2Kings: tsk

1 *5 take up Genesis:5:24; 1Kings:19:4; Luke:9:51; Acts:1:9; Hebrews:11:5; Revelation:11:12 *6 by a whirlwind 1Kings:18:12; 1Kings:19:11; Job:38:1 *7 Elisha 1Kings:19:16-21 *8 Gilgal Joshua:4:19; Joshua:5:9

2 *1 Tarry here Ruth:1:15-16; 2Samuel:15:19-20; John:6:67-68 *2 As the Lord 2Kings:2:4-6; 2Kings:4:30; 1Samuel:1:26; 1Samuel:17:55; 1Samuel:25:26; Jeremiah:4:2 *3 I will not Ruth:1:16-18; 2Samuel:15:21; 1John:2:19 *4 Beth-el Genesis:28:19; 1Kings:12:29 1Kings:12:33 1Kings:13:1-2

3 *1 And the sons 2Kings:2:5-7 2Kings:2:15 2Kings:4:1-38; 2Kings:9:1; 1Samuel:10:10-12; 1Samuel:19:20; 1Kings:18:4; 1Kings:20:35; Isaiah:8:18 *2 thy master Deuteronomy:33:3; Acts:22:3

4 *1 Jericho Joshua:6:26; 1Kings:16:34; Luke:19:1 *2 As the Lord 2Kings:2:2; 2Kings:4:30; Acts:2:42; Acts:11:23

5 *1 the sons 2Kings:2:3; Joshua:1:1-2; Luke:24:51; John:17:5-7; Acts:1:2 Acts:1:11 Acts:26:25 *2 Yea, I know it Genesis:48:19; Ecclesiastes:3:7; Isaiah:41:1; Habakkuk:2:20

7 *1 fifty men 2Kings:2:17; 1:18:4 1Kings:18:13

8 *1 his mantle 1:19:13 1Kings:19:19 *2 were 2Kings:2:14; Exodus:14:21-22; Joshua:3:14-17; Psalms:114:5-7; Isaiah:11:15; Hebrews:11:29; Revelation:16:12

9 *1 Ask what 2Kings:13:14-19; Numbers:27:16-23; Deuteronomy:34:9; 1Chronicles:29:18-19; Psalms:72:1-20; Luke:24:45-51; John:17:9-13; Acts:1:8; Acts:8:17; Acts:20:25-36 *2 Elisha said Numbers:11:17 Numbers:11:25 1Kings:3:9; 2Chronicles:1:9-10; John:14:12-14; John:16:7; 1Corinthians:12:31 *3 double portion Numbers:27:20; Deuteronomy:21:17;z Ecclesiastes:9:12;z Ecclesiastes:12:8; 1Timothy:5:17

10 *1 Thou hast Mark:11:22-24; John:16:24 *2 if thou see 2Kings:2:12; Acts:1:9-10

11 *1 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up 2Kings:6:17; Psalms:68:17; Psalms:104:3-4; Ezekiel:1:4-28; Ezekiel:10:9-22; Habakkuk:3:8;z Ecclesiastes:3:8;z Ecclesiastes:6:1-8; Hebrews:1:14 *2 into heaven Mark:16:19

12 *1 My father 2Kings:13:14; Job:22:30; Proverbs:11:11; Ecclesiastes:7:19; Ecclesiastes:9:16-18; 1:37:4 Isaiah:37:15,21; Acts:27:24 *2 he saw him Proverbs:30:4; Mark:16:19; Luke:2:15; Luke:24:51; John:3:13; Acts:1:9; 2Corinthians:5:2-4; Ephesians:4:8; Revelation:11:12 *3 rent them Job:1:20-21; Isaiah:57:1-2; Acts:8:2

13 *1 the mantle 2Kings:2:8; 1Kings:19:19 *2 bank 1Kings:9:26

14 *1 smote 2Kings:2:8-10; Joshua:1:1-9; Mark:16:20; John:14:12; Acts:2:33; Acts:3:12-13 *2 Where is Judges:6:13; 1Kings:18:36-39; Psalms:42:2 Psalms:42:10 Psalms:115:2; Joel:2:17

15 *1 The spirit Numbers:11:25-29; Numbers:27:20; Joshua:3:7; Isaiah:11:2; Isaiah:59:21; John:15:26-27; Acts:1:8; 2Corinthians:12:9; 1Peter:4:14 *2 bowed 2Kings:2:19; 2Kings:4:1-4 2Kings:4:37 2Kings:6:1-7; Joshua:4:14

16 *1 the Spirit 1Kings:18:12; Ezekiel:3:14; Ezekiel:8:3; Ezekiel:11:24; Ezekiel:40:2; Acts:8:39; 2Corinthians:12:2-3

17 *1 they urged 2Samuel:18:22-23; Luke:11:8; Romans:10:2 *2 found him not Hebrews:11:5

19 *1 my Lord seeth Numbers:12:11; 1Kings:18:7 1Kings:18:13 1Timothy:5:17 *2 the water Exodus:7:19; Exodus:15:23; Joshua:6:17 Joshua:6:26 1Kings:16:34 *3 barren Exodus:23:26; 1:28:2-4 Deuteronomy:28:11,15-18; Hosea:9:14

20 *1 salt therein Judges:9:45; Ezekiel:47:11; Zephaniah:2:9

21 *1 cast 2Kings:4:41; 2Kings:6:6; Exodus:15:25-26; Leviticus:2:13; Matthew:5:11; Mark:9:50; John:9:6 *2 I have healed Ezekiel:47:8-11; 1Corinthians:1:18-28; Revelation:22:2-3 *3 there shall Psalms:107:33-38; Revelation:21:4

23 *1 Beth-el 1Kings:12:28-32; Hosea:4:15; Hosea:10:5 Hosea:10:15 Amos:3:14; Amos:4:4; Amos:5:5; Amos:7:13 *2 little children Job:19:18; Job:30:1 Job:30:8-31 Proverbs:20:11; Proverbs:22:6 Proverbs:22:15 Ecclesiastes:11:10; Isaiah:1:4; Isaiah:3:5; Jeremiah:7:18 *3 mocked Genesis:21:9; 2Chronicles:36:16; Job:30:1 Job:30:8-9 Psalms:35:15; Isaiah:57:3-4; Galatians:4:29; Hebrews:11:36 *4 Go up 2Kings:2:11; 1:27:29-31 Matthew:27:40-43

24 *1 cursed them 2Kings:1:10-12; Genesis:9:25; Deuteronomy:28:15-26; Judges:9:20 Judges:9:57 Jeremiah:28:16; Jeremiah:29:21-23; Lamentations:3:65; Amos:7:17; Mark:11:14 Mark:11:21 Acts:5:5 Acts:5:9 Acts:8:20; Acts:13:9-11; 2Corinthians:10:6 *2 she bears 2Samuel:17:8; Proverbs:17:12; Proverbs:28:15; Hosea:13:8 *3 children of them Exodus:20:5; 1Kings:13:24; 1Kings:19:17; 1Kings:20:36

25 *1 mount Carmel 2Kings:4:25; 1:18:19 1Kings:18:42

tsk 2Kings 2 *

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tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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