Lamentations: tsk

1 *4 How is the gold 2Kings:25:9-10; Isaiah:1:21; Isaiah:14:12; Ezekiel:7:19-22 *5 the stones Lamentations:2:19; Jeremiah:52:13; Matthew:24:2; Mark:13:2; Luke:21:5-6

2 *1 sons Isaiah:51:18;z Ecclesiastes:9:13 *2 how Lamentations:2:21; Lamentations:5:12; Isaiah:30:14; Jeremiah:19:11; Jeremiah:22:28; Romans:9:21-23; 2Corinthians:4:7; 2Timothy:2:20

3 *1 the daughter Lamentations:2:20; Lamentations:4:10; Leviticus:26:29; Deuteronomy:28:52-57; 2Kings:6:26-29; Isaiah:49:15; Jeremiah:19:9; Ezekiel:5:10; Luke:23:28-29 *2 like Job:39:13-16; Romans:1:31

4 *1 tongue Psalms:22:15; Psalms:137:6 *2 the young Lamentations:1:11; Lamentations:2:11-12; Deuteronomy:32:24; Matthew:7:9-11

5 *1 that did Deuteronomy:28:54-56; Isaiah:3:16-26; Isaiah:24:6-12; Isaiah:32:9-14; Jeremiah:6:2-3; Amos:6:3-7; Luke:7:25; 1Timothy:5:6; Revelation:18:7-9 *2 brought 2Samuel:1:24; Proverbs:31:21; Luke:16:19 *3 embrace Job:24:8; Jeremiah:9:21-22; Luke:15:16

6 *1 punishment of the iniquity of the daughter Isaiah:1:9-10; Ezekiel:16:48-50; Matthew:11:23-24; Luke:10:12; Luke:12:47 *2 the punishment Lamentations:4:9; Genesis:19:25; Daniel:9:12; Matthew:24:21

7 *1 Nazarites Numbers:6:2-21; Judges:13:5-7; Judges:16:17; Amos:2:11-12; Luke:1:15 *2 purer 1Samuel:16:12; Psalms:51:7; Psalms:144:12; Songs:5:10; Daniel:1:15

8 *1 visage Lamentations:5:10; Job:30:17-19 Job:30:30 Joel:2:6; Nahum:2:10 *2 they Lamentations:4:1-2; Ruth:1:19-20; Job:2:12; Isaiah:52:14 *3 their skin Job:19:20; Job:33:21; Psalms:32:4; Psalms:38:3; Psalms:102:3-5 Psalms:102:11 Psalms:119:83

9 *1 for Leviticus:26:39; Ezekiel:24:23; Ezekiel:33:10

10 *1 hands Lamentations:4:3; Lamentations:2:20; 2Kings:6:26-29 *2 pitiful Isaiah:49:15 *3 in Lamentations:3:48; Deuteronomy:28:56-57; 2Kings:6:29

11 *1 Lord Lamentations:4:22; Lamentations:2:8 Lamentations:2:17 Deuteronomy:32:21-25; Jeremiah:6:11-12; Jeremiah:7:20; Jeremiah:9:9-11; Jeremiah:13:14; Jeremiah:14:15-16; Jeremiah:15:1-4; Jeremiah:19:3-11; Jeremiah:23:19-20; Jeremiah:24:8-10; Ezekiel:20:47-48; Ezekiel:22:31; Daniel:9:12;z Ecclesiastes:1:6; Luke:21:22 *2 kindled Deuteronomy:32:22; Jeremiah:21:14

12 *1 The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. Deuteronomy:29:24-28; 1Kings:9:8-9; Psalms:48:4-6

13 *1 the sins Lamentations:2:14; Jeremiah:5:31; Jeremiah:6:13; Jeremiah:14:14; Jeremiah:23:11-21; Ezekiel:22:26-28; Micah:3:11-12; Zephaniah:3:3-4 *2 that Jeremiah:2:20; Jeremiah:26:8-9; Matthew:23:31-33-37; Luke:11:47-51; Acts:7:52; 1Thessalonians:2:15-16

14 *1 have wandered Deuteronomy:28:28-29; Isaiah:29:10-12; Isaiah:56:10; Isaiah:59:9-11; Micah:3:6-7; Matthew:15:14; Ephesians:4:18 *2 they have polluted Numbers:35:33; Isaiah:1:15; Jeremiah:2:34 *3 so that men could not touch Numbers:19:16; Hosea:4:2

16 *1 hath Genesis:49:7; Leviticus:26:33-39; Deuteronomy:28:25-64-65; Deuteronomy:32:26; Jeremiah:15:4; Jeremiah:24:9 *2 he will Psalms:106:44; Hebrews:8:9 *3 they respected Lamentations:5:12; 2Kings:25:18-21; 2Chronicles:36:17; Isaiah:9:14-16

17 *1 our eyes Lamentations:1:19; 2Kings:24:7; Isaiah:20:5; Isaiah:30:1-7; Isaiah:31:1-3; Jeremiah:2:18 Jeremiah:2:36 Jeremiah:8:20; Jeremiah:37:7-10; 1:29:6-7 Ezekiel:29:16

18 *1 hunt Lamentations:3:52; 1Samuel:24:14; 2Kings:25:4-5; Job:10:16; Psalms:140:11; Jeremiah:16:16; Jeremiah:39:4-5; Jeremiah:52:7-9 *2 our end is near Jeremiah:1:12; Jeremiah:51:33; Ezekiel:7:2-12; Ezekiel:12:22-23 Ezekiel:12:27 Amos:8:2

19 *1 persecutors Deuteronomy:28:49; Isaiah:5:26-28; Isaiah:30:16-17; Jeremiah:4:13; Hosea:8:1; Habakkuk:1:8; Matthew:24:27-28 *2 they pursued Amos:2:14; Amos:9:1-3

20 *1 breath Lamentations:2:9; Genesis:2:7; Genesis:44:30; 2Samuel:18:3 *2 the anointed 1Samuel:12:3-5; 1Samuel:16:6; 1Samuel:24:6 1Samuel:24:10 1Samuel:26:9 1Samuel:26:16 2Samuel:1:14 2Samuel:1:21 2Samuel:19:21; Psalms:89:20-21 *3 was taken Jeremiah:39:5; Jeremiah:52:8; Ezekiel:12:13; Ezekiel:17:18; Ezekiel:19:4-8

21 *1 be glad Psalms:83:3-12; Psalms:137:7; Ecclesiastes:11:9; Ezekiel:25:6-8; Ezekiel:26:2; Ezekiel:35:11-15; Obadiah:1:10-16 *2 the land Genesis:36:28; Job:1:1 *3 the cup Isaiah:34:1-17; Isaiah:63:1-6; Jeremiah:25:15-29; Jeremiah:49:12; Ezekiel:25:12-14; Ezekiel:35:3-9; Amos:1:11; Obadiah:1:1 Obadiah:1:10-14 Malachi:1:2-4 *4 and shalt 2Chronicles:28:19; Micah:1:11; Revelation:16:15

22 *1 The punishment of thine iniquity Lamentations:4:6; Isaiah:40:2; Jeremiah:46:27-28; Jeremiah:50:20 *2 he will no Isaiah:52:1; Isaiah:60:18; Jeremiah:32:40; Ezekiel:37:28 *3 he will visit Lamentations:4:21; Psalms:137:7

tsk Lamentations 4 *

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