1Corinthians: tsk

1 *2 I would 1Corinthians:12:1; 1Corinthians:14:38; Romans:11:21 *3 our John:4:20; Romans:4:11; Galatians:3:29 *4 were Exodus:13:21-22; Exodus:14:19-20; Exodus:40:34; Numbers:9:15-22; Numbers:14:14; Deuteronomy:1:33; Nehemiah:9:12 Nehemiah:9:19 Psalms:78:14; Psalms:105:39 *5 and all Exodus:14:19-22 Exodus:14:29 Numbers:33:8; Joshua:4:23; Nehemiah:9:11; Psalms:66:6; Psalms:77:16-20; Psalms:78:13-53; Psalms:106:7-11; Psalms:114:3-5; Psalms:136:13-15; Isaiah:58:11-13; Hebrews:11:29; Revelation:15:2-3

2 *1 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 1Corinthians:1:13-16; Exodus:14:31; John:9:28-29; Hebrews:3:2-3

3 *1 And did all eat the same spiritual meat; 1:16:4 Exodus:16:15,35; Deuteronomy:8:3; Nehemiah:9:15 Nehemiah:9:20 Psalms:78:23-25; Psalms:105:40; John:6:22-58

4 *1 did Exodus:17:6; Numbers:20:11; Psalms:78:15 Psalms:78:20 Psalms:105:41; Isaiah:43:20; Isaiah:48:21; John:4:10 John:4:14 John:7:37; Revelation:22:17 *2 followed them Deuteronomy:9:21 *3 that Rock 1Corinthians:11:24-25; Genesis:40:12; Genesis:41:26; Ezekiel:5:4-5; Daniel:2:38; Daniel:7:17; Matthew:13:38-39; Matthew:26:26-28; Galatians:4:25; Colossians:2:17; Hebrews:10:1

5 *1 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness. Numbers:14:11-12 Numbers:14:28-35 Numbers:26:64-65; Deuteronomy:1:34-35; Deuteronomy:2:15-16; Psalms:78:32-34; Psalms:90:1; Psalms:90:7-8; Psalms:95:11; Psalms:106:26; Hebrews:3:17;ju Deuteronomy:1:5

6 *1 these 1Corinthians:10:11; Zephaniah:3:6-7; Hebrews:4:11; 2Peter:2:6;ju Deuteronomy:1:7 *2 examples Romans:5:14; Hebrews:9:24; 1Peter:3:21 *3 lust Numbers:11:4 Numbers:11:31-34 Psalms:78:27-31; Psalms:106:14-15

7 *1 be 1Corinthians:14:20-22; 1Corinthians:5:11; 1Corinthians:6:9; 1Corinthians:8:7; Deuteronomy:9:12 Deuteronomy:9:16-21 Psalms:106:19-20; 1John:5:21 *2 The people 1:32:6-8 Exodus:32:17-19

8 *1 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand. 1Corinthians:6:9 1Corinthians:6:18 Numbers:25:1-9; Psalms:106:29; Revelation:2:14

9 *1 tempt Exodus:17:2 Exodus:17:7 Exodus:23:20-21; Numbers:21:5; Deuteronomy:6:16; Psalms:78:18 Psalms:78:56 Psalms:95:9; Psalms:106:14; Hebrews:3:8-11; Hebrews:10:28-30 *2 and were Numbers:21:6

10 *1 murmur Exodus:15:24; Exodus:16:2-9; Exodus:17:2-3; Numbers:14:2 Numbers:14:27-30 Numbers:16:41; Psalms:106:25; Philippians:2:14;ju Deuteronomy:1:16 *2 were Numbers:14:37; Numbers:16:46-49 *3 destroyer Exodus:12:23; 2Samuel:24:16; 1Chronicles:21:15; 2Chronicles:32:21; Matthew:13:39-42; Acts:12:23; 2Thessalonians:1:7-8; Hebrews:11:28; Revelation:16:1

11 *1 they 1Corinthians:9:10; Romans:15:4 *2 upon 1Corinthians:7:29; Philippians:4:5; Hebrews:10:25 Hebrews:10:37 1John:2:18

12 *1 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 1Corinthians:4:6-8; 1Corinthians:8:2; Proverbs:16:18; Proverbs:28:14; Matthew:26:33-34 Matthew:26:40-41 Romans:11:20; Revelation:3:17-18

13 *1 hath Jeremiah:12:5; Matthew:24:21-24; Luke:11:4; Luke:22:31 Luke:22:46 2Corinthians:11:23-28; Ephesians:6:12-13; Hebrews:11:35-38; Hebrews:12:4; James:5:10-11; 1Peter:1:6-7; 1Peter:5:8-9; Revelation:2:10; Revelation:3:10 *2 but 1Corinthians:1:9; Deuteronomy:7:9; Psalms:36:5; Psalms:89:33; Isaiah:11:5; Isaiah:25:1; Isaiah:49:7; Lamentations:3:23; Hosea:2:20; 1Thessalonians:5:24; 2Thessalonians:3:3; 2Timothy:2:11-13; Hebrews:6:18; Hebrews:10:23; Hebrews:11:11; 1Peter:4:19; 1John:1:9; Revelation:19:11 *3 who Exodus:3:17; Psalms:125:3; Daniel:3:17; Luke:22:32; John:10:28-30; Romans:8:28-39; 2Corinthians:1:10; 2Corinthians:12:8-10; 2Timothy:4:18; 1Peter:1:5; 2Peter:2:9 *4 make Genesis:19:20-21; Psalms:124:7; Jeremiah:29:11; Luke:16:26; Acts:27:44; James:5:11

14 *1 my Romans:12:19; 2Corinthians:7:1; 2Corinthians:11:11; 2Corinthians:12:15 2Corinthians:12:19 Philippians:4:1; Philemon:1:1; 1Peter:2:11 *2 flee 1Corinthians:10:7 1Corinthians:10:20-21 2Corinthians:6:17; 1John:5:21; Revelation:2:14; Revelation:13:8; Revelation:21:8; Revelation:22:15

15 *1 I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say. 1Corinthians:4:10; 1Corinthians:6:5; 1Corinthians:8:1; 1Corinthians:11:13; 1Corinthians:14:20; Job:34:2-3; 1Thessalonians:5:21

16 *1 cup 1Corinthians:10:21; 1Corinthians:11:23-29; Matthew:26:26-28; Mark:14:22-25; Luke:22:19-20 *2 the communion of the blood 1Corinthians:10:20; 1Corinthians:1:9; 1Corinthians:12:13; John:6:53-58; Hebrews:3:14; 1:1:3 1John:1:7 *3 The bread 1Corinthians:11:23-24; Acts:2:42-46; 1:20:7 Acts:20:11

17 *1 we being 1Corinthians:12:12 1Corinthians:12:27 Romans:12:5; Galatians:3:26-28; Ephesians:1:22-23; Ephesians:2:15-16; Ephesians:3:6; Ephesians:4:12-13; Ephesians:4:25; Colossians:2:19; 1:3:11 Colossians:3:15 *2 that 1Corinthians:10:3-4 1Corinthians:10:21 1Corinthians:11:26-28

18 *1 Israel Romans:4:1 Romans:4:12 Romans:9:3-8; 2Corinthians:11:18-22; Galatians:6:16; Ephesians:2:11-12; Philippians:3:3-5 *2 are 1Corinthians:9:13; Leviticus:3:3-5 Leviticus:3:11 Leviticus:7:11-17; 1Samuel:2:13-16; 1Samuel:9:12-13

19 *1 that the 1Corinthians:1:28; 1Corinthians:3:7; 1Corinthians:8:4; 1Corinthians:13:2; Deuteronomy:32:21; Isaiah:40:17; Isaiah:41:29; 2Corinthians:12:11

20 *1 sacrifice Leviticus:17:7; Deuteronomy:32:16-17; 2Chronicles:11:15; Psalms:106:37-39; 2Corinthians:4:4; Revelation:9:20

21 *1 cannot drink 1Corinthians:10:16; 1Corinthians:8:10; Deuteronomy:32:37-38; 1Kings:18:21; Matthew:6:24; 2Corinthians:6:15-17

22 *1 we provoke Exodus:20:5; Exodus:34:14; Deuteronomy:4:24; Deuteronomy:6:15; Deuteronomy:32:16 Deuteronomy:32:21 Joshua:24:19; Psalms:78:58; Zephaniah:1:18 *2 are Job:9:4; Job:40:9-14; Ezekiel:22:14; Hebrews:10:31

23 *1 things are lawful 1Corinthians:6:12; 1Corinthians:8:9; 1:14:15 Romans:14:20 *2 edify 1Corinthians:8:1; 1:14:3-5 1Corinthians:14:12,17,26; Romans:14:19; Romans:15:1-2; 2Corinthians:12:19; Ephesians:4:29; 1Thessalonians:5:11; 1Timothy:1:4

24 *1 seek 1Corinthians:10:33; 1Corinthians:9:19-23; 1Corinthians:13:5; 1:2:4-5 Philippians:2:21

25 *1 sold Romans:14:14; 1Timothy:4:4; Titus:1:15 *2 for 1Corinthians:10:27-29; 1Corinthians:8:7; Romans:13:5

26 *1 For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. 1Corinthians:10:28; Exodus:19:5; Deuteronomy:10:14; Job:41:11; Psalms:24:1; Psalms:50:12; 1Timothy:6:17

27 *1 bid 1Corinthians:5:9-11; Luke:5:29-30; Luke:15:23; Luke:19:7 *2 whatsoever Luke:10:7 *3 for 1Corinthians:10:25; 2Corinthians:1:13; 2Corinthians:4:2; 2Corinthians:5:11

28 *1 eat 1Corinthians:8:10-13; Romans:14:15 *2 for 1Corinthians:10:26; Exodus:9:29; Deuteronomy:10:14; Psalms:24:1; Psalms:115:16; Jeremiah:27:5-6; Matthew:6:31-32

29 *1 not 1Corinthians:10:32; 1Corinthians:8:9-13; Romans:14:15-21 *2 why Romans:14:16; 2Corinthians:8:21; 1Thessalonians:5:22

30 *1 for which Romans:14:6; 1Timothy:4:3-4

31 *1 ye eat 1Corinthians:7:34; 1:12:7 Deuteronomy:12:12,18; Nehemiah:8:16-18;z Ecclesiastes:7:5-6; Luke:11:41; Colossians:3:17 Colossians:3:23 1Peter:4:11

32 *1 none 1Corinthians:10:33; 1Corinthians:8:13; Romans:14:13; 2Corinthians:6:3; Philippians:1:10 *2 the church 1Corinthians:11:22; Acts:20:28; 1:3:5 1Timothy:3:15

33 *1 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. 1Corinthians:10:24; 1Corinthians:9:19-23; Romans:15:2-3; 2Corinthians:11:28-29; 2Corinthians:12:19

tsk 1Corinthians 10 *

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