Exodus: tsk

1 *3 an altar Exodus:30:7-8-10; Exodus:37:25-28; Exodus:40:5; Leviticus:4:7 Leviticus:4:18 1Kings:6:20; 2Chronicles:26:16; Revelation:8:3

2 *1 the horns Exodus:27:2

3 *1 overlay it Exodus:25:11-24

4 *1 rings Exodus:25:12-14 Exodus:25:27 Exodus:26:29; 1:27:4 Exodus:27:7

5 *1 And thou shalt 1:25:13 Exodus:25:27

6 *1 vail Exodus:26:31-35; Exodus:40:3-5 Exodus:40:26 Matthew:27:51; Hebrews:9:3-4 *2 before the mercy seat that is over the testimony Exodus:25:21-22; Leviticus:16:13; 1Chronicles:28:11; Hebrews:4:16; Hebrews:9:5 *3 I will Exodus:30:36; Exodus:29:42-43; Numbers:17:4

7 *1 dresseth Exodus:27:20-21; 1Samuel:2:28; 1Samuel:3:3; 1Chronicles:23:13; Luke:1:9; Acts:6:4

8 *1 lighteth Exodus:12:6 *2 a perpetual Romans:8:34; 1Thessalonians:5:17; Hebrews:7:25; Hebrews:9:24

9 *1 Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon, nor burnt sacrifice, nor meat offering; neither shall ye pour drink offering thereon. Leviticus:10:1

10 *1 Aaron Exodus:29:36-37; Leviticus:16:18 Leviticus:16:29-30 Leviticus:23:27; Hebrews:1:3; 1:9:7 Hebrews:9:22-23-25 *2 sin offering Leviticus:16:5-6

12 *1 takest Exodus:38:25-26; Numbers:1:2-5; Numbers:26:2-4; 2Samuel:24:1 *2 a ransom Numbers:31:50; 2Chronicles:24:6; Job:33:24; Job:36:18; Psalms:49:7; Matthew:20:28; Mark:10:45; 1Timothy:2:6; 1Peter:1:18-19 *3 no plague 2Samuel:24:2-15; 1Chronicles:21:12-14; 1Chronicles:27:24

13 *1 a shekel is Leviticus:27:25; Numbers:3:47; Ezekiel:45:12 *2 an half shekel Exodus:38:26; Matthew:27:24

14 *1 from twenty Numbers:1:3 Numbers:1:18-20 Numbers:14:29; Numbers:26:2; Numbers:32:11

15 *1 rich Job:34:19; Proverbs:22:2; Ephesians:6:9; Colossians:3:25 *2 give more Exodus:30:12; Leviticus:17:11; Numbers:31:50; 2Samuel:21:3

16 *1 appoint Exodus:38:25-31; Nehemiah:10:32-33 *2 a memorial Exodus:12:14; Numbers:16:40; Luke:22:19

18 *1 a laver Exodus:31:9; Exodus:38:8; Leviticus:8:11; 1Kings:7:23 1Kings:7:38 1:4:2 2Chronicles:4:6,14-15;z Ecclesiastes:13:1; Titus:3:5; 1John:1:7 *2 put it 1:40:7 Exodus:40:30-32

19 *1 For Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet thereat: Exodus:40:31-32; Psalms:26:6; Isaiah:52:11; John:13:8-10; 1Corinthians:6:9-11; Titus:3:5; Hebrews:9:10; Hebrews:10:22; Revelation:1:5-6

20 *1 die not Exodus:12:15; Leviticus:10:1-3; Leviticus:16:1-2; 1Samuel:6:19; 1Chronicles:13:10; Psalms:89:7; Acts:5:5 Acts:5:10 Hebrews:12:28-29

21 *1 a statute Exodus:28:43

23 *1 thee principal Exodus:37:29; Psalms:45:8; Proverbs:7:17; Songs:1:3 Songs:1:13 Songs:4:14; Jeremiah:6:20; 1:27:19 Ezekiel:27:22

24 *1 cassia Psalms:45:8 *2 the shekel Numbers:3:47; Ezekiel:45:12 *3 hin Exodus:29:40; Leviticus:19:36; Numbers:15:5

25 *1 apothecary 1Chronicles:9:30 *2 an holy Exodus:37:29; Numbers:35:25; Psalms:89:20; Psalms:133:2; Hebrews:1:9

26 *1 And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony, Exodus:40:9-15; Leviticus:8:10-12; Numbers:7:1 Numbers:7:10 Isaiah:61:1; Acts:10:38; 2Corinthians:1:21-22; 1:2:20 1John:2:27

29 *1 whatsoever Exodus:29:37; Leviticus:6:18; Matthew:23:17-19

30 *1 anoint Exodus:29:7-37; Exodus:40:15; Leviticus:8:12-30; Numbers:3:3 *2 consecrate Exodus:28:3; 1:29:9 Exodus:29:35

31 *1 an holy Exodus:37:29; Leviticus:8:12; Leviticus:21:10; Psalms:89:20

32 *1 man's Leviticus:21:10; Matthew:7:6 *2 it is 1:30:25 Exodus:30:37-38

33 *1 compoundeth Exodus:30:38; Luke:12:1-2; Hebrews:10:26-29 *2 a stranger Exodus:29:33 *3 cut off Exodus:12:15 Exodus:12:19 Genesis:17:14; Leviticus:7:20-21; Leviticus:17:4 Leviticus:17:9 Leviticus:19:8; Leviticus:23:29; Numbers:9:13

34 *1 unto thee Exodus:30:23; Exodus:25:6; Exodus:37:29 *2 frankincense Leviticus:2:1 Leviticus:2:15 Leviticus:5:11; Leviticus:24:7; 1Chronicles:9:29-30; Nehemiah:13:5; Songs:3:6; Matthew:2:11

35 *1 perfume Proverbs:27:9; Songs:1:3; Songs:3:6; John:12:3 *2 tempered Leviticus:2:13

36 *1 the testimony Exodus:16:34 *2 where I will Exodus:30:6; Exodus:25:22; Exodus:29:42-43; Leviticus:16:2

37 *1 ye shall Exodus:30:32-33 *2 it shall Exodus:29:37; Leviticus:2:3

tsk Exodus 30 *

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