TITLE: La Bible J.F. Ostervald 1996 DESCRIPTION: J.F. Ostervald et son équipe a révisé la Bible d'Olivétan (1535), cette révision a été editée la première fois en 1744. Version présentée Il s'agit de la version révisée en 1996. Jean Frederic Ostervald, Swiss Protestant divine was born at Neuchatel on November 25, 1663. He was educated at Zurich and at Saumur. Studied theology at Orleans under Claude Pajon at Paris under Jean Claude and at Geneva under Louis Tronchin and was ordained to the ministry in 1683. Bagster's 1831 London Polygot which included eight languages and one of those was the French version by Ostervald. RIGTHS: Public Domain PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: tab[sf_tischendorf@ntchap] @ TITLE: Greek NT Tischendorf 8th Ed DESCRIPTION: The Greek Text corresponds to the printed text found in,Tischendorf, Constantinus, Novum Testamentum Graece, editio octava critica major Vol. I, 1869; Vol. II 1872, Leipzig:Giesecke and Devrient. Vol 3, Prolegomena, ed. by Caspar Rene' Gregory, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1894. The text contains no accents or diacritical marks. This text was prepared from the Westcott-Hort-Nestle Aland text found in the Greek text prepared by Dr. Maurice Robinson. The text was compared to the printed edition of Tischendorf's. Changes were made in the text to make it correspond to the printed edition. The text was proofed against the Tischendorf text. According to J. Harold Greenleem, His 'eighth major edition' (1869-72) contains a critical apparatus which has never been equaled in comprehensiveness of citation of Greek mss., versions, and patristic evidence. A century later it is still indispensable for serious work in the text of the N.T. RIGTHS: The Greek text is released as a public domain text. PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: vw @ TITLE: VW-Edition 2006 DESCRIPTION: English translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts. A 'literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV. In print: "About this Edition" RIGTHS: This module is not to be sold. Do not modify or reconfigure for other software without authorization from publisher PUBLISHER: A Voice in the Wilderness, POBox 9531, Spokane, WA 99209, USA (

Found: gothic_ab_car @ BROKEN LINK TITLE: Gothic Codices Ambrosianus B DESCRIPTION: RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: scots_gaelic@Mark:1] @ TITLE: Gaelic Gospel of Mark DESCRIPTION: RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_alban @ TITLE: Albanian Version PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_czech_bkr @ TITLE: Czech BKR DESCRIPTION: Czech Bible Kralicka: Bible svata aneb vsecka svata pisma Stareho i Noveho Zakona podle posledniho vydani kralickeho z roku 1613. RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_deje @ TITLE: La Bible de Jérusalem DESCRIPTION: C'est une traduction catholique, réalisée par 33 traducteurs assistés d'une centaine d'exégètes. Cette Bible est généralement très appréciée en raison de la rigueur de sa traduction et de la vigueur de son style ; son vocabulaire est assez recherché. RIGTHS: Editeur : Le Cerf PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_finish @ TITLE: Finish Version PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_ostervald_rev1 @ TITLE: La Bible J.F. Ostervald 1996 DESCRIPTION: J.F. Ostervald et son équipe a révisé la Bible d'Olivétan (1535), cette révision a été editée la première fois en 1744. Version présentée Il s'agit de la version révisée en 1996. Jean Frederic Ostervald, Swiss Protestant divine was born at Neuchatel on November 25, 1663. He was educated at Zurich and at Saumur. Studied theology at Orleans under Claude Pajon at Paris under Jean Claude and at Geneva under Louis Tronchin and was ordained to the ministry in 1683. Bagster's 1831 London Polygot which included eight languages and one of those was the French version by Ostervald. RIGTHS: Public Domain PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_tischendorf @ TITLE: Greek NT Tischendorf 8th Ed DESCRIPTION: The Greek Text corresponds to the printed text found in,Tischendorf, Constantinus, Novum Testamentum Graece, editio octava critica major Vol. I, 1869; Vol. II 1872, Leipzig:Giesecke and Devrient. Vol 3, Prolegomena, ed. by Caspar Rene' Gregory, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1894. The text contains no accents or diacritical marks. This text was prepared from the Westcott-Hort-Nestle Aland text found in the Greek text prepared by Dr. Maurice Robinson. The text was compared to the printed edition of Tischendorf's. Changes were made in the text to make it correspond to the printed edition. The text was proofed against the Tischendorf text. According to J. Harold Greenleem, His 'eighth major edition' (1869-72) contains a critical apparatus which has never been equaled in comprehensiveness of citation of Greek mss., versions, and patristic evidence. A century later it is still indispensable for serious work in the text of the N.T. RIGTHS: The Greek text is released as a public domain text. PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: vw @ TITLE: VW-Edition 2006 DESCRIPTION: English translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts. A 'literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV. In print: "About this Edition" RIGTHS: This module is not to be sold. Do not modify or reconfigure for other software without authorization from publisher PUBLISHER: A Voice in the Wilderness, POBox 9531, Spokane, WA 99209, USA (

Found: Didache:12:5 @ If he will not do this, he is trafficking upon Christ. Beware of such men.

Found: Diognetus:2:2 @ Is not one of them stone, like that which we tread under foot, and another bronze, no better than the vessels which are forged for our use, and another wood, which has already become rotten, and another silver, which needs a man to guard it lest it be stolen, and another iron, which is corroded with rust, and another earthenware, not a whit more comely than that which is supplied for the most dishonorable service?

Found: Diognetus:2:7 @ For do not ye yourselves, who now regard and worship them, much more despise them? Do ye not much rather mock and insult them, worshipping those that are of stone and earthenware unguarded, but shutting up those that are of silver and gold by night, and setting guards over them by day, to prevent their being stolen?

Found: Hermas:26:5 @ For the Master sware by His own glory, as concerning His elect; that if, now that this day has been set as a limit, sin shall hereafter be committed, they shall not find salvation; for repentance for the righteous hath an end; the days of repentance are accomplished for all the saints; whereas for the Gentiles there is repentance until the last day.

Found: Hermas:166:4 @ "But behold, Sir," say I, "they have repented with their whole heart." "I am quite aware myself," saith he, "that they have repented with their whole heart; well, thinkest thou that the sins of those who repent are forgiven forthwith? Certainly not; but the person who repents must torture his own soul, and must be thoroughly humble in his every action, and be afflicted with all the divers kinds of affliction; and if he endure the afflictions which come upon him, assuredly He Who created all things and endowed them with power will be moved with compassion and will bestow some remedy.

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL aware @ (1)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL beware @ (5)

Found: gothic_ab_car@Matthew:1 @ BROKEN LINK TITLE: Gothic Codices Ambrosianus B DESCRIPTION: RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: scots_gaelic@Mark:1 @ TITLE: Gaelic Gospel of Mark DESCRIPTION: RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_alban@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Albanian Version PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_czech_bkr@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Czech BKR DESCRIPTION: Czech Bible Kralicka: Bible svata aneb vsecka svata pisma Stareho i Noveho Zakona podle posledniho vydani kralickeho z roku 1613. RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_deje@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: La Bible de Jérusalem DESCRIPTION: C'est une traduction catholique, réalisée par 33 traducteurs assistés d'une centaine d'exégètes. Cette Bible est généralement très appréciée en raison de la rigueur de sa traduction et de la vigueur de son style ; son vocabulaire est assez recherché. RIGTHS: Editeur : Le Cerf PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_finish@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Finish Version PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_ostervald_rev1@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: La Bible J.F. Ostervald 1996 DESCRIPTION: J.F. Ostervald et son équipe a révisé la Bible d'Olivétan (1535), cette révision a été editée la première fois en 1744. Version présentée Il s'agit de la version révisée en 1996. Jean Frederic Ostervald, Swiss Protestant divine was born at Neuchatel on November 25, 1663. He was educated at Zurich and at Saumur. Studied theology at Orleans under Claude Pajon at Paris under Jean Claude and at Geneva under Louis Tronchin and was ordained to the ministry in 1683. Bagster's 1831 London Polygot which included eight languages and one of those was the French version by Ostervald. RIGTHS: Public Domain PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_tischendorf@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Greek NT Tischendorf 8th Ed DESCRIPTION: The Greek Text corresponds to the printed text found in,Tischendorf, Constantinus, Novum Testamentum Graece, editio octava critica major Vol. I, 1869; Vol. II 1872, Leipzig:Giesecke and Devrient. Vol 3, Prolegomena, ed. by Caspar Rene' Gregory, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1894. The text contains no accents or diacritical marks. This text was prepared from the Westcott-Hort-Nestle Aland text found in the Greek text prepared by Dr. Maurice Robinson. The text was compared to the printed edition of Tischendorf's. Changes were made in the text to make it correspond to the printed edition. The text was proofed against the Tischendorf text. According to J. Harold Greenleem, His 'eighth major edition' (1869-72) contains a critical apparatus which has never been equaled in comprehensiveness of citation of Greek mss., versions, and patristic evidence. A century later it is still indispensable for serious work in the text of the N.T. RIGTHS: The Greek text is released as a public domain text. PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: vw@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: VW-Edition 2006 DESCRIPTION: English translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts. A 'literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV. In print: "About this Edition" RIGTHS: This module is not to be sold. Do not modify or reconfigure for other software without authorization from publisher PUBLISHER: A Voice in the Wilderness, POBox 9531, Spokane, WA 99209, USA (

Found: aware @ kjv@CONCORD:aware

Found: beware @ kjv@CONCORD:beware

Found: sware @ kjv@CONCORD:sware

Found: swarest @ kjv@CONCORD:swarest

Found: unawares @ kjv@CONCORD:unawares

Found: ware @ kjv@CONCORD:ware

Found: wares @ kjv@CONCORD:wares

Found: tsk@Luke:12:1 @ Jesus By Command - Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy

Found: tsk@Luke:12:15 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed, and beware of covetousness

Found: tsk@Luke:20:46 @ Jesus By Command - Beware of the scribes

Found: tsk@Matthew:10:17 @ Jesus By Command - But beware of men

Found: tsk@Matthew:16:6 @ Jesus By Command - Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

Found: tsk@Matthew:7:15 @ Jesus By Command - Beware of false prophets

Found: tsk@Matthew:16:11 @ How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? - Jesus By Question

Found: scots_gaelic@Mark:1] @ TITLE: Gaelic Gospel of Mark DESCRIPTION: RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_alban@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Albanian Version PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_czech_bkr@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Czech BKR DESCRIPTION: Czech Bible Kralicka: Bible svata aneb vsecka svata pisma Stareho i Noveho Zakona podle posledniho vydani kralickeho z roku 1613. RIGTHS: PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_deje@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: La Bible de Jérusalem DESCRIPTION: C'est une traduction catholique, réalisée par 33 traducteurs assistés d'une centaine d'exégètes. Cette Bible est généralement très appréciée en raison de la rigueur de sa traduction et de la vigueur de son style ; son vocabulaire est assez recherché. RIGTHS: Editeur : Le Cerf PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_finish@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Finish Version PUBLISHER: Free Bible Software Group

Found: sf_ostervald_rev1@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: La Bible J.F. Ostervald 1996 DESCRIPTION: J.F. Ostervald et son équipe a révisé la Bible d'Olivétan (1535), cette révision a été editée la première fois en 1744. Version présentée Il s'agit de la version révisée en 1996. Jean Frederic Ostervald, Swiss Protestant divine was born at Neuchatel on November 25, 1663. He was educated at Zurich and at Saumur. Studied theology at Orleans under Claude Pajon at Paris under Jean Claude and at Geneva under Louis Tronchin and was ordained to the ministry in 1683. Bagster's 1831 London Polygot which included eight languages and one of those was the French version by Ostervald. RIGTHS: Public Domain PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: sf_tischendorf@Matthew:1 @ TITLE: Greek NT Tischendorf 8th Ed DESCRIPTION: The Greek Text corresponds to the printed text found in,Tischendorf, Constantinus, Novum Testamentum Graece, editio octava critica major Vol. I, 1869; Vol. II 1872, Leipzig:Giesecke and Devrient. Vol 3, Prolegomena, ed. by Caspar Rene' Gregory, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1894. The text contains no accents or diacritical marks. This text was prepared from the Westcott-Hort-Nestle Aland text found in the Greek text prepared by Dr. Maurice Robinson. The text was compared to the printed edition of Tischendorf's. Changes were made in the text to make it correspond to the printed edition. The text was proofed against the Tischendorf text. According to J. Harold Greenleem, His 'eighth major edition' (1869-72) contains a critical apparatus which has never been equaled in comprehensiveness of citation of Greek mss., versions, and patristic evidence. A century later it is still indispensable for serious work in the text of the N.T. RIGTHS: The Greek text is released as a public domain text. PUBLISHER: FreeBibleSoftwareGroup

Found: vw@Matthew:1,ENGLISH:, VW-Edition 2006, English translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts. A 'literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV. In print: "About this Edition", This module is not to be sold. Do not modify or reconfigure for other software without authorization from publisher, A Voice in the Wilderness, POBox 9531, Spokane, WA 99209, USA (