Job: tsk

1 *3 My soul Job:3:20-23; Job:6:8-9; Job:5:15-16 Job:5:20 Job:9:21; Job:14:13; Numbers:11:15; 1Kings:19:4; 1:4:3 Jonah:4:8 *4 I will leave Job:7:11; Job:19:4; Job:21:2-4 *5 I will speak Job:10:15-16; Job:6:2-4 Job:6:26 Job:7:11; Job:16:6-16; Psalms:32:3-5; Isaiah:38:15-17

2 *1 Do not Psalms:6:1-4; Psalms:25:7; Psalms:38:1-8; Psalms:109:21; Psalms:143:2; Romans:8:1 *2 shew me Job:8:5-6; Job:34:31-32; Psalms:139:23-24; Lamentations:3:40-42; Lamentations:5:16-17; 1Corinthians:11:31-32

3 *1 Is it good Job:34:5-7 Job:34:18-19 Job:36:7-9 Job:36:17-18 Job:40:2 Job:40:8 Lamentations:3:2-18 *2 despise Psalms:69:33 *3 the work Job:14:15; Job:34:19; Psalms:138:8; Isaiah:64:8; 1Peter:4:19 *4 shine upon Job:8:20; Jeremiah:12:1-3

4 *1 seest thou Job:9:32; 1Samuel:16:7; Luke:16:15; Revelation:1:14

5 *1 Are thy days as the days of man? are thy years as man's days, Psalms:90:2-4; Psalms:102:12 Psalms:102:24-27 Hebrews:1:12; 2Peter:3:8

6 *1 That thou enquirest after mine iniquity, and searchest after my sin? Job:10:14-17; Psalms:10:15; Psalms:44:21; Jeremiah:2:34; Zephaniah:1:12; John:2:24-25; 1Corinthians:4:5

7 *1 Thou knowest Job:23:10; 1:31:6 Job:31:14,35; Job:42:7; Psalms:1:6; Psalms:7:3 Psalms:7:8-9 Psalms:17:3; Psalms:26:1-5; Psalms:139:1-2 Psalms:139:21-24 John:21:17; 2Corinthians:1:12; 1Thessalonians:2:10 *2 and there Job:23:13-14; Deuteronomy:32:39; Psalms:50:22; Daniel:3:15; Hosea:2:10; John:10:28-30

8 *1 hands Psalms:119:73; Isaiah:43:7 *2 yet thou Job:10:3; Genesis:6:6-7; Jeremiah:18:3-10

9 *1 Remember Job:7:7; Psalms:25:6-7 Psalms:25:18 Psalms:89:47; Psalms:106:4 *2 thou hast Genesis:2:7; Genesis:3:19; Isaiah:45:9; Isaiah:64:8; Jeremiah:18:6 *3 into dust again Job:17:14; Psalms:22:15; Psalms:90:3; Ecclesiastes:12:7; Romans:9:21

10 *1 poured Psalms:139:14-16

11 *1 clothed 2Corinthians:5:2-3 *2 fenced Job:40:17-18; Ezekiel:37:4-8; Ephesians:4:16

12 *1 life and favour Genesis:19:19; Matthew:6:25; 1:17:25 Acts:17:28

13 *1 hid Job:23:9; Ecclesiastes:8:6-7; Isaiah:45:15; Romans:11:33 *2 I know Job:23:13; Deuteronomy:32:39; Isaiah:45:7; Isaiah:46:9-11; Lamentations:3:37; Ephesians:3:11

14 *1 then Job:13:26-27; Job:14:16; Psalms:130:3; Psalms:139:1 *2 thou wilt Job:7:21; Exodus:34:7; Numbers:14:18

15 *1 If I be wicked Job:10:7; Job:9:29; Job:27:7; Psalms:9:17; Isaiah:3:11; Isaiah:6:5; Malachi:3:18; Romans:2:8-9 *2 righteous 1:9:12 Job:9:15,20-21; Isaiah:64:5-6; Luke:17:10 *3 I am full Job:21:6; Job:23:15 *4 see Exodus:3:7; Psalms:25:18; Psalms:119:153; Lamentations:1:20; Lamentations:5:1-22

16 *1 Thou huntest Isaiah:38:13; Lamentations:3:10; Hosea:13:7-8; Amos:3:8 *2 marvellous Numbers:16:29-30; Deuteronomy:28:59

17 *1 witnesses Job:16:8; Ruth:1:21 *2 changes Psalms:55:19; Jeremiah:48:11; Zephaniah:1:12 *3 war Job:16:11-16; Job:19:6-11

18 *1 hast thou Job:3:10-11; Jeremiah:15:10; Jeremiah:20:14-18; Matthew:26:24 *2 given up Job:11:20; Job:14:10

19 *1 I should have been as though I had not been; I should have been carried from the womb to the grave. Psalms:58:8

20 *1 my days few Job:7:6-7 Job:7:16 Job:8:9; Job:9:25-26; Job:14:1; Psalms:39:5; Psalms:103:15-16 *2 cease Job:7:17-21; Job:13:21; Psalms:39:13

21 *1 I go whence Job:7:8-10; Job:14:10-14; 2Samuel:12:23; 2Samuel:14:14; Isaiah:38:11 *2 the land Job:3:5; 1:88:6 Psalms:88:11-12 *3 the shadow Job:3:5; Psalms:23:4; Jeremiah:2:6

22 *1 the shadow of death Job:3:5; Job:34:22; Job:38:17; Psalms:23:4; Psalms:44:19; Psalms:88:12; Jeremiah:2:6; Jeremiah:13:16; Luke:16:26

tsk Job 10 *

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