Jeremiah: tsk

1 *2 In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah came this word from the LORD, saying, Jeremiah:1:3; Jeremiah:25:1; Jeremiah:27:1; Jeremiah:35:1; Jeremiah:36:1; 2Kings:23:34-36; 2Chronicles:36:4-5

2 *1 Stand Jeremiah:7:2; Jeremiah:19:14; Jeremiah:23:28; Jeremiah:36:10; 2Chronicles:24:20-21; Luke:19:47-48; Luke:20:1; Luke:21:37-38; John:8:2; John:18:20; 1:5:20-21-25 Acts:5:42 *2 all the words Jeremiah:1:17; Jeremiah:42:4; Isaiah:58:1-2; Ezekiel:3:10 Ezekiel:3:17-21 Matthew:28:20; 1:20:20 Acts:20:27 *3 diminish Deuteronomy:4:2; Deuteronomy:12:32; Revelation:22:19

3 *1 so Jeremiah:18:7-10; Jeremiah:36:3; Isaiah:1:16-19; Ezekiel:18:27-30; Jonah:3:8-10; Jonah:4:2 *2 See on ch Jeremiah:18:7-10; 1Kings:21:27-29

4 *1 If Leviticus:26:14-46; Deuteronomy:28:15-68; Deuteronomy:29:18-28; Deuteronomy:31:16-18-20; Deuteronomy:32:15-25; Joshua:23:15-16; 1Kings:9:6; 2Chronicles:7:19-20; Nehemiah:9:26-30; Isaiah:1:20; Isaiah:42:23-25 *2 which Jeremiah:44:10; Deuteronomy:4:8 Deuteronomy:4:44 Deuteronomy:11:32; Hebrews:6:18

5 *1 my Jeremiah:7:13 Jeremiah:7:25 Jeremiah:11:7; 2Kings:9:7; 2Kings:17:13 2Kings:17:23 2Kings:24:2; Ezra:9:11; Ezekiel:38:17; Daniel:9:6-10; Amos:3:7;z Ecclesiastes:1:6; Revelation:10:7; Revelation:11:18 *2 whom Jeremiah:25:3-4

6 *1 will I Jeremiah:7:12-14; 1Samuel:4:10-12 1Samuel:4:19-22 Psalms:78:60-64 *2 a curse Jeremiah:24:9; Jeremiah:25:18; Jeremiah:29:22; Jeremiah:42:18; Jeremiah:44:8-12 Jeremiah:44:22 2Kings:22:19; Isaiah:43:28; Isaiah:65:15; Daniel:9:11; Malachi:4:6

7 *1 So the priests and the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the LORD. Jeremiah:5:31; Jeremiah:23:11-15; Ezekiel:22:25-26; Micah:3:11; Zephaniah:3:4; Matthew:21:15; Acts:4:1-6; Acts:5:17

8 *1 the priests Jeremiah:2:30; Jeremiah:11:19-21; Jeremiah:12:5-6; Jeremiah:18:18; Jeremiah:20:1-2 Jeremiah:20:8-11 2Chronicles:36:16; Lamentations:4:13-14; Matthew:21:35-39; Matthew:22:6; Matthew:23:31-35; Matthew:26:3-4-59-66; Acts:5:33; Acts:7:52; Revelation:18:24

9 *1 Why 2Chronicles:25:16; Isaiah:29:21; Isaiah:30:9-11; Amos:5:10; Amos:7:10-13; Micah:2:6; Matthew:21:23; Acts:4:17-19; Acts:5:28; Acts:6:14 *2 And all Matthew:27:20; Mark:15:11; Acts:13:50; Acts:16:19-22; Acts:17:5-8; Acts:19:24-32; Acts:21:30; Acts:22:22 *3 in the 1:8:20 John:8:59

10 *1 the princes Jeremiah:26:16-17 Jeremiah:26:24 Jeremiah:34:19; Jeremiah:36:12-19 Jeremiah:36:25 Jeremiah:37:14-16; Jeremiah:38:4-6; 1:22:6 Ezekiel:22:27 *2 the new Jeremiah:36:10; 2Kings:15:35

11 *1 saying Deuteronomy:18:20; Matthew:26:66; Luke:23:1-5; John:18:30; John:19:7; Acts:22:22; Acts:24:4-9; Acts:25:2-13 *2 for he Jeremiah:38:4; Acts:6:11-14

12 *1 The Lord Jeremiah:26:2 Jeremiah:26:15 Jeremiah:1:17-18; Jeremiah:19:1-3; Amos:7:15-17; Acts:4:19; Acts:5:29

13 *1 amend Jeremiah:7:3-7; Jeremiah:35:15; Jeremiah:36:3; Jeremiah:38:20; Isaiah:1:19; Isaiah:55:7; Ezekiel:33:11; Hosea:14:1-4; Hebrews:5:9 *2 repent Jeremiah:26:3 Jeremiah:26:19 Jeremiah:18:8; Jeremiah:42:10; Exodus:32:14; Deuteronomy:32:36; Judges:2:18; Joel:2:14; Jonah:3:9; Jonah:4:2

14 *1 As for Jeremiah:38:5; Joshua:9:25; Daniel:3:16 *2 as seemeth good and meet unto you 2Samuel:15:26

15 *1 ye shall Jeremiah:2:30 Jeremiah:2:34 Jeremiah:7:6; Jeremiah:22:3 Jeremiah:22:17 Genesis:4:10; Genesis:42:22; Numbers:35:33; Deuteronomy:19:10; 2Kings:24:4; Proverbs:6:17; Matthew:23:30-36; Matthew:26:4 Matthew:26:25 Acts:7:60; 1Thessalonians:2:15-16; Revelation:16:6

16 *1 Then said the princes and all the people unto the priests and to the prophets; This man is not worthy to die: for he hath spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God. Jeremiah:36:19 Jeremiah:36:25 Jeremiah:38:7-13; Esther:4:14; Proverbs:16:7; Matthew:27:23-24-54; 1:23:14-15 Luke:23:41,47; Acts:5:34-39; Acts:23:9 Acts:23:29 Acts:25:25; Acts:26:31-32

17 *1 Then rose Micah:1:1; Acts:5:34

18 *1 Micah Micah:1:1 *2 Zion Micah:3:12 *3 Jerusalem Jeremiah:9:11; Jeremiah:51:37; 2Kings:19:25; Nehemiah:4:2; Psalms:79:1 *4 the mountain Jeremiah:17:3; Isaiah:2:2-3; Micah:4:1;z Ecclesiastes:8:3

19 *1 did he 2Chronicles:29:6-11; 2Chronicles:32:20 2Chronicles:32:25-26 2Chronicles:34:21; 1:37:1 Isaiah:37:4,15-20 *2 besought the Lord Jeremiah:26:3; Exodus:32:14; 2Samuel:24:16 *3 Thus Jeremiah:26:15; Numbers:16:38; Numbers:35:33-34; Isaiah:26:21; Lamentations:4:13-14; Matthew:23:35; Matthew:27:24-25; Luke:3:19-20; Acts:5:39; Revelation:6:9-10; Revelation:16:6; Revelation:18:20-24

20 *1 Kirjath-jearim Joshua:15:60; Joshua:18:14; 1Samuel:7:2

21 *1 the king sought Jeremiah:36:26; 2Chronicles:16:10; Psalms:119:109; Matthew:14:5; Mark:6:19 *2 he was 1Kings:19:1-3; Proverbs:29:25; 1:10:23 Matthew:10:28,39; Matthew:16:25-26

22 *1 men Psalms:12:8; Proverbs:29:12 *2 Achbor 2Kings:22:12-14

23 *1 who Jeremiah:26:15; Jeremiah:2:30; Ezekiel:19:6; Matthew:14:10; Matthew:23:34-35; Acts:12:1-3; 1Thessalonians:2:15; Revelation:11:7 *2 and cast Jeremiah:22:19; Jeremiah:36:30

24 *1 Ahikam Jeremiah:39:14; Jeremiah:40:5-7; 2Kings:22:12-14; 2Kings:25:22; 2Chronicles:34:20 *2 that Jeremiah:1:18-19; Jeremiah:15:15-21; 1Kings:18:4; Isaiah:37:32-33; Acts:23:10 Acts:23:20-35 Acts:25:3-4; Acts:27:43; Revelation:12:16

tsk Jeremiah 26 *

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