Deuteronomy: tsk

1 *2 the statues 1:4:1-2 Deuteronomy:4:5,45; Deuteronomy:6:1-2 *3 all the days Deuteronomy:12:19; Deuteronomy:4:19; 1Kings:8:40; Job:7:1; Psalms:104:33; Psalms:146:2

2 *1 utterly Deuteronomy:7:5 Deuteronomy:7:25-26 Exodus:23:24; Exodus:34:12-17; Numbers:33:51-52; Judges:2:2 *2 posses Numbers:22:41; 2Kings:16:4; 2Kings:17:10-11; 2Kings:23:13; Jeremiah:3:6; Ezekiel:20:28-29; Hosea:4:13

3 *1 ye shall Numbers:33:52; Judges:2:2; 2Chronicles:31:1 *2 and burn 1Kings:15:13; 2Kings:18:4; 2Kings:23:14; 2Chronicles:14:3; 2Chronicles:19:3; 2Chronicles:34:3; Jeremiah:17:2; Micah:5:14 *3 and destroy Exodus:23:13; Psalms:16:4; Hosea:2:17;z Ecclesiastes:13:2; Revelation:13:1

4 *1 Ye shall not do so unto the LORD your God. Deuteronomy:12:30-31; Deuteronomy:16:21-22; Deuteronomy:20:18; Leviticus:20:23

5 *1 But unto Deuteronomy:12:11; Deuteronomy:16:2; Deuteronomy:26:2; Joshua:9:27; Joshua:18:1; 1:8:16 1Kings:8:20,29; 1Kings:14:21; 1Chronicles:22:1; 2Chronicles:7:12; Psalms:78:68; Psalms:87:2-3; John:4:20-22; Hebrews:12:22; Revelation:14:1 *2 habitation Exodus:15:2; Exodus:25:22; Numbers:7:89; 1Kings:8:27; Psalms:132:13-14; Isaiah:66:1-2; Acts:7:48-50; Ephesians:2:20-22; Colossians:2:9

6 *1 your burnt Leviticus:17:3-9; Ezekiel:20:40 *2 tithes Deuteronomy:12:17; Deuteronomy:14:22-26; Deuteronomy:15:19-20; Deuteronomy:26:2; Leviticus:27:32-33; Numbers:18:15-17; Malachi:3:8-10; Luke:11:42; Luke:18:12

7 *1 And there Deuteronomy:12:18; Deuteronomy:14:23 Deuteronomy:14:26 Deuteronomy:15:20; Isaiah:23:18 *2 ye shall Deuteronomy:12:12 Deuteronomy:12:18 Deuteronomy:16:11-15; Deuteronomy:26:11; Deuteronomy:27:7; Leviticus:23:40; Psalms:128:1-2; Malachi:2:13; Acts:2:46; Philippians:4:4

8 *1 every man Numbers:15:39; Judges:17:6; Judges:21:25; Proverbs:21:2; Amos:5:25; Acts:7:42

9 *1 For ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance, which the LORD your God giveth you. Deuteronomy:25:19; 1Kings:8:56; 1Chronicles:23:25; Micah:2:10; Hebrews:4:8-9; 1Peter:1:3-4

10 *1 But when Deuteronomy:3:27; Deuteronomy:4:22; Deuteronomy:9:1; Deuteronomy:11:31; Joshua:3:17; 1:4:1 Joshua:4:12 *2 ye dwell Deuteronomy:33:12 Deuteronomy:33:28 Leviticus:25:18-19; 1Samuel:7:12; 1Kings:4:25; Psalms:4:8; Proverbs:1:33; Jeremiah:23:6; Jeremiah:32:37; Jeremiah:33:11; Ezekiel:28:26; Ezekiel:34:25 Ezekiel:34:28 Ezekiel:38:8

11 *1 a place 1:12:5 Deuteronomy:12:14,18,21-26; Deuteronomy:14:23; Deuteronomy:15:20; Deuteronomy:16:2-8; Deuteronomy:17:8; Deuteronomy:18:6; Deuteronomy:23:16; Deuteronomy:26:2; Deuteronomy:31:11; Joshua:18:1; 1Kings:8:13 1Kings:8:29 Psalms:78:68; Jeremiah:7:12; John:4:20-23

12 *1 And ye Deuteronomy:12:7; Deuteronomy:14:26-27; 1Kings:8:66; 2Chronicles:29:36; 2Chronicles:30:21-26; Nehemiah:8:10-12; Psalms:100:1-2; Psalms:147:1; 1John:1:3-4 *2 the Levite Deuteronomy:12:19; Deuteronomy:14:27-29; Deuteronomy:16:11 Deuteronomy:16:14 Deuteronomy:18:6; Deuteronomy:26:12 *3 forasmuch Deuteronomy:10:9; Deuteronomy:18:1-2; Numbers:18:20 Numbers:18:23-24-26 Joshua:13:14 Joshua:13:33 Joshua:14:4

13 *1 Take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt offerings in every place that thou seest: Deuteronomy:12:6; Leviticus:17:2-5; 1Kings:12:28-32; 1Kings:15:34; 2Chronicles:15:17

14 *1 But in the place which the LORD shall choose in one of thy tribes, there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, and there thou shalt do all that I command thee. Deuteronomy:12:5 Deuteronomy:12:11 Psalms:5:7; Psalms:9:11; 2Corinthians:5:19; Hebrews:10:19-22; Hebrews:13:15

15 *1 whatsoever Deuteronomy:14:26 *2 the unclean Deuteronomy:12:21-22; Deuteronomy:14:5; Deuteronomy:15:22-23; Leviticus:17:3-5

16 *1 Only ye shall not eat the blood; ye shall pour it upon the earth as water. Deuteronomy:12:23-24; Deuteronomy:15:23; Genesis:9:4; Leviticus:7:26-27; Leviticus:17:10-13; Acts:15:29; 1Timothy:4:4

17 *1 the tithe Deuteronomy:12:6 Deuteronomy:12:11 Deuteronomy:14:22-29; Deuteronomy:26:12-14; Leviticus:27:30-32; Numbers:18:21-24

18 *1 thou must Deuteronomy:12:11-12 Deuteronomy:12:19 Deuteronomy:14:23; Deuteronomy:15:20 *2 rejoice Deuteronomy:12:7; Psalms:32:11; Psalms:68:3; Proverbs:3:17; Isaiah:12:3; Acts:2:46; Acts:16:34; 1Corinthians:10:31; Galatians:5:22; Philippians:3:1-3

19 *1 Take Deuteronomy:14:27-29; 2Chronicles:11:13-14; 2Chronicles:31:4-21; Nehemiah:10:34-39; 1Corinthians:9:10-14

20 *1 shall 1Chronicles:4:10 *2 as he hath Deuteronomy:11:24; Deuteronomy:19:8; Genesis:15:18-21; Genesis:28:14; Exodus:23:31; Exodus:34:24 *3 I will Deuteronomy:12:15; Genesis:31:30; 1:11:4 Numbers:11:20,34; 2Samuel:13:39; 2Samuel:23:15; Psalms:63:1; Psalms:84:2; Psalms:107:9; 1:119:20 Psalms:119:40,174; 2Corinthians:9:14; Philippians:1:8; Philippians:2:26

21 *1 to put Deuteronomy:12:5 Deuteronomy:12:11 Deuteronomy:14:23-24; Deuteronomy:16:6 Deuteronomy:16:11 Deuteronomy:26:2; Exodus:20:24; 1Kings:14:21; 2Chronicles:12:13; Ezra:6:12

22 *1 Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten, so thou shalt eat them: the unclean and the clean shall eat of them alike. Deuteronomy:12:15-16

23 *1 the blood is Genesis:9:4; Leviticus:3:16-17; Leviticus:17:11 Leviticus:17:14 Matthew:20:28; Revelation:5:9

24 *1 Thou shalt not eat it; thou shalt pour it upon the earth as water. Deuteronomy:12:16; Deuteronomy:15:23

25 *1 that it Deuteronomy:12:28; Deuteronomy:4:40; Deuteronomy:5:16; Psalms:112:2; Isaiah:3:10; Isaiah:48:18-19; Ezekiel:33:25 *2 when Deuteronomy:6:18; Deuteronomy:13:18; Exodus:15:26; 1Kings:11:38; Ecclesiastes:2:26

26 *1 holy 1:12:6 Deuteronomy:12:11,18; Numbers:5:9-10; Numbers:18:19 *2 thy vows Genesis:28:20; Leviticus:22:18-33; 1Samuel:1:21-24; Psalms:66:13-15

27 *1 thy burnt 1:1:5 Leviticus:1:9,13; Leviticus:17:11 *2 and the blood Leviticus:4:30; Leviticus:17:11

28 *1 Observe Deuteronomy:24:8; Exodus:34:11; Leviticus:19:37; 2Chronicles:7:17; Nehemiah:1:5; Psalms:105:45; Ezekiel:37:24; 1:15:3 John:15:10,14

29 *1 cut off Deuteronomy:9:3; Deuteronomy:19:1; Exodus:23:23; Joshua:23:4; Psalms:78:55

30 *1 that thou Deuteronomy:7:16; Exodus:23:31-33; Leviticus:18:3; Numbers:33:52; Judges:2:2-3; 2Kings:17:15; Psalms:106:34-38; Ezekiel:20:28 *2 How did Jeremiah:10:2; Ezekiel:20:32; Romans:12:2; Ephesians:4:17; 1Peter:4:3-4

31 *1 Thou Deuteronomy:12:4; Deuteronomy:18:9; Exodus:23:2; Leviticus:18:3 Leviticus:18:26-30 2Kings:17:15-17; 2Kings:21:2; 2Chronicles:33:2; 2Chronicles:36:14 *2 abomination to the Deuteronomy:18:10; Leviticus:18:21; Leviticus:20:2; Jeremiah:7:31; Jeremiah:32:35; Ezekiel:20:31; Ezekiel:23:27; Micah:6:7

32 *1 thou shalt not Deuteronomy:4:2; Deuteronomy:13:18; Joshua:1:7; Proverbs:30:6; Matthew:28:20; Revelation:22:18-19

tsk Deuteronomy 12 *

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