Ezekiel: tsk

1 *5 the mountains Ezekiel:6:2-3; Ezekiel:33:28; Ezekiel:34:14; Ezekiel:37:22 *6 hear Ezekiel:36:4 Ezekiel:36:8 Ezekiel:20:47; Ezekiel:37:4; Jeremiah:22:29

2 *1 Because Ezekiel:36:5; Ezekiel:25:3; Ezekiel:26:2 *2 even Deuteronomy:32:13; Psalms:78:69; Isaiah:58:14; Habakkuk:3:19 *3 our's Ezekiel:35:10; Jeremiah:49:1

3 *1 Because Ezekiel:13:10; Leviticus:26:43 *2 they have made Jeremiah:39:1-18; Jeremiah:41:1-18; Jeremiah:52:1-34; Lamentations:1:1-5 *3 swallowed Psalms:35:25; Psalms:61:1; Proverbs:1:12; Jeremiah:51:34; 1:2:2 Lamentations:2:5,16 *4 and ye Deuteronomy:28:37; 1Kings:9:7-8; Psalms:44:13-14; Psalms:79:10; Jeremiah:18:16; Jeremiah:24:9; Jeremiah:33:24; Lamentations:2:15; Daniel:9:16 *5 and are Job:30:1-10; Psalms:35:15-16; Psalms:69:12; Matthew:27:39-44; 1Corinthians:4:13

4 *1 mountains Ezekiel:36:1 Ezekiel:36:6 Deuteronomy:11:11 *2 desolate Ezekiel:36:33-35; Ezekiel:6:14; 2Chronicles:36:17-21; Isaiah:6:11; Isaiah:24:1-12 *3 a prey Ezekiel:34:28; Psalms:79:4; Isaiah:64:10-11; Jeremiah:25:9-13; Jeremiah:29:10

5 *1 Surely Ezekiel:38:19; Deuteronomy:4:24; Isaiah:66:15-16; Zephaniah:3:8;z Ecclesiastes:1:15 *2 against the Ezekiel:36:3; Jeremiah:25:9 Jeremiah:25:15-29 Zephaniah:2:8-10 *3 against all Ezekiel:25:8-14; Ezekiel:35:1-15; Psalms:137:7; Isaiah:34:1-17; Isaiah:63:1-6; Jeremiah:49:7-22; Lamentations:4:21; Amos:1:11-12; Obadiah:1:1-9; Malachi:1:2-4 *4 appointed Ezekiel:35:10-12; Psalms:83:4-12; Jeremiah:49:1 *5 with the Ezekiel:35:15; Proverbs:17:5; Proverbs:24:17-18; Obadiah:1:12; Micah:7:8 *6 with despiteful Ezekiel:25:12 Ezekiel:25:15 Amos:1:11

6 *1 Prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel, and say unto the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I have spoken in my jealousy and in my fury, because ye have borne the shame of the heathen: Ezekiel:36:4-5 Ezekiel:36:15 Ezekiel:34:29; 1:74:10 Psalms:74:18,23; Psalms:123:3-4

7 *1 I have lifted Ezekiel:20:5 Ezekiel:20:15 Deuteronomy:32:40; Revelation:10:5-6 *2 the heathen Ezekiel:25:1-35; Jeremiah:25:9 Jeremiah:25:15-29 Jeremiah:47:1-51; Amos:1:1-15; Zephaniah:2:1-15

8 *1 ye shall Ezekiel:34:26-29; Psalms:67:6; Psalms:85:12; Isaiah:4:2; Isaiah:27:6; Isaiah:30:23; Hosea:2:21-23; Amos:9:13-15 *2 at hand Ezekiel:12:25; Philippians:4:5; Hebrews:10:37; James:5:8-9

9 *1 For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn unto you, and ye shall be tilled and sown: Psalms:46:11; Psalms:99:8; Hosea:2:21-23; Joel:3:18; Haggai:2:19;z Ecclesiastes:8:12; Malachi:3:10-11; Romans:8:31

10 *1 I will Ezekiel:36:37; Isaiah:27:6; Isaiah:41:17-23; Jeremiah:30:19; Jeremiah:31:27-28; Jeremiah:33:12;z Ecclesiastes:8:3-6 *2 the wastes Ezekiel:36:33; Isaiah:51:3; Isaiah:52:9; Isaiah:58:12; Isaiah:61:4; Jeremiah:31:10-14; Amos:9:14

11 *1 I will multiply Jeremiah:31:27; Jeremiah:33:12 *2 and I will settle Jeremiah:30:18; Jeremiah:31:38-40; Obadiah:1:19-21; Micah:7:14 *3 will do Ezekiel:36:35; Isaiah:30:26; Isaiah:54:7-10; Jeremiah:23:5-8; Joel:3:18-21; Amos:9:15; Haggai:2:6-9;z Ecclesiastes:8:11-15; Hebrews:8:8-13; Hebrews:11:40 *4 and ye Ezekiel:35:9; Ezekiel:37:6 Ezekiel:37:13 Isaiah:52:4-6; Hosea:2:20; 1John:5:20

12 *1 they shall Jeremiah:32:15 Jeremiah:32:44 Obadiah:1:17-21 *2 no more Ezekiel:36:13; Numbers:13:32; Jeremiah:15:7

14 *1 no more Ezekiel:37:25-28; Isaiah:60:21; Amos:9:15

15 *1 men Ezekiel:36:6; Ezekiel:34:29; Isaiah:54:4; Isaiah:60:14; Micah:7:8-10; Zephaniah:3:19-20 *2 thou bear Psalms:89:50; Zephaniah:2:8

17 *1 they defiled Leviticus:18:24-28; Numbers:35:33-34; Psalms:106:37-38; Isaiah:24:5; Jeremiah:2:7; Jeremiah:3:1-2 Jeremiah:3:9 Jeremiah:16:18; Micah:2:10 *2 as the Leviticus:15:19-33; Isaiah:64:6

18 *1 I poured Ezekiel:7:8; Ezekiel:14:19; Ezekiel:21:31; 2Chronicles:34:21-26; Isaiah:42:25; Jeremiah:7:20; Jeremiah:44:6; Lamentations:2:4; Lamentations:4:11; Nahum:1:6; Revelation:14:10; Revelation:16:1-21 *2 for the Ezekiel:16:36-38; Ezekiel:23:37

19 *1 I scattered Ezekiel:5:12; Ezekiel:22:15; Leviticus:26:38; Deuteronomy:28:64; Amos:9:9 *2 according to their way Ezekiel:7:3 Ezekiel:7:8 Ezekiel:18:30; Ezekiel:22:31; Ezekiel:39:24; Romans:2:6; Revelation:20:12-15

20 *1 they profaned Isaiah:52:5; Romans:2:24 *2 These Exodus:32:11-13; Numbers:14:15-16; Joshua:7:9; 2Kings:18:30 2Kings:18:35 2Kings:19:10-12; Jeremiah:33:24; Daniel:3:15

21 *1 But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went. 1:20:9 Ezekiel:20:14,22; Deuteronomy:32:26-27; Psalms:74:18; Isaiah:37:35; Isaiah:48:9

22 *1 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. Ezekiel:36:32; Deuteronomy:7:7-8; Deuteronomy:9:5-7; Psalms:106:8; Psalms:115:1-2

23 *1 sanctify Ezekiel:20:41; Ezekiel:38:22-23; Numbers:20:12-13; Psalms:46:10; Isaiah:5:16; 1Peter:3:15 *2 and the heathen Ezekiel:39:28; Exodus:15:4-16; Psalms:102:13-16; Psalms:126:1-3; Daniel:2:47; Daniel:3:28-29; Daniel:4:2-3; Daniel:4:34-37; Daniel:6:26-27 *3 when I shall Ezekiel:28:22; 1Peter:2:9

24 *1 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Ezekiel:11:17; Ezekiel:34:13; Ezekiel:37:21-25; Ezekiel:39:27-28; Deuteronomy:30:3-5; Psalms:107:2-3; Isaiah:11:11-16; Isaiah:27:12-13; Isaiah:43:5-6; Jeremiah:23:3-8; Jeremiah:30:3 Jeremiah:30:18 Jeremiah:31:8; Jeremiah:32:37; Jeremiah:50:17-20; Hosea:1:11; Amos:9:14-15; Romans:11:25-26

25 *1 will I Leviticus:14:5-7; Numbers:8:7; Numbers:19:13-20; Psalms:51:7; Isaiah:52:15; John:3:5; Titus:3:5-6; Hebrews:9:13-14 Hebrews:9:19 Hebrews:10:22; 1John:5:6 *2 filthiness Ezekiel:36:17 Ezekiel:36:29 Ezekiel:37:23; Psalms:51:2; Proverbs:30:12; Isaiah:4:4; Jeremiah:33:8;z Ecclesiastes:13:1; Acts:22:16; 1Corinthians:6:11; 2Corinthians:7:1; Ephesians:5:26-27; Titus:2:14; 1John:1:7; Revelation:1:5; Revelation:7:14 *3 from all your idols Isaiah:2:18-20; Isaiah:17:7-8; Jeremiah:3:22-23; Hosea:14:3 Hosea:14:8 z Ecclesiastes:13:2

26 *1 new heart Deuteronomy:30:6; Psalms:51:10; Jeremiah:32:39; John:3:3-5; 2Corinthians:3:18; 2Corinthians:5:17; Galatians:6:15; Ephesians:2:10; Revelation:21:5 *2 the stony Ezekiel:11:19-20;z Ecclesiastes:7:12; Matthew:13:5 Matthew:13:20-21 Mark:4:16-17; 2Corinthians:3:3

27 *1 I will Ezekiel:37:14; Ezekiel:39:29; Proverbs:1:23; Isaiah:44:3-4; Isaiah:59:21; Joel:2:28-29;z Ecclesiastes:12:10; Luke:11:13; Romans:8:9 Romans:8:14-16 1Corinthians:3:16; Galatians:5:5 Galatians:5:22-23 Ephesians:1:13-14; 2Thessalonians:2:13; Titus:3:3-6; 1Peter:1:2 1Peter:1:22 1John:3:24 *2 cause Ezekiel:37:24; Jeremiah:31:33; Galatians:5:16; Colossians:2:6; Philippians:2:12-13; Titus:2:11-14; Hebrews:13:21; 1John:1:6-7; 2John:1:6

28 *1 dwell Ezekiel:36:10; Ezekiel:28:25; Ezekiel:37:25; Ezekiel:39:28 *2 be people Ezekiel:11:20; Ezekiel:37:23 Ezekiel:37:27 Songs:6:3; Jeremiah:30:22-23; Jeremiah:31:33; Jeremiah:32:38; Hosea:1:10;z Ecclesiastes:13:9; Matthew:22:32; 2Corinthians:6:16-18; 2Corinthians:7:1; Hebrews:8:10; Hebrews:11:16; 1:21:3 Revelation:21:7

29 *1 save Ezekiel:36:25; Jeremiah:33:8; Hosea:14:2-4 Hosea:14:8 Joel:3:21; Micah:7:19;z Ecclesiastes:13:1; Matthew:1:21; John:1:7-9; Romans:6:14; Romans:11:26; Titus:2:14 *2 call Ezekiel:36:8-9; Ezekiel:34:27-29; Psalms:105:6; Hosea:2:21-23; Matthew:6:33

30 *1 reproach Deuteronomy:29:23-28; 1:2:17 Joel:2:26

31 *1 shall ye Ezekiel:6:9; Ezekiel:16:61-63; Ezekiel:20:43; Leviticus:26:39; Ezra:9:6-15; Nehemiah:9:26-35; Jeremiah:31:18-20; Daniel:9:4-20 *2 shall lothe Job:42:6; Isaiah:6:5; Isaiah:64:6;z Ecclesiastes:12:10-11; Luke:18:13; Romans:6:21; 2Corinthians:7:10-11

32 *1 for your Ezekiel:36:22; Deuteronomy:9:5; Daniel:9:18-19; 2Timothy:1:9; Titus:3:3-6 *2 be ashamed Ezekiel:16:63; Ezra:9:6; Romans:6:21; 1Peter:4:2-3

33 *1 cause z Ecclesiastes:8:7-8 *2 wastes Ezekiel:36:10; Isaiah:58:12; Jeremiah:32:43; Jeremiah:33:10; Jeremiah:50:19-20; Amos:9:14-15

34 *1 And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. Ezekiel:6:14; Deuteronomy:29:23-28; 2Chronicles:36:21; Jeremiah:25:9-11

35 *1 they shall Psalms:58:11; Psalms:64:9; Psalms:126:2; Jeremiah:33:9 *2 like the Ezekiel:37:13; Genesis:2:8-9; Genesis:13:10; Isaiah:51:3; Joel:2:3

36 *1 know Ezekiel:17:24; Ezekiel:34:30; Ezekiel:37:28; Ezekiel:39:27-29; Micah:7:15-17 *2 I the Lord have Ezekiel:22:14; Ezekiel:24:14; Ezekiel:37:14; Numbers:23:19; Hosea:14:4-9; Matthew:24:35

37 *1 I will yet Ezekiel:14:3; Ezekiel:20:3 Ezekiel:20:31 Psalms:10:17; Psalms:102:17; Isaiah:55:6-7; Jeremiah:29:11-13; Jeremiah:50:4-5;z Ecclesiastes:10:6 Ecclesiastes:10:9 z Ecclesiastes:13:9; Matthew:7:7-8; Philippians:4:6; Hebrews:4:16; Hebrews:10:21-22; James:4:2-3; 1John:5:14

38 *1 as the flock Exodus:23:17; Exodus:34:23; Deuteronomy:16:16; 2Chronicles:7:8; 2Chronicles:30:21-27; 2Chronicles:35:7-19;z Ecclesiastes:8:19-23; Acts:2:5-11 *2 the waste Ezekiel:36:33-35; Ezekiel:34:31; Jeremiah:30:19; Jeremiah:31:27-28; John:10:16; Revelation:7:4-9

tsk Ezekiel 36 *

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