Judges: tsk

1 *1 Jerubbaal Judges:6:32 *2 rose up Genesis:22:3; Joshua:3:1; Joshua:6:12; Ecclesiastes:9:10 *3 Moreh Genesis:12:6

2 *1 too many 1Samuel:14:6; 2Chronicles:14:11;z Ecclesiastes:4:6;z Ecclesiastes:12:7; 1Corinthians:1:27-29; 1Corinthians:2:4-5; 2Corinthians:4:7; 2Corinthians:10:4-5 *2 Israel Deuteronomy:32:27; Isaiah:2:11 Isaiah:2:17 Jeremiah:9:23; Romans:3:27; Romans:11:18; 1Corinthians:1:29; Ephesians:2:9; James:4:6 *3 Mine own Deuteronomy:8:17; Isaiah:10:13; Ezekiel:28:2 Ezekiel:28:17 Daniel:4:30; Habakkuk:1:16

3 *1 Whosoever Deuteronomy:20:8; Matthew:13:21; Luke:14:25-33; Revelation:17:14; Revelation:21:8 *2 twenty Matthew:20:16

4 *1 people Psalms:33:16 *2 I will Genesis:22:1; 1Samuel:16:7; Job:23:10; Psalms:7:9; Psalms:66:10; Jeremiah:6:27-30; Malachi:3:2-3

7 *1 And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place. Judges:7:18-22; 1Samuel:14:6; Isaiah:41:14-16

8 *1 trumpets Judges:3:27; Leviticus:23:24; Leviticus:25:9; Numbers:10:9; Joshua:6:4 Joshua:6:20 Isaiah:27:13; 1Corinthians:15:52 *2 in the valley Judges:6:33

9 *1 the same Genesis:46:2-3; Job:4:13; Job:33:15-16; Matthew:1:20; Matthew:2:13; Acts:18:9-10; Acts:27:23 *2 Arise Joshua:1:5-9; Isaiah:41:10-16; Isaiah:43:1-2 *3 I have delivered Judges:3:10 Judges:3:28 Judges:4:14-15; 2Chronicles:16:8-9; 2Chronicles:20:17

10 *1 But if thou fear to go down, go thou with Phurah thy servant down to the host: Judges:4:8-9; Exodus:4:10-14

11 *1 thou shalt Judges:7:13-15; Genesis:24:14; 1:14:8 1Samuel:14:12 *2 thine hands 1Samuel:23:16; Ezra:6:22; Nehemiah:6:9; Isaiah:35:3-4; 2Corinthians:12:9-10; Ephesians:3:16; Ephesians:6:10; Philippians:4:13 *3 armed men Exodus:13:18

12 *1 the Midianites Judges:6:3-5 Judges:6:33 1Kings:4:30 *2 grasshoppers Judges:8:10; 2Chronicles:14:9-12; Psalms:3:1; Psalms:33:16; Psalms:118:10-12; Isaiah:8:9-10

13 *1 lo, a cake Judges:3:15 Judges:3:31 Judges:4:9 Judges:4:21 Judges:6:15; Isaiah:41:14-15; 1Corinthians:1:27

14 *1 his fellow Numbers:22:38; Numbers:23:5 Numbers:23:20 Numbers:24:10-13; Job:1:10 *2 into his hand Exodus:15:14-15; Joshua:2:9 Joshua:2:24 Joshua:5:1; 2Kings:7:6-7

15 *1 interpretation thereof Genesis:40:8; Genesis:41:11 *2 worshipped Genesis:24:26-27 Genesis:24:48 Exodus:4:30-31; 2Chronicles:20:18-19 *3 Arise Judges:4:14; 2Corinthians:10:4-6

16 *1 empty 2Corinthians:4:7

17 *1 And he said unto them, Look on me, and do likewise: and, behold, when I come to the outside of the camp, it shall be that, as I do, so shall ye do. Judges:9:48; Matthew:16:24; 1Corinthians:11:1; Hebrews:13:7; 1Peter:5:3

18 *1 the sword 1Samuel:17:47; 2Chronicles:20:15-17

19 *1 in the beginning Exodus:14:24; Matthew:25:6; 1Thessalonians:5:2; Revelation:16:15 *2 brake Judges:7:16; Psalms:2:9; Jeremiah:13:13-14; Jeremiah:19:1-11

20 *1 blew Numbers:10:1-10; 1:6:4 Joshua:6:16,20; Isaiah:27:13; 1Corinthians:15:52; 1Thessalonians:4:16 *2 brake 2Corinthians:4:7; Hebrews:11:4; 2Peter:1:15

21 *1 stood Exodus:14:13-14; 2Chronicles:20:17; 1:30:7 Isaiah:30:15 *2 all the host Exodus:14:25; 2Kings:7:6-7; Job:15:21-22; Proverbs:28:1

22 *1 blew 1:6:4 Joshua:6:16,20; 2Corinthians:4:7 *2 the Lord 1Samuel:14:16-20; 2Chronicles:20:23; Psalms:83:9; Isaiah:9:4; Isaiah:19:2 *3 in 1Kings:4:12 *4 border 1Kings:4:12; 1Kings:19:16

23 *1 And the men of Israel gathered themselves together out of Naphtali, and out of Asher, and out of all Manasseh, and pursued after the Midianites. Judges:6:35; 1Samuel:14:21-22

24 *1 sent Judges:3:27; Romans:15:30; Philippians:1:27 *2 take before Judges:3:28; Judges:12:5 *3 Beth-barah John:1:28

25 *1 two princes Judges:8:3; Psalms:83:11-12 *2 rock Joshua:7:26; Isaiah:10:26 *3 on the other side Judges:8:4

tsk Judges 7 *

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tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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