Dict: all - angel


ANGEL OF THE LORD @ kjv@Genesis:16:7; kjv@Genesis:22:15; kjv@Exodus:14:19; kjv@Numbers:22:23; kjv@Judges:2:1; kjv@Judges:13:3; kjv@Isaiah:63:9 kjv@Matthew:28:2; kjv@Acts:8:26; kjv@Acts:27:23 Visions, REVELATIONS

ANGEL REAPERS @ kjv@Matthew:13:30,39; kjv@Mark:13:27


(1) Ministering- kjv@Genesis:16:7; kjv@Genesis:19:16; kjv@Genesis:22:11; kjv@Exodus:14:19; kjv@Exodus:23:20; kjv@1Kings:19:5; kjv@Psalms:91:11; kjv@Isaiah:63:9 kjv@Daniel:3:28; kjv@Daniel:6:22; kjv@Mark:1:13; kjv@Luke:16:22; kjv@Acts:5:19; kjv@Acts:12:7; kjv@Acts:27:23; kjv@Hebrews:1:14

(2) Appear to Men- kjv@Genesis:32:1; kjv@Numbers:22:31; kjv@Judges:2:1; kjv@Judges:6:11; kjv@Judges:13:3,13; kjv@Zechariah:1:9; kjv@Zechariah:2:3 kjv@Matthew:1:20; kjv@Matthew:2:13; kjv@Matthew:28:2; kjv@Luke:1:11,28; kjv@Luke:2:9; kjv@John:20:12; kjv@Acts:8:26; kjv@Acts:10:3 Angels


(3) Wait upon Christ- kjv@Matthew:24:31; kjv@Matthew:25:31; kjv@Matthew:26:53; kjv@Luke:2:13; kjv@Luke:22:43; kjv@John:1:51 kjv@2Thessalonians:1:7; kjv@Hebrews:1:6; kjv@Revelation:5:11

(4) Of Wrath, Execute the Judgments of God- kjv@Genesis:19:1; kjv@Judges:5:23; kjv@2Samuel:24:16; kjv@1Chronicles:21:15; kjv@2Chronicles:32:21 kjv@Isaiah:37:36; kjv@Acts:12:23

(5) Fallen Angels- kjv@Job:4:18; kjv@Matthew:25:41; kjv@2Peter:2:4; kjv@Jude:1:6; kjv@Revelation:12:9

(6) In Heaven- kjv@Mark:12:25; kjv@Luke:12:8; kjv@Luke:15:10; kjv@Hebrews:12:22; kjv@Revelation:7:11; kjv@Revelation:8:2 Heavenly Host, FUTURE, THE

(7) Of the Churches- kjv@Revelation:1:20; kjv@Revelation:2:1,8,12,18; kjv@Revelation:3:1,7,14
- Worship Forbidden,


ANGEL OF THE LORD - A>@ - kjv@Genesis:16:7) etc. (The special form in which God manifested himself to man, and hence Christ’s visible form before the incarnation. Compare kjv@Acts:7:30-38) with the corresponding Old
- Testament history; and kjv@Genesis:18:1 kjv@Genesis:18:13-14,33) and kjv@Genesis:19:1)

ANGELS - A>@ - By the word "angels" (i.e. "messengers" of God) we ordinarily understand a race of spiritual beings of a nature exalted far above that of man, although infinitely removed from that of God
whose office is "to do him service in heaven, and by his appointment to succor and defend men on earth. I. Scriptural use of the word .
There are many passages in which the expression "angel of God" is certainly used for a manifestation of God himself kjv@Genesis:22:11) with kjv@Genesis:22:12 and Exod 3:2 with Exod 3:6 and Exod 3:14 It is to be observed, also, that side by side with these expressions we read of God’s being manifested in the form of man
as to Abraham at Mamre, kjv@Genesis:18:2 kjv@Genesis:18:22) comp. kjv@Genesis:19:1 To Jacob at Penuel, kjv@Genesis:32:24 kjv@Genesis:32:30) to Joshua at Gilgal, kjv@Joshua:5:13-15) etc. Besides this, which is the highest application of the word angel, we find the phrase used of any messengers of God, such as the prophets, kjv@Isaiah:42:19; kjv@Haggai:1:13; kjv@Malachi:3:1) the priests, kjv@Malachi:2:7) and the rulers of the Christian churches. kjv@Revelation:1:20) II. Nature of angels
Angels are termed "spirits," as in kjv@Hebrews:1:14)
but it is not asserted that the angelic nature is incorporeal. The contrary seems expressly implied in kjv@Luke:20:36; kjv@Philemon:3:21) The angels are revealed to us as beings such as man might be, and will be when the power of sin and death is removed, because always beholding his face, kjv@Matthew:18:10) and therefore being "made like him." ( kjv@1John:3:2) Their number must be very large, (Kings:22:19; kjv@Matthew:26:53; kjv@Hebrews:12:22) their strength is great, kjv@Psalms:103:20; kjv@Revelation:5:2 kjv@Revelation:18:21) their activity marvelous kjv@Isaiah:6:2-6; kjv@Matthew:26:53; kjv@Revelation:8:13) their appearance varied according to circumstances, but was often brilliant and dazzling. kjv@Matthew:28:2-7; kjv@Revelation:10:1-2) Of the nature of "fallen angels," the circumstances and nature of the temptation by which they fell, we know absolutely nothing. All that is certain is that they "left their first estate" and that they are now "angels of the devil." kjv@Matthew:25:41; kjv@Revelation:12:7-9) On the other hand the title especially assigned to the angels of God
that of the "holy ones," see kjv@Daniel:4:13 kjv@Daniel:4:23 kjv@Daniel:8:13; kjv@Matthew:25:31)
is precisely the one which is given to those men who are renewed in Christ’s image. Comp. kjv@Hebrews:2:10 kjv@Hebrews:5:9 kjv@Hebrews:12:23 ) III. Office of the angels . Of their office in heaven we have only vague prophetic glimpses as in (Kings:22:19; kjv@Isaiah:6:1-3; kjv@Daniel:7:9-10; kjv@Revelation:6:11), etc., which show us nothing but a never-ceasing adoration. They are represented as being, in the widest sense, agents of God’s providence, natural and supernatural, to the body and to the soul. In one word, they are Christ’s ministers of grace now, and they shall be of judgment hereafter. kjv@Matthew:13:39-41 kjv@Matthew:13:49 kjv@Matthew:16:27 kjv@Matthew:24:31 ) etc. That there are degrees of the angelic nature, both fallen and unfallen, and special titles and agencies belonging to each, is clearly declared by St. Paul, kjv@Ephesians:1:21; kjv@Romans:8:38) but what their general nature is it is useless to speculate.


Angel @ a word signifying, both in the Hebrew and Greek, a "messenger," and hence employed to denote any agent God sends forth to execute his purposes. It is used of an ordinary messenger kjv@Job:1:14: kjv@1Samuel:11:3; kjv@Luke:7:24 kjv@Luke:9:52), of prophets kjv@Isaiah:42:19; kjv@Haggai:1:13), of priests kjv@Malachi:2:7), and ministers of the New Testament kjv@Revelation:1:20). It is also applied to such impersonal agents as the pestilence ( kjv@2Samuel:24:16-17; kjv@2Kings:19:35), the wind kjv@Psalms:104:4). But its distinctive application is to certain heavenly intelligences whom God employs in carrying on his government of the world. The name does not denote their nature but their office as messengers. The appearances to Abraham at Mamre kjv@Genesis:18:2 kjv@Genesis:18:22. Comp. 19:1), to Jacob at Peniel kjv@Genesis:32:24 kjv@Genesis:32:30), to Joshua at Gilgal kjv@Joshua:5:13-15), of the Angel of the Lord, were doubtless manifestations of the Divine presence, "foreshadowings of the incarnation," revelations before the "fulness of the time" of the Son of God.

(1.) The existence and orders of angelic beings can only be discovered from the Scriptures. Although the Bible does not treat of this subject specially, yet there are numerous incidental details that furnish us with ample information. Their personal existence is plainly implied in such passages as kjv@Genesis:16:7 kjv@Genesis:16:10, 11; kjv@Judges:13:1-21; kjv@Matthew:28:2-5; kjv@Hebrews:1:4, etc. These superior beings are very numerous. "Thousand thousands," etc. kjv@Daniel:7:10; kjv@Matthew:26:53; kjv@Luke:2:13; kjv@Hebrews:12:22-23). They are also spoken of as of different ranks in dignity and power kjv@Zechariah:1:9-11; kjv@Daniel:10:13 kjv@Daniel:12:1; kjv@1Thessalonians:4:16; kjv@Jude:1:1:9; kjv@Ephesians:1:21; kjv@Colossians:1:16).

(2.) As to their nature, they are spirits kjv@Hebrews:1:14), like the soul of man, but not incorporeal. Such expressions as "like the angels" kjv@Luke:20:36), and the fact that whenever angels appeared to man it was always in a human form kjv@Genesis:18:2 kjv@Genesis:19:1 kjv@Genesis:19:10; kjv@Luke:24:4; kjv@Acts:1:10), and the titles that are applied to them ("sons of God," kjv@Job:1:6 kjv@Job:38:7; kjv@Daniel:3:25; comp. 28) and to men kjv@Luke:3:38), seem all to indicate some resemblance between them and the human race. Imperfection is ascribed to them as creatures kjv@Job:4:18; kjv@Matthew:24:36; kjv@1Peter:1:12). As finite creatures they may fall under temptation; and accordingly we read of "fallen angels." Of the cause and manner of their "fall" we are wholly ignorant. We know only that "they left their first estate" kjv@Matthew:25:41; kjv@Revelation:12:7-9), and that they are "reserved unto judgement" ( kjv@2Peter:2:4). When the manna is called "angels' food," this is merely to denote its excellence kjv@Psalms:78:25). Angels never die kjv@Luke:20:36). They are possessed of superhuman intelligence and power kjv@Mark:13:32; kjv@2Thessalonians:1:7; kjv@Psalms:103:20). They are called "holy" kjv@Luke:9:26), "elect" ( kjv@1Timothy:5:21). The redeemed in glory are "like unto the angels" kjv@Luke:20:36). They are not to be worshipped kjv@Colossians:2:18; kjv@Revelation:19:10).

(3.) Their functions are manifold. (a) In the widest sense they are agents of God's providence kjv@Exodus:12:23; kjv@Psalms:104:4; kjv@Hebrews:11:28; kjv@1Corinthians:10:10; kjv@2Samuel:24:16; kjv@1Chronicles:21:16; kjv@2Kings:19:35; kjv@Acts:12:23). (b) They are specially God's agents in carrying on his great work of redemption. There is no notice of angelic appearances to man till after the call of Abraham. From that time onward there are frequent references to their ministry on earth kjv@Genesis:18; 19; 24:7,40; 28:12; 32:1). They appear to rebuke idolatry kjv@Judges:2:1-4), to call Gideon kjv@Judges:6:11-12), and to consecrate Samson (13:3). In the days of the prophets, from Samuel downward, the angels appear only in their behalf (kjvKings:19:5; kjv@2Kings:6:17; kjv@Zechariah:1-6; Daniel:4:13 kjv@Daniel:4:23 kjv@Daniel:10:10 kjv@Daniel:10:13, 20, 21). The Incarnation introduces a new era in the ministrations of angels. They come with their Lord to earth to do him service while here. They predict his advent kjv@Matthew:1:20; kjv@Luke:1:26-38), minister to him after his temptation and agony kjv@Matthew:4:11; kjv@Luke:22:43), and declare his resurrection and ascension kjv@Matthew:28:2-8; kjv@John:20:12-13; kjv@Acts:1:10-11). They are now ministering spirits to the people of God kjv@Hebrews:1:14; kjv@Psalms:34:7 kjv@Psalms:91:11; kjv@Matthew:18:10; kjv@Acts:5:19 kjv@Acts:8:26 kjv@Acts:10:3 ; 12:7; 27:23). They rejoice over a penitent sinner kjv@Luke:15:10). They bear the souls of the redeemed to paradise kjv@Luke:16:22); and they will be the ministers of judgement hereafter on the great day kjv@Matthew:13:39-41, 49; 16:27; 24:31). The passages kjv@Psalms:34:7, kjv@Matthew:18:10) usually referred to in support of the idea that every individual has a particular guardian angel have no such meaning. They merely indicate that God employs the ministry of angels to deliver his people from affliction and danger, and that the angels do not think it below their dignity to minister even to children and to the least among Christ's disciples. The "angel of his presence" kjv@Isaiah:63:9. Comp. kjv@Exodus:23:20-21 kjv@Exodus:32:34 kjv@Exodus:33:2 ; kjv@Numbers:20:16) is probably rightly interpreted of the Messiah as the guide of his people. Others have supposed the expression to refer to Gabriel kjv@Luke:1:19).



Angels @ Created by God and Christ kjv@Nehemiah:9:6 kjv@Colossians:1:16
Worship God and Christ kjv@Nehemiah:9:6 kjv@Philippians:2:9-11 kjv@Hebrews:1:6
Are ministering Spirits kjv@1Kings:19:5 kjv@Psalms:68:17 kjv@Psalms:104:4 kjv@Luke:16:22 kjv@Acts:12:7-11 kjv@Acts:27:23 kjv@Hebrews:1:7 kjv@Hebrews:1:14
Communicate the will of God and Christ kjv@Daniel:8:16 kjv@Daniel:8:17 kjv@Daniel:9:21-23 kjv@Daniel:10:11 kjv@Daniel:12:6 kjv@Daniel:12:7 kjv@Matthew:2:13 kjv@Matthew:2:20 kjv@Luke:1:19 kjv@Luke:1:28 kjv@Acts:5:20 kjv@Acts:8:26 kjv@Acts:10:5 kjv@Acts:27:23 kjv@Revelation:1:1
Obey the will of God kjv@Psalms:103:20 kjv@Matthew:6:10
Execute the purposes of God kjv@Numbers:22:22 kjv@Psalms:103:21 kjv@Matthew:13:39-42 kjv@Matthew:28:2 kjv@John:5:4 kjv@Revelation:5:2
Execute the judgments of God kjv@2Samuel:24:16 kjv@2Kings:19:35 kjv@Psalms:35:5 kjv@Psalms:35:6 kjv@Acts:12:23 kjv@Revelation:16:1
Celebrate the praises of God kjv@Job:38:7 kjv@Psalms:148:2 kjv@Isaiah:6:3 kjv@Luke:2:13 kjv@Luke:2:14 kjv@Revelation:5:11 kjv@Revelation:5:12 kjv@Revelation:7:11 kjv@Revelation:7:12
The law given by the ministration of kjv@Psalms:68:17 kjv@Acts:7:53 kjv@Hebrews:2:2
The conception of Christ kjv@Matthew:1:20 kjv@Matthew:1:21 kjv@Luke:1:31
The birth of Christ kjv@Luke:2:10-12
The resurrection of Christ kjv@Matthew:28:5-7 kjv@Luke:24:23
The ascension and second coming of Christ kjv@Acts:1:11
The conception of John the Baptist kjv@Luke:1:13 kjv@Luke:1:36
Minister to Christ kjv@Matthew:4:11 kjv@Luke:22:43 kjv@John:1:51
Are subject to Christ kjv@Ephesians:1:21 kjv@Colossians:1:16 kjv@Colossians:2:10 kjv@1Peter:3:22
Shall execute the purposes of Christ kjv@Matthew:13:41 kjv@Matthew:24:31
Shall attend Christ at his second coming kjv@Matthew:16:27 kjv@Matthew:25:31 kjv@Mark:8:38 kjv@2Thessalonians:1:7
Know and delight in the gospel of Christ kjv@Ephesians:3:9 kjv@Ephesians:3:10 kjv@1Timothy:3:16 kjv@1Peter:1:12
Ministration of, obtained by prayer kjv@Matthew:26:53 kjv@Acts:12:5 kjv@Acts:12:7
Rejoice over every repentant sinner kjv@Luke:15:7 kjv@Luke:15:10
Have charge over the children of God kjv@Psalms:34:7 kjv@Psalms:91:11 kjv@Psalms:91:12 kjv@Daniel:6:22 kjv@Matthew:18:10
Are of different orders kjv@Isaiah:6:2 kjv@1Thessalonians:4:16 kjv@1Peter:3:22 kjv@Jude:1:9 kjv@Revelation:12:7
Not to be worshipped kjv@Colossians:2:18 kjv@Revelation:19:10 kjv@Revelation:22:9
Are examples of meekness kjv@2Peter:2:11 kjv@Jude:1:9
Are wise kjv@2Samuel:14:20
Are mighty kjv@Psalms:103:20
Are holy kjv@Matthew:25:31
Are elect kjv@1Timothy:5:21
Are innumerable kjv@Job:25:3 kjv@Hebrews:12:22





- General scriptures concerning kjv@1Chronicles:2:1 kjv@1Chronicles:2:8, kjv@Revelation:1:20; kjv@Revelation:3:1 kjv@Revelation:3:12, 18; 7, 14



kjv@STRING:Malachi <HITCHCOCK>@ my messenger; my angel - HITCHCOCK-M


ANGEL OF THE LORD @ kjv@Genesis:16:7; kjv@Genesis:22:15; kjv@Exodus:14:19; kjv@Numbers:22:23; kjv@Judges:2:1; kjv@Judges:13:3; kjv@Isaiah:63:9 kjv@Matthew:28:2; kjv@Acts:8:26; kjv@Acts:27:23 Visions, REVELATIONS

ANGEL REAPERS @ kjv@Matthew:13:30,39; kjv@Mark:13:27


(1) Ministering- kjv@Genesis:16:7; kjv@Genesis:19:16; kjv@Genesis:22:11; kjv@Exodus:14:19; kjv@Exodus:23:20; kjv@1Kings:19:5; kjv@Psalms:91:11; kjv@Isaiah:63:9 kjv@Daniel:3:28; kjv@Daniel:6:22; kjv@Mark:1:13; kjv@Luke:16:22; kjv@Acts:5:19; kjv@Acts:12:7; kjv@Acts:27:23; kjv@Hebrews:1:14

(2) Appear to Men- kjv@Genesis:32:1; kjv@Numbers:22:31; kjv@Judges:2:1; kjv@Judges:6:11; kjv@Judges:13:3,13; kjv@Zechariah:1:9; kjv@Zechariah:2:3 kjv@Matthew:1:20; kjv@Matthew:2:13; kjv@Matthew:28:2; kjv@Luke:1:11,28; kjv@Luke:2:9; kjv@John:20:12; kjv@Acts:8:26; kjv@Acts:10:3 Angels


(3) Wait upon Christ- kjv@Matthew:24:31; kjv@Matthew:25:31; kjv@Matthew:26:53; kjv@Luke:2:13; kjv@Luke:22:43; kjv@John:1:51 kjv@2Thessalonians:1:7; kjv@Hebrews:1:6; kjv@Revelation:5:11

(4) Of Wrath, Execute the Judgments of God- kjv@Genesis:19:1; kjv@Judges:5:23; kjv@2Samuel:24:16; kjv@1Chronicles:21:15; kjv@2Chronicles:32:21 kjv@Isaiah:37:36; kjv@Acts:12:23

(5) Fallen Angels- kjv@Job:4:18; kjv@Matthew:25:41; kjv@2Peter:2:4; kjv@Jude:1:6; kjv@Revelation:12:9

(6) In Heaven- kjv@Mark:12:25; kjv@Luke:12:8; kjv@Luke:15:10; kjv@Hebrews:12:22; kjv@Revelation:7:11; kjv@Revelation:8:2 Heavenly Host, FUTURE, THE

(7) Of the Churches- kjv@Revelation:1:20; kjv@Revelation:2:1,8,12,18; kjv@Revelation:3:1,7,14
- Worship Forbidden,


H47 <STRHEB>@ אבּיר 'abbîyr ab-beer' For H46: - {angel} {bull} {chiefest} mighty ({one}) stout {[-hearted]} strong ({one}) valiant.

H1403 <STRHEB>@ גּבריאל gabrîyl gab-ree-ale' From H1397 and H410; man of God; {Gabriel} an archangel: - Gabriel.

H4264 <STRHEB>@ מחנה machăneh makh-an-eh' From H2583; an encampment (of travellers or troops); hence an {army} whether literally (of soldiers) or figuratively (of {dancers} {angels} {cattle} {locusts} stars; or even the sacred courts): - {army} {band} {battle} {camp} {company} {drove} {host} tents.

H4317 <STRHEB>@ מיכאל mîykâ'êl me-kaw-ale' From H4310 and (the prefixed derivation from) H3588 and H410; who (is) like God?; {Mikael} the name of an archangel and of nine Israelites: - Michael.

H4397 <STRHEB>@ מלאך malk mal-awk' From an unused root meaning to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of {God} that {is} an angel (also a {prophet} priest or teacher): - {ambassador} {angel} {king} messenger.

H4398 <STRHEB>@ מלאך mal'ak mal-ak' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4397; an angel: - angel.

H430 <STRHEB>@ אלהים 'ĕlôhîym el-o-heem' Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural {thus} especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - {angels} X {exceeding} God (gods) ({-dess} {-ly}) X (very) {great} {judges} X mighty.

H5894 <STRHEB>@ עיר ‛îyr eer (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H5782; a {watcher} that {is} an angel (as guardian): - watcher.

H6918 <STRHEB>@ קדשׁ קדושׁ qâdôsh qâdôsh {kaw-doshe'} kaw-doshe' From H6942; sacred (ceremonially or morally); (as noun) God (by {eminence}) an {angel} a {saint} a sanctuary: - holy ({One}) saint.

H8136 <STRHEB>@ שׁנאן shinn shin-awn' From H8132; {change} that {is} repetition: - X angels.

G3 <STRGRK>@ Ἀβαδδών Abaddōn ab-ad-dohn' Of Hebrew origin [H11]; a destroying angel: - Abaddon.

G32 <STRGRK>@ ἄγγελος aggelos ang'-el-os From ἀγγέλλω aggellō (probably derived from G71; compare G34; to bring tidings); a messenger; especially an angel; by implication a pastor: - angel messenger.

G1043 <STRGRK>@ Γαβριήλ Gabriēl gab-ree-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H1403]; Gabriel an archangel: - Gabriel.

G2097 <STRGRK>@ εὐαγγελίζω euaggelizō yoo-ang-ghel-id'-zo From G2095 and G32; to announce good news (evangelize) especially the gospel: - declare bring (declare show) glad (good) tidings preach (the gospel).

G2099 <STRGRK>@ εὐαγγελιστής euaggelistēs yoo-ang-ghel-is-tace' From G2097; a preacher of the gospel: - evangelist.

G2465 <STRGRK>@ ἰσάγγελος isaggelos ee-sang'-el-los From G2470 and G32; like an angel that is angelic: - equal unto the angels.

G3413 <STRGRK>@ Μιχαήλ Michaēl mikh-ah-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H4317]; Michael an archangel: - Michael.

G4151 <STRGRK>@ πνεῦμα pneuma pnyoo'-mah From G4154; a current of air that is breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively a spirit that is (human) the rational soul (by implication) vital principle mental disposition etc. or (superhuman) an angel daemon or (divine) God Christ´ s spirit the Holy spirit: - ghost life spirit (-ual -ually) mind. Compare G5590.

G4756 <STRGRK>@ στρατία stratia strat-ee'-ah Feminine of a derivative of στρατός stratos (an army; from the base of G4766 as encamped); camp likeness that is an army that is (figuratively) the angels the celestial luminaries: - host.

G743 <STRGRK>@ ἀρχάγγελος archaggelos ar-khang'-el-os From G757 and G32; a chief angel: - archangel.