Jeremiah: tsk

1 *3 he Jeremiah:32:2-3 Jeremiah:32:8 Jeremiah:37:21; Jeremiah:38:28; 2Timothy:2:9

2 *1 the maker Psalms:87:5; Psalms:102:16; Isaiah:14:32; Isaiah:37:26; Isaiah:43:1-21; Isaiah:62:7; Hebrews:11:10 Hebrews:11:16 1:21:2 Revelation:21:10 *2 the Lord Jeremiah:32:18; Exodus:3:14-15; Exodus:6:3; Exodus:15:3; Amos:5:8; Amos:9:6

3 *1 Call Jeremiah:29:12; Deuteronomy:4:7 Deuteronomy:4:29 1Kings:8:47-50; Psalms:50:15; Psalms:91:15; Psalms:145:18; Isaiah:55:6-7; Isaiah:65:24; Joel:2:32; Luke:11:9-10; Acts:2:21; Romans:10:12-13; 1Corinthians:1:2 *2 shew Micah:7:15; Ephesians:3:20 *3 mighty Psalms:25:14; Isaiah:45:3; Isaiah:48:6; Amos:3:7; Matthew:13:35; 1Corinthians:2:7-11; Revelation:2:17

4 *1 thrown Jeremiah:32:24; Ezekiel:4:2; Ezekiel:21:22; Ezekiel:26:8; Habakkuk:1:10

5 *1 come Jeremiah:21:4-7; Jeremiah:32:5; Jeremiah:37:9-10 *2 I have hid Jeremiah:18:17; Jeremiah:21:10; Deuteronomy:31:17; Deuteronomy:32:20; Isaiah:1:15-16; Isaiah:8:17; Isaiah:64:7; Ezekiel:39:23; Ezekiel:39:24 Ezekiel:39:29 Micah:3:4

6 *1 I will bring Jeremiah:17:14; Jeremiah:30:12-17; Deuteronomy:32:39; Psalms:67:2; Isaiah:30:26; Isaiah:58:8; Hosea:6:1; Hosea:7:1 *2 and will Exodus:34:6; Psalms:37:11; Psalms:72:7; Psalms:85:10-12; Isaiah:2:4; Isaiah:11:5-9; Isaiah:26:2-4; Isaiah:30:26; Isaiah:33:15-18; Isaiah:39:8; Isaiah:48:17-18; Isaiah:54:13; Isaiah:55:7; Isaiah:66:12; Micah:4:3; John:10:10; Galatians:5:22-23; Ephesians:6:23; Titus:3:5-6; Hebrews:6:17-18; 1Peter:1:3

7 *1 will cause Jeremiah:33:11-26; Jeremiah:23:3; Jeremiah:29:14; Jeremiah:30:3; Jeremiah:32:44; Psalms:14:7; Psalms:85:1; Psalms:126:1 Psalms:126:4 Isaiah:11:12-16; Zephaniah:3:20 *2 and will Jeremiah:24:6; Jeremiah:30:20; Jeremiah:31:4 Jeremiah:31:28 Jeremiah:42:10; Isaiah:1:26; Hosea:2:15; Amos:9:14-15; Micah:7:14-15;z Ecclesiastes:1:17

8 *1 And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me. Jeremiah:31:34; Jeremiah:50:20; Psalms:51:2; Psalms:65:3; Psalms:85:2-3; Isaiah:4:2; Isaiah:44:22; Isaiah:56:7; Ezekiel:36:25 Ezekiel:36:33 Joel:3:21; Micah:7:18-19;z Ecclesiastes:13:1; Hebrews:9:11-14; 1John:1:7-9; Revelation:1:5

9 *1 a name Jeremiah:13:11; Jeremiah:31:4; Psalms:126:2-3; 1:62:2-3 Isaiah:62:7,12; Zephaniah:3:17-20;z Ecclesiastes:8:20-23 *2 before Jeremiah:26:6; Jeremiah:29:1; Jeremiah:44:8 *3 fear Exodus:15:14-16; 2Chronicles:20:29; Nehemiah:6:16; Esther:8:17; Psalms:40:3; Isaiah:60:5; Hosea:3:5; Micah:7:16-17;z Ecclesiastes:12:2

10 *1 which ye Jeremiah:32:36; Ezekiel:37:11

11 *1 voice of joy Jeremiah:7:34; Jeremiah:16:9; Jeremiah:25:10; John:3:29; Revelation:18:23 *2 the voice of them Jeremiah:31:12-14; Ezra:3:11-13; Ezra:6:22; Nehemiah:8:12; Nehemiah:12:43; Isaiah:12:1-6; Isaiah:51:11; Isaiah:52:9; Zephaniah:3:14;z Ecclesiastes:8:19;z Ecclesiastes:9:17;z Ecclesiastes:10:7 *3 Praise the 1Chronicles:16:8 1Chronicles:16:34 2Chronicles:5:13; 2Chronicles:7:3; 2Chronicles:20:21; Ezra:3:11; Psalms:106:1; Psalms:107:1; Psalms:118:1-4; Psalms:136:1-26 *4 sacrifice Leviticus:7:12-13; 2Chronicles:29:31; Psalms:107:22; Psalms:116:17; Jonah:2:9; Hebrews:13:15 *5 For I 1:33:7 Jeremiah:33:26

12 *1 without Jeremiah:32:43; Jeremiah:36:29; Jeremiah:51:62 *2 in all Jeremiah:17:26; Jeremiah:31:24; Jeremiah:32:44; Jeremiah:50:19-20; Isaiah:65:10; Ezekiel:34:12-14; Ezekiel:36:8-11; Obadiah:1:19-20; Zephaniah:2:6-7

13 *1 shall Leviticus:27:32; Luke:15:4; John:10:3-4

14 *1 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. Jeremiah:23:5; Jeremiah:29:10; Jeremiah:31:27 Jeremiah:31:31-34 Jeremiah:32:38-41; Genesis:22:18; Genesis:49:10; 1Chronicles:17:13-14; Isaiah:7:14; Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:32:1-2; Ezekiel:34:23-25; Daniel:2:44; Daniel:7:13-14; Daniel:9:25; Amos:9:11; Micah:5:2; Zephaniah:3:15-17; Haggai:2:6-9;z Ecclesiastes:9:9-10; Malachi:3:1; Luke:1:69-70; Luke:2:10-11; Luke:10:24; Acts:13:32-33; 2Corinthians:1:20; Hebrews:11:40; 1Peter:1:10; Revelation:19:10

15 *1 the Branch Jeremiah:23:5-6; Isaiah:4:2; Isaiah:11:1-5; Isaiah:53:2; Ezekiel:17:22-23;z Ecclesiastes:3:8;z Ecclesiastes:6:12-13 *2 and he 2Samuel:23:2-3; Psalms:45:4 Psalms:45:7 Psalms:72:1-5; Isaiah:9:7; Isaiah:11:2-5; Isaiah:32:1-2; Isaiah:42:21; John:5:22-29; Hebrews:1:8-9; Hebrews:7:1-2; Revelation:19:11

16 *1 shall Judah Jeremiah:23:6; Isaiah:45:17 Isaiah:45:22 Romans:11:26 *2 shall dwell Jeremiah:32:37; Deuteronomy:33:12 Deuteronomy:33:28 Ezekiel:28:26; Ezekiel:34:25-28; Ezekiel:38:8 *3 The Lord our righteousness Jeremiah:23:6; Isaiah:45:24-25; 1Corinthians:1:30; 2Corinthians:5:21; Philippians:3:9; 2Peter:1:1

17 *1 David shall never want Jeremiah:35:19; 2Samuel:3:29; 2Samuel:7:14-16; 1Kings:2:4; 1Kings:8:25; 1Chronicles:17:11-14 1Chronicles:17:27 Psalms:89:29-37; Isaiah:9:7; Luke:1:32-33

18 *1 Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually. Isaiah:56:7; Isaiah:61:6; Ezekiel:43:19-27; Ezekiel:44:9-11; Ezekiel:45:5; Romans:1:21; Romans:15:16; Hebrews:13:15-16; 1Peter:2:5 1Peter:2:9 Revelation:1:6; Revelation:5:10

20 *1 Thus saith the LORD; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season; Jeremiah:33:25-26; Jeremiah:31:35-36; Genesis:8:22; Psalms:89:37; Psalms:104:19-23; Isaiah:54:9-10

21 *1 may 2Samuel:23:5; 2Chronicles:7:18; 2Chronicles:21:7; Psalms:89:34; Psalms:132:11-12 Psalms:132:17 Isaiah:55:3; Matthew:24:35; Luke:1:69-70 *2 that he Isaiah:9:6-7; Daniel:7:14; Luke:1:32-33 *3 and with Jeremiah:33:18; Revelation:5:10

22 *1 the host Jeremiah:31:37; Genesis:13:16; Genesis:15:5; Genesis:22:17; Genesis:28:14; Hosea:1:10; Hebrews:11:12; Revelation:7:9-10 *2 so Psalms:22:30; Psalms:89:3-4 Psalms:89:29 Isaiah:53:10-12; Ezekiel:37:24-27;z Ecclesiastes:12:8 *3 the Levites Isaiah:66:21; Ezekiel:44:15

24 *1 The two Jeremiah:33:21-22; Psalms:94:14; Romans:11:1-6 *2 thus Nehemiah:4:2-4; Esther:3:6-8; Psalms:44:13-14; Psalms:71:11; Psalms:83:4; Psalms:123:3-4; Lamentations:2:15-16; Lamentations:4:15; Ezekiel:25:3; Ezekiel:26:2; Ezekiel:35:10-15; Ezekiel:36:2

25 *1 If my Jeremiah:33:20; Genesis:8:22; Genesis:9:9-17 *2 and if Jeremiah:31:35-36; Psalms:74:16-17; Psalms:104:19

26 *1 will I Jeremiah:31:37; Genesis:49:10 *2 I will Jeremiah:33:7-11; 1:2:1 Ezra:2:70 *3 and have Jeremiah:31:20; Isaiah:14:1; Isaiah:54:8; Ezekiel:39:25; Hosea:1:7; Hosea:2:23;z Ecclesiastes:10:6; Romans:11:32

tsk Jeremiah 33 *

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