Ezekiel: tsk

1 *3 son Ezekiel:38:2-3 *4 Behold Ezekiel:35:3; Nahum:2:13; Nahum:3:5 *5 the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal Ezekiel:38:2

2 *1 I will Psalms:40:14; Psalms:68:2; Isaiah:37:29 *2 and will cause Ezekiel:38:15; Daniel:11:40

3 *1 And Ezekiel:20:21-24; Psalms:46:9; Psalms:76:3; Jeremiah:21:4-5; Hosea:1:5

4 *1 fall Ezekiel:39:17-20; Ezekiel:38:21 *2 I will Ezekiel:32:4-5; Ezekiel:33:27; Isaiah:34:2-8; Jeremiah:15:3; Revelation:19:17-21

5 *1 open field Ezekiel:29:5; Ezekiel:32:4; Jeremiah:8:2; Jeremiah:22:19

6 *1 I will Ezekiel:30:8 Ezekiel:30:16 Ezekiel:38:19-22; 1:1:4 Amos:1:7,10; Nahum:1:6 *2 carelessly Ezekiel:38:11; Judges:18:7 *3 in the isles Ezekiel:38:6 Ezekiel:38:13 Psalms:72:10; Isaiah:66:19; Jeremiah:25:22; Zephaniah:2:11

7 *1 will I Ezekiel:39:22; 1:38:16 Ezekiel:38:23 *2 and I will 1:20:9 Ezekiel:20:14,39; Ezekiel:36:20-21-36; Exodus:20:7; Leviticus:18:21 *3 the heathen 1:38:16 Ezekiel:38:23 *4 the Holy Isaiah:12:6; Isaiah:43:3 Isaiah:43:14 Isaiah:55:5; 1:60:9 Isaiah:60:14

8 *1 it is come Ezekiel:7:2-10; Isaiah:33:10-12; Revelation:16:17; Revelation:21:6 *2 this Ezekiel:38:17; 2Peter:3:8

9 *1 shall go Psalms:111:2-3; Isaiah:66:24; Malachi:1:5 *2 and shall Ezekiel:39:10; Joshua:11:6; Psalms:46:9;z Ecclesiastes:9:10

10 *1 shall spoil Exodus:3:22; Exodus:12:36; Isaiah:14:2; Isaiah:33:1; Micah:5:8; Habakkuk:3:8; Zephaniah:2:9-10; Matthew:7:2; Revelation:13:10; Revelation:18:6

11 *1 on the east Ezekiel:47:18; Numbers:34:11; Luke:5:1; John:6:1 *2 Hamon-gog Numbers:11:34

12 *1 cleanse Ezekiel:39:14-16; Numbers:19:16; Deuteronomy:21:23

13 *1 a renown Deuteronomy:26:19; Psalms:149:6-9; Jeremiah:33:9; Zephaniah:3:19-20; 1Peter:1:7 *2 the day Ezekiel:39:21-22; Ezekiel:28:22; Psalms:126:2-3

14 *1 they shall Numbers:19:11-19

15 *1 set Luke:11:44

17 *1 Speak Genesis:31:54; 1Samuel:9:13; 1Samuel:16:3; Isaiah:56:9; Jeremiah:12:9; Zephaniah:1:7; Revelation:19:17-18 *2 to my Ezekiel:39:4; 1Samuel:17:46; Isaiah:18:6; Isaiah:34:6; Jeremiah:46:10; Zephaniah:1:7

18 *1 eat Ezekiel:29:5; Ezekiel:34:8; 1:19:17-18 Revelation:19:21 *2 goats Ezekiel:34:17 *3 of bullocks Psalms:68:30; Isaiah:34:7; Jeremiah:50:11-27; Jeremiah:51:40 *4 fatlings Deuteronomy:32:14; Psalms:22:12; Amos:4:1

20 *1 Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord GOD. Ezekiel:38:4; Psalms:76:5-6; Haggai:2:22; Revelation:19:18

21 *1 I will set Ezekiel:36:23; Ezekiel:38:16 Ezekiel:38:23 Exodus:9:16; Exodus:14:4; Isaiah:26:11; Isaiah:37:20; Malachi:1:11 *2 and my Exodus:7:4; Exodus:8:19; 1Samuel:5:7 1Samuel:5:11 1Samuel:6:9; Psalms:32:4

22 *1 know Ezekiel:39:7 Ezekiel:39:28 Ezekiel:28:26; Ezekiel:34:30; Psalms:9:16; Jeremiah:24:7; Jeremiah:31:34; John:17:3; 1John:5:20

23 *1 the heathen Ezekiel:36:18-23 Ezekiel:36:36 2Chronicles:7:21-22; Jeremiah:22:8-9; Jeremiah:40:2-3; Lamentations:1:8; Lamentations:2:15-17 *2 hid I Ezekiel:39:29; Deuteronomy:31:17-18; Deuteronomy:32:20; Psalms:10:1; Psalms:30:7; Isaiah:1:15; Isaiah:8:17; Isaiah:59:2; Isaiah:64:7; Jeremiah:33:5 *3 gave them Leviticus:26:25; Deuteronomy:32:30; Judges:2:14; Judges:3:8; Psalms:106:41; Isaiah:42:24

24 *1 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions have I done unto them, and hid my face from them. Ezekiel:36:19; Leviticus:26:24; 2Kings:17:7-23; Isaiah:1:20; Isaiah:3:11; Isaiah:59:17-18; Jeremiah:2:17-19; Jeremiah:4:18; Jeremiah:5:25; Daniel:9:5-10

25 *1 Now will Ezekiel:34:13; Ezekiel:36:21-24; Isaiah:27:12-13; Isaiah:56:8; Jeremiah:3:18; Jeremiah:23:3; 1:30:3 Jeremiah:30:10,18; Jeremiah:31:3; Jeremiah:32:37; Amos:9:14; Romans:11:26-31 *2 the whole Ezekiel:20:40; Ezekiel:37:21-22; Jeremiah:31:1; Hosea:1:11 *3 and will Ezekiel:36:4-6 Ezekiel:36:21-23 Joel:2:18;z Ecclesiastes:1:14;z Ecclesiastes:8:2

26 *1 they have borne 1:16:52 Ezekiel:16:57-58,63; Ezekiel:32:25 Ezekiel:32:30 Psalms:99:8; Jeremiah:3:24-25; Jeremiah:30:11; Daniel:9:16 *2 when they Leviticus:26:5-6; Deuteronomy:28:47-48; Deuteronomy:32:14-15; 1Kings:4:25; Micah:4:4

27 *1 I have Ezekiel:39:25; Ezekiel:28:25-26 *2 and am Ezekiel:39:13; Ezekiel:36:23-24; Ezekiel:38:16 Ezekiel:38:23 Leviticus:10:3; Isaiah:5:16

28 *1 shall they Ezekiel:39:22; Ezekiel:34:30; Hosea:2:20 *2 and have Deuteronomy:30:3-4; Nehemiah:1:8-10; Isaiah:27:12; Amos:9:9; Romans:9:6-8; Romans:11:1-7

29 *1 hide Ezekiel:39:23-25; Ezekiel:37:26-27; Isaiah:45:17; Isaiah:54:8-10 *2 for Ezekiel:36:25-27; Isaiah:32:15; Isaiah:44:3-5; Isaiah:59:20-21; Joel:2:28;z Ecclesiastes:12:10; Acts:2:17; Acts:2:18 Acts:2:33 1John:3:24

tsk Ezekiel 39 *

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