Deuteronomy: tsk

1 *5 on this 1:32:5 Numbers:32:19,32; Numbers:34:15; Numbers:35:14; Joshua:9:1 Joshua:9:10 1:22:4 Joshua:22:7 *6 Paran Deuteronomy:33:2; Genesis:21:21; Numbers:10:12; Numbers:12:16; Numbers:13:3 Numbers:13:26 1Samuel:25:1; Habakkuk:3:3 *7 Hazeroth Numbers:11:35; Numbers:33:17-18

2 *1 by the way Deuteronomy:1:44; Deuteronomy:2:4 Deuteronomy:2:8 Numbers:20:17-21 *2 unto Leviticus:2:14; Leviticus:9:23; Numbers:13:26; Numbers:32:8; Joshua:14:6

3 *1 And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto them; Numbers:20:1; Numbers:33:38

4 *1 After he had slain Sihon the king of the Amorites, which dwelt in Heshbon, and Og the king of Bashan, which dwelt at Astaroth in Edrei: Deuteronomy:2:26-37; Deuteronomy:3:1-11; Numbers:21:21-35; Joshua:12:2-6; Joshua:13:10-12; Nehemiah:9:22; Psalms:135:11; Psalms:136:19-20

5 *1 to declare Deuteronomy:4:8; Deuteronomy:17:18-19; Deuteronomy:31:9; Deuteronomy:32:46

6 *1 in Horeb Deuteronomy:5:2; Exodus:3:1; Exodus:17:6 *2 Ye have Exodus:19:1-2; Numbers:10:11-13

7 *1 the mount Genesis:15:16-21; Exodus:23:31; Numbers:34:3-12; Joshua:24:15; Amos:2:9 *2 in the plain Deuteronomy:11:11; Joshua:10:40; Joshua:11:16-17 *3 the great Deuteronomy:11:24; Joshua:1:4; 2Samuel:8:3; 1Chronicles:5:9; 1Chronicles:18:3

8 *1 which Genesis:12:7; Genesis:13:14-15; Genesis:15:16-18; Genesis:17:7-8; Genesis:22:16-18; Genesis:26:3-4; Genesis:28:13-14

9 *1 I am not Exodus:18:18; 1:11:11-14 Numbers:11:17

10 *1 your God Deuteronomy:10:22; Deuteronomy:28:62; Genesis:15:5; Genesis:22:17; Genesis:28:14; Exodus:12:37; Exodus:32:13; Numbers:1:46; 1Chronicles:27:23; Nehemiah:9:23

11 *1 make you 2Samuel:24:3; 1Chronicles:21:3; Psalms:115:14 *2 and bless you Genesis:15:5; Genesis:22:17; Genesis:26:4; Genesis:49:25; Exodus:32:13; Numbers:6:27; Numbers:22:12

12 *1 How can I myself alone bear your cumbrance, and your burden, and your strife? Deuteronomy:1:9; Exodus:18:13-16; Numbers:11:11-15; 1Kings:3:7-9; Psalms:89:19; 2Corinthians:2:16; 2Corinthians:3:5

13 *1 Take Exodus:18:21; Numbers:11:16-17; Acts:1:21-23; Acts:6:2-6

15 *1 I took Deuteronomy:16:18; Exodus:18:25-26 *2 made Ephesians:4:11 *3 captains over thousands Numbers:31:14; 1Samuel:8:12; 1Samuel:17:18; 1Samuel:22:7

16 *1 charged Deuteronomy:27:11; Deuteronomy:31:14; Numbers:27:19; 1Thessalonians:2:11; 1Timothy:5:21; 1Timothy:6:17 *2 Hear Deuteronomy:16:18-19; Exodus:23:2-3 Exodus:23:7-8 Leviticus:19:15; 2Samuel:23:3; 2Chronicles:19:6-10; Psalms:58:1; John:7:24 *3 the stranger Deuteronomy:10:18-19; Deuteronomy:24:14; Exodus:22:21; Exodus:23:9; Leviticus:24:22

17 *1 shall not Deuteronomy:10:17; Deuteronomy:16:19; Leviticus:19:15; 1Samuel:16:7; 2Samuel:14:14; Proverbs:24:23; Luke:20:21; Acts:10:34-35; Romans:2:11; Ephesians:6:9; Colossians:3:25; James:2:1-3 James:2:9 1Peter:1:17 *2 ye shall hear Exodus:23:3 Exodus:23:6-7 1Samuel:12:3-4; Job:22:6-9; Job:29:11-17; Job:31:13-16; Psalms:82:3-4; Proverbs:22:22-23; Jeremiah:5:28-29; Amos:5:11-12; Micah:2:1-3; Micah:3:1-4; Micah:7:3-4; James:2:2-4-5 *3 ye shall not 1Kings:21:8-14; Job:31:34; Proverbs:29:25; Jeremiah:1:17; Matthew:22:16; Mark:12:14; 1Thessalonians:2:4 *4 the judgment 2Chronicles:19:6 *5 the cause Deuteronomy:17:8-10; 1:18:18 Exodus:18:22,26

18 *1 And I commanded you at that time all the things which ye should do. Deuteronomy:4:5 Deuteronomy:4:40 Deuteronomy:12:28 Deuteronomy:12:32 Matthew:28:20; 1:20:20 Acts:20:27

19 *1 through Deuteronomy:8:15; Deuteronomy:32:10; Numbers:10:12; Jeremiah:2:6 *2 we came Deuteronomy:1:2; Numbers:13:26

20 *1 the mountain Deuteronomy:1:7-8

21 *1 fear not Deuteronomy:20:1; Numbers:13:30; Numbers:14:8-9; Joshua:1:9; Psalms:27:1-3; 1:46:1 Psalms:46:7,11; Isaiah:41:10; Isaiah:43:1-2; Luke:12:32; Hebrews:13:6

22 *1 We will send Numbers:13:1-20

23 *1 And the saying pleased me well: and I took twelve men of you, one of a tribe: Numbers:13:3-33

24 *1 And they turned and went up into the mountain, and came unto the valley of Eshcol, and searched it out. Numbers:13:21-27; Joshua:2:1-2

26 *1 Notwithstanding ye would not go up, but rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your God: Numbers:14:1-4; Psalms:106:24-25; Isaiah:63:10; Acts:7:51

27 *1 The Lord hated us Deuteronomy:9:28; Exodus:16:3 Exodus:16:8 Numbers:14:3; Numbers:21:5; Matthew:25:24; Luke:19:21

28 *1 discouraged Deuteronomy:20:8; Exodus:15:15; Joshua:2:9-11-24; Joshua:14:8; Isaiah:13:7; Ezekiel:21:7 *2 The people Deuteronomy:9:1-2; Numbers:13:28-33 *3 we have seen Deuteronomy:9:2; Joshua:11:22; Joshua:15:14; Judges:1:10 Judges:1:20 2Samuel:21:16-22

30 *1 he shall Deuteronomy:20:1-4; Exodus:14:14 Exodus:14:25 Joshua:10:42; 1Samuel:17:45-46; 2Chronicles:14:11-12; 2Chronicles:32:8; Nehemiah:4:20; Psalms:46:11; Isaiah:8:9-10; Romans:8:31-37 *2 according Exodus:7:1-25; Exodus:15:1-27; Psalms:78:11-13-43-51; Psalms:105:27-36

31 *1 in the wilderness Exodus:16:1-17; Nehemiah:9:12-23; Psalms:78:14-28; Psalms:105:39-41 *2 bare thee Deuteronomy:32:11-12; Exodus:19:4; Numbers:11:11-12-14; Isaiah:40:11; Isaiah:46:3-4; Isaiah:63:9; Hosea:11:3-4; Acts:13:18

32 *1 Yet in this thing ye did not believe the LORD your God, 2Chronicles:20:20; Psalms:78:22; Psalms:106:24; Isaiah:7:9; Hebrews:3:12 Hebrews:3:18-19 ju Deuteronomy:1:5

33 *1 Who went Exodus:13:21; Numbers:10:33; Psalms:77:20; Ezekiel:20:6 *2 in fire Exodus:13:21-22; Exodus:14:19-20 Exodus:14:24 Exodus:40:34-38; Numbers:9:15-22; Numbers:10:11-12; Numbers:14:14; Nehemiah:9:12; Psalms:78:14; Psalms:105:39; Isaiah:4:5-6;z Ecclesiastes:2:5

34 *1 and sware Deuteronomy:2:14-15; Numbers:14:22-30; Numbers:32:8-13; Psalms:95:11; Ezekiel:20:15; Hebrews:3:8-11

36 *1 Caleb Numbers:13:6 Numbers:13:30 Numbers:26:65; Numbers:32:12; Numbers:34:19; Joshua:14:6-14; Judges:1:12-15 *2 wholly followed Numbers:14:24

37 *1 Also the LORD was angry with me for your sakes, saying, Thou also shalt not go in thither. Deuteronomy:3:23-26; Deuteronomy:4:21; Deuteronomy:34:4; Numbers:20:12; Numbers:27:13-14; Psalms:106:32-33

38 *1 Joshua Numbers:13:8 Numbers:13:16 Numbers:14:30 Numbers:14:38 Numbers:26:65 *2 which standeth Exodus:17:9-14; Exodus:24:13; Exodus:33:11; 1Samuel:16:22; Proverbs:22:29 *3 encourage him Deuteronomy:3:28; 1:31:7-8 Deuteronomy:31:14,23; Numbers:27:18-23; 1:1:1 Joshua:1:6-9

39 *1 your little 1:14:3 Numbers:14:31 *2 which in Isaiah:7:15-16; Jonah:4:11; Romans:9:11; Ephesians:2:3

40 *1 But as for you, turn you, and take your journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea. Numbers:14:25

41 *1 We have sinned Numbers:14:39-40-45; Numbers:22:34; Proverbs:19:3

42 *1 Go not up Numbers:14:41-42 *2 for I am not Leviticus:26:17; Joshua:7:8-13; 1Samuel:4:2 1Samuel:4:10 Isaiah:30:17; Isaiah:59:1-2; Hosea:9:12

43 *1 but rebelled Isaiah:63:10; Acts:7:51; Romans:8:7-8 *2 went presumptuously up Numbers:14:44

44 *1 chased you Deuteronomy:28:25; Deuteronomy:32:30; Psalms:118:12; Isaiah:7:18 *2 unto Hormah Numbers:14:45; Numbers:21:3

45 *1 And ye returned and wept before the LORD; but the LORD would not hearken to your voice, nor give ear unto you. Psalms:78:34; Hebrews:12:17

46 *1 So ye abode in Kadesh many days, according unto the days that ye abode there. Numbers:14:25 Numbers:14:34 Numbers:20:1-22; Judges:11:16-17

tsk Deuteronomy 1 *

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