2Peter: tsk

1 *2 Simon Acts:15:14 *3 Peter Matthew:4:18; Matthew:10:2; Luke:22:31-34; John:1:42; John:21:15-17; 1Peter:1:1 *4 a servant John:12:26; Romans:1:1 *5 an apostle Luke:11:49; John:20:21; 1Corinthians:9:1; 1Corinthians:15:9; Galatians:2:8; Ephesians:3:5; Ephesians:4:11; 1Peter:5:1 *6 have 2Peter:1:4; Acts:15:8-9; Romans:1:12; 2Corinthians:4:13; Ephesians:4:5; Philippians:1:29; 2Timothy:1:5; Titus:1:1 Titus:1:4 1Peter:1:7; 1Peter:2:7 *7 through Jeremiah:33:16; Romans:1:17; Romans:3:21-26; 1Corinthians:1:30; 2Corinthians:5:21; Philippians:3:9 *8 of God and our Saviour Isaiah:12:2; Luke:1:47; Titus:2:13

2 *1 Grace Numbers:6:24-26; Daniel:4:1; Daniel:6:25; Romans:1:7; 1Peter:1:2;ju Deuteronomy:1:2; Revelation:1:4 *2 the knowledge 2Peter:3:18; Isaiah:53:11; Luke:10:22; John:17:3; 2Corinthians:4:6; 1John:5:20-21

3 *1 his Psalms:110:3; Matthew:28:18; John:17:2; 2Corinthians:12:9; Ephesians:1:19-21; Colossians:1:16; Hebrews:1:3 *2 all Psalms:84:11; Romans:8:32; 1Corinthians:3:21-23; 1Timothy:4:8 *3 through 2Peter:1:2; John:17:3 *4 called Romans:8:28-30; Romans:9:24; 1Corinthians:1:9; Ephesians:4:1 Ephesians:4:4 1Thessalonians:2:12; 1Thessalonians:4:7; 2Thessalonians:2:14; 2Timothy:1:9; 1Peter:1:15; 1Peter:2:9 1Peter:2:21 1Peter:3:9; 1Peter:5:10 *5 virtue 2Peter:1:5; Ruth:3:11; Proverbs:12:4; Proverbs:31:10 Proverbs:31:29 Philippians:4:8

4 *1 are given 2Peter:1:1; Ezekiel:36:25-27; Romans:9:4; 2Corinthians:1:20; 2Corinthians:6:17-18; 2Corinthians:7:1; Galatians:3:16; Hebrews:8:6-12; Hebrews:9:15; 1John:2:25 *2 ye might John:1:12-13; 2Corinthians:3:18; Ephesians:4:23-24; Colossians:3:10; Hebrews:12:10; 1John:3:2 *3 having 2Peter:2:18-20; Galatians:6:8; James:4:1-3; 1Peter:4:2-3; 1John:2:15-16

5 *1 beside Luke:16:26; Luke:24:21 *2 giving 2Peter:1:10; 2Peter:3:14 2Peter:3:18 Psalms:119:4; Proverbs:4:23; Isaiah:55:2;z Ecclesiastes:6:15; John:6:27; Philippians:2:12; Hebrews:6:11; Hebrews:11:6; Hebrews:12:15 *3 virtue 2Peter:1:3; Philippians:4:8 *4 knowledge 2Peter:1:2; 2Peter:3:18; 1Corinthians:14:20; Ephesians:1:17-18; Ephesians:5:17; Philippians:1:9; Colossians:1:9; 1Peter:3:7

6 *1 temperance Acts:24:25; 1Corinthians:9:25; Galatians:5:23; Titus:1:8; Titus:2:2 *2 patience Psalms:37:7; Luke:8:15; Luke:21:19; Romans:2:7; Romans:5:3-4; Romans:8:25; Romans:15:4; 2Corinthians:6:4; Colossians:1:11; 1Thessalonians:1:3; 2Thessalonians:1:4; 2Thessalonians:3:5; Hebrews:6:12 Hebrews:6:15 Hebrews:10:36; Hebrews:12:1; James:1:3-4; James:5:7-10; Revelation:1:9; Revelation:2:2; Revelation:13:10; Revelation:14:12 *3 godliness 2Peter:1:3; 2Peter:3:11; Genesis:5:24; Isaiah:57:1; 1Timothy:2:2 1Timothy:2:10 1Timothy:3:16; 1Timothy:4:7-8; 1:6:3 1Timothy:6:6,11; 2Timothy:3:5; Titus:1:1

7 *1 brotherly John:13:34-35; Romans:12:10; 1Thessalonians:3:12; 1Thessalonians:4:9-10; Hebrews:13:1; 1Peter:1:22; 1Peter:2:17; 1John:3:14-16 *2 charity 1Corinthians:13:1-8; Galatians:6:10; Colossians:3:14; 1Thessalonians:5:15; 1Peter:3:8; 1John:4:21

8 *1 in you John:5:42; 2Corinthians:9:14; 2Corinthians:13:5; Philippians:2:5; Colossians:3:16; Philemon:1:6 *2 and abound 1Corinthians:15:58; 2Corinthians:8:2 2Corinthians:8:7 Philippians:1:9; Colossians:2:7; Colossians:3:16; 1Thessalonians:3:12; 1Thessalonians:4:1; 2Thessalonians:1:3 *3 they John:15:7-8; 2Corinthians:5:13-17 *4 barren Proverbs:19:15; Matthew:20:3 Matthew:20:6 Matthew:25:26; Romans:12:11; 1Timothy:5:13; Hebrews:6:12 *5 unfruitful Matthew:13:22; John:15:2 John:15:6 Titus:3:14 *6 in 2Peter:1:2

9 *1 lacketh 2Peter:1:5-7; Mark:10:21; Luke:18:22; Galatians:5:6 Galatians:5:13 James:2:14-26 *2 blind John:9:40-41; 2Corinthians:4:3-4; 1John:2:9-11; Revelation:3:17 *3 that he 2Peter:1:4; 2Peter:2:18-20; Romans:6:1-4 Romans:6:11 Ephesians:5:26; Hebrews:9:14; 1Peter:3:21; 1John:1:7

10 *1 give 2Peter:1:5; 2Peter:3:17 *2 to make 2Timothy:2:19; Hebrews:6:11 Hebrews:6:19 1John:3:19-21 *3 election Romans:8:28-31; 1Thessalonians:1:3-4; 2Thessalonians:2:13-14; 1Peter:1:2 *4 if Psalms:15:5; Isaiah:56:2; Matthew:7:24-25; Luke:6:47-49; 1John:3:19; Revelation:22:14 *5 never 2Peter:3:17; Psalms:37:24; Psalms:62:2 Psalms:62:6 Psalms:112:6; Psalms:121:3; Micah:7:8; Acts:20:24-25; 1Peter:1:5; Revelation:3:10-11

11 *1 an entrance Matthew:25:34; 2Corinthians:5:1; 2Timothy:4:8; Revelation:3:21 *2 abundantly Psalms:36:8; Songs:5:1; Isaiah:35:2; John:10:10; Ephesians:3:20; Hebrews:6:17 *3 everlasting Isaiah:9:7; Daniel:7:14 Daniel:7:27 Revelation:5:10 *4 our 2Peter:1:1

12 *1 I will not 2Peter:1:13-15; 2Peter:3:1; Romans:15:14-15; Philippians:3:1; 1Timothy:4:6; 2Timothy:1:6; Hebrews:10:32;ju 1:1:3 Deuteronomy:1:17 *2 though 1John:2:21;ju Deuteronomy:1:5 *3 and be 2Peter:3:17; Acts:16:5; Colossians:2:7; Hebrews:13:9; 1Peter:5:10-12

13 *1 as long 2Peter:1:14; 2Corinthians:5:1-4 2Corinthians:5:8 Hebrews:13:3 *2 to stir 2Peter:3:1; Haggai:1:14; 2Timothy:1:6 *3 by 2Peter:1:12

14 *1 shortly Deuteronomy:4:21-22; Deuteronomy:31:14; Joshua:23:14; 1Kings:2:2-3; Acts:20:25; 2Timothy:4:6 *2 even John:21:18-19

15 *1 I will Deuteronomy:31:19-29; Joshua:24:24-29; 1Chronicles:29:1-20; Psalms:71:18; 2Timothy:2:2; Hebrews:11:4 *2 these 1:1:4-7 2Peter:1:12

16 *1 we have 2Peter:3:3-4; 1Corinthians:1:17 1Corinthians:1:23 1Corinthians:2:1 1Corinthians:2:4 2Corinthians:2:17; 2Corinthians:4:2; 2Corinthians:12:16-17; Ephesians:4:14; 2Thessalonians:2:9; 1Timothy:1:4; 1Timothy:4:7; Titus:1:14 *2 the power Matthew:28:18; Mark:9:1; John:17:2; Romans:1:4; 1Corinthians:5:4; Philippians:3:21 *3 coming Malachi:3:2; Malachi:4:5; Matthew:16:28; Matthew:24:3 Matthew:24:27 1Corinthians:1:7;ju Deuteronomy:1:14; Revelation:1:7 *4 were Matthew:17:1-5; Mark:9:2; Luke:9:28-32; John:1:14; 1John:1:1-3; 1John:4:14

17 *1 God Matthew:11:25-27; Matthew:28:19; Luke:10:22; John:3:35; 1:5:21-23 John:5:26,36-37; John:6:27 John:6:37-39 John:10:15 John:10:36 John:13:1-3; John:14:6-8-9-11; John:17:21; John:20:17; Romans:15:6; 2Corinthians:1:3; 2Corinthians:11:31; 2John:1:3;ju Deuteronomy:1:1 *2 there came Matthew:17:3; Mark:9:7; Luke:9:34-35; John:12:28-29 *3 This Matthew:3:17; Matthew:17:5; Mark:1:11; Mark:9:7; Luke:3:22; Luke:9:35 *4 in whom Isaiah:42:1; Isaiah:53:10; Matthew:12:18

18 *1 this Matthew:17:6 *2 the holy Genesis:28:16-17; Exodus:3:1 Exodus:3:5 Joshua:5:15; Isaiah:11:9; Isaiah:56:7;z Ecclesiastes:8:3; Matthew:17:6

19 *1 a more Psalms:19:7-9; Isaiah:8:20; Isaiah:41:21-23 Isaiah:41:26 Luke:16:29-31; John:5:39; Acts:17:11 *2 ye do Acts:15:29; James:2:8; 3John:1:6 *3 a light Psalms:119:105; Proverbs:6:23; Isaiah:9:2; Isaiah:60:1-2; Matthew:4:16; Luke:1:78-79; John:1:7-9; John:5:35; John:8:12; Ephesians:5:7-8 *4 the day 2Corinthians:4:4-6; 1John:5:10; Revelation:2:28; Revelation:22:16

20 *1 Knowing 2Peter:3:3; Romans:6:6; Romans:13:11; 1Timothy:1:9; James:1:3 *2 that Romans:12:6

21 *1 the prophecy Luke:1:70; 2Timothy:3:16; 1Peter:1:11 *2 in old time Deuteronomy:33:1; Joshua:14:6; 1Kings:13:1; 1Kings:17:18 1Kings:17:24 2Kings:4:7-9 2Kings:4:22 2Kings:6:10 2Kings:6:15 1Chronicles:23:14; 2Chronicles:8:14 *3 spake Numbers:16:28; 2Samuel:23:2; Micah:3:7; Luke:1:70; 2Timothy:3:15-17; 1Peter:1:11; Revelation:19:10 *4 by the Holy Mark:12:36; Acts:1:16; Acts:3:18; Acts:28:25; Hebrews:3:7; Hebrews:9:8; Hebrews:10:15

tsk 2Peter 1 *

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tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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