2Kings: tsk

1 *2 A. M. 3194. B.C. 810. In the 2Kings:15:8; 2Kings:14:16-17 *3 Azariah 2Kings:15:13 2Kings:15:30-38 2Kings:14:21; 2Chronicles:26:1-3-4

3 *1 And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah had done; 2Kings:12:2-3; 2Kings:14:3-4; 2Chronicles:26:4

4 *1 the high places 2Kings:15:35; 2Kings:14:4; 2Kings:18:4; 1Kings:15:14; 1Kings:22:43; 2Chronicles:17:6; 2Chronicles:32:12; 2Chronicles:34:3

5 *1 A. M. 3239-3246. B.C. 765-758 the Lord 2Samuel:3:29; 2Chronicles:26:16-20; Job:34:19 *2 so that 2Kings:5:27; Numbers:12:10 *3 and dwelt 2Kings:7:3; Leviticus:13:46; Numbers:12:14; Deuteronomy:24:8 *4 Jotham 2Chronicles:26:21-23 *5 judging 2Samuel:8:15; 2Samuel:15:2-4; 1Kings:3:9 1Kings:3:28 Psalms:72:1

6 *1 they not written 2Kings:14:18; 2Chronicles:26:5-15

7 *1 So Azariah slept with his fathers; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: and Jotham his son reigned in his stead. 2Chronicles:26:23; Isaiah:6:1

8 *1 A. M. 3231. B.C. 773. the thirty 2Kings:15:1; 1:14:16-17 2Kings:14:21 *2 Zachariah 2Kings:14:29

9 *1 as his 2Kings:10:29-31; 2Kings:13:2 2Kings:13:11 2Kings:14:24

10 *1 slew him 1:15:14 2Kings:15:25,30; 2Kings:9:24 2Kings:9:31 1Kings:15:28; 1Kings:16:9-10; Hosea:1:4-5

11 *1 And the rest of the acts of Zachariah, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel. 2Kings:14:28

12 *1 A. M. 3120. B.C. 884. the word 2Kings:10:30 *2 Thy son 1:13:1 2Kings:13:10,13; 2Kings:14:29 *3 And so 2Kings:9:25-26 2Kings:9:36-37 2Kings:10:10; Numbers:23:19;z Ecclesiastes:1:6; Mark:13:31; John:10:35; John:19:24 John:19:36-37 Acts:1:16

13 *1 Azariah Matthew:1:8-9 *2 Ozias 1Kings:16:15; Job:20:15; Psalms:55:23; 1:28:2 Proverbs:28:17

14 *1 Tirzah 1Kings:14:17; 1Kings:15:21-33; 1:16:8-9 1Kings:16:15-17

15 *1 And the rest of the acts of Shallum, and his conspiracy which he made, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel. 2Kings:15:11; 1Kings:14:19 1Kings:14:29 1Kings:22:39

16 *1 Tiphzah 1Kings:4:24 *2 all the women 2Kings:8:12; Amos:1:13

19 *1 Pul 1Chronicles:5:25-26; Isaiah:9:1 *2 Menahem 2Kings:12:18; 2Kings:16:8; 2Kings:17:3-4; 2Kings:18:16; Hosea:5:13; Hosea:8:9-10; Hosea:10:6 *3 to confirm 2Kings:14:5; Jeremiah:17:5

20 *1 Menahem 2Kings:23:35 *2 the mighty Ruth:2:1; 2Samuel:19:32; Job:1:3 *3 stayed not 2Kings:15:29; 2Kings:17:3-4; 2Kings:18:14-17

23 *1 A. M. 3243. B.C. 761. and reigned two years 2Kings:21:19; 1Kings:15:25; 1Kings:16:8; 1Kings:22:51; Job:20:5

24 *1 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin. 1:15:9 2Kings:15:18

25 *1 A. M. 3245. B.C. 759. Pekah 2Kings:15:27; 2Chronicles:28:6 *2 a captain 2Kings:9:5; 1Kings:16:9 *3 conspired 2Kings:15:10; 2Kings:9:14

27 *1 A. M. 3245-3265. B.C. 759-739. the two 1:15:2 2Kings:15:8,13,23 *2 Pekah 2Kings:15:25 2Kings:15:37 1:7:1 Isaiah:7:4,9

28 *1 evil 2Kings:15:9 2Kings:15:18 2Kings:13:2 2Kings:13:6 2Kings:21:2

29 *1 Tiglath-pileser 2Kings:16:7; 1Chronicles:5:6 1Chronicles:5:26 2Chronicles:28:20-21 *2 Tiglath-pilneser Isaiah:9:1 *3 Ijon 1Kings:15:20; 2Chronicles:16:4 *4 Abel-beth-maachah 2Samuel:20:14-15 *5 Janoah Joshua:16:6 *6 Janohah Joshua:19:37; Joshua:20:7 *7 Hazor 1:11:1 Joshua:11:10,13; Joshua:12:19; Judges:4:2 *8 Gilead Numbers:32:1 Numbers:32:40 Deuteronomy:3:15; 1:1:3 Amos:1:13 *9 Galilee Joshua:20:7; 1Kings:9:11; Isaiah:9:1-2; Matthew:4:15-16 *10 carried them 2Kings:17:6 2Kings:17:23 Leviticus:26:32-38-39; Deuteronomy:4:26-27; Deuteronomy:28:25-64-65; Isaiah:1:7; Isaiah:7:20

30 *1 A. M. 3265. B.C. 739. made 1:15:10 2Kings:15:25 *2 and smote 1:10:3 Hosea:10:7,15 *3 in the twentieth 2Kings:15:32-33; 2Kings:16:1; 2Kings:17:1; 2Chronicles:28:4-6 2Chronicles:28:16 Isaiah:7:1-9; Isaiah:8:6

32 *1 A. M. 3246. B.C. 758. Jotham 2Kings:15:7; 1Chronicles:3:12; 2Chronicles:27:1-9; Matthew:1:9 *2 Jotham 1:15:1 2Kings:15:7,13,17,23,27; 2Kings:14:21; 1Chronicles:3:12

33 *1 A. M. 3246-3262. B.C. 758-742. Jerusha 2Chronicles:27:1

34 *1 according 2Kings:15:3-4; 2Chronicles:26:4-5; 2Chronicles:27:2

35 *1 Howbeit 2Kings:15:4; 2Kings:18:4; 2Chronicles:32:12 *2 the higher gate 2Chronicles:27:3-9

36 *1 the rest 2Kings:15:6-7; 2Chronicles:27:4-9

37 *1 A. M. 3262. B.C. 742. In those days Isaiah:38:1-22 *2 began 2Kings:10:32; 1Samuel:3:12; Jeremiah:25:29; Luke:21:28 *3 to send Deuteronomy:28:48; Psalms:78:49; Isaiah:10:5-7; Jeremiah:16:16; Jeremiah:43:10 *4 Rezin 2Kings:16:5; 2Chronicles:28:6; Isaiah:7:1 Isaiah:7:8 Hosea:5:12-13

38 *1 Jotham 2Samuel:7:12; 1Kings:1:2; 1:14:20 1Kings:14:31 *2 Ahaz 2Kings:16:1; 1Chronicles:3:13; 2Chronicles:28:1; Matthew:1:9

tsk 2Kings 15 *

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