Job: tsk

2 *2 How has thou Job:12:2; 1Kings:18:27 *3 helped Job:4:3-4; Job:6:25; Job:16:4-5; Isaiah:35:3-4; Isaiah:40:14; Isaiah:41:5-7

3 *1 counselled Job:6:13; Job:12:3; Job:13:5; Job:15:8-10; Job:17:10; Job:32:11-13 *2 plentifully Job:33:3 Job:33:33 Job:38:2; Psalms:49:1-4; Psalms:71:15-18; Proverbs:8:6-9; 1:20:20 Acts:20:27

4 *1 whose spirit Job:20:3; Job:32:18; 1Kings:22:23-24; Ecclesiastes:12:7; 1Corinthians:12:3; 1John:4:1-3; Revelation:16:13-14

5 *1 Dead things Job:41:1-34; Genesis:6:4; Psalms:104:25-26; Ezekiel:29:3-5

6 *1 Hell Job:11:8; Psalms:139:8 Psalms:139:11 Proverbs:15:11; Isaiah:14:9; Amos:9:2; Hebrews:4:13 *2 destruction Job:28:22; Psalms:88:10

7 *1 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. Job:9:8; Genesis:1:1-2; Psalms:24:2; Psalms:104:2-5; Proverbs:8:23-27; Isaiah:40:22 Isaiah:40:26 Isaiah:42:5

8 *1 bindeth up Job:36:29; Job:38:9 Job:38:37 Genesis:1:6-7; Psalms:135:7; Proverbs:30:4; Jeremiah:10:13 *2 thick clouds Job:37:11-16; Psalms:18:10-11 *3 and the cloud Isaiah:5:6

9 *1 He holdeth back the face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it. Exodus:20:21; Exodus:33:20-23; Exodus:34:3; 1Kings:8:12; Psalms:97:2; Habakkuk:3:3-5; 1Timothy:6:16

10 *1 compassed Job:38:8-11; Psalms:33:7; Psalms:104:6-9; Proverbs:8:29; Jeremiah:5:22 *2 until Genesis:8:22; Isaiah:54:9-10

11 *1 pillars 1Samuel:2:8; Psalms:18:7; Haggai:2:21; Hebrews:12:26-27; 2Peter:3:10; Revelation:20:11 *2 are astonished Job:15:15

12 *1 divideth Exodus:14:21-31; Psalms:29:10; Psalms:74:13; Psalms:93:3-4; Psalms:114:2-7; Isaiah:51:15; Jeremiah:31:35 *2 he smiteth Job:40:11-12; Isaiah:2:12; Daniel:4:37; James:4:6 *3 the proud Psalms:89:9-10; Isaiah:51:9

13 *1 his spirit Genesis:1:2; Psalms:33:6-7; Psalms:104:30 *2 the crooked serpent Psalms:74:13-14; Isaiah:27:1; Revelation:12:9

14 *1 how little Job:11:7-9; Psalms:139:6; Psalms:145:3; Isaiah:40:26-29; Romans:11:33; 1Corinthians:13:9-12 *2 the thunder Job:40:9; 1Samuel:2:10; Psalms:29:3

tsk Job 26 *

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