Ezekiel: tsk

1 *1 in the thirtieth Numbers:4:3; Luke:3:23 *2 as I Ecclesiastes:9:1-2; Jeremiah:24:5-7 *3 by the river Ezekiel:1:3; Ezekiel:3:15 Ezekiel:3:23 Ezekiel:10:15 Ezekiel:10:20-22 Ezekiel:43:3 *4 the heavens Matthew:3:16; Luke:3:21; John:1:51; Acts:7:56; Acts:10:11; Revelation:4:1; Revelation:19:11 *5 I saw Ezekiel:8:3; Ezekiel:11:24; Genesis:15:1; Genesis:46:2; Numbers:12:6; Isaiah:1:1; Daniel:8:1-2; Hosea:12:10; Joel:2:28; Matthew:17:9; Acts:9:10-12; Acts:10:3; 2Corinthians:12:1

2 *1 In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity, Ezekiel:8:1; Ezekiel:20:1; Ezekiel:29:1 Ezekiel:29:17 Ezekiel:31:1; Ezekiel:40:1; 2Kings:24:12-15

3 *1 word Jeremiah:1:2-4; Hosea:1:1; Joel:1:1; 1Timothy:4:1 *2 and the Ezekiel:3:14 Ezekiel:3:22 Ezekiel:8:1; Ezekiel:33:22; Ezekiel:37:1; Ezekiel:40:1; 1Kings:18:46; 2Kings:3:15

4 *1 a whirlwind Isaiah:21:1; Jeremiah:1:13-14; Jeremiah:4:6; Jeremiah:6:1; Jeremiah:23:19; Jeremiah:25:9 Jeremiah:25:32 Habakkuk:1:8-9 *2 a great Ezekiel:10:2-4; Exodus:19:16-18; Exodus:24:16-17; Deuteronomy:4:11-12; 2Chronicles:5:13-14; 2Chronicles:6:1; 2Chronicles:7:1-3; Psalms:18:11-13; Psalms:50:3; Psalms:97:2-3; Psalms:104:3-4; Isaiah:19:1; Nahum:1:3-6; Habakkuk:3:3-5; Hebrews:12:29 *3 colour Ezekiel:1:27; Ezekiel:8:2; Ezekiel:10:8-9; Revelation:1:15

5 *1 the likeness Revelation:4:6; Revelation:6:6

6 *1 And every one had four faces Ezekiel:1:10 Ezekiel:1:15 1:10:10 Ezekiel:10:14,21-22; Revelation:4:7-8 *2 every one had four wings Ezekiel:1:8-11; Exodus:25:20; 1Kings:6:24-27; Isaiah:6:2

7 *1 like the sole Leviticus:11:3-47 *2 the colour Ezekiel:1:13; Psalms:104:4; Daniel:10:6; Revelation:1:15

8 *1 And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings. Ezekiel:8:3; 1:10:2 Ezekiel:10:7-8,18,21; Isaiah:6:6

9 *1 joined Ezekiel:1:11; 2Chronicles:3:11-12; 1Corinthians:1:10 *2 they turned Ezekiel:1:12; Ezekiel:10:11-22; Proverbs:4:25-27; 1:9:51 Luke:9:62

10 *1 for the Ezekiel:10:14; Revelation:4:7 *2 the face of a man Numbers:2:10; Isaiah:46:8; Luke:15:10; 1Corinthians:14:20 *3 the face of a lion Numbers:2:3; Judges:14:18; 1Chronicles:12:8; Revelation:5:5 *4 the face of an ox Ezekiel:10:14 *5 Cherub Numbers:2:18; Proverbs:14:4; 1Corinthians:9:9-10 *6 the face of an eagle Numbers:2:25; Deuteronomy:28:49; Job:39:27; Isaiah:40:31; Daniel:7:4

11 *1 and their 1:10:16 Ezekiel:10:19 *2 and two Ezekiel:1:23; Isaiah:6:2

12 *1 they went every Ezekiel:1:9 Ezekiel:1:17 Ezekiel:10:22 *2 whither Ezekiel:1:20-21; Hebrews:1:14

13 *1 As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. Ezekiel:1:7; Genesis:15:17; Psalms:104:4; Daniel:10:5-6; Matthew:28:3; Revelation:4:5; Revelation:10:1; Revelation:18:1

14 *1 And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning. Psalms:147:15; Daniel:9:21;z Ecclesiastes:2:3-4;z Ecclesiastes:4:10; Matthew:24:27 Matthew:24:31 Mark:13:27

15 *1 one Ezekiel:1:19-21; Ezekiel:10:9 Ezekiel:10:13-17 Daniel:7:9 *2 with Ezekiel:1:6; Revelation:4:7

16 *1 the colour Ezekiel:10:9; Exodus:39:13; Daniel:10:6 *2 a wheel Ezekiel:10:10; Job:9:10; Psalms:36:6; Psalms:40:5; Romans:11:33; Ephesians:3:10

17 *1 and Ezekiel:1:9 Ezekiel:1:12 Ezekiel:10:1-11; Isaiah:55:11

18 *1 they were so Job:37:22-24; Psalms:77:16-19; Psalms:97:2-5; Isaiah:55:9 *2 full Ezekiel:10:12; Proverbs:15:3;z Ecclesiastes:4:10; Revelation:4:6-8

19 *1 And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Ezekiel:10:16; Psalms:103:20

20 *1 the spirit Ezekiel:1:12; 1Corinthians:14:32 *2 for the Ezekiel:10:17;z Ecclesiastes:6:1-8

21 *1 When those went Ezekiel:1:19-20; Ezekiel:10:17 *2 of the living creature Romans:8:2

22 *1 the likeness Ezekiel:1:26; Ezekiel:10:1; Exodus:24:10; Job:37:22; Revelation:4:3 Revelation:4:6 Revelation:21:11

23 *1 their wings 1:1:12 Ezekiel:1:24 *2 which Ezekiel:1:11; Job:4:18; Psalms:89:7; Luke:17:10

24 *1 like Ezekiel:43:2; Revelation:1:15; Revelation:19:6 *2 as the voice Ezekiel:10:5; Job:37:2-4-5; Psalms:18:13; Psalms:29:3-9; Psalms:68:33 *3 as the noise Daniel:10:6; 2Kings:7:6

26 *1 And above Ezekiel:1:22; Ezekiel:10:1 *2 over Matthew:28:18; Ephesians:1:21-22; Philippians:2:9-10; 1Peter:3:22 *3 the likeness of a Psalms:45:6; Isaiah:6:1; Daniel:7:9-10 Daniel:7:14 z Ecclesiastes:6:13; Matthew:25:13; Hebrews:1:8; Hebrews:8:1; Hebrews:12:2; Revelation:4:2-3; Revelation:5:13; Revelation:20:11 *4 as the Exodus:24:10; Isaiah:54:11 *5 the appearance of a man Genesis:32:24-30; Joshua:5:13-15; Joshua:6:1-2; Isaiah:9:6-7; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Daniel:10:18; Revelation:1:13; Revelation:3:21; Revelation:14:14

27 *1 as the colour Ezekiel:1:4; Ezekiel:8:2 *2 the appearance of fire Deuteronomy:4:24; Psalms:50:3; Psalms:97:2; 2Thessalonians:1:8; Hebrews:12:29; Revelation:1:14-16

28 *1 at the appearance of the bow Genesis:9:13-16; Isaiah:54:8-10; Revelation:4:3; Revelation:10:1 *2 This Ezekiel:8:4; Ezekiel:10:19-20; Ezekiel:43:3; Exodus:16:7 Exodus:16:10 Exodus:24:16; Exodus:33:18-23; Numbers:12:6-8; 1Kings:8:10-11; 1Corinthians:13:12 *3 I fell Ezekiel:3:23; Genesis:17:3; Leviticus:9:24; Daniel:8:17; Daniel:10:7-9 Daniel:10:16-17 Matthew:17:5-6; Acts:9:4; Revelation:1:17-18

tsk Ezekiel 1 *

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