1Corinthians: tsk

1 *4 spiritual 1Corinthians:12:4-11; 1Corinthians:14:1-18 1Corinthians:14:37 Ephesians:4:11 *5 I would not 1Corinthians:10:1; 2Corinthians:1:8; 1Thessalonians:4:13; 2Peter:3:8

2 *1 that 1Corinthians:6:11; Galatians:4:8; Ephesians:2:11-12; Ephesians:4:17-18; 1Thessalonians:1:9; Titus:3:3; 1Peter:4:3 *2 dumb Psalms:115:5-7; Psalms:135:16; Habakkuk:2:18-19 *3 even Matthew:15:14; 1Peter:1:18

3 *1 no man Mark:9:39; John:16:14-15; 1John:4:2-3 *2 accursed 1Corinthians:16:22; Deuteronomy:21:23; Galatians:3:13 *3 no man 1Corinthians:8:6; Matthew:16:16-17; John:13:13; John:15:26; 2Corinthians:3:5; 2Corinthians:11:4

4 *1 there 1Corinthians:12:8-11-28; Romans:12:4-6; Ephesians:4:4; Hebrews:2:4; 1Peter:4:10

5 *1 administrations 1Corinthians:12:28-29; Romans:12:6-8; Ephesians:4:11-12 *2 but 1Corinthians:8:6; Matthew:23:10; Acts:10:36; Romans:14:8-9; Philippians:2:11

6 *1 worketh 1Corinthians:12:11; 1Corinthians:3:7; Job:33:29; John:5:17; Ephesians:1:19-22; Colossians:1:29; Philippians:2:13; Hebrews:13:21 *2 all 1Corinthians:15:28; Ephesians:1:23; Colossians:3:11

7 *1 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 1:14:5 1Corinthians:14:12,17-19,22-26; Matthew:25:14-30; Romans:12:6-8; Ephesians:4:7-12; 1Peter:4:10-11

8 *1 is given 1Corinthians:1:5 1Corinthians:1:30 1Corinthians:2:6-10; 1Corinthians:13:2 1Corinthians:13:8 Genesis:41:38-39; Exodus:31:3; 1Kings:3:5-12; Nehemiah:9:20; Job:32:8; Psalms:143:10; Proverbs:2:6; Isaiah:11:2-3; Isaiah:50:4; Isaiah:59:21; Daniel:2:21; Matthew:13:11; Acts:6:3; 2Corinthians:8:7; Ephesians:1:17-18

9 *1 faith 1Corinthians:13:2; Matthew:17:19-20; Matthew:21:21; Mark:11:22-23; Luke:17:5-6; 2Corinthians:4:13; Ephesians:2:8; Hebrews:11:33 *2 the gifts Matthew:10:8; Mark:6:13; Mark:16:18; Luke:9:2; Luke:10:9; Acts:3:6-8; Acts:4:29-31; Acts:5:15; Acts:10:38; Acts:19:11-12; James:5:14-15

10 *1 the working 1Corinthians:12:28-29; Mark:16:17 Mark:16:20 Luke:24:49; John:14:12; Acts:1:8; Romans:15:19; Galatians:3:5; Hebrews:2:4 *2 prophecy 1Corinthians:13:2; 1:14:1-3-5 1Corinthians:14:24,31-32-39; Numbers:11:25-29; 1Samuel:10:10-13; 1Samuel:19:20-24; 2Samuel:23:1-2; Joel:2:28; John:16:13; Acts:2:17-18 Acts:2:29-30 Acts:11:28; Acts:21:9-10; Romans:12:6; 1Thessalonians:5:20; 2Peter:1:20-21 *3 discerning 1Corinthians:14:29; Acts:5:3; 1John:4:1; Revelation:2:2 *4 divers 1Corinthians:12:28-30; 1Corinthians:13:1; 1:14:2-4 1Corinthians:14:23,27,39; Mark:16:17; Acts:2:4-12; Acts:10:46-47; Acts:19:6 *5 to another the 1Corinthians:12:30; 1Corinthians:14:26-28

11 *1 all 1Corinthians:12:4; 1Corinthians:7:7 1Corinthians:7:17 John:3:27; Romans:12:6; 2Corinthians:10:13; Ephesians:4:7 *2 as 1Corinthians:12:6; Daniel:4:35; Matthew:11:26; Matthew:20:15; John:3:8; John:5:21; Romans:9:18; Ephesians:1:11; Hebrews:2:4; James:1:18

12 *1 as 1Corinthians:10:17; Romans:12:4-5; Ephesians:1:23; 1:4:4 Ephesians:4:12,15-16; Ephesians:5:23 Ephesians:5:30 Colossians:1:18 Colossians:1:24 Colossians:2:19; Colossians:3:15 *2 so 1Corinthians:12:27; Galatians:3:16

13 *1 by 1Corinthians:10:2; Isaiah:44:3-5; Ezekiel:36:25-27; Matthew:3:11; Luke:3:16; John:1:16 John:1:33 John:3:5; Acts:1:5; Romans:6:3-6; Romans:8:9-11; Ephesians:4:5; Ephesians:5:26; Colossians:2:11-12; Titus:3:4-6; 1Peter:3:21 *2 whether we be Jews Romans:3:29; Romans:4:11; Galatians:3:23 Galatians:3:28 Ephesians:2:11-16 Ephesians:2:19-22 Ephesians:3:6; Colossians:1:27; Colossians:3:11 *3 bond 1Corinthians:7:21-22; Ephesians:6:8 *4 to drink Songs:5:1; Isaiah:41:17-18; Isaiah:55:1;z Ecclesiastes:9:15-17; John:4:10 John:4:14 John:6:63; John:7:37-39

14 *1 For the body is not one member, but many. 1:12:12 1Corinthians:12:19,27-28; Ephesians:4:25

15 *1 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? Judges:9:8-15; 2Kings:14:9

16 *1 is it 1Corinthians:12:16 1Corinthians:12:22 Romans:12:3 Romans:12:10 Philippians:2:3

17 *1 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? 1Corinthians:12:21-29; 1Samuel:9:9; Psalms:94:9; Psalms:139:13-16; Proverbs:20:12

18 *1 hath 1:12:24 1Corinthians:12:28 *2 as it 1Corinthians:12:11; 1Corinthians:3:5; 1Corinthians:15:38; Psalms:110:3; Psalms:135:6; Isaiah:46:10; Jonah:1:14; Luke:10:21; Luke:12:32; Romans:12:3; Ephesians:1:5 Ephesians:1:9 Revelation:4:11

21 *1 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Numbers:10:31-32; 1Samuel:25:32; Ezra:10:1-5; Nehemiah:4:16-21; Job:29:11

22 *1 Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: Proverbs:14:28; Ecclesiastes:4:9-12; Ecclesiastes:5:9; Ecclesiastes:9:14-15; 2Corinthians:1:11; Titus:2:9-10

23 *1 bestow 1:3:7 Genesis:3:21

24 *1 For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked: Genesis:2:25; Genesis:3:11

25 *1 there 1Corinthians:1:10-12; 1Corinthians:3:3; John:17:21-26; 2Corinthians:13:11 *2 the same 2Corinthians:7:12; 2Corinthians:8:16

26 *1 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Romans:12:15; 2Corinthians:11:28-29; Galatians:6:2; Hebrews:13:3; 1Peter:3:8

27 *1 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. 1Corinthians:12:12-14-20; Romans:12:5; Ephesians:1:23; Ephesians:4:12; Ephesians:5:23 Ephesians:5:30 Colossians:1:24

28 *1 God 1Corinthians:12:7-11; Luke:6:14; Acts:13:1-3; Acts:20:28; Romans:12:6-8; Ephesians:2:20; Ephesians:3:5; Ephesians:4:11-13; Hebrews:13:17 Hebrews:13:24 1Peter:5:1-4 *2 helps Numbers:11:17 *3 governments Romans:12:8; 1Timothy:5:17; 1:13:17 Hebrews:13:24 *4 diversities 1Corinthians:12:10; Acts:2:8-11

29 *1 all apostles 1:12:4-11 1Corinthians:12:14-20

31 *1 covet 1Corinthians:8:1; 1Corinthians:14:1-39; Matthew:5:6; Luke:10:42 *2 shew 1Corinthians:13:1-13; Philippians:3:8; Hebrews:11:4

tsk 1Corinthians 12 *

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