Daniel: tsk

1 *4 at that Daniel:11:45 *5 Michael Daniel:10:13;ju Deuteronomy:1:9; Revelation:12:7 *6 the great Daniel:9:25; Daniel:10:21; Isaiah:9:7; Ezekiel:34:24; Ezekiel:37:24; Ephesians:1:21; Revelation:1:5; Revelation:17:14; Revelation:19:11-16 *7 there shall Daniel:9:12 Daniel:9:26 Isaiah:26:20-21; Jeremiah:30:7; Matthew:24:21; Mark:13:19; Luke:21:23-24; Revelation:16:17-21 *8 thy people Isaiah:11:11-16; Isaiah:27:12-13; Jeremiah:30:7; Ezekiel:37:21-28; Ezekiel:39:25-29; Hosea:3:4-5; Joel:3:16-21; Amos:9:11-15; Obadiah:1:17-21;z Ecclesiastes:12:3-10; 1:11:5-6 Romans:11:15,26 *9 written Exodus:32:32-33; Psalms:56:8; Psalms:69:28; Isaiah:4:3; Ezekiel:13:9; Luke:10:20; Philippians:4:3; Revelation:3:5; Revelation:13:8; 1:20:12 Revelation:20:15

2 *1 many Job:19:25-27; Isaiah:26:19; Ezekiel:37:1-4 Ezekiel:37:12 Hosea:13:14; Matthew:22:29-32; John:11:23-26; 1Corinthians:15:20-22 1Corinthians:15:51-54 1Thessalonians:4:14; Revelation:20:12 *2 some to everlasting life Matthew:25:46; John:5:28-29; Acts:24:15 *3 everlasting contempt Isaiah:66:24; Jeremiah:20:11; Romans:9:21

3 *1 they that be Daniel:11:33-35; Proverbs:11:30; Matthew:24:45; 1Corinthians:3:10; 2Peter:3:15 *2 wise Acts:13:1; Ephesians:4:11; Hebrews:5:12 *3 shine Proverbs:4:18; Matthew:13:43; Matthew:19:28; 1Corinthians:15:40-42; 1Thessalonians:2:19-20; Revelation:1:20 *4 turn Jeremiah:23:22; Luke:1:16-17; John:4:36; Philippians:2:16-17; James:5:19-20

4 *1 shut Daniel:8:26; Revelation:10:4; Revelation:22:10 *2 to the Daniel:12:9; Daniel:8:17; Daniel:10:1; Daniel:11:40 *3 many Daniel:11:33; Isaiah:11:9; Isaiah:29:18-19; Isaiah:30:26; Isaiah:32:3;z Ecclesiastes:14:6-10; Matthew:24:14; Romans:10:18; Revelation:14:6-7

5 *1 other two 1:10:5-6 Daniel:10:10,16 *2 of the river Daniel:10:4

6 *1 one said Daniel:8:16;z Ecclesiastes:1:12-13; Ephesians:3:10; 1Peter:1:12 *2 man Daniel:10:5-6; Ezekiel:9:2; Revelation:15:6; Revelation:19:14 *3 upon Revelation:10:2-5 *4 How long Daniel:8:13; Psalms:74:9; Revelation:6:10

7 *1 he held Deuteronomy:32:40; Revelation:10:5-7 *2 liveth Daniel:4:34; Job:27:2; Jeremiah:4:2 *3 that it Daniel:12:11-12; Daniel:7:25; Daniel:8:14; Daniel:11:13; Revelation:11:2-3 Revelation:11:15 Revelation:12:6 Revelation:12:14 Revelation:13:5 *4 and when Luke:21:14; Revelation:10:7; Revelation:11:7-15 *5 the holy Daniel:8:24; Deuteronomy:7:6; Deuteronomy:26:19; Isaiah:62:12; 1Peter:2:9

8 *1 but Luke:18:34; John:12:16; Acts:1:7; 1Peter:1:11 *2 what Daniel:12:6; Daniel:10:14

9 *1 closed Daniel:12:4; Daniel:8:26; Isaiah:8:16; Isaiah:29:11; Revelation:10:4

10 *1 shall be Daniel:11:35; Psalms:51:7; Isaiah:1:18; Ezekiel:36:25;z Ecclesiastes:13:9; 1Corinthians:6:11; 2Corinthians:7:1; Titus:2:14; Hebrews:12:10; 1Peter:1:7 1Peter:1:22 Revelation:3:18; Revelation:7:13-14; 1:19:8 Revelation:19:14 *2 but the wicked 1Samuel:24:13; Isaiah:32:6-7; Ezekiel:47:11; Hosea:14:9; Romans:11:8-10; 2Thessalonians:2:10-12; Revelation:9:20-21; Revelation:16:11; Revelation:22:11 *3 but the wise Daniel:11:33-35; Psalms:107:43; Proverbs:1:5; Proverbs:2:1-5; Mark:4:11; Luke:24:25; John:7:17; John:8:47; John:18:37; 1Corinthians:2:10-16; 1John:5:20

11 *1 the time Daniel:8:11-12 Daniel:8:26 Daniel:11:31 *2 the abomination Daniel:8:13; Daniel:9:27; Daniel:11:31; Matthew:24:15; Mark:13:14; Revelation:11:2 *3 a thousand Daniel:1:12; Daniel:7:25; Daniel:8:14; Revelation:11:2; Revelation:12:6; Revelation:13:5

12 *1 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. Romans:11:15; Revelation:20:4

13 *1 rest Daniel:12:3; Isaiah:57:1;z Ecclesiastes:3:7; Matthew:19:28; Luke:2:29-30; 2Corinthians:5:1; 2Thessalonians:1:7; 2Timothy:4:7-8; Revelation:14:13 *2 stand Psalms:1:5; Luke:21:36;ju Deuteronomy:1:14-15

tsk Daniel 12 *

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