Deuteronomy: tsk

1 *2 Hew Deuteronomy:10:4; Exodus:34:1-2-4 *3 make thee Deuteronomy:10:3; Exodus:25:10-15; Hebrews:9:4

2 *1 thou shalt Deuteronomy:10:5; Exodus:25:16-22; Exodus:40:20; 1Kings:8:9; Hebrews:9:4

3 *1 I made Exodus:25:5 Exodus:25:10 Exodus:37:1-9 *2 hewed Deuteronomy:10:1; Exodus:34:4

4 *1 he wrote Deuteronomy:9:10; Exodus:34:28 *2 the ten Deuteronomy:4:13 *3 which Deuteronomy:5:4-21; Exodus:20:1-17 *4 out of the Deuteronomy:4:11-15; Deuteronomy:5:22-26; Exodus:19:18; Hebrews:12:18-19 *5 in the day Deuteronomy:9:10; Deuteronomy:18:16; Exodus:19:17

5 *1 I turned Deuteronomy:9:15; Exodus:32:15; Exodus:34:29 *2 put the Deuteronomy:10:2; Exodus:25:16; Exodus:40:20 *3 there they Joshua:4:9; 1Kings:8:8-9

6 *1 took Numbers:10:6 Numbers:10:12-13 Numbers:33:1-2 *2 Mosera Numbers:33:30-33 *3 there Aaron Numbers:20:23-28; Numbers:33:38

8 *1 time the Lord Exodus:29:1-37; Leviticus:8:9; Numbers:1:47-53; Numbers:3:1-4; Numbers:8:1-26; Numbers:16:9-10; Numbers:18:1-32; John:15:16; Acts:13:2; Romans:1:1; 2Corinthians:6:17; Galatians:1:15 *2 bear Numbers:3:31; Numbers:4:15; 1Kings:8:3-4-6; 1Chronicles:15:12-15 1Chronicles:15:26 1Chronicles:23:26; 2Chronicles:5:4-5 *3 to stand Deuteronomy:18:5; 2Chronicles:29:11; Psalms:134:2; Psalms:135:2; Jeremiah:15:19; Ezekiel:44:11 Ezekiel:44:15 Romans:12:7 *4 to bless Deuteronomy:21:5; Leviticus:9:22; Numbers:6:23-26; 2Chronicles:30:27

9 *1 Wherefore Levi hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren; the LORD is his inheritance, according as the LORD thy God promised him. Deuteronomy:18:1-2; Numbers:18:20-24; Numbers:26:62; Joshua:14:3; Ezekiel:44:28

10 *1 I stayed Deuteronomy:9:18 Deuteronomy:9:25 Exodus:24:18; Exodus:34:28 *2 the Lord hearkened Deuteronomy:3:23-27; Deuteronomy:9:19; Exodus:32:14 Exodus:32:33-34 Exodus:33:17; Matthew:27:42

11 *1 Arise Exodus:32:34; Exodus:33:1

12 *1 what doth Jeremiah:7:22-23; Micah:6:8; Matthew:11:29-30; 1John:5:3 *2 fear Deuteronomy:6:13; Psalms:34:9; Psalms:128:1; Jeremiah:32:39-40; Acts:9:31; 1Peter:1:17 *3 to walk Deuteronomy:5:33; Joshua:22:5; Psalms:81:13; Ezekiel:11:20; Titus:2:11-12; 1Peter:1:15-16 *4 love Deuteronomy:6:5; Deuteronomy:11:13; Deuteronomy:30:16 Deuteronomy:30:20 Psalms:18:1; Psalms:145:20; Matthew:22:37; Mark:12:29-33; Luke:10:27; Luke:11:42; Romans:8:28; 1John:2:15; 1John:4:19-20; 1:5:2 1John:5:5 *5 to serve Job:36:11; Zephaniah:3:9; Romans:1:9; Hebrews:12:28 *6 God with all Deuteronomy:4:29

13 *1 for thy Deuteronomy:6:24; Proverbs:9:12; Jeremiah:32:39; James:1:25

14 *1 the heaven 1Kings:8:27; 2Chronicles:6:18; Nehemiah:9:6; Psalms:115:16; Psalms:148:4; Isaiah:66:1 *2 the earth Genesis:14:19; Exodus:9:29; Exodus:19:5; Psalms:24:1; Psalms:50:12; Jeremiah:27:5-6; 1Corinthians:10:26-28

15 *1 Only the LORD had a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is this day. Deuteronomy:4:37; Deuteronomy:7:7-8; Numbers:14:8; Romans:9:13-23

16 *1 Circumcise Deuteronomy:30:6; Leviticus:26:41; Jeremiah:4:4 Jeremiah:4:14 Romans:2:28-29; Colossians:2:11 *2 stiff-necked Deuteronomy:9:6 Deuteronomy:9:13 Deuteronomy:31:27; James:4:6-7

17 *1 God of gods Joshua:22:22; 1Chronicles:16:25-26; Psalms:136:2; Daniel:2:47; Daniel:11:36 *2 Lord of lords Psalms:136:3; Revelation:17:14; Revelation:19:16 *3 a great Deuteronomy:7:21; Nehemiah:1:5; Nehemiah:4:14; Nehemiah:9:32; Job:37:22-23; Psalms:99:3; Jeremiah:20:11 *4 regardeth 2Chronicles:19:7; Job:34:19; Mark:12:14; Acts:10:34; Romans:2:11; Galatians:2:6; Ephesians:6:9; Colossians:3:25; 1Peter:1:17

18 *1 doth Psalms:68:5; Psalms:103:6; Psalms:146:9; Isaiah:1:17; Jeremiah:49:11; Hosea:14:3 *2 loveth Psalms:145:9; Matthew:5:45; Acts:14:17

19 *1 Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. Exodus:22:21; Leviticus:19:33-34; Luke:6:35; Luke:10:28-37; Luke:17:18; Galatians:6:10; James:2:15-16; 1John:3:17-18

20 *1 fear Deuteronomy:6:13; Deuteronomy:13:4; Matthew:4:10; Luke:4:8 *2 cleave Deuteronomy:4:4; Deuteronomy:11:22; Deuteronomy:13:4; Joshua:23:8; Acts:11:23; Romans:12:9 *3 swear Deuteronomy:6:13; Psalms:63:11; Isaiah:45:23

21 *1 thy praise Exodus:15:2; Psalms:22:3; Isaiah:12:2-6; Isaiah:60:19; Jeremiah:17:14; Luke:2:32; Revelation:21:23 *2 that hath Deuteronomy:4:32-35; 1Samuel:12:24; 2Samuel:7:23; Psalms:106:21-22; Isaiah:64:3; Jeremiah:32:20-21

22 *1 How easy can God increase and multiply, as well as diminish and bring low! In all things, by his omnipotence, he can do whatsoever he will; and he will do whatsoever is right Genesis:46:27; Exodus:1:5; Acts:7:14 *2 as the stars Deuteronomy:1:10; Deuteronomy:28:62; Genesis:15:5; Numbers:26:51 Numbers:26:62 Nehemiah:9:23; Hebrews:11:12

tsk Deuteronomy 10 *

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