Job: tsk

1 *3 Eliphaz Job:2:11; Job:4:1; Job:22:1; Job:42:7-9

2 *1 a wise man Job:11:2-3; Job:13:2; James:3:13 *2 vain knowledge Job:6:26; Job:8:2 *3 fill Hosea:12:1

3 *1 he reason Job:13:4-5; Job:16:2-3; Job:26:1-3; Malachi:3:13-15; Matthew:12:36-37; Colossians:4:6; 1Timothy:6:4-5

4 *1 castest off Job:4:5-6; Job:6:14; Psalms:36:1-3; Psalms:119:126; Zephaniah:1:6; Romans:3:31; Galatians:2:21 *2 restrainest Job:5:8; Job:27:10; 1Chronicles:10:13-14; Hosea:7:14; Amos:6:10; Luke:18:1

5 *1 uttereth Job:9:22-24; Job:12:6; Mark:7:21-22; Luke:6:45; James:1:26 *2 thou choosest Psalms:50:19-20; Psalms:52:2-4; Psalms:64:3; Psalms:120:2-3; Jeremiah:9:3-5 Jeremiah:9:8 James:3:5-8

6 *1 own mouth Job:9:20; Psalms:64:8; Matthew:12:37; Matthew:26:65; Luke:19:22 *2 thine own Job:33:8-12; Job:34:5-9; Job:35:2-3; Job:40:8; Job:42:3

7 *1 the first Job:15:10; Job:12:12; Genesis:4:1 *2 or wast thou Job:38:4-41; Psalms:90:2; Proverbs:8:22-25

8 *1 the secret Job:11:6; Deuteronomy:29:29; Psalms:25:14; Proverbs:3:32; Jeremiah:23:18; Amos:3:7; Matthew:11:25; Matthew:13:11-35; John:15:15; Romans:11:34; Romans:16:25-26; 1:2:9-11 1Corinthians:2:16 *2 thou restrain Job:12:2; Job:13:5-6

9 *1 knowest Job:13:2; Job:26:3-4; 2Corinthians:10:7; 1:11:5 2Corinthians:11:21-30

10 *1 the gray-headed Job:8:8-10; Job:12:20; Job:32:6-7; Deuteronomy:32:7; Proverbs:16:31

11 *1 the consolations Job:5:8-26; Job:11:13-19; 2Corinthians:1:3-5; 2Corinthians:7:6 *2 is there Job:15:8; Job:13:2; 1Kings:22:24

12 *1 thine heart Ecclesiastes:11:9; Mark:7:21-22; Acts:5:3-4; Acts:8:22; James:1:14-15 *2 thy eyes Job:17:2; Psalms:35:19; Proverbs:6:13

13 *1 turnest Job:15:25-27; Job:9:4; Romans:8:7-8 *2 and lettest Job:10:3; Job:12:6; Psalms:34:13; Malachi:3:13; James:1:26; James:3:2-6

14 *1 is man Job:9:2; Job:14:4; Job:25:4-6; 1Kings:8:46; 2Chronicles:6:36; Psalms:14:3; Psalms:51:5; Proverbs:20:9; Ecclesiastes:7:20 Ecclesiastes:7:29 John:3:6; Romans:7:18; Galatians:3:22; Ephesians:2:2-3; 1John:1:8-10

15 *1 he putteth Job:4:18; Job:25:5; Isaiah:6:2-5

16 *1 abominable Job:4:19; Job:42:6; Psalms:14:1-3; Psalms:53:3; Romans:1:28-30; Romans:3:9-19; Titus:3:3 *2 drinketh Job:20:12; Job:34:7; Proverbs:19:28

17 *1 hear me Job:5:27; Job:13:5-6; Job:33:1; Job:34:2; Job:36:2

18 *1 from their Job:15:10; Job:8:8; Psalms:71:18; Psalms:78:3-6; Isaiah:38:19

19 *1 Unto whom Genesis:10:25 Genesis:10:32 Deuteronomy:32:8; Joel:3:17

20 *1 travaileth Romans:8:22; Ecclesiastes:9:3 *2 the number Psalms:90:3-4 Psalms:90:12 Luke:12:19-21; James:5:1-6

21 *1 dreadful sound Job:18:11; Genesis:3:9-10; Leviticus:26:36; 2Kings:7:6; Proverbs:1:26-27 *2 in prosperity Job:1:13-19; Job:20:5-7 Job:20:22-24 Leviticus:26:36; 1Samuel:25:36-38; Psalms:73:18-20; Psalms:92:7; Acts:12:21-23; 1Thessalonians:5:3 *3 the destroyer 1Corinthians:10:10; Revelation:9:11

22 *1 He believeth not Job:6:11; Job:9:16; 2Kings:6:33; Isaiah:8:21-22; Matthew:27:5 *2 and he is Job:20:24-25

23 *1 wandereth Job:30:3-4; Genesis:4:12; Psalms:59:15; Psalms:109:10; Lamentations:5:6 Lamentations:5:9 Hebrews:11:37-38 *2 the day 1:18:5-6 Job:18:12,18; Ecclesiastes:11:8; Joel:2:2; Amos:5:20; Zephaniah:1:15; Hebrews:10:27

24 *1 anguish Job:6:2-4; Psalms:119:143; Proverbs:1:27; Isaiah:13:3; Matthew:26:37-38; Romans:2:9 *2 as a king Proverbs:6:11; Proverbs:24:34

25 *1 he stretcheth Leviticus:26:23; Psalms:73:9-11; Isaiah:27:4; Daniel:5:23; Malachi:3:13; Acts:9:5; Acts:12:1-23 *2 strengtheneth Job:9:4; Job:40:9-11; Exodus:5:2-3; Exodus:9:17; 1Samuel:4:7-9; 1Samuel:6:6; Psalms:52:7; Isaiah:8:9-10; Isaiah:10:12-14; Isaiah:41:4-7

26 *1 runneth 2Chronicles:28:22; 2Chronicles:32:13-17 *2 even on Job:16:12; Genesis:49:8; Psalms:18:40

27 *1 he covereth Job:17:10; Deuteronomy:32:15; Psalms:17:10; Psalms:73:7; Psalms:78:31; Isaiah:6:10; Jeremiah:5:28

28 *1 desolate Job:3:14; Job:18:15; Isaiah:5:8-10; Micah:7:18 *2 which are ready Jeremiah:9:11; Jeremiah:26:18; Jeremiah:51:37; Micah:3:12

29 *1 neither shall Job:20:22-28; Job:22:15-20; Job:27:16-17; Psalms:49:16-17; Luke:12:19-21; Luke:16:2 Luke:16:19-22 James:1:11; James:5:1-3

30 *1 depart Job:15:22; Job:10:21-22; Job:18:5-6 Job:18:18 Matthew:8:12; Matthew:22:13; 2Peter:2:17;ju Deuteronomy:1:13 *2 the flame Job:20:26; Isaiah:30:33; Ezekiel:15:4-7; Ezekiel:20:47-48; Matthew:25:41; Mark:9:43-49; 2Thessalonians:1:8-9 *3 by the breath Job:4:9; Isaiah:11:4; Revelation:19:15

31 *1 not him Job:12:16; Isaiah:44:20; Galatians:6:3 Galatians:6:7 Ephesians:5:6 *2 trust Psalms:62:10; Isaiah:59:4; Jonah:2:8 *3 for vanity Job:4:8; Proverbs:22:8; Isaiah:17:10-11; Hosea:8:7; Galatians:6:8

32 *1 accomplished Job:22:16; Psalms:55:23; Ecclesiastes:7:17 *2 and his branch Job:8:16-19; Job:14:7-9; Job:18:16-17; Psalms:52:5-8; Isaiah:27:11; Ezekiel:17:8-10; Hosea:9:16; Hosea:14:5-7; John:15:6

33 *1 shake off Isaiah:33:9; Revelation:6:13 *2 and Deuteronomy:28:39-40

34 *1 the congregation Job:8:13; Job:20:1; Job:27:8; Job:36:13; Isaiah:33:14-15; Matthew:24:51 *2 the tabernacles Job:11:14; Job:12:6; Job:22:5-9; Job:29:12-17; 1Samuel:8:3; 1Samuel:12:3; Micah:7:2; Amos:5:11-12

35 *1 conceive Psalms:7:14; Isaiah:59:4-5; Hosea:10:13; Galatians:6:7-8; James:1:15

tsk Job 15 *

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