Ezekiel: tsk

1 *4 abominations Ezekiel:8:9-17

2 *3 cause Ezekiel:20:4; Ezekiel:22:2; Ezekiel:23:36; Ezekiel:33:7-9; Isaiah:58:1; Hosea:8:1

3 *1 Thy birth Ezekiel:16:45; Ezekiel:21:30; Genesis:11:25 Genesis:11:29 Joshua:24:14; Nehemiah:9:7; Isaiah:1:10; Isaiah:51:1-2; Matthew:3:7; Matthew:11:24; Luke:3:7; John:8:44; Ephesians:2:3; 1John:3:10 *2 Amorite Genesis:15:16; Deuteronomy:20:17; 1Kings:21:26; 2Kings:21:11 *3 Hittite Ezra:9:1

4 *1 for Ezekiel:20:8 Ezekiel:20:13 Genesis:15:13; Exodus:1:11-14; Exodus:2:23-24; Exodus:5:16-21; Deuteronomy:5:6; Deuteronomy:15:15; Joshua:24:2; Nehemiah:9:7-9; Hosea:2:3; Acts:7:6-7 *2 nor Lamentations:2:20; Lamentations:2:22; 1:2:7 Luke:2:12

5 *1 eye Ezekiel:2:6; Isaiah:49:15; Lamentations:2:11 Lamentations:2:19 1:4:3 Lamentations:4:10 *2 but thou Genesis:21:10; Exodus:1:22; Numbers:19:16; Jeremiah:9:21-22; Jeremiah:22:19

6 *1 and saw Exodus:2:24-25; Exodus:3:7-8; Acts:7:34 *2 polluted Isaiah:14:19; Isaiah:51:23; Micah:7:10; Matthew:5:13; Hebrews:10:29; Revelation:14:20 *3 Live Ezekiel:20:5-10; Exodus:19:4-6; Deuteronomy:9:4; Psalms:105:10-15 Psalms:105:26-37 John:5:25; Romans:9:15; Ephesians:2:4-5; Titus:3:3-7

7 *1 caused, etc Genesis:22:17; Exodus:1:7; Exodus:12:37; Acts:7:17 *2 excellent ornaments Ezekiel:16:10-13 Ezekiel:16:16 Exodus:3:22; Deuteronomy:1:10; Deuteronomy:4:8; Deuteronomy:32:10-14; Deuteronomy:33:26-29; Nehemiah:9:18-25; Psalms:135:4; Psalms:147:20; Psalms:148:14; Psalms:149:2-4; Isaiah:61:10; Isaiah:62:3 *3 whereas Ezekiel:16:22; Job:1:21; Songs:4:5; Hosea:2:3 Hosea:2:9-10 Revelation:3:17-18

8 *1 thy time Ezekiel:16:6; Deuteronomy:7:6-8; Ruth:3:9; 1Samuel:12:22; Isaiah:41:8-9; Isaiah:43:4; Isaiah:63:7-9; Jeremiah:2:2-3; Jeremiah:31:3; Hosea:11:1; Malachi:1:2; Romans:5:8; Romans:9:10-13 *2 and I Ruth:3:9 *3 I sware Ezekiel:20:5-6; Exodus:19:4-8; Exodus:24:1-8; Exodus:32:13; Deuteronomy:4:31; Jeremiah:2:2-3; Jeremiah:31:32; Hosea:2:18-20

9 *1 washed Ezekiel:16:4; Ezekiel:36:25; Psalms:51:7; Isaiah:4:4; John:13:8-10; 1Corinthians:6:11; 1Corinthians:10:2; Hebrews:9:10-14; 1John:5:8; Revelation:1:5-6 *2 anointed Psalms:23:5; 2Corinthians:1:21; 1:2:20 1John:2:27

10 *1 clothed Ezekiel:16:7; Psalms:45:13-14; Isaiah:61:3 Isaiah:61:10 Luke:15:22; Revelation:21:2 *2 broidered Ezekiel:16:13 Ezekiel:16:18 Exodus:28:5; 1Peter:3:3-4 *3 badgers' skin Exodus:25:5; Exodus:26:14 *4 I girded Exodus:39:27-28; Revelation:7:9-14; Revelation:19:8 *5 covered Genesis:41:42; Proverbs:31:22; Revelation:18:12

11 *1 I put 1:24:22-47 Genesis:24:53 *2 a chain Genesis:41:42; Proverbs:1:9; Proverbs:4:9; Songs:1:10; Songs:4:9; Isaiah:3:19; 1:5:7 Daniel:5:16,29 *3 forehead Genesis:24:22; Isaiah:3:21 *4 ear-rings Genesis:35:4; Exodus:32:2; Exodus:35:22; Numbers:31:50; Judges:8:24; Job:42:11; Proverbs:25:12; Hosea:2:13 *5 and a Leviticus:8:9; Esther:2:17; Isaiah:28:5; Lamentations:5:16; Revelation:2:10; 1:4:4 Revelation:4:10

13 *1 thou didst Ezekiel:16:19; Deuteronomy:8:8; Deuteronomy:32:13-14; Psalms:45:13-14; Psalms:81:16; Psalms:147:14; Hosea:2:5 *2 and thou wast Ezekiel:16:14-15; Psalms:48:2; Psalms:50:2; Isaiah:64:11; Jeremiah:13:20 *3 and thou didst Genesis:17:6; 1Samuel:12:12; 2Samuel:8:15; 1Kings:4:21; Ezra:4:20; Ezra:5:11; Psalms:50:2; Lamentations:2:15

14 *1 thy renown Deuteronomy:4:6-8 Deuteronomy:4:32-38 Joshua:2:9-11; Joshua:9:6-9; 1Kings:10:1-13 1Kings:10:24 2Chronicles:2:11-12; 2Chronicles:9:23; Lamentations:2:15 *2 through 1Corinthians:4:7

15 *1 thou didst Ezekiel:33:13; Deuteronomy:32:15; Isaiah:48:1; Jeremiah:7:4; Micah:3:11; Zephaniah:3:11; Matthew:3:9 *2 and playedst Ezekiel:20:8; 1:23:3 Ezekiel:23:8,11-12-21; Exodus:32:6-35; Numbers:25:1-2; Judges:2:12; Judges:3:6; Judges:10:6; 1Kings:11:5; 1Kings:12:28; 2Kings:17:7; 2Kings:21:3; Psalms:106:35; Isaiah:1:21; Isaiah:57:8; Jeremiah:2:20; Jeremiah:3:1; Jeremiah:7:4; Hosea:1:2; Hosea:4:10; Revelation:17:5 *3 and pouredst 1:16:25 Ezekiel:16:36-37

16 *1 And of thy garments thou didst take, and deckedst thy high places with divers colours, and playedst the harlot thereupon: the like things shall not come, neither shall it be so. Ezekiel:7:20; 2Kings:23:7; 2Chronicles:28:24; Hosea:2:8

17 *1 hast also Ezekiel:7:19; Ezekiel:23:14-21; Exodus:32:1-4; Hosea:2:13; Hosea:10:1 *2 and didst Isaiah:44:19-20; Isaiah:57:7-8; Jeremiah:2:27-28; Jeremiah:3:9

19 *1 meat Ezekiel:16:13; Deuteronomy:32:14-17; Hosea:2:8-13 *2 a sweet savour Genesis:8:21

20 *1 thy sons Ezekiel:16:21; Ezekiel:23:4; Genesis:17:7; Exodus:13:2 Exodus:13:12 Deuteronomy:29:11-12 *2 and these Ezekiel:20:26 Ezekiel:20:31 Ezekiel:23:37-39; 2Kings:16:3; 2Chronicles:33:6; Psalms:106:37-38; Isaiah:57:5; Jeremiah:7:31; Jeremiah:32:35; Micah:6:7 *3 Is this Ezekiel:8:17; Jeremiah:2:34-35

21 *1 my children Psalms:106:37 *2 to pass Leviticus:18:21; Leviticus:20:1-5; Deuteronomy:18:10; 2Kings:17:17; 2Kings:21:6; 2Kings:23:10

22 *1 And in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood. 1:16:3-7 Ezekiel:16:43,60-63; Jeremiah:2:2; Hosea:2:3; Hosea:11:1

23 *1 woe Ezekiel:2:10; Ezekiel:13:3 Ezekiel:13:18 Ezekiel:24:6; Jeremiah:13:27; Zephaniah:3:1; Matthew:11:21; Matthew:23:13-29; Revelation:8:13; Revelation:12:12

24 *1 thou hast Ezekiel:16:31-39; Ezekiel:20:28-29; 2Kings:21:3-7; 2Kings:23:5-7 2Kings:23:11-12 2Chronicles:33:3-7 *2 and hast Leviticus:26:30; Psalms:78:58; Isaiah:57:5-7; Jeremiah:2:20; Jeremiah:3:2; Jeremiah:17:3

25 *1 at every Ezekiel:16:31; Genesis:38:14 Genesis:38:21 Proverbs:9:14-15; Isaiah:3:9; Jeremiah:2:23-24; Jeremiah:3:2; Jeremiah:6:15 *2 and hast made Ezekiel:23:9-10 Ezekiel:23:32 1:17:1-5 Revelation:17:12-13,16

26 *1 with the Ezekiel:8:10 Ezekiel:8:14 Ezekiel:20:7-8; 1:23:3 Ezekiel:23:8,19-21; Exodus:32:4; Deuteronomy:29:16-17; Joshua:24:14; Isaiah:30:21

27 *1 I have Ezekiel:14:9; Isaiah:5:25; 1:9:12 Isaiah:9:17 *2 and have Deuteronomy:28:48-57; Isaiah:3:1; Hosea:2:9-12 *3 delivered Ezekiel:16:37; 1:23:22 Ezekiel:23:25,28-29,46-47; Psalms:106:41; Jeremiah:34:21; Revelation:17:16 *4 daughters 2Kings:24:2; 2Chronicles:28:18-19; Isaiah:9:12 *5 which Ezekiel:16:47 Ezekiel:16:57 Ezekiel:5:6-7

28 *1 Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied. Ezekiel:23:5-9 Ezekiel:23:12-21 Judges:10:6; 2Kings:16:7 2Kings:16:10-18 2Kings:21:11; 2Chronicles:28:23; Jeremiah:2:18 Jeremiah:2:36 Hosea:10:6

29 *1 in the land Ezekiel:13:14-23; Judges:2:12-19; 2Kings:21:9 *2 unto Ezekiel:23:14-21

30 *1 weak Proverbs:9:13; Isaiah:1:3; Jeremiah:2:12-13; Jeremiah:4:22 *2 the work Judges:16:15-16; Proverbs:7:11-13 Proverbs:7:21 Isaiah:3:9; Jeremiah:3:3; Revelation:17:1-6

31 *1 In that thou buildest thine 1:16:24 Ezekiel:16:39 *2 makest Ezekiel:16:25; Hosea:12:11 *3 in that thou scornest Ezekiel:16:33-34; Isaiah:52:3

32 *1 But as a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh strangers instead of her husband! Ezekiel:16:8; Ezekiel:23:37 Ezekiel:23:45 Jeremiah:2:25 Jeremiah:2:28 1:3:1 Jeremiah:3:8-9,20; Hosea:2:2; Hosea:3:1; 2Corinthians:11:2-3

33 *1 give Genesis:38:16-18; Deuteronomy:23:17-18; Hosea:2:12; Joel:3:3; Micah:1:7; Luke:15:30 *2 but thou Isaiah:30:3 Isaiah:30:6-7 Isaiah:57:9; Hosea:8:9-10

35 *1 O harlot Isaiah:1:21; Isaiah:23:15-16; Jeremiah:3:1 Jeremiah:3:6-8 Hosea:2:5; Nahum:3:4; John:4:10 John:4:18 Revelation:17:5 *2 hear Ezekiel:13:2; Ezekiel:20:47; Ezekiel:34:7; 1Kings:22:19; Isaiah:1:10; Isaiah:28:14; Hosea:4:1; Amos:7:16

36 *1 Because Ezekiel:16:15-22; Ezekiel:22:15; Ezekiel:23:8; Ezekiel:24:13; Ezekiel:36:25; Lamentations:1:9; Zephaniah:3:1 *2 and thy 1:23:10 Ezekiel:23:18,29; Genesis:3:7 Genesis:3:10-11 Psalms:139:11-12; Jeremiah:13:22-26; Revelation:3:18 *3 and by Ezekiel:16:20-21; Jeremiah:2:34

37 *1 Behold, therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved, with all them that thou hast hated; I will even gather them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness. Ezekiel:23:9-10 Ezekiel:23:22-30 Jeremiah:4:30; Jeremiah:13:22 Jeremiah:13:26 Jeremiah:22:20; Lamentations:1:8 Lamentations:1:19 Hosea:2:3 Hosea:2:10 Hosea:8:10; Nahum:3:5-6; Revelation:17:16

38 *1 as women Ezekiel:16:40; Ezekiel:23:45-47; Genesis:38:11-24; Leviticus:20:10; Deuteronomy:22:22-24; Matthew:1:18-19; John:8:3-5 *2 shed Ezekiel:16:20-21-36; Genesis:9:6; Exodus:21:12; Numbers:35:31; Psalms:79:3-5; Jeremiah:18:21; Zephaniah:1:17; Nahum:1:2; Revelation:16:6

39 *1 they shall throw Ezekiel:16:24-25 Ezekiel:16:31 Ezekiel:7:22-24; Isaiah:27:9 *2 shall strip Ezekiel:16:10-20; Ezekiel:23:26 Ezekiel:23:29 Isaiah:3:16-24; 1:2:3 Hosea:2:9-13

40 *1 shall also Habakkuk:1:6-10; John:8:5-7 *2 and thrust Ezekiel:23:10 Ezekiel:23:47 Ezekiel:24:21; Jeremiah:25:9

41 *1 burn Deuteronomy:13:16; 2Kings:25:9; Jeremiah:39:8; Jeremiah:52:13; Micah:3:12 *2 and execute Ezekiel:5:8; Ezekiel:23:10 Ezekiel:23:48 Deuteronomy:13:11; Deuteronomy:22:21-24; Job:34:26 *3 and I Ezekiel:23:27; Ezekiel:37:23; Isaiah:1:25-26; Isaiah:2:18; Isaiah:27:9; Hosea:2:6-17; Micah:5:10-14;z Ecclesiastes:13:2; 1Timothy:5:20

42 *1 will I Ezekiel:5:13; Ezekiel:21:17; 2Samuel:21:14; Isaiah:1:24;z Ecclesiastes:6:8 *2 and will Ezekiel:39:29; Isaiah:40:1-2; Isaiah:54:9-10

43 *1 thou hast Ezekiel:16:22; Psalms:78:42; Psalms:106:13; Jeremiah:2:32 *2 but hast Ezekiel:6:9; Deuteronomy:32:21; Psalms:78:40; Psalms:95:10; Isaiah:63:10; Amos:2:13; Acts:7:51; Ephesians:4:30 *3 I also Ezekiel:7:3-4 Ezekiel:7:8-9 Ezekiel:9:10; Ezekiel:11:21; Ezekiel:22:31; Romans:2:8-9

44 *1 every Ezekiel:18:2-3; 1Samuel:24:13 *2 As is Ezekiel:16:3-45; 1Kings:21:16; 2Kings:17:11 2Kings:17:15 2Kings:21:9; Ezra:9:1; Psalms:106:35-38

45 *1 that loatheth 1:16:8 Ezekiel:16:15,20-21; Ezekiel:23:37-39; Deuteronomy:5:9; Deuteronomy:12:31; Isaiah:1:4;z Ecclesiastes:11:8; Romans:1:30-31

46 *1 elder Ezekiel:16:51; Ezekiel:23:4 Ezekiel:23:11-31-33 Jeremiah:3:8-11; Micah:1:5 *2 thy younger sister 1:16:48-49 Ezekiel:16:53-56,61; Genesis:13:11-13; Genesis:18:20-33; Genesis:19:24-25; Deuteronomy:29:23; Deuteronomy:32:32; Isaiah:1:9-10; Jeremiah:23:14; Lamentations:4:6; Luke:17:28-30; 2Peter:2:6;ju Deuteronomy:1:7; Revelation:11:8 *3 her daughters Ezekiel:16:27; Ezekiel:26:6; Genesis:14:8; Genesis:19:29; Hosea:11:8

47 *1 as if that were a very little thing Ezekiel:8:17; 1Kings:16:31 *2 thou wast Ezekiel:16:48 Ezekiel:16:51 Ezekiel:5:6-7; 2Kings:21:9 2Kings:21:16 John:15:21-22; 1Corinthians:5:1

48 *1 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters. Matthew:10:15; Matthew:11:24; Mark:6:11; Luke:10:12; Acts:7:52

49 *1 pride 1:28:2 Ezekiel:28:9,17; Ezekiel:29:3; Genesis:19:9; Psalms:138:6; Proverbs:16:5 Proverbs:16:18 Proverbs:18:12; Proverbs:21:4; Isaiah:3:9; Isaiah:16:6; Daniel:4:30 Daniel:4:37 Daniel:5:23; Obadiah:1:3; 1Peter:5:5 *2 fulness Genesis:13:10; Genesis:18:20; Deuteronomy:32:15; Isaiah:22:13-14; Amos:6:3-6; Luke:12:16-20; Luke:16:19; Luke:17:28; Luke:21:34 *3 neither Ezekiel:18:12; Proverbs:21:13; Isaiah:3:14-15; Amos:5:11-12; Amos:8:4-6; Micah:3:2-4; Luke:16:20-21

50 *1 and committed Genesis:13:13; Genesis:18:20; Genesis:19:5; Leviticus:18:22; Deuteronomy:23:17; 2Kings:23:7; Proverbs:16:18; Proverbs:18:12; Romans:1:26-27;ju Deuteronomy:1:7 *2 therefore Genesis:19:24; Deuteronomy:29:23; Job:18:15; Isaiah:13:19; Jeremiah:20:16; Jeremiah:49:18; Jeremiah:50:40; Lamentations:4:6; Amos:4:11; Zephaniah:2:9; 2Peter:2:6; Revelation:18:9

51 *1 Samaria Luke:12:47-48; Romans:3:9-20 *2 justified Jeremiah:3:8-11; Matthew:12:41-42

52 *1 which hast Ezekiel:16:56; Matthew:7:1-5; Luke:6:37; 1:2:1 Romans:2:10,26-27 *2 bear thine Ezekiel:16:54-63; 1:36:6-7 Ezekiel:36:15,31-32; Ezekiel:39:26; Ezekiel:44:13; Jeremiah:23:40; Jeremiah:31:19; Jeremiah:51:51; Hosea:10:6; Romans:1:32; Romans:6:21 *3 they are more Genesis:38:26; 1Samuel:24:17; 1Kings:2:32

53 *1 bring Ezekiel:16:60-61; Ezekiel:29:14; Ezekiel:39:25; Job:42:10; Psalms:14:7; Psalms:85:1; Psalms:126:1; Isaiah:1:9; Jeremiah:20:16; Jeremiah:31:23; Jeremiah:48:47; Jeremiah:49:6 Jeremiah:49:39 Joel:3:1 *2 in the midst Isaiah:19:24-25; Jeremiah:12:16; Romans:11:23-31

54 *1 thou mayest Ezekiel:16:52 Ezekiel:16:63 Ezekiel:36:31-32; Jeremiah:2:26 *2 in that Ezekiel:14:22-23

55 *1 then Ezekiel:16:53; Ezekiel:36:11; Malachi:3:4

56 *1 was not Isaiah:65:5; Zephaniah:3:11; Luke:15:28-30; Luke:18:11

57 *1 thy wickedness Ezekiel:16:36-37; Ezekiel:21:24; Ezekiel:23:18-19; Psalms:50:21; Lamentations:4:22; Hosea:2:10; Hosea:7:1; 1Corinthians:4:5 *2 reproach 2Kings:16:5-7; 2Chronicles:28:5-6 2Chronicles:28:18-23 Isaiah:7:1; Isaiah:14:28 *3 Syria Genesis:10:22-23; Numbers:23:7 *4 despise Jeremiah:33:24

58 *1 hast Ezekiel:23:49; Genesis:4:13; Lamentations:5:7

59 *1 I will Ezekiel:7:4 Ezekiel:7:8-9 Ezekiel:14:4; Isaiah:3:11; Jeremiah:2:19; Matthew:7:1-2; Romans:2:8-9 *2 which Ezekiel:17:13-16; Exodus:24:1-8; Deuteronomy:29:10-15 Deuteronomy:29:25 2Chronicles:34:31-32; Isaiah:24:5; Jeremiah:22:9; Jeremiah:31:32

60 *1 I will remember Ezekiel:16:8; Leviticus:26:42-45; Nehemiah:1:5-11; Psalms:105:8; Psalms:106:45; Jeremiah:2:2; Jeremiah:33:20-26; Hosea:2:15; Luke:1:72 *2 I will establish Ezekiel:37:26-27; Isaiah:55:3; 2Samuel:23:5; Jeremiah:31:31-34; Jeremiah:32:38-41; Jeremiah:50:5; Hosea:2:19-20; Hebrews:8:10; Hebrews:12:24; Hebrews:13:20

61 *1 remember Ezekiel:16:63; Ezekiel:20:43; Ezekiel:36:31-32; Job:42:5-6; Psalms:119:59; Jeremiah:31:18-20; Jeremiah:50:4-5 *2 when Ezekiel:16:53-55; Songs:8:8-9; Isaiah:2:2-5; Isaiah:11:9-10; Hosea:1:9-11; Romans:11:11; Romans:15:8-9 Romans:15:16 Galatians:4:26-27; Ephesians:2:12-14; Ephesians:3:6 *3 I will Isaiah:49:18-23; Isaiah:54:1-2; Isaiah:60:4; Isaiah:66:7-12; Galatians:4:26-31 *4 but not Jeremiah:31:31-40; John:15:16; Hebrews:8:13

62 *1 I will Ezekiel:16:60; Daniel:9:27; Hosea:2:18-23 *2 and thou Ezekiel:6:7; Ezekiel:39:22; Jeremiah:24:7; Joel:3:17

63 *1 remember Ezekiel:16:61; Ezekiel:36:31-32; Ezra:9:6; Daniel:9:7-8 *2 and never Job:40:4-5; Psalms:39:9; Lamentations:3:39; Romans:2:1; Romans:3:19 Romans:3:27 Romans:9:19-20 *3 when Romans:5:1-2; 1Corinthians:4:7; Ephesians:2:3-5; Titus:3:3-7

tsk Ezekiel 16 *

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