Haggai: tsk

1 *2 the seventh Haggai:2:10 Haggai:2:20 Haggai:1:15 *3 the prophet Haggai:1:1; 2Peter:1:21

2 *1 governor Haggai:1:14; Ezra:1:8; Ezra:2:63; Nehemiah:8:9

3 *1 is left Ezra:3:12;z Ecclesiastes:4:9-10 *2 glory Ezekiel:7:20; Luke:21:5-6

4 *1 now Deuteronomy:31:23; Joshua:1:6 Joshua:1:9 1Chronicles:22:13; 1Chronicles:28:20;z Ecclesiastes:8:9; 1Corinthians:16:13; Ephesians:6:10; 2Timothy:2:1 *2 for Haggai:1:13; Exodus:3:12; Judges:2:18; 1Samuel:16:18; 2Samuel:5:10; Mark:16:20; Acts:7:9; 2Timothy:4:17

5 *1 to the Exodus:29:45-46; Exodus:33:12-14; Exodus:34:8-10 *2 so Numbers:11:25-29; Nehemiah:9:20 Nehemiah:9:30 Psalms:51:11-12; Isaiah:63:11-14;z Ecclesiastes:4:6; John:14:16-17 *3 fear Joshua:8:1; 2Chronicles:20:17; Isaiah:41:10 Isaiah:41:13 z Ecclesiastes:8:13-15; Matthew:28:5; Acts:27:24; Revelation:1:17

6 *1 Yet Haggai:2:21-22; Hebrews:12:26-28 *2 it is Psalms:37:10; Isaiah:10:25; Isaiah:29:17; Jeremiah:51:33; Hebrews:10:37 *3 and I Isaiah:34:4; Jeremiah:4:23-26; Ezekiel:38:20; Joel:2:30-32; Joel:3:16; Matthew:24:29-30; Mark:13:24-26; Luke:21:25-27; Acts:2:19; Hebrews:12:26; Revelation:6:12-17; Revelation:8:5-12; Revelation:11:9; Revelation:6:2-17

7 *1 I will shake Ezekiel:21:27; Daniel:2:44-45; Daniel:7:20-25; Joel:3:9-16; Luke:21:10-11 *2 and the Genesis:3:15; Genesis:22:18; Genesis:49:10;z Ecclesiastes:9:9-10; Luke:2:10-11-27 Luke:2:46 Romans:15:9-15; Galatians:3:8 *3 I will fill Exodus:40:34-35; 1Kings:8:11; 2Chronicles:5:14; Psalms:80:1; Malachi:3:1; Luke:19:47; Luke:20:1; Luke:21:38; John:1:14; John:2:13-17; John:7:37-39; John:10:23-38; Colossians:2:9

8 *1 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. 1Kings:6:20-35; 1Chronicles:29:14-16; Psalms:24:1; Psalms:50:10-12; 1:60:13 Isaiah:60:17

9 *1 glory Psalms:24:7-10; John:1:14; 2Corinthians:3:9-10; 1Timothy:3:16; James:2:1 *2 give Psalms:85:8-9; Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:57:18-21; Micah:5:5; Luke:2:14; John:14:27; Acts:10:36; Ephesians:2:14-17; Colossians:1:19-21

10 *1 In the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying, Haggai:2:1-20; 1:1:1 Haggai:1:15

11 *1 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying, Leviticus:10:10-11; Deuteronomy:33:10; Ezekiel:44:23-24; Malachi:2:7; Titus:1:9

12 *1 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No. Exodus:29:37; Leviticus:6:27-29; Leviticus:7:6; Ezekiel:44:19; Matthew:23:19

13 *1 Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean. Numbers:5:2-3; Numbers:9:6-10; Numbers:19:11-22

14 *1 So is this people Haggai:1:4-11; Proverbs:15:8; Proverbs:21:4 Proverbs:21:27 Proverbs:28:9; Isaiah:1:11-15; Titus:1:15;ju Deuteronomy:1:23 *2 and that Ezra:3:2-3

15 *1 consider Haggai:2:18; Haggai:1:5-7; Psalms:107:43; Isaiah:5:12; Hosea:14:9; Malachi:3:8-11; Romans:6:21; 1Corinthians:11:31 *2 from before Ezra:3:10; Ezra:4:24

16 *1 when one came to an Haggai:1:6 Haggai:1:9-11 Proverbs:3:9-10;z Ecclesiastes:8:10-12; Malachi:2:2

17 *1 with blasting Haggai:1:9; 1:42:6 Genesis:42:23,27; Deuteronomy:28:22; 1Kings:8:37; 2Chronicles:6:28; Isaiah:37:27; Amos:4:9 *2 with hail Exodus:9:18-29; Isaiah:28:2 *3 in all Haggai:1:11; Psalms:78:46; Isaiah:62:8; Jeremiah:3:24 *4 yet 2Chronicles:28:22; Job:36:13; Isaiah:9:13; Isaiah:42:25; Jeremiah:5:3; Jeremiah:6:16-17; Jeremiah:8:4-7; Hosea:7:9-10; Amos:4:8-11;z Ecclesiastes:1:2-4;z Ecclesiastes:7:9-13; Revelation:2:21; Revelation:9:20-21

18 *1 Consider Haggai:2:15; Deuteronomy:32:29; Luke:15:17-20 *2 even Haggai:1:14-15; Ezra:5:1-2;z 1:8:9 Ecclesiastes:8:12

19 *1 as Habakkuk:3:17-18 *2 from Genesis:26:12; Leviticus:26:3-13; Deuteronomy:15:10; Deuteronomy:28:2-15; Psalms:84:12; Psalms:128:1-5; Psalms:133:3; Proverbs:3:9-10;z Ecclesiastes:8:11-15; Malachi:3:10; Matthew:6:33

21 *1 Zerubbabel Haggai:1:1 Haggai:1:14 1Chronicles:3:19; Ezra:2:2; Ezra:5:2;z Ecclesiastes:4:6-10 *2 I will Haggai:2:6-7; Psalms:46:6; Ezekiel:26:15; Ezekiel:38:19-20; Joel:3:16; Hebrews:12:26-27; Revelation:16:17-19

22 *1 overthrow Isaiah:60:12; Ezekiel:21:27; Daniel:2:34-35 Daniel:2:44-45 Daniel:7:25-27; Daniel:8:25; Micah:5:8 Micah:5:15 Zephaniah:3:8;z Ecclesiastes:10:11;z Ecclesiastes:12:2-5;z Ecclesiastes:14:3; Matthew:24:7; Revelation:11:15 *2 and I will overthrow the chariots Exodus:14:17 Exodus:14:28 Exodus:15:4 Exodus:15:19 Psalms:46:9; Psalms:76:6; Ezekiel:39:20; Micah:5:10;z Ecclesiastes:4:6;z Ecclesiastes:9:10 *3 every Judges:7:22; 1Samuel:14:16; 2Chronicles:20:22; Isaiah:9:19; Isaiah:19:2

23 *1 and will Songs:8:6; Jeremiah:22:24; John:6:27; 2Timothy:2:19 *2 for Isaiah:42:1; Isaiah:43:10; Isaiah:49:1-3;z Ecclesiastes:4:6-14; Matthew:12:18; 1Peter:2:4

tsk Haggai 2 *

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