2Samuel: tsk

1 *3 And there 2Samuel:19:41-43; Psalms:34:19 *4 a man 2Samuel:23:6; Deuteronomy:13:13; Judges:19:22; 1Samuel:2:12; 1Samuel:30:22; Psalms:17:13; Proverbs:26:21; Habakkuk:1:12-13 *5 he blew 2Samuel:15:10; Judges:3:27; Proverbs:24:21-22; Proverbs:25:8 *6 We have 2Samuel:19:43; 1Kings:12:16; 2Chronicles:10:6; 1:19:14 Luke:19:27

2 *1 every man 2Samuel:19:41; Psalms:62:9; Psalms:118:8-10; Proverbs:17:14 *2 the men John:6:66-68; Acts:11:23 *3 from Jordan 2Samuel:19:15 2Samuel:19:40-41 2Chronicles:10:17

3 *1 ten women 2Samuel:15:16; 2Samuel:16:21-22 *2 ward Genesis:40:3

4 *1 Amasa 2Samuel:17:25; 2Samuel:19:13; 1Chronicles:2:17

5 *1 So Amasa 2Samuel:19:13 *2 tarried 1Samuel:13:8

6 *1 Abishai 2Samuel:2:18; 2Samuel:3:30 2Samuel:3:39 2Samuel:10:9-10 2Samuel:10:14 2Samuel:18:2 2Samuel:18:12 2Samuel:21:17; 2Samuel:23:18; 1Samuel:26:6; 1Chronicles:11:20; 1Chronicles:18:12 *2 do us 2Samuel:19:7 *3 thy lord's 2Samuel:11:11; 1Kings:1:33

7 *1 And there went out after him Joab's men, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, and all the mighty men: and they went out of Jerusalem, to pursue after Sheba the son of Bichri. 2Samuel:20:23; 2Samuel:8:16-18; 2Samuel:15:18; 2Samuel:23:22-23; 1:1:38 1Kings:1:44

8 *1 in Gibeon 2Samuel:2:13; 2Samuel:3:30 *2 Amasa 2Samuel:20:4-5

9 *1 Art thou Psalms:55:21; Proverbs:26:24-26; Micah:7:2 *2 to kiss him Matthew:26:48-49; Luke:22:47-48

10 *1 in Joab's 2Samuel:20:9; Judges:3:21; 1Chronicles:12:2 *2 he smote 2Samuel:2:23; 2Samuel:3:27; Genesis:4:8; 1:2:5-6 1Kings:2:31-34 *3 and shed Acts:1:18-19 *4 struck him not again 1Samuel:26:8

11 *1 He that 1:20:6-7 2Samuel:20:13,21 *2 for David 2Samuel:20:4; 2Kings:9:32

12 *1 And Amasa wallowed in blood in the midst of the highway. And when the man saw that all the people stood still, he removed Amasa out of the highway into the field, and cast a cloth upon him, when he saw that every one that came by him stood still. 2Samuel:17:25; Psalms:9:16; Psalms:55:23; Proverbs:24:21-22

13 *1 the highway 2Samuel:20:12-13; Numbers:20:19; Judges:21:19; 1Samuel:6:12; 2Kings:18:17; Proverbs:16:17; Isaiah:7:3; Isaiah:36:2; Isaiah:62:10; Jeremiah:31:21; Mark:10:46

14 *1 Abel 1Kings:15:20; 2Kings:15:29; 2Chronicles:16:4 *2 Berites Joshua:18:25

15 *1 cast up 2Kings:19:32; Jeremiah:32:24; Jeremiah:33:4; Luke:19:43

16 *1 Then cried a wise woman out of the city, Hear, hear; say, I pray you, unto Joab, Come near hither, that I may speak with thee. 2Samuel:14:2; 1Samuel:25:3 1Samuel:25:32-33 Ecclesiastes:9:14-18

17 *1 Hear the words 2Samuel:14:12; 1Samuel:25:24

18 *1 They were wont, etc Deuteronomy:20:10-11

19 *1 peaceable Genesis:18:23; Romans:13:3-4; 1Timothy:2:2 *2 a mother Judges:5:7; Ezekiel:16:45-49 *3 swallow 2Samuel:17:16; Numbers:16:32; Numbers:26:10; Psalms:124:3; Jeremiah:51:34 Jeremiah:51:44 1:2:2 Lamentations:2:5,16; 1Corinthians:15:54; 2Corinthians:5:4 *4 the inheritance 2Samuel:21:3; Exodus:19:5-6; Deuteronomy:32:9; 1Samuel:26:19

20 *1 Far be it 2Samuel:23:17; Job:21:16; Job:22:18 *2 that I should 2Samuel:20:10; Proverbs:28:13; Jeremiah:17:9; Luke:10:29

21 *1 a man 2Samuel:20:1; Judges:2:9; Judges:7:24; 2Kings:5:22; Jeremiah:4:15; Jeremiah:50:19 *2 lifted 2Samuel:23:18; 1Samuel:24:6; 1Samuel:26:9 *3 his head 2Samuel:17:2-3; 2Kings:10:7; Judges:18:4-8

22 *1 in her wisdom Ecclesiastes:7:19; Ecclesiastes:9:14-18 *2 he blew 2Samuel:20:1; 2Samuel:2:28; 2Samuel:18:16 *3 And Joab 2Samuel:3:28-39; 2Samuel:11:6-21; Ecclesiastes:8:11

23 *1 Now Joab 2Samuel:8:16-18; 1Chronicles:18:15-17

24 *1 Adoram 1Kings:4:6; 1Kings:12:18 *2 recorder 1Kings:4:3

25 *1 Sheva 2Samuel:8:17; 1Kings:4:4; 1Chronicles:18:16

26 *1 Ira 2Samuel:23:38; 1Chronicles:11:40 *2 Ithrite Judges:10:4-5 *3 chief ruler 2Samuel:8:18; Genesis:41:43-45; Exodus:2:14-16; Exodus:24:11; 2Chronicles:35:15

tsk 2Samuel 20 *

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