
Dict: all - cymbal



CYMBAL, CYMBALS - C>@ - a pecussive musical instrument. Two kinds of cymbals are mentioned in kjv@Psalms:150:5) "loud cymbals" or castagnettes , and "high-sounding cymbals." The former consisted of our small plates of brass or of some other hard metal; two plates were attached to each hand of the performer, and were struck together to produce a great noise. The latter consisted of two larger plates, on held in each hand and struck together as an accompaniment to other instruments. Cymbals were used not only in the temple but for military purposes, and also by Hebrew women as a musical accompaniment to their national dances. Both kinds of cymbals are still common in the East.


Cymbals @ (Heb. tzeltzelim, from a root meaning to "tinkle"), musical instruments, consisting of two convex pieces of brass one held in each hand, which were clashed together to produce a loud clanging sound; castanets; "loud cymbals." "Highsounding cymbals" consisted of two larger plates, one held also in each hand ( kjv@2Samuel:6:5; kjv@Psalms:150:5; kjv@1Chronicles:13:8 kjv@1Chronicles:15:16 kjv@1Chronicles:15:19, 28; kjv@1Corinthians:13:1).





CYMBAL @ -(A musical instrument)
- Of brass (bronze) kjv@1Chronicles:15:19 kjv@1Chronicles:15:28 kjv@1Corinthians:13:1
- Used in the tabernacle service kjv@2Samuel:6:5; kjv@2Samuel:15:16 kjv@2Samuel:15:1Chronicles:13:8; 19, 28
- Used in the temple service kjv@2Chronicles:5:12-13; kjv@1Chronicles:16:5 kjv@1Chronicles:16:42 kjv@1Chronicles:25:1 kjv@1Chronicles:25:6 kjv@Psalms:150:5
- Used on special occasions .Day of atonement kjv@2Chronicles:29:25 .Laying of the foundation of the second temple kjv@Ezra:3:10-11 .Dedication of the wall kjv@Nehemiah:12:27 kjv@Nehemiah:12:36




H4700 <STRHEB>@ מצלת metsêleth mets-ay'-leth From H6750; (only dual) double {tinklers} that {is} cymbals: - cymbals.

H6767 <STRHEB>@ צלצל tselâtsal tsel-aw-tsal' From H6750 reduplicated; a {clatter} that {is} (abstractly) whirring (of wings); (concretely) a cricket; also a harpoon (as {rattling}) a cymbal (as clanging): - {cymbal} {locust} {shadowing} spear.

G2950 <STRGRK>@ κύμβαλον kumbalon koom'-bal-on From a derivative of the base of G2949; a cymbal (as hollow): - cymbal.