Judges: tsk

1 *5 A. M. 2699. B.C. 1305. did evil Judges:2:11 Judges:2:19-20 Judges:3:7 Judges:3:12 Judges:6:1; Judges:10:6; Leviticus:26:23-25; Nehemiah:9:23-30; Psalms:106:43-45; Jeremiah:5:3

2 *1 sold Judges:2:14-15; Judges:10:7; Isaiah:50:1; Matthew:18:25 *2 Hazor Joshua:11:1 Joshua:11:10-11 Joshua:19:36 *3 Sisera 1Samuel:12:9; Psalms:83:9 *4 Harosheth 1:4:13 Judges:4:16

3 *1 cried Judges:3:9 Judges:3:15 Judges:10:16; 1Samuel:7:8; Psalms:50:15; Psalms:78:34; Jeremiah:2:27-28 *2 chariots Judges:1:19; Joshua:17:16 *3 mightily Judges:5:8; Deuteronomy:28:29 Deuteronomy:28:33-47-48 Psalms:106:42

4 *1 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. Exodus:15:20; 2Kings:22:14; Nehemiah:6:14; Joel:2:28-29; Micah:6:4; Luke:2:36; Acts:21:9; 1Corinthians:11:5; Galatians:3:28

5 *1 the palm Genesis:35:8 *2 between Joshua:16:2; Joshua:18:22 Joshua:18:25 1Samuel:1:1 1Samuel:1:19 1Samuel:6:16-17; 1Samuel:25:1; Jeremiah:31:15 *3 came up 1:18:13 Exodus:18:16,19,26; Deuteronomy:17:8-12; 2Samuel:15:2-6

6 *1 Barak Judges:5:1; Hebrews:11:32 *2 Kedesh-naphtali Joshua:19:32-37; Joshua:21:32 *3 Hath Joshua:1:9; Psalms:7:6; Isaiah:13:2-5; Acts:13:47 *4 Tabor Judges:8:18; 1Samuel:10:3; Psalms:89:12; Jeremiah:46:18; Hosea:5:1 *5 ten thousand Judges:4:10; Judges:5:14-18

7 *1 And I Exodus:14:4; Joshua:11:20; Ezekiel:38:10-16; Joel:3:11-14 *2 Kishon Judges:5:21; 1Kings:18:40; Psalms:83:9-10 *3 deliver Judges:4:14; Exodus:21:13; Joshua:8:7; Joshua:10:8; Joshua:11:6; 1:24:10 1Samuel:24:18

8 *1 And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go. Exodus:4:10-14; Matthew:14:30-31

9 *1 notwithstanding 1Samuel:2:30; 2Chronicles:26:18 *2 sell Sisera Judges:2:14 *3 into Judges:4:17-22; Judges:5:24-27; Judges:9:54; 2Samuel:20:21-22

10 *1 Zebulun Judges:4:6; Judges:5:18 *2 at his Judges:5:15; Exodus:11:8; 1Samuel:25:27; 1Kings:20:11

11 *1 Heber Judges:1:16; Numbers:10:29; Numbers:24:21 *2 Hobab Exodus:2:18; Exodus:3:1; Exodus:18:1 *3 Zaanaim 1:19:33 Joshua:19:37 *4 Zaanannim Judges:4:6; Joshua:19:37

12 *1 mount Tabor Judges:4:6; Joshua:19:12-34; Psalms:89:12; Jeremiah:46:18

13 *1 nine 1:4:2-3 Judges:4:7

14 *1 Up Judges:19:28; Genesis:19:14; Genesis:44:4; Joshua:7:13; 1Samuel:9:26 *2 is not Deuteronomy:9:3; 2Samuel:5:24; Psalms:68:7-8; Isaiah:52:12; Micah:2:13

15 *1 And the LORD discomfited Sisera, and all his chariots, and all his host, with the edge of the sword before Barak; so that Sisera lighted down off his chariot, and fled away on his feet. Judges:5:20-21; Joshua:10:10; 2Kings:7:6; 2Chronicles:13:15-17; Psalms:83:9-10; Hebrews:11:32

16 *1 pursued Leviticus:26:7-8; Joshua:10:19-20; Joshua:11:8; Psalms:104:35; Romans:2:12; James:2:13 *2 there Isaiah:43:17

17 *1 fled Job:12:19-21; Job:18:7-12; Job:40:11-12; Psalms:37:35-36; Psalms:107:40; Proverbs:29:23; Amos:5:19-20 *2 Jael 1:5:6 Judges:5:24 *3 peace Psalms:69:22; Isaiah:57:21

18 *1 Jael 2Kings:6:19

19 *1 Give me Judges:5:25-26; Genesis:24:43; 1Kings:17:10; Isaiah:41:17; John:4:7

20 *1 Is there Joshua:2:3-5; 2Samuel:17:20

21 *1 took Judges:3:21-31; Judges:5:26; Judges:15:15; 1Samuel:17:43-49-50; 1:1:19 1Corinthians:1:27 *2 smote Psalms:3:7 *3 he died Judges:5:27

22 *1 and I will 1:17:3 2Samuel:17:10-15

23 *1 So God subdued on that day Jabin the king of Canaan before the children of Israel. 1Chronicles:22:18; Nehemiah:9:24; Psalms:18:39 Psalms:18:47 Psalms:47:3; Psalms:81:14; 1Corinthians:15:28; Hebrews:11:33

24 *1 prospered, etc 1Samuel:3:12

tsk Judges 4 *

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