Job: tsk

2 *3 Hear my words, O ye wise men; and give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge. Proverbs:1:5; 1Corinthians:10:15; 1Corinthians:14:20

3 *1 the ear Job:6:30; Job:12:11; 1Corinthians:2:15; Hebrews:5:14 *2 mouth Job:31:30; Job:33:2

4 *1 choose Job:34:36; Judges:19:30; Judges:20:7; 1Corinthians:6:2-5; Galatians:2:11-14; 1Thessalonians:5:21 *2 know Isaiah:11:2-5; John:7:24; Romans:12:2

5 *1 I Job:10:7; Job:11:4; Job:16:17; Job:29:14; Job:32:1; Job:33:9 *2 God Job:9:17; Job:27:2

6 *1 I Job:27:4-6 *2 wound Job:6:4; Job:16:13

7 *1 What man is like Job, who drinketh up scorning like water? Job:15:16; Deuteronomy:29:19; Proverbs:1:22; Proverbs:4:17

8 *1 Which goeth in company with the workers of iniquity, and walketh with wicked men. Job:2:10; Job:11:3; Job:15:5; Psalms:1:1; Psalms:26:4; Psalms:50:18; Psalms:73:12-15; Proverbs:1:15; Proverbs:2:12; Proverbs:4:14; Proverbs:13:20; 1Corinthians:15:33

9 *1 It Job:9:22-23 Job:9:30-31 Job:21:14-16 Job:21:30 Job:22:17; Job:35:3; Malachi:3:14 *2 delight Job:27:10; Psalms:37:4

10 *1 understanding Job:34:2-3 Job:34:34 Proverbs:6:32; Proverbs:15:32 *2 far Job:8:3; Job:36:23; Job:37:23; Genesis:18:25; Deuteronomy:32:4; 2Chronicles:19:7; Psalms:92:15; Jeremiah:12:1; Romans:3:4-5; Romans:9:14; James:1:13

11 *1 the work Job:33:26; Psalms:62:12; Proverbs:24:12; Jeremiah:32:19; Ezekiel:33:17-20; Matthew:16:27; Romans:2:6; 2Corinthians:5:10; 1Peter:1:17; Revelation:22:12 *2 cause Proverbs:1:31; Galatians:6:7-8

12 *1 surely Psalms:11:7; Psalms:145:17; Habakkuk:1:12-13 *2 pervert Job:8:3

13 *1 Who hath given Job:36:23; Job:38:4-41; Job:40:8-11; 1Chronicles:29:11; Proverbs:8:23-30; Isaiah:40:13-14; Daniel:4:35; Romans:11:34-36

14 *1 set Job:7:17; Job:9:4 *2 he gather Psalms:104:29; Isaiah:24:22

15 *1 All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust. Job:30:23; Genesis:3:19; Psalms:90:3-10; Ecclesiastes:12:7; Isaiah:27:4; Isaiah:57:16

16 *1 If now thou hast understanding, hear this: hearken to the voice of my words. Job:12:3; Job:13:2-6

17 *1 even Genesis:18:25; 2Samuel:23:3; Romans:3:5-7 *2 wilt Job:1:22; Job:40:8; 2Samuel:19:21; Romans:9:14

18 *1 Is it fit to say to a king, Thou art wicked? and to princes, Ye are ungodly? Exodus:22:28; Proverbs:17:26; Acts:23:3-5; Romans:13:7; 1Peter:2:17; 2Peter:2:10;ju Deuteronomy:1:8

19 *1 accepteth Job:13:8; Deuteronomy:10:17; 2Chronicles:19:7; Acts:10:34; Romans:2:11; Galatians:2:6; Ephesians:6:9; Colossians:3:25; 1Peter:1:17; Hebrews:12:28 *2 princes Job:12:19-21; Psalms:2:2-4; Ecclesiastes:5:8; Isaiah:3:14 *3 regardeth Job:36:19; Psalms:49:6-7; James:2:5 *4 they Job:31:15; Proverbs:14:31; Proverbs:22:2

20 *1 a moment Psalms:73:19; Isaiah:30:13; Isaiah:37:38; Daniel:5:30; Luke:12:20; Acts:12:23; 1Thessalonians:5:2; 2Peter:2:3 *2 troubled Exodus:12:29-30; Isaiah:37:36; Matthew:25:6; Luke:17:26-29 *3 without 1Samuel:25:37-39; 1Samuel:26:10; Isaiah:10:16-19; Isaiah:30:30-33; Daniel:2:34 Daniel:2:44-45 z Ecclesiastes:4:6

21 *1 For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings. Job:31:4; Genesis:16:13; 2Chronicles:16:9; Psalms:34:15; Psalms:139:23; Proverbs:5:21; Proverbs:15:3; Jeremiah:16:17; Jeremiah:17:10; Jeremiah:32:19; Amos:9:8

22 *1 no Psalms:139:11-12; Isaiah:29:15; Jeremiah:23:24; Amos:9:2-3; 1Corinthians:4:5; Hebrews:4:13; Revelation:6:15-16 *2 nor Job:3:5; Job:24:17; Isaiah:9:2 *3 the Job:31:3; Psalms:5:5; Proverbs:10:29; Matthew:7:23; Luke:13:27

23 *1 he will Job:34:10-12; Job:11:6; Ezra:9:13; Psalms:119:137; Isaiah:42:3; Daniel:9:7-9 *2 that he Job:9:32-33; Job:16:21; Job:23:7; Jeremiah:2:5; Romans:9:20

24 *1 break Job:19:2; Psalms:2:9; Psalms:72:4; Psalms:94:5; Jeremiah:51:20-23; 1:2:21-34-35 Daniel:2:44-45 *2 set 1Samuel:2:30-36; 1Samuel:15:28; 1Kings:14:7-8 1Kings:14:14 Psalms:113:7-8; Daniel:5:28-31

25 *1 he knoweth Psalms:33:15; Isaiah:66:18; Hosea:7:2; Amos:8:7; Revelation:20:12 *2 in the Job:34:20; Songs:3:8; Isaiah:15:1; 1Thessalonians:5:2

26 *1 in Exodus:14:30; Deuteronomy:13:9-11; Deuteronomy:21:21; 2Samuel:12:11-12; Psalms:58:10-11; Isaiah:66:24; 1Timothy:5:20 1Timothy:5:24 1:18:9-10 Revelation:18:20

27 *1 turned 1Samuel:15:11; Psalms:125:5; Zephaniah:1:6; Luke:17:31-32; Acts:15:38; 2Timothy:4:10; Hebrews:10:39 *2 would Psalms:28:5; Psalms:107:43; Proverbs:1:29-30; Isaiah:1:3; Isaiah:5:12; Haggai:2:15-19

28 *1 they Job:22:9-10; Job:24:12; Job:29:12-13; Job:31:19-20; Job:35:9; Exodus:2:23-24; Exodus:3:7-9; Psalms:12:5; Isaiah:5:7; James:5:4 *2 and he Exodus:22:23-27

29 *1 When he giveth Job:29:1-3; 2Samuel:7:1; Isaiah:14:3-8; Isaiah:26:3; Isaiah:32:17; John:14:27; Romans:8:31-34; Philippians:4:7 *2 when he hideth Job:23:8-9; Psalms:13:1; Psalms:27:9; Psalms:30:7; Psalms:143:7 *3 who then can behold Job:12:14; Job:23:13 *4 whether 2Kings:18:9-12; 2Chronicles:36:14-17; Jeremiah:27:8

30 *1 That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared. Job:34:21; 1Kings:12:28-30; 2Kings:21:9; Psalms:12:8; Ecclesiastes:9:18; Hosea:5:11; Hosea:13:11; Micah:6:16; 2Thessalonians:2:4-11; 1:13:3-4 Revelation:13:11-14

31 *1 Surely it is meet to be said unto God, I have borne chastisement, I will not offend any more: Job:33:27; Job:40:3-5; Job:42:6; Leviticus:26:41; Ezra:9:13-14; Nehemiah:9:33-38; Jeremiah:31:18-19; Daniel:9:7-14; Micah:7:9

32 *1 which Job:10:2; Psalms:19:12; Psalms:25:4-5; Psalms:32:8; Psalms:139:23-24; Psalms:143:8-10 *2 if Proverbs:28:13; Luke:3:8-14; 1:4:22 Ephesians:4:25-28

33 *1 Should Job:9:12; Job:18:4; Isaiah:45:9; Romans:9:20; Romans:11:35 *2 he will Job:34:11; Job:15:31; Psalms:89:30-32; Proverbs:11:31; 2Thessalonians:1:6-7; Hebrews:2:2; Hebrews:11:26 *3 whether thou refuse Psalms:135:6; Matthew:20:12-15 *4 what 1:33:5 Job:33:32

34 *1 understanding 1:34:2-4 Job:34:10,16; 1Corinthians:10:15

35 *1 Job hath spoken without knowledge, and his words were without wisdom. Job:13:2; Job:15:2; Job:35:16; Job:38:2; Job:42:3

36 *1 My desire is that Job may be tried Job:23:16; Psalms:17:3; Psalms:26:2; James:5:11 *2 his answers Job:34:8-9; Job:12:6; Job:21:7; Job:24:1

37 *1 rebellion 1Samuel:15:23; Isaiah:1:19-20 *2 he clappeth Job:27:23 *3 multiplieth Job:8:2-3; Job:11:2-3; Job:35:2-3 Job:35:16 Job:42:7

tsk Job 34 *

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