Strongs: G3918

G3918 @ πάρειμι pareimi par'-i-mee From G3844 and G1510 (including its various forms); to be near that is at hand; neuter present participle (singular) time being or (plural) property: - come X have be here + lack (be here) present.
Matthew:26:50 Luke:13:1 John:7:6 John:11:28 Acts:10:21 Acts:10:33 Acts:12:20 Acts:17:6 Acts:24:19 1Corinthians:5:3 2Corinthians:10:2 2Corinthians:10:11 2Corinthians:11:9 2Corinthians:13:2 2Corinthians:13:10 Galatians:4:18 Galatians:4:20 Colossians:1:6 Hebrews:12:11 Hebrews:13:5 2Peter:1:9 2Peter:1:12