Genesis: tsk

1 *2 beginning Proverbs:8:22-24; Proverbs:16:4; Mark:13:19; John:1:1-3; Hebrews:1:10; 1John:1:1 *3 God Exodus:20:11; Exodus:31:18; 1Chronicles:16:26; Nehemiah:9:6; Job:26:13; Job:38:4; Psalms:8:3; Psalms:33:6 Psalms:33:9 Psalms:89:11-12; Psalms:96:5; Psalms:102:25; Psalms:104:24 Psalms:104:30 Psalms:115:15; Psalms:121:2; Psalms:124:8; Psalms:134:3; Psalms:136:5; Psalms:146:6; Psalms:148:4-5; Proverbs:3:19; Proverbs:8:22-30; Ecclesiastes:12:1; Isaiah:37:16; Isaiah:40:26; Isaiah:40:28; Isaiah:42:5; Isaiah:44:24; Isaiah:45:18; Isaiah:51:13 Isaiah:51:16 Isaiah:65:17; Jeremiah:10:12; Jeremiah:32:17; Jeremiah:51:15;z Ecclesiastes:12:1; Matthew:11:25; Acts:4:24; Acts:14:15; Acts:17:24; Romans:1:19-20; Romans:11:36; 1Corinthians:8:6; Ephesians:3:9; Colossians:1:16-17; Hebrews:1:2; Hebrews:3:4; Hebrews:11:3; 2Peter:3:5; Revelation:3:14; Revelation:4:11; Revelation:10:6; Revelation:14:7; Revelation:21:6; Revelation:22:13

2 *1 without Job:26:7; Isaiah:45:18; Jeremiah:4:23; Nahum:2:10 *2 Spirit Job:26:14; Psalms:33:6; Psalms:104:30; Isaiah:40:12-14

3 *1 God Psalms:33:6 Psalms:33:9 Psalms:148:5; Matthew:8:3; John:11:43 *2 Let Job:36:30; Job:38:19; Psalms:97:11; Psalms:104:2; Psalms:118:27; Isaiah:45:7; Isaiah:60:19; John:1:5 John:1:9 John:3:19; 2Corinthians:4:6; Ephesians:5:8 Ephesians:5:14 1Timothy:6:16; 1John:1:5; 1John:2:8

4 *1 that 1:1:10-12 Genesis:1:18,25,31; Ecclesiastes:2:13; Ecclesiastes:11:7

5 *1 Day, and Genesis:8:22; Psalms:19:2; Psalms:74:16; Psalms:104:20; Isaiah:45:7; Jeremiah:33:20; 1Corinthians:3:13; Ephesians:5:13; 1Thessalonians:5:5 *2 And the evening and the morning were 1:1:8 Genesis:1:13,19,23,31

6 *1 Let there Genesis:1:14 Genesis:1:20 Genesis:7:11-12; Job:26:7-8 Job:26:13 Job:37:11 Job:37:18 Job:38:22-26; Psalms:19:1; Psalms:33:6 Psalms:33:9 Psalms:104:2; Psalms:136:5-6; Psalms:148:4; Psalms:150:1; Ecclesiastes:11:3; Jeremiah:10:10-12-13; Jeremiah:51:15;z Ecclesiastes:12:1

7 *1 divided Proverbs:8:28-29 *2 above Job:26:8; Psalms:104:10; Psalms:148:4; Ecclesiastes:11:3 *3 and it 1:1:9-11 Genesis:1:15,24; Matthew:8:27

8 *1 God Genesis:1:5 Genesis:1:10 Genesis:5:2 *2 evening 1:1:5 Genesis:1:13,19,23,31

9 *1 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. Job:26:7 Job:26:10 Job:38:8-11; Psalms:24:1-2; Psalms:33:7; Psalms:95:5; Psalms:104:3-5-9; Psalms:136:5-6; Proverbs:8:28-29; Ecclesiastes:1:7; Jeremiah:5:22; Jonah:1:9; 2Peter:3:5; Revelation:10:6

10 *1 God saw Genesis:1:4; Deuteronomy:32:4; Psalms:104:31

11 *1 Let the Genesis:2:5; Job:28:5; Psalms:104:14-17; Psalms:147:8; Matthew:6:30; Hebrews:6:7 *2 fruit Genesis:1:29; Genesis:2:9 Genesis:2:16 Psalms:1:3; Jeremiah:17:8; Matthew:3:10; Matthew:7:16-20; Mark:4:28; Luke:6:43-44; James:3:12

12 *1 earth Isaiah:61:11; Mark:4:28 *2 herb Isaiah:55:10-11; Matthew:13:24-26; Luke:6:44; 2Corinthians:9:10; Galatians:6:7

14 *1 Let there Deuteronomy:4:19; Job:25:3-5; Job:38:12-14; Psalms:8:3-4; Psalms:19:1-6; Psalms:74:16-17; Psalms:104:19-20; Psalms:119:91; Psalms:136:7-9; Psalms:148:3 Psalms:148:6 Isaiah:40:26; Jeremiah:31:35; 1:33:20 Jeremiah:33:25 *2 lights Genesis:8:22; Genesis:9:13; Job:3:9; Job:38:31-32; Psalms:81:3; Ezekiel:32:7-8; Ezekiel:46:1 Ezekiel:46:6 Joel:2:10 Joel:2:30-31 Joel:3:15; Amos:5:8; Amos:8:9; Matthew:2:2; Matthew:16:2-3; Matthew:24:29; Mark:13:24; Luke:21:25-26; Luke:23:45; Acts:2:19-20; Revelation:6:12; Revelation:8:12; Revelation:9:2

16 *1 to rule Deuteronomy:4:19; Joshua:10:12-14; Job:31:26; Job:38:7; Psalms:8:3; Psalms:19:6; Psalms:74:16; Psalms:136:7-8-9; Psalms:148:3-5; Isaiah:13:10; Isaiah:24:23; Isaiah:45:7; Habakkuk:3:11; Matthew:24:29; Matthew:27:45; 1Corinthians:15:41; Revelation:16:8-9; Revelation:21:23

17 *1 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, Genesis:9:13; Job:38:12; Psalms:8:1-3; Acts:13:47

18 *1 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. Psalms:19:6; Jeremiah:31:35

20 *1 Let the waters Genesis:1:22; Genesis:2:19; Genesis:8:17; Psalms:104:24-25; Psalms:148:10; Acts:17:25 *2 moving 1Kings:4:33 *3 life Genesis:1:30; Ecclesiastes:2:21 *4 open firmament 1:1:7 Genesis:1:14

21 *1 great Genesis:6:20; Genesis:7:14; Genesis:8:19; Job:7:12; Job:26:5; Psalms:104:24-26; Ezekiel:32:2; Jonah:1:17; Jonah:2:10; Matthew:12:40 *2 brought Genesis:8:17; Genesis:9:7; Exodus:1:7; Exodus:8:3 *3 God saw 1:1:18 Genesis:1:25,31

22 *1 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. Genesis:1:28; Genesis:8:17; Genesis:9:1; Genesis:30:27 Genesis:30:30 Genesis:35:11; Leviticus:26:9; Job:40:15; Job:42:12; Psalms:107:31-38; Psalms:128:3; Psalms:144:13-14; Proverbs:10:22

24 *1 Let Genesis:6:20; Genesis:7:14; Genesis:8:19; Job:38:39-40; 1:39:1 Job:39:5,9,19; Job:40:15; Psalms:50:9-10; Psalms:104:18 Psalms:104:23 Psalms:148:10

25 *1 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis:2:19-20; Job:12:8-10; Job:26:13

26 *1 Let us Genesis:3:22; Genesis:11:7; Job:35:10; Psalms:100:3; Psalms:149:2; Isaiah:64:8; John:5:17; John:14:23; 1John:5:7 *2 in our Genesis:5:1; Genesis:9:6; Ecclesiastes:7:29; Acts:17:26-28-29; 1Corinthians:11:7; 2Corinthians:3:18; 2Corinthians:4:4; Ephesians:4:24; Colossians:1:15; Colossians:3:10; James:3:9 *3 have dominion Genesis:9:2-3-4; Job:5:23; Psalms:8:4-8; Psalms:104:20-24; Ecclesiastes:7:29; Jeremiah:27:6; Acts:17:20 Acts:17:28-29 1Corinthians:11:7; 2Corinthians:3:18; Ephesians:4:24; Colossians:3:10; Hebrews:2:6-9; James:3:7-9

27 *1 in the image Psalms:139:14; Isaiah:43:7; Ephesians:2:10; Ephesians:4:24; Colossians:1:15; Colossians:1:26 *2 male Genesis:2:21-25; Genesis:5:2; Malachi:2:15; Matthew:19:4; Mark:10:6; 1Corinthians:11:8-9

28 *1 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that Genesis:1:22; Genesis:8:17; Genesis:9:1 Genesis:9:7 Genesis:17:16 Genesis:17:20 Genesis:22:17-18; Genesis:24:60; Genesis:26:3-4 Genesis:26:24 Genesis:33:5; Genesis:49:25; Leviticus:26:9; 1Chronicles:4:10; 1Chronicles:26:5; Job:42:12; Psalms:107:38; Psalms:127:1-5; Psalms:128:3-4; Isaiah:45:18; 1Timothy:4:3 *2 moveth Psalms:69:34

29 *1 I have Psalms:24:1; Psalms:115:16; Hosea:2:8; Acts:17:24-25 Acts:17:28 1Timothy:6:17 *2 to you Genesis:2:16; Genesis:9:3; Job:36:31; Psalms:104:14-15 Psalms:104:27-28 Psalms:111:5; Psalms:136:25; Psalms:145:15-16; Psalms:146:7; Psalms:147:9; Isaiah:33:16; Matthew:6:11-25-26; Acts:14:17

30 *1 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is Genesis:9:3; Job:38:39-41; 1:39:4 Job:39:8,30; Job:40:15 Job:40:20 Psalms:104:14; Psalms:145:15-16; Psalms:147:9

31 *1 very good Job:38:7; Psalms:19:1-2; Psalms:104:24 Psalms:104:31 Lamentations:3:38; 1Timothy:4:4 *2 and the 1:1:5 Genesis:1:8,13,19,23; Genesis:2:2; Exodus:20:11

tsk Genesis 1 *

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