Dict: all - Rechab


RECHABITES @ descendants of the Kenites- kjv@1Chronicles:2:55; kjv@Jeremiah:35:6


RECHAB - R>@ - (rider). One of the two "captains of bands" whom Ish-bosheth took into his service, and who conspired to murder him. (2 Samuel kjv@4:2) (B.C. 1046.) The father of Malchiah, ruler of part of Beth-haccerem. kjv@Nehemiah:3:14) (B.C. before 446.) The father or ancestor of Jehonadab. ( kjv@2Kings:10:15 kjv@2Kings:10:33 kjv@1Chronicles:2:65; kjv@Jeremiah:35:6-19) (B.C.before 882.) It was from this Rechab that the tribe of the Rechabites derived their name. In ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:55) the house of Rechab is identified with a section of the Kenites, a Midianitish tribe who came into Canaan with the Israelites, and retained their nomadic habits. The real founder of the tribe was Jehonadab. JEHONADAB He and his people had all along been worshippers of Jehovah, circumcised, though not looked upon as belonging to Israel and probably therefore not considering themselves bound by the Mosaic law and ritual. The worship of Baal was offensive to them. Jonadab inaugurated a reformation and compelled a more rigid adherence than ever to the old Arab life. They were neither to drink wine, nor build houses, nor sow seed, nor plant nor have any vineyard. All their days they were to dwell in tents. kjv@Jeremiah:35:6-7) This was to be the condition of their retaining a distinct tribal existence. For two centuries and a half they adhered faithfully to this rule. The invasion of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar, in B.C. 607, drove the Rechabites from their tents to Jerusalem, where they stood proof against temptation, and were specially blessed. kjv@Jeremiah:35:2-19) There is much of interest in relation to the present condition of these people. Dr. Wolf reports that the Jews of Jerusalem and Yemen told him that he would find the Rechabites of Jere 35 living near Mecca, in the mountainous country northeast of Medina. When he came near Senaa he came in contact with a tribe, the Beni
- Khabir , who identified themselves with the sons of Jehonadab. They claimed to number 60,000, to adhere to the old rules, and to be a fulfillment of the promise made to Jehonadab.



Rechab @ horseman, or chariot.

(1.) One of Ishbosheth's "captains of bands" or leaders of predatory troops ( kjv@2Samuel:4:2).

(2.) The father of Jehonadab, who was the father of the Rechabites ( kjv@2Kings:10:15 kjv@2Kings:10:23 kjv@Jeremiah:35:6-19).

Rechabites @ the descendants of Rechab through Jonadab or Jehonadab. They belonged to the Kenites, who accompanied the children of Israel into Palestine, and dwelt among them. Moses married a Kenite wife kjv@Judges:1:16), and Jael was the wife of "Heber the Kenite" (4:17). Saul also showed kindness to the Kenites ( kjv@1Samuel:15:6). The main body of the Kenites dwelt in cities, and adopted settled habits of life (30:29); but Jehonadab forbade his descendants to drink wine or to live in cities. They were commanded to lead always a nomad life. They adhered to the law laid down by Jonadab, and were noted for their fidelity to the old-established custom of their family in the days of Jeremiah

(35); and this feature of their character is referred to by the prophet for the purpose of giving point to his own exhortation. They are referred to in kjv@Nehemiah:3:14 and kjv@1Chronicles:2:55. Dr. Wolff

(1839) found in Arabia, near Mecca, a tribe claiming to be descendants of Jehonadab; and recently a Bedouin tribe has been found near the Dead Sea who also profess to be descendants of the same Kenite chief.



Rechabites strong_idH7397/strong_id @ Descended from Hemath kjv@1Chronicles:2:55
The head of, assisted Jehu in his conspiracy against the house of Ahab kjv@2Kings:10:15-17
Prohibited by Jonadab from forming settlements or drinking wine kjv@Jeremiah:35:6-8
Obedience of, a sign to Israel kjv@Jeremiah:35:12-17
Perpetuity to, promised kjv@Jeremiah:35:18 kjv@Jeremiah:35:19




-1. Son of Rimmon .Murders Ish-bosheth, son of Saul; put to death by David kjv@2Samuel:4:5-12

-2. Father of Jehonadab kjv@2Kings:10:15 kjv@2Kings:10:23 kjv@Jeremiah:35:6-8 kjv@Jeremiah:35:1Chronicles:2:55; 16, 19 .Ancestor of the Rechabites Jeremiah:35

-3. Father of Malchiah kjv@Nehemiah:3:14

- A family of Kenites descended from Rechab, through Jonadab kjv@1Chronicles:2:55; kjv@Jeremiah:35:6
- Enjoined by Jonadab to drink no wine kjv@Jeremiah:35:6
- Adhere to the injunction of abstinence; perpetuation of the family promised as a reward Jeremiah:35



kjv@STRING:Rechab <HITCHCOCK>@ square; chariot with team of four horses - HITCHCOCK-R


RECHABITES @ descendants of the Kenites- kjv@1Chronicles:2:55; kjv@Jeremiah:35:6


H2262 <STRHEB>@ חבצּניה chăbatstsanyâh khab-ats-tsan-yaw' Of uncertain derivation; {Chabatstsanjah} a Rechabite: - Habazaniah.

H3122 <STRHEB>@ יונדב yônâdâb yo-naw-dawb' A form of H3082; {Jonadab} the name of an Israelite and of a Rechabite: - Jonadab.

H7345 <STRHEB>@ רחביהוּ רחביה rechabyâh rechabyâhû {rekh-ab-yaw'} rekh-ab-yaw'-hoo From H7337 and H3050; Jah has enlarged; {Rechabjah} an Israelite: - Rehabiah.

H7346 <STRHEB>@ רחבעם rechab‛âm rekh-ab-awm' From H7337 and H5971; a people has enlarged; {Rechabam} an Israelite king: - Rehoboam.

H7394 <STRHEB>@ רכב rêkâb ray-kawb' From H7392; rider; {Rekab} the name of two Arabs and of two Israelites: - Rechab.

G4497 <STRGRK>@ Ῥοβοάμ Rhoboam hrob-o-am' Of Hebrew origin [H7346]; Roboam (that is Rechabam) an Israelite: - Roboam.