Job: tsk

1 *2 the wild 1Samuel:24:2; Psalms:104:18 *3 when Psalms:29:9; Jeremiah:14:5

2 *1 Canst thou number the months that they fulfil? or knowest thou the time when they bring forth? Jeremiah:2:24

5 *1 the wild Job:6:5; Job:11:12; Job:24:5; Genesis:16:12; Psalms:104:11; Isaiah:32:14; Jeremiah:2:24; Jeremiah:14:6; Daniel:5:21; Hosea:8:9 *2 who hath loosed Genesis:49:14

6 *1 barren land Deuteronomy:29:23; Psalms:107:34; Jeremiah:17:6; Ezekiel:47:11

7 *1 scorneth Job:39:18; Job:3:18; Isaiah:31:4 *2 driver Exodus:5:13-16-18; Isaiah:58:3

8 *1 The range of the mountains is his pasture, and he searcheth after every green thing. Job:40:15 Job:40:20-22 Genesis:1:29-30; Psalms:104:27-28; Psalms:145:15-16

9 *1 the Numbers:23:22; Deuteronomy:33:17; Psalms:22:21; Psalms:92:10 *2 or Isaiah:1:3

10 *1 Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee? Job:39:5-7; Job:1:14; Job:41:5; Psalms:129:3; Hosea:10:10-11; Micah:1:13

11 *1 trust Psalms:20:7; Psalms:33:16-17; Psalms:147:10; Isaiah:30:16; Isaiah:31:1-3 *2 leave Genesis:1:26-28; Genesis:9:2; Genesis:42:26; Psalms:144:14; Proverbs:14:4; Isaiah:30:6; Isaiah:46:1

12 *1 he Nehemiah:13:15; Amos:2:13 *2 gather Proverbs:3:16; Haggai:2:19; Matthew:3:2; Matthew:13:30

13 *1 peacocks 1Kings:10:22; 2Chronicles:9:21 *2 wings and feathers unto the Job:30:29; Leviticus:11:19; Psalms:104:17; Jeremiah:8:7;z Ecclesiastes:5:9

16 *1 hardened Lamentations:4:3 *2 as Deuteronomy:28:56-57; 1Kings:3:26-27; 2Kings:6:28-29; Lamentations:2:20; Romans:1:31 *3 her labour Ecclesiastes:10:15; Habakkuk:2:13

17 *1 Because God hath deprived her of wisdom, neither hath he imparted to her understanding. Job:17:4; Job:35:11; Deuteronomy:2:30; 2Chronicles:32:31; Isaiah:19:11-14; Isaiah:57:17; James:1:17

18 *1 What time she lifteth up herself on high, she scorneth the horse and his rider. Job:39:7 Job:39:22 Job:5:22; Job:41:29; 2Kings:19:21

19 *1 the horse Exodus:15:1; Psalms:147:10 *2 clothed Psalms:93:1; Psalms:104:1 *3 thunder Job:39:25; Mark:3:17

20 *1 the glory Job:41:20-21; Jeremiah:8:16

21 *1 He paweth Judges:5:22 *2 and 1Samuel:17:4-10 1Samuel:17:42 Psalms:19:5; Jeremiah:9:23 *3 he goeth Proverbs:21:31; Jeremiah:8:6

22 *1 He mocketh at fear, and is not affrighted; neither turneth he back from the sword. Job:39:16-18; Job:41:33

23 *1 The quiver rattleth against him, the glittering spear and the shield. Job:41:26-29

24 *1 He swalloweth Job:37:20; Habakkuk:1:8-9 *2 neither Job:9:16; Job:29:24; Luke:24:41

25 *1 Ha, ha Psalms:70:3; Ezekiel:26:2; Ezekiel:36:2

26 *1 the hawk Leviticus:16:11; Deuteronomy:14:15 *2 stretch Songs:2:12; Jeremiah:8:7

27 *1 the eagle Exodus:19:4; Leviticus:11:13; Psalms:103:5; Proverbs:23:5; Isaiah:40:31; Hosea:8:1 *2 make Jeremiah:49:16; Obadiah:1:4

28 *1 upon 1Samuel:14:4

29 *1 she Job:9:26

30 *1 where Ezekiel:39:17-19; Matthew:24:28; Luke:17:37

tsk Job 39 *

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tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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