Ezekiel: tsk

2 *2 What Deuteronomy:32:32-33; Psalms:80:8-16; Songs:2:13-15; Songs:6:11; Songs:7:12; Songs:8:11-12; Isaiah:5:1-7; Jeremiah:2:21; Hosea:10:1; Matthew:21:33-41; Mark:12:1-9; Luke:20:9-16; John:15:1-6 *3 among Isaiah:44:23; Micah:3:12;z Ecclesiastes:11:2

3 *1 Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon? Jeremiah:24:8; Matthew:5:13; Mark:9:50; Luke:14:34-35

4 *1 it is cast Psalms:80:16; Isaiah:27:11; John:15:6; Hebrews:6:8 *2 the fire Isaiah:1:31; Amos:4:11; Malachi:4:1; Matthew:3:12; Hebrews:12:29

5 *1 meet Jeremiah:3:16

6 *1 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Ezekiel:15:2; Ezekiel:17:3-10; Ezekiel:20:47-48; Isaiah:5:1-6 Isaiah:5:24-25 Jeremiah:4:7; Jeremiah:7:20; Jeremiah:21:7; Jeremiah:24:8-10; Jeremiah:25:9-11 Jeremiah:25:18 Jeremiah:44:21-27;z Ecclesiastes:1:6

7 *1 I will set Ezekiel:14:8; Leviticus:17:10; Leviticus:20:3-6; Leviticus:26:17; Psalms:34:16; Jeremiah:21:10 *2 they shall 1Kings:19:17; Isaiah:24:18; Jeremiah:48:43-44; Amos:5:19; Amos:9:1-4 *3 and ye shall Ezekiel:6:7; Ezekiel:7:4; Ezekiel:11:10; Ezekiel:20:38 Ezekiel:20:42-44 Psalms:9:16

8 *1 I will Ezekiel:6:14; Ezekiel:14:13-21; Ezekiel:33:29; Isaiah:6:11; Isaiah:24:3-12; Jeremiah:25:10-11; Zephaniah:1:18 *2 committed a trespass 2Chronicles:36:14-16

tsk Ezekiel 15 *

Translation Information:
tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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