James: tsk

1 *4 the faith Acts:20:21; Acts:24:24; Colossians:1:4; 1Timothy:1:19; Titus:1:1; 2Peter:1:1; Revelation:14:12 *5 the Lord Psalms:24:7-10; 1Corinthians:2:8; Titus:2:13; Hebrews:1:3 *6 with James:2:3 James:2:9 James:3:17; Leviticus:19:15; Deuteronomy:1:17; Deuteronomy:16:19; 2Chronicles:19:7; Proverbs:24:23; Proverbs:28:21; Matthew:22:16; Romans:1:11; 1Timothy:5:21;ju Deuteronomy:1:16

2 *1 gold Esther:3:10; Esther:8:2; Luke:15:22 *2 goodly Genesis:27:15; Matthew:11:8-9 *3 in vile Isaiah:64:6;z Ecclesiastes:3:3-4

3 *1 ye ju Deuteronomy:1:16 *2 to the James:2:6; Isaiah:65:5; Luke:7:44-46; 2Corinthians:8:9

4 *1 partial James:1:1-27; Job:34:19; Malachi:2:9 *2 judges James:4:11; Job:21:27; Psalms:58:1; Psalms:82:2; Psalms:109:31; Matthew:7:1-5; John:7:24

5 *1 Hearken Judges:9:7; 1Kings:22:28; Job:34:10; Job:38:14; Proverbs:7:24; Proverbs:8:32; Mark:7:14; Acts:7:2 *2 Hath not James:1:9; Isaiah:14:32; Isaiah:29:19; Zephaniah:3:12;z Ecclesiastes:11:7 Ecclesiastes:11:11 Matthew:11:5; Luke:6:20; Luke:9:57-58; Luke:16:22 Luke:16:25 John:7:48; 1Corinthians:1:26-28; 2Corinthians:8:9 *3 rich Proverbs:8:17-21; Luke:12:21; 1Corinthians:3:21-23; 2Corinthians:4:15; 2Corinthians:6:10; Ephesians:1:18; Ephesians:3:8; 1Timothy:6:18; Hebrews:11:26; Revelation:2:9; Revelation:3:18; Revelation:21:7 *4 heirs Matthew:5:3; Matthew:25:34; Luke:12:32; Luke:22:29; Romans:8:17; 1Thessalonians:2:12; 2Thessalonians:1:5; 2Timothy:4:8 2Timothy:4:18 1Peter:1:4; 2Peter:1:11 *5 the James:1:12; Exodus:20:6; 1Samuel:2:30; Proverbs:8:17; Matthew:5:3; Luke:6:20; Luke:12:32; 1Corinthians:2:9; 2Timothy:4:8

6 *1 ye James:2:3; Psalms:14:6; Proverbs:14:31; Proverbs:17:5; Ecclesiastes:9:15-16; Isaiah:53:3; John:8:49; 1Corinthians:11:22 *2 Do James:5:4; Job:20:19; 1:10:2 Psalms:10:8-10,14; Psalms:12:5; Proverbs:22:16; Ecclesiastes:5:8; Isaiah:3:14-15; Amos:2:6-7; Amos:4:1; Amos:5:11; Amos:8:4-6; Micah:6:11-12; Habakkuk:3:14;z Ecclesiastes:7:10 *3 and James:5:6; 1Kings:21:11-13; Acts:4:1-3 Acts:4:26-28 Acts:5:17-18 Acts:5:26-27 Acts:13:50; Acts:16:19-20; Acts:17:6; Acts:18:12

7 *1 blaspheme Psalms:73:7-9; Matthew:12:24; Matthew:27:63; Luke:22:64-65; Acts:26:11; 1Timothy:1:13; Revelation:13:5-6 *2 worthy Psalms:111:9; Songs:1:3; Isaiah:7:14; Isaiah:9:6-7; Jeremiah:23:6; Matthew:1:23; Acts:4:12; Philippians:2:9-11; 1:19:13 Revelation:19:16 *3 by Isaiah:65:15; Acts:11:26; Ephesians:3:15

8 *1 the royal James:2:12; James:1:25; 1Peter:2:9 *2 Thou Leviticus:19:18 Leviticus:19:34 Matthew:22:39; Mark:12:31-33; Luke:10:27-37; Romans:13:8-9; Galatians:5:14; Galatians:6:2; 1Thessalonians:4:9 *3 ye do James:2:19; 1Kings:8:18; 2Kings:7:9; Jonah:4:4 Jonah:4:9 Matthew:25:21-23; Philippians:4:14

9 *1 if James:2:1-4; Leviticus:19:15 *2 are John:8:9 John:8:46 John:16:8; 1Corinthians:14:24;ju Deuteronomy:1:15 *3 transgressors Romans:3:20; Romans:7:7-13; Galatians:2:19; 1John:3:4

10 *1 whosoever Deuteronomy:27:26; Matthew:5:18-19; Galatians:3:10

11 *1 Do not commit Exodus:20:13-14; Deuteronomy:5:17-18; Matthew:5:21-28; Matthew:19:18; Mark:10:19; Luke:18:20; Romans:13:9 *2 Now 1:4:2 Leviticus:4:13,22; Psalms:130:3-4

12 *1 speak Philippians:4:8; Colossians:3:17; 2Peter:1:4-8 *2 the James:2:8; James:1:25

13 *1 he James:5:4; Genesis:42:21; Judges:1:7; Job:22:6-10; Proverbs:21:13; Isaiah:27:11; Matthew:5:7; Matthew:6:15; Matthew:7:1-2; Matthew:18:28-35; Matthew:25:41-46; Luke:16:25 *2 and Psalms:85:10; Jeremiah:9:24; Ezekiel:33:11; Micah:7:18; Ephesians:1:6-7; Ephesians:2:4-7; 1John:4:8-16-18-19

14 *1 What James:2:16; Jeremiah:7:8; Romans:2:25; 1Corinthians:13:3; 1Timothy:4:8; Hebrews:13:9 *2 though James:2:18 James:2:26 James:1:22-25; Matthew:5:20; Matthew:7:21-23 Matthew:7:26-27 Luke:6:49; Acts:8:13 Acts:8:21 Acts:15:9; 1Corinthians:13:2; 1Corinthians:16:22; Galatians:5:6 Galatians:5:13 1Thessalonians:1:3; 1Timothy:1:5; Titus:1:16; Titus:3:8; Hebrews:11:7-8 Hebrews:11:17 2Peter:1:5; 1John:5:4-5 *3 can 1Corinthians:15:2; Ephesians:2:8-10

15 *1 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, James:2:5; Job:31:16-21; Isaiah:58:7 Isaiah:58:10 Ezekiel:18:7; Matthew:25:35-40; Mark:14:7; Luke:3:11; Acts:9:29; Hebrews:11:37

16 *1 one Job:22:7-9; Proverbs:3:27-28; Matthew:14:15-16; Matthew:15:32; Matthew:25:42-45; Romans:12:9; 2Corinthians:8:8; 1John:3:16-18

17 *1 so 1:2:14 James:2:19-20,26; 1Corinthians:13:3 1Corinthians:13:13 1Thessalonians:1:3; 1Timothy:1:5; 2Peter:1:5-9

18 *1 Thou James:2:14 James:2:22 Romans:14:23; 1Corinthians:13:2; Galatians:5:6; 1:11:6 Hebrews:11:31 *2 and I will James:2:22-25; James:3:13; Matthew:7:17; Romans:8:1; 2Corinthians:5:17; 2Corinthians:7:1; 1Thessalonians:1:3-10; 1Timothy:1:5; 1:2:7 Titus:2:11-14

19 *1 Thou believest that there is one God; Deuteronomy:6:4; Isaiah:43:10; Isaiah:44:6-8; Isaiah:45:6 Isaiah:45:21-22 Isaiah:46:9;z Ecclesiastes:14:9; Mark:12:29; John:17:3; Romans:3:30; 1Corinthians:8:4-6; Galatians:3:20; Ephesians:4:5-6; 1Timothy:2:5;ju Deuteronomy:1:4 *2 thou doest James:2:8; Jonah:4:4 Jonah:4:9 Mark:7:9 *3 the Matthew:8:29; Mark:1:24; Mark:5:7; Luke:4:34; Acts:16:17; Acts:19:15; Acts:24:25;ju Deuteronomy:1:6; 1:20:2-3 Revelation:20:10

20 *1 O vain James:1:26; Job:11:11-12; Psalms:94:8-11; Proverbs:12:11; Jeremiah:2:5; Romans:1:21; 1Corinthians:15:35-36; Galatians:6:3; Colossians:2:8; 1Timothy:1:6; Titus:1:10

21 *1 Abraham Joshua:24:3; Isaiah:51:2; Matthew:3:9; Luke:1:73; Luke:16:24 Luke:16:30 John:8:39 John:8:53 Acts:7:2; 1:4:1 Romans:4:12,16 *2 justified James:2:18 James:2:24 Psalms:143:2; Matthew:12:37; Matthew:25:31-40; Romans:3:20 *3 when 1:22:9-12 Genesis:22:16-18

22 *1 faith James:2:18; Galatians:5:6; Hebrews:11:17-19 *2 faith made 1John:2:5; 1John:4:17-18

23 *1 the scripture Mark:12:10; Mark:15:28; Luke:4:21; Acts:1:16; Romans:9:17; Romans:11:2; Galatians:3:8-10 Galatians:3:22 2Timothy:3:16; 1Peter:2:6 *2 Abraham Genesis:15:6; Romans:4:3-6 Romans:4:10-11-22-24 Galatians:3:6 *3 the Friend Exodus:33:11; 2Chronicles:20:7; Job:16:21; Isaiah:41:8; John:15:13-15

24 *1 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. James:2:15-18 James:2:21-22 Psalms:60:12

25 *1 was Joshua:2:1; Matthew:1:5 *2 Rachab Matthew:21:31 *3 justified 1:2:18 James:2:22 *4 when Joshua:2:19-21; Joshua:6:17 Joshua:6:22-25 Hebrews:11:31

26 *1 as Job:34:14-15; Psalms:104:29; Psalms:146:4; Ecclesiastes:12:7; Isaiah:2:22; Luke:23:46; Acts:7:59-60 *2 so 1:2:14 James:2:17,20

tsk James 2 *

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