Genesis: tsk

1 *3 Gather Deuteronomy:31:12 Deuteronomy:31:28-29 Deuteronomy:33:1-29; Psalms:25:14; Psalms:105:15; Isaiah:22:14; Isaiah:53:1; Daniel:2:47; Daniel:10:1; Amos:3:7; Luke:2:26; Romans:1:17-18; Hebrews:10:24-25; Hebrews:13:1; Revelation:4:1 *4 last days Numbers:24:14; Deuteronomy:4:30; Deuteronomy:31:29; Isaiah:2:2; Isaiah:39:6; Jeremiah:23:20; Daniel:2:28-29; Daniel:10:14; Micah:4:1; Acts:2:17; 1Timothy:4:1; 2Timothy:3:1; Hebrews:1:2

2 *1 hearken Psalms:34:11; Proverbs:1:8-9; Proverbs:4:1-4; Proverbs:5:1; Proverbs:6:20; Proverbs:7:1-24; Proverbs:8:32; 1:23:22 Proverbs:23:26

3 *1 my firstborn Genesis:29:32; Genesis:46:8; Genesis:48:18; Numbers:1:20; Numbers:26:5; 1Chronicles:2:1; 1Chronicles:5:1-3 *2 my might Deuteronomy:21:17; Psalms:78:51; Psalms:105:36

4 *1 Unstable James:1:6-8; 2Peter:2:14; 2Peter:3:16 *2 thou shalt not excel Genesis:46:8; Numbers:32:1-42; Deuteronomy:33:6 *3 because Genesis:35:22; Deuteronomy:5:21; Deuteronomy:27:20; 1Chronicles:5:1; 1Corinthians:5:1

5 *1 Simeon Genesis:29:33-34; Genesis:34:25-31; Genesis:46:10-11; Proverbs:18:9 *2 instruments, etc Genesis:34:25-29-31

6 *1 O my soul Judges:5:21; Psalms:42:5 Psalms:42:11 Psalms:43:5; Psalms:103:1; Jeremiah:4:19; Luke:12:19 *2 come Genesis:34:30; Psalms:5:10; Psalms:26:4-5; Psalms:28:3; Psalms:94:20-21; Psalms:139:19; Proverbs:1:11 Proverbs:1:15-16 Proverbs:12:5 *3 secret Deuteronomy:27:24; Psalms:26:9; Psalms:64:2; Jeremiah:15:17 *4 unto their Psalms:1:1; Psalms:26:9; Psalms:94:20; 2Corinthians:6:14 *5 honour Psalms:16:9; Psalms:30:12; Psalms:57:8 *6 a man 1:34:25-26 Genesis:34:30

7 *1 Cursed 2Samuel:13:15 2Samuel:13:22-28 Proverbs:26:24-25; Proverbs:27:3 *2 I will divide Joshua:19:1-9; Joshua:21:1-45; 1Chronicles:4:24-31-39-40; 1Chronicles:6:65

8 *1 shall praise Genesis:29:35; Genesis:44:18-34; Genesis:46:12; Deuteronomy:33:7; 1Chronicles:5:2; Psalms:76:1; Hebrews:7:14 *2 thy hand Numbers:1:27; Numbers:10:14; Numbers:26:22; Judges:1:1-2; Judges:20:18; 2Samuel:24:9; 1Kings:4:1-34; 1Chronicles:12:1-40; 2Chronicles:11:12-17; 2Chronicles:14:8; 2Chronicles:15:9; 2Chronicles:17:2 2Chronicles:17:14-16 2Chronicles:30:11; Psalms:18:40-43; Psalms:78:68-71; Isaiah:9:7; Philemon:2:10-11; Hebrews:7:14; Hebrews:10:13; Revelation:5:5; Revelation:11:15 *3 the neck Joshua:10:24; 2Samuel:22:41; Ezekiel:21:29 *4 thy father's Genesis:27:29; Genesis:37:7-10; Genesis:42:6; 2Samuel:5:3

9 *1 a lion's Hosea:5:4 Hosea:5:14 1Corinthians:15:24; Revelation:5:5 *2 he stooped Numbers:23:24; Numbers:24:9

10 *1 sceptre Numbers:24:17; Psalms:60:7; Jeremiah:30:21; Hosea:11:12; Ezekiel:19:11 Ezekiel:19:14 z Ecclesiastes:10:11 *2 lawgiver Numbers:21:18; Psalms:60:7; Psalms:108:8; Isaiah:33:22 *3 between Deuteronomy:28:57 *4 until Isaiah:9:6; Isaiah:11:1-5; Isaiah:62:11; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Ezekiel:21:27; Daniel:9:25; Matthew:1:21; Matthew:17:5; Matthew:21:9; Luke:1:32-33; John:9:7; John:18:31; 1:19:12 John:19:15 *5 the gathering Psalms:72:8-11; Isaiah:2:2; Isaiah:11:10-12-13; Isaiah:42:1-3-4; Isaiah:49:6-7 Isaiah:49:22-23 Isaiah:55:4-5; Isaiah:60:1-3-5; Ezekiel:21:27; Haggai:2:7;z Ecclesiastes:2:11;z Ecclesiastes:8:20-23; Matthew:25:32; Luke:1:32-33; Luke:2:30-32; John:12:32; Romans:15:12; 2Corinthians:5:10; Hebrews:7:14; Revelation:11:15

11 *1 his foal Isaiah:63:1-3 *2 he washed 1Kings:4:20 1Kings:4:25 2Kings:18:32; Joel:3:18; Micah:4:4; Revelation:7:14; Revelation:19:18

12 *1 His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk. Proverbs:23:29

13 *1 Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon. Genesis:30:20; Deuteronomy:33:18-19; Joshua:19:10-16

14 *1 Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens: Genesis:30:18; Deuteronomy:33:18; Joshua:19:17-23; Judges:5:15; Judges:10:1; 1Chronicles:12:32

15 *1 rest Joshua:14:15; Judges:3:11; 2Samuel:7:1 *2 bowed Psalms:81:6; Ezekiel:29:18; Matthew:23:4

16 *1 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Genesis:30:6; Numbers:10:25; Deuteronomy:33:22; Judges:13:2 Judges:13:24-25 Judges:15:20; Judges:18:1-2

17 *1 shall be Judges:14:1-15; Judges:16:22-30; Judges:18:22-31; 1Chronicles:12:35

18 *1 I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD. Psalms:14:7; Psalms:25:6; Psalms:40:1; Psalms:62:1 Psalms:62:5 Psalms:85:7; 1:119:41 Psalms:119:166,174; Psalms:123:2; Psalms:130:5; Isaiah:8:17; Isaiah:25:9; Isaiah:36:8; Isaiah:30:18; Isaiah:33:2; Lamentations:3:25; Micah:7:7; Matthew:1:21; Mark:15:43; Luke:1:30; Luke:2:25 Luke:2:30 Luke:23:51; Romans:8:19 Romans:8:25 Galatians:5:5; 1Thessalonians:1:10

19 *1 Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last. Genesis:30:11; Genesis:46:16; Numbers:32:1-42; Deuteronomy:33:20-21; Joshua:13:8; Judges:10:1-11; 1Chronicles:3:18-22; 1:5:11-22 1Chronicles:5:26

20 *1 Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties. Genesis:30:13; Genesis:46:17; Deuteronomy:33:24-25; Joshua:19:24-31

21 *1 Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words. Genesis:30:8; Genesis:46:24; Deuteronomy:33:23; Joshua:19:32-39; Judges:4:6 Judges:4:10 Judges:5:18; Psalms:18:33-34; Matthew:4:15-16

22 *1 a fruitful Genesis:30:22-24; Genesis:41:52; Genesis:46:27; 1:48:1 Genesis:48:5,16,19-20; Numbers:32:1-42; Deuteronomy:33:17; Joshua:16:1-10; Joshua:17:14-17; Psalms:1:1-3; Psalms:128:1-3; Ezekiel:19:11

23 *1 The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: 1:37:4 Genesis:37:18,24,28; Genesis:39:7-20; Genesis:42:21; Psalms:64:3; Psalms:118:13; John:16:33; Acts:14:22

24 *1 his bow Nehemiah:6:9; Psalms:27:14; Psalms:28:8; Psalms:89:1; Colossians:1:11; 2Timothy:4:17 *2 were made Job:29:20; Psalms:18:32-35; Psalms:37:14-15; Psalms:44:7;z Ecclesiastes:10:12; Romans:14:4 *3 the mighty Genesis:35:10-11; Exodus:3:6; Psalms:18:1-30-32-34; Psalms:132:2 Psalms:132:5 Isaiah:29:24; Isaiah:60:16 *4 the shepherd Genesis:45:5-7 Genesis:45:11 Genesis:47:12; Genesis:50:21; Numbers:27:16-18; Deuteronomy:34:9; Joshua:1:1-9; Joshua:24:1-33; Psalms:80:1 *5 the stone Deuteronomy:32:4; Psalms:118:22; Isaiah:28:16;z Ecclesiastes:3:9; Matthew:21:42; Mark:12:10; Luke:20:17; Acts:4:11; Ephesians:2:20; 1Peter:2:4-8

25 *1 the God Genesis:28:13 Genesis:28:21 Genesis:35:3; Genesis:43:23; Deuteronomy:8:17; Deuteronomy:28:12; 1:33:1 Deuteronomy:33:13-17 *2 the Almighty Genesis:17:1; Genesis:35:11 *3 with blessings Deuteronomy:28:2-12; Deuteronomy:33:13; Psalms:84:11; Psalms:85:12; Matthew:6:33; 1Corinthians:3:21-22; Ephesians:1:3; Philippians:4:19; 1Timothy:4:8

26 *1 have prevailed Genesis:27:27-29 Genesis:27:39-40 Genesis:28:3-4; Ephesians:1:3 *2 everlasting hills Deuteronomy:33:15; Psalms:89:36; Isaiah:54:10; Ezekiel:37:25-26; Jonah:2:6; Habakkuk:3:6 *3 they shall Deuteronomy:33:16; Psalms:132:18 *4 was separate Genesis:37:28; Numbers:6:2; Psalms:105:17-22; Isaiah:66:5; Acts:7:9

27 *1 ravin Genesis:35:18; Genesis:46:21; Deuteronomy:33:12 *2 a wolf Numbers:23:24; Judges:3:15-29; Judges:20:21-25; 1Samuel:11:4-11; 1Samuel:14:1-15; 1Samuel:17:1-58; Acts:8:3; Acts:9:1; Philippians:3:5 *3 at night Jeremiah:5:6; Ezekiel:22:25-27; Hosea:13:7-8; Zephaniah:3:3; Matthew:7:15; Matthew:10:16; Acts:20:29

28 *1 the twelve Numbers:23:24; Esther:8:7-9-11; Esther:9:1-10; Ezekiel:39:8-10;z Ecclesiastes:14:1-7 *2 every one Genesis:35:22; Exodus:28:21; 1Kings:18:31; Acts:26:7; James:1:1; Revelation:7:4

29 *1 gathered Romans:12:6-21 *2 bury me Genesis:15:15; Genesis:25:8-17; Genesis:35:29; Hebrews:12:23 *3 in the cave Genesis:47:30; 2Samuel:19:37 *4 Ephron Genesis:50:13

30 *1 Abraham bought Genesis:23:8

31 *1 There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife; and there I buried Leah. Genesis:23:3 Genesis:23:16-20 Genesis:25:9; Genesis:35:29; Genesis:47:30; Genesis:50:13; Acts:7:16

32 *1 The purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from the children of Heth. Genesis:23:17-20

33 *1 had made Genesis:49:1-24-26; Joshua:24:27-29; Hebrews:11:22 *2 and yielded Genesis:49:29; Genesis:15:5; Genesis:25:8 Genesis:25:17 Genesis:35:29; Job:5:26; Job:14:10; Job:30:23; Ecclesiastes:12:7; Isaiah:57:1-2; Luke:2:29; Hebrews:11:13-16; Hebrews:12:23

tsk Genesis 49 *

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tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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