Amos: tsk

1 *5 Thus hath the Lord GOD shewed unto me: and behold a basket of summer fruit. 1:7:1 Amos:7:4,7

2 *1 Amos Amos:7:8; Jeremiah:1:11-14; 1:8:6 Ezekiel:8:12,17;z Ecclesiastes:1:18-21;z 1:5:2 Ecclesiastes:5:5-6 *2 A basket Deuteronomy:26:1-4; 2Samuel:16:1-2; Isaiah:28:4; Jeremiah:24:1-3; Jeremiah:40:10; Micah:7:1 *3 the end Jeremiah:1:12; Jeremiah:5:31; Lamentations:4:18; Ezekiel:7:2; Ezekiel:3:7 Ezekiel:3:10 Ezekiel:12:23; Ezekiel:29:8 *4 I will not Amos:7:8

3 *1 the songs Amos:8:10; Amos:5:23; Hosea:10:5-6; Joel:1:5 Joel:1:11-13 z Ecclesiastes:11:1-3 *2 many Amos:4:10; Isaiah:37:36; Jeremiah:9:21-22; Nahum:3:3 *3 they shall Amos:6:9-10; Jeremiah:22:18 *4 with silence Leviticus:10:3; Psalms:39:9

4 *1 Hear Amos:7:16; 1Kings:22:19; Isaiah:1:10; Isaiah:28:14; Jeremiah:5:21; Jeremiah:28:15 *2 swallow Amos:2:6; Amos:5:11; Psalms:12:5; Psalms:14:4; Psalms:56:1; Psalms:140:12; Proverbs:30:14; Isaiah:32:6-7; Matthew:23:14; James:5:6

5 *1 When Numbers:10:10; Numbers:28:11-15; 2Kings:4:23; Psalms:81:3-4; Isaiah:1:13; Colossians:2:16 *2 be gone Malachi:1:13 *3 and the Exodus:20:8-10; Nehemiah:13:15-21; Isaiah:58:13; Romans:8:6-7 *4 making Leviticus:19:36; Deuteronomy:25:13-16; Proverbs:11:1; Proverbs:16:11; Proverbs:20:23; Ezekiel:45:10-12; Micah:6:10-11 *5 falsifying the balances by deceit Hosea:12:7

6 *1 That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shoes; yea, and sell the refuse of the wheat? Amos:8:4; Amos:2:6; Leviticus:25:39-42; Nehemiah:5:1-5 Nehemiah:5:8 1:3:3 Joel:3:6

7 *1 sworn Amos:6:8; Deuteronomy:33:26-29; Psalms:47:4; Psalms:68:34; Luke:2:32 *2 I will Exodus:17:16; 1Samuel:15:2-3; Psalms:10:11; Isaiah:43:25; Jeremiah:17:1; Jeremiah:31:34; Hosea:7:2; Hosea:8:13; Hosea:9:9

8 *1 the land Psalms:18:7; Psalms:60:2-3; Psalms:114:3-7; Isaiah:5:25; Isaiah:24:19-20; Jeremiah:4:24-26; Micah:1:3-5; Nahum:1:5-6; Habakkuk:3:5-8; Haggai:2:6-7 *2 every one Amos:8:10; Amos:9:5; Jeremiah:12:4; Hosea:4:3; Hosea:10:5; Matthew:24:30 *3 rise Amos:9:5; Isaiah:8:7-8; Jeremiah:46:8; Daniel:9:26

9 *1 that I Amos:4:13; Amos:5:8; Job:5:14; Isaiah:13:10; Isaiah:29:9-10; Isaiah:59:9-10; Jeremiah:15:9; Micah:3:6; Matthew:24:29; Revelation:6:12; Revelation:8:12 *2 and I Exodus:10:21-23; Matthew:27:45; Mark:15:33; Luke:23:44

10 *1 I will turn Amos:8:3; Amos:5:23; Amos:6:4-7; Deuteronomy:16:14; 1Samuel:25:36-38; 2Samuel:13:28-31; Job:20:23; Isaiah:21:3-4; Isaiah:22:12-14; Daniel:5:4-6; Hosea:2:11; Nahum:1:10 *2 sackcloth Isaiah:15:2-3; Jeremiah:48:37; Ezekiel:7:18; Ezekiel:27:30-31 *3 as the Jeremiah:6:26;z Ecclesiastes:12:10; Luke:7:12-13 *4 a bitter Job:3:5

11 *1 but 1Samuel:3:1; 1Samuel:28:6 1Samuel:28:15 Psalms:74:9; Isaiah:5:6; Isaiah:30:20-21; Ezekiel:7:26; Micah:3:6; Matthew:9:36

12 *1 shall run Proverbs:14:6; Daniel:12:4; Matthew:11:25-27; Matthew:12:30; Matthew:24:23-26; Romans:9:31-33; Romans:11:7-10; 2Timothy:3:6-7

13 *1 In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst. Deuteronomy:32:25; Psalms:63:1; Psalms:144:12-15; Isaiah:40:30; Isaiah:41:17-20; Jeremiah:48:18; Lamentations:1:18; Lamentations:2:10 Lamentations:2:21 Hosea:2:3;z Ecclesiastes:9:17

14 *1 swear Hosea:4:15; Zephaniah:1:5 *2 sin Deuteronomy:9:21; 1Kings:12:28-29 1Kings:12:32 1Kings:13:22-34; 1Kings:14:16; 1Kings:16:24; 2Kings:10:29; Hosea:8:5-6; Hosea:10:5; 1:13:2 Hosea:13:16 *3 manner Acts:9:2; Acts:18:25; Acts:19:9 Acts:19:23 Acts:24:14 *4 shall fall Deuteronomy:33:11; 2Chronicles:36:16; Psalms:36:12; Psalms:140:10; Proverbs:29:1; Isaiah:43:17; Jeremiah:25:27; Jeremiah:51:64

tsk Amos 8 *

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tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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