Exodus: tsk

2 *3 they Exodus:35:5-29; Numbers:7:3-88; Deuteronomy:16:16-17; 1Chronicles:29:1-30 *4 bring me Numbers:18:24 *5 willingly Exodus:35:5 Exodus:35:21 Judges:5:9; 1:29:3-5 1Chronicles:29:9,14,17; Ezra:1:6; Ezra:2:68; Ezra:3:5; Ezra:7:16; Nehemiah:11:2; Psalms:110:3; 2Corinthians:8:12; 2Corinthians:9:7

3 *1 brass Deuteronomy:8:9; Job:28:2

4 *1 fine linen Genesis:41:42; Ezekiel:16:10; Revelation:19:8

5 *1 And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and Exodus:26:14 *2 shittim wood 1:26:15 Exodus:26:26,37; Exodus:27:1; Exodus:36:20

6 *1 Oil for Exodus:25:37; Exodus:27:20; Exodus:40:24-25 *2 spices Exodus:30:23-38

7 *1 Onyx stones Exodus:28:9-21 *2 ephod 1:28:4-6 Exodus:28:15

8 *1 a sanctuary Exodus:15:2; Exodus:36:1-4; Leviticus:4:6; Leviticus:10:4; Leviticus:21:12; Hebrews:9:1-2 *2 I may dwell Exodus:29:45; 1Kings:6:13; Isaiah:12:6;z Ecclesiastes:2:10;z Ecclesiastes:8:3; 2Corinthians:6:16; Hebrews:3:6; Revelation:21:3

9 *1 the pattern of the tabernacle Exodus:25:40; 1Chronicles:28:11-19; Hebrews:8:5; Hebrews:9:9

10 *1 an ark Exodus:37:1-3; Deuteronomy:10:1-3; 2Chronicles:8:11; Hebrews:9:4; Revelation:11:19

11 *1 And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about. Exodus:25:24; Exodus:30:3; 1Kings:6:20; 2Chronicles:3:4

12 *1 And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in the four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side of it. Exodus:25:15 Exodus:25:26 Exodus:26:29; Exodus:27:7; Exodus:37:5; Exodus:38:7

13 *1 And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold. Exodus:25:28; Exodus:27:6; Exodus:30:5; Exodus:37:4; Exodus:40:20; 1:4:6-8 Numbers:4:11,14; 1Chronicles:15:15

15 *1 The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it. 1Kings:8:8; 2Chronicles:5:9

16 *1 And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give thee. Exodus:16:34; Exodus:27:21; Exodus:30:6 Exodus:30:36 Exodus:31:18; Exodus:32:15; Exodus:34:29; Exodus:38:21; Numbers:17:4; Deuteronomy:10:2-5; Deuteronomy:31:26; 1Kings:8:9; 2Kings:11:12; 2Chronicles:34:14-15; Acts:7:44; Romans:3:2; Hebrews:9:4

17 *1 mercy seat Exodus:26:34; Exodus:37:6; Exodus:40:20; Leviticus:16:12-15; 1Chronicles:28:11; Romans:3:25; Hebrews:4:16; Hebrews:9:5; 1John:2:2

18 *1 two cherubims of gold Exodus:37:7-9; Genesis:3:24; 1Samuel:4:4; 1Kings:6:23-28; 1Kings:8:6-7; 1Chronicles:28:18; Ezekiel:10:2 Ezekiel:10:20 Ezekiel:41:18-19; Hebrews:9:5

20 *1 cherubims shall Exodus:25:18; 1Kings:8:7; 1Chronicles:28:18; 2Chronicles:3:10 *2 covering Ezekiel:28:14 *3 toward Genesis:28:12; Isaiah:6:1-5; Ezekiel:1:20; Matthew:24:31; John:1:51; 1Corinthians:4:9; 1Corinthians:11:10; Ephesians:3:10; Colossians:2:10; Hebrews:1:14; 1Peter:1:12; 1Peter:3:22; Revelation:5:11-12

21 *1 mercy seat Exodus:25:17; Exodus:26:34; Romans:10:4

22 *1 and I will Exodus:20:24; Exodus:30:6 Exodus:30:36 Exodus:31:18; Genesis:18:33; Leviticus:1:1; Leviticus:16:2; Numbers:7:89; Numbers:17:4; Deuteronomy:5:26-31; Judges:20:27 *2 between Exodus:29:42-43; Exodus:31:6; 1Samuel:4:4; 2Samuel:6:2; 2Kings:19:15; Psalms:80:1; Psalms:90:1; Psalms:99:1; Isaiah:37:16

23 *1 a table Exodus:37:10-16; Exodus:40:22-23; Leviticus:24:6; Numbers:3:31; 1Kings:7:48; 1Chronicles:28:16; 2Chronicles:4:8 2Chronicles:4:19 Ezekiel:40:41-42; Hebrews:9:2

24 *1 And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, and make thereto a crown of gold round about. Exodus:25:11; 1Kings:6:20-22

25 *1 a golden crown to the border Exodus:30:3; Exodus:37:2

27 *1 for places of the staves 1:25:14 Exodus:25:28

28 *1 the table Exodus:25:14 Exodus:25:27 Numbers:10:17; Acts:9:15

29 *1 the Exodus:37:16; Numbers:4:7; 1:7:13 Numbers:7:19,31-33; 1Kings:7:50; 2Chronicles:4:22; Ezra:1:9-11; Jeremiah:52:18-19 *2 to cover Leviticus:24:5-9; Songs:5:1; Revelation:3:20

30 *1 And thou shalt set upon the table shewbread before me alway. Exodus:35:13; Exodus:39:36; Leviticus:24:5-6; Numbers:4:7; 1Samuel:21:6; 1Chronicles:9:32; 1Chronicles:23:29; 2Chronicles:13:11; Malachi:1:7 Malachi:1:12 Matthew:12:4

31 *1 a candlestick Exodus:35:14; Exodus:37:17-24; Exodus:40:24-25; 1Kings:7:49; 2Chronicles:13:11;z Ecclesiastes:4:2; Hebrews:9:2; Revelation:1:12 Revelation:1:20 Revelation:2:1 Revelation:2:5 Revelation:4:5 *2 his knops 1Kings:6:18; 1Kings:7:24

33 *1 like unto Numbers:17:4-8; Jeremiah:1:11-12 *2 and three Exodus:37:19-20;z Ecclesiastes:4:3

36 *1 beaten Exodus:25:18; Numbers:8:4; 1Kings:10:16-17; 2Chronicles:9:15

37 *1 seven Exodus:37:23;z Ecclesiastes:4:2; 1:1:4 Revelation:1:12,20; Revelation:2:1; Revelation:4:5 *2 they shall Exodus:27:21; Exodus:30:8; Leviticus:24:2-4; 2Chronicles:13:11 *3 give Exodus:40:24; Numbers:8:2; Psalms:119:105; Proverbs:6:23; Isaiah:8:20; Matthew:5:14; Luke:1:79; John:1:9; John:8:12; John:12:5; Acts:26:18; Revelation:21:23-25; Revelation:22:5 *4 it Numbers:8:2

38 *1 the tongs 2Chronicles:4:21; Isaiah:6:6 *2 snuff dishes Exodus:37:23; Numbers:4:9; 1Kings:7:50; 2Kings:12:13; 2Kings:25:14; Jeremiah:52:18

40 *1 that thou make Exodus:26:30; Exodus:39:42-43; Numbers:8:4; 1Chronicles:28:11 1Chronicles:28:19 Ezekiel:43:11-12; Acts:7:44; Hebrews:8:5

tsk Exodus 25 *

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