2Chronicles: tsk

1 *4 an altar 2Chronicles:1:5; Exodus:27:1-8; 1Kings:8:22 1Kings:8:64 1Kings:9:25; 2Kings:16:14-15; Ezekiel:43:13-17

2 *1 a molten sea Exodus:30:18-21; 1Kings:7:23;z Ecclesiastes:13:1; Titus:3:5; Revelation:7:14

3 *1 And under 1Kings:7:24-26; Ezekiel:1:10; Ezekiel:10:14; 1Corinthians:9:9-10; Revelation:4:7

4 *1 It stood Matthew:16:18; Ephesians:2:20; Revelation:21:14 *2 three Matthew:28:19-20; Mark:16:15; Luke:24:46-47; Acts:9:15

5 *1 with flowers of lilies 1Kings:7:26

6 *1 ten lavers Exodus:30:18-21; 1Kings:7:38-40; Psalms:51:2; 1Corinthians:6:11; 1John:1:7 *2 such things as they offered for the burnt offering Leviticus:1:9 Leviticus:1:13 Ezekiel:40:38 *3 but the sea 2Chronicles:4:2; Exodus:29:4; Hebrews:9:14 Hebrews:9:23 Revelation:1:5-6; Revelation:7:14

7 *1 ten candlesticks 1Kings:7:49; 1Chronicles:28:15;z Ecclesiastes:4:2-3 Ecclesiastes:4:11-14 Matthew:5:14-16; John:8:12; Revelation:1:20 *2 according to Exodus:25:31-40; 1Chronicles:28:12 1Chronicles:28:19 Hebrews:8:5

8 *1 ten tables Exodus:25:23-30; Exodus:37:10-16; 1Kings:7:48; Isaiah:25:6; Ezekiel:44:16; Malachi:1:12; 1Corinthians:10:21 *2 basons Jeremiah:52:18-19;z Ecclesiastes:14:20

9 *1 the court 1Kings:6:36; 1Kings:7:12

10 *1 And he set the sea on the right side of the east end, over against the south. 1Kings:7:39

11 *1 the pots 1:7:40 1Kings:7:45

12 *1 To wit 2Chronicles:3:15-17 *2 the pommels 1Kings:7:41

13 *1 four hundred Exodus:28:33-34; 1Kings:7:20 1Kings:7:42 Songs:4:13; Jeremiah:52:23

14 *1 bases 1Kings:7:27-43

16 *1 pots also 2Chronicles:4:11; Exodus:27:3; Exodus:38:3;z Ecclesiastes:14:20-21 *2 flesh-hooks 1Samuel:2:13-14; 1Chronicles:28:17 *3 Huram 1:7:13-14 1Kings:7:45 *4 Hiram 2Chronicles:2:13

17 *1 Zeredathah 1Kings:7:46

18 *1 the weight 1Kings:7:47; 1Chronicles:22:3 1Chronicles:22:14 Jeremiah:52:20

19 *1 all the vessels 2Chronicles:36:10 2Chronicles:36:18 1Kings:7:48-50; 2Kings:24:13; 2Kings:25:13-15; Ezra:1:7-11; Jeremiah:28:3; Jeremiah:52:18-19; 1:5:2-3 Daniel:5:23 *2 the golden 2Chronicles:26:16-18; Exodus:30:1-10; Exodus:37:25-29; Revelation:8:3; Revelation:9:13 *3 the tables Exodus:25:23-30; Leviticus:24:5-8; 1Chronicles:28:16

20 *1 the candlesticks 2Chronicles:4:7; Exodus:25:31-37 *2 burn after Exodus:27:20-21 *3 the oracle 1Kings:6:5 1Kings:6:16-17 1Kings:8:6; Psalms:28:2

21 *1 the flowers 2Chronicles:4:5; Exodus:25:31-40; Exodus:37:20; 1:6:18 1Kings:6:29,35

22 *1 snuffers Exodus:37:23; 1Kings:7:50; 2Kings:12:13; 2Kings:25:14; Jeremiah:52:18 *2 basons 1Kings:6:31-32

tsk 2Chronicles 4 *

Translation Information:
tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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