Judges: tsk

1 *4 Now Joshua:24:29-30 *5 asked Judges:20:18 Judges:20:28 Exodus:28:30; Numbers:27:21; 1Samuel:22:9-10; 1Samuel:23:9-10

2 *1 And the LORD said, Judah shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand. Genesis:49:8-10; Numbers:2:3; Numbers:7:12; Psalms:78:68-70; Hebrews:7:14; Revelation:5:5; Revelation:19:11-16

3 *1 Simeon Genesis:29:33; Joshua:19:1 *2 I likewise Judges:1:17; 2Samuel:10:11

4 *1 Lord Exodus:23:28-29; Deuteronomy:7:2; Deuteronomy:9:3; Joshua:10:8-10; Joshua:11:6-8; 1Samuel:14:6 1Samuel:14:10 1Samuel:17:46-47; 1:22:6 1Kings:22:15 *2 Bezek 1Samuel:11:8

7 *1 as I have Exodus:21:23-25; Leviticus:24:19-21; 1Samuel:15:33; Isaiah:33:1; Matthew:7:1-2; Luke:6:37-38; Romans:2:15; James:2:13; Revelation:13:10; Revelation:16:6

8 *1 Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire. Judges:1:21; Joshua:15:63

9 *1 afterward Joshua:10:36; Joshua:11:21; Joshua:15:13-20

10 *1 Kirjath-arba Joshua:14:15 *2 Sheshai Judges:1:20; Numbers:13:22-33; Joshua:15:13-14; Psalms:33:16-17; Ecclesiastes:9:11; Jeremiah:9:23

11 *1 Debir Joshua:10:38-39; Joshua:15:15

12 *1 And Caleb Joshua:15:16-17; 1Samuel:17:25; 1Samuel:18:23

13 *1 And Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother, took it: and he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife. Judges:3:9

14 *1 And it came Joshua:15:18-19

15 *1 a blessing Genesis:33:11; 1Samuel:25:18 1Samuel:25:27 2Corinthians:9:5; Hebrews:6:7; 1Peter:3:9

16 *1 the Kenite Judges:4:11 Judges:4:17 Numbers:10:29-32; Numbers:24:21-22; 1Samuel:15:6; 1Chronicles:2:15; Jeremiah:35:2 *2 Moses Exodus:3:1; Exodus:4:18; 1:18:1 Exodus:18:7,12-14-17,27; Numbers:10:29 *3 city of palm Judges:3:13; Deuteronomy:34:3; 2Chronicles:28:16 *4 which Numbers:21:1; Joshua:12:14 *5 they went Numbers:10:29-32; 1Samuel:15:6

17 *1 Zephath 2Chronicles:14:10 *2 Zephathah Numbers:14:45; Numbers:21:3; Joshua:19:4

18 *1 Gaza Judges:3:3; Judges:16:1-2 Judges:16:21 Exodus:23:31; Joshua:11:22; Joshua:13:3; Joshua:15:45-47; 1Samuel:6:17

19 *1 the Lord Judges:1:2; Judges:6:12-13; Genesis:39:2 Genesis:39:21 Joshua:1:5 Joshua:1:9 Joshua:14:12; 2Samuel:5:10; 2Kings:18:7; Psalms:46:7 Psalms:46:11 Psalms:60:12; Ecclesiastes:9:11; Isaiah:7:14; Isaiah:8:10; Isaiah:41:10 Isaiah:41:14-15 Matthew:1:23; Romans:8:31 *2 he drave, etc. Judges:1:27-32; Joshua:7:12; Matthew:14:30-31; Matthew:17:19-20; Philippians:4:13 *3 chariots Exodus:14:7-31; Joshua:11:1-9; Joshua:17:16-18; Psalms:46:9

20 *1 they gave Numbers:14:24; Deuteronomy:1:36; Joshua:14:9-14; Joshua:15:13-14; Joshua:21:11-12 *2 the three sons Judges:1:10; Numbers:13:22

21 *1 And the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem; but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem unto this day. Judges:19:10-12; Joshua:15:63; Joshua:18:11-28; 2Samuel:5:6-9

22 *1 the house Numbers:1:10 Numbers:1:32 Joshua:14:4; Joshua:16:1-4; 1Chronicles:7:29; Revelation:7:8 *2 the Lord Judges:1:19; Genesis:49:24; 2Kings:18:7

23 *1 sent Judges:18:2; Joshua:2:1; Joshua:7:2 *2 Luz Genesis:28:19; Genesis:35:6; Genesis:48:3

24 *1 we will Joshua:2:12-14; 1Samuel:30:15

25 *1 they smote Joshua:6:22-25

26 *1 the land 2Kings:7:6; 2Chronicles:1:17

27 *1 Manasseh Joshua:17:11-13 *2 Taanach Judges:5:19; Joshua:21:25 *3 the Canaanites Exodus:23:32; Deuteronomy:7:2; 1Samuel:15:9; Psalms:106:34-35; Jeremiah:48:10

29 *1 Neither did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer; but the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among them. Joshua:16:10; 1Kings:9:16

30 *1 Nahalol Joshua:19:15

31 *1 Asher Joshua:19:24-30

32 *1 But the Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land: for they did not drive them out. Psalms:106:34-35

33 *1 Naphtali Joshua:19:32-38 *2 became Judges:1:30 Judges:1:35 Psalms:18:24

34 *1 And the Amorites forced the children of Dan into the mountain: for they would not suffer them to come down to the valley: Judges:18:1; Joshua:19:47

35 *1 Aijalon Judges:12:12; Joshua:10:12 *2 Shaalbim Joshua:19:42; 1Kings:4:9

36 *1 from the going Numbers:34:4; Joshua:15:2

tsk Judges 1 *

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