Leviticus: tsk

1 *2 Ye shall Leviticus:19:4; Exodus:20:4-5 Exodus:20:23 Exodus:23:24; Exodus:34:17; Deuteronomy:4:16-19; Deuteronomy:5:8-9; Deuteronomy:16:21-22; Deuteronomy:27:15; Psalms:97:7; Psalms:115:4-8; Isaiah:2:20; Isaiah:44:9-20; Isaiah:48:5-8; Jeremiah:10:3-8; Acts:17:29; Romans:2:22-23; 1Corinthians:10:19-20; Revelation:13:14-15; Revelation:22:15

2 *1 Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD. Leviticus:19:30

3 *1 If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; Leviticus:18:4-5; Deuteronomy:11:13-15; Deuteronomy:28:1-14; Joshua:23:14-15; Judges:2:1-2; Psalms:81:12-16; Isaiah:1:19; Isaiah:48:18-19; Matthew:7:24-25; Romans:2:7-10; Revelation:22:14

4 *1 Then I Deuteronomy:28:12; 1Kings:17:1; Job:5:10; Job:37:11-13; Job:38:25-28; Psalms:65:9-13; Psalms:68:9; Psalms:104:13; Isaiah:5:6; Isaiah:30:23; Jeremiah:14:22; Ezekiel:34:26-27; Joel:2:23-24; Amos:4:7-8; Matthew:5:45; Acts:14:17; James:5:7 James:5:17-18 Revelation:11:6 *2 the land Leviticus:25:21; Psalms:67:6; Psalms:85:12; Ezekiel:34:27; Ezekiel:36:30; Haggai:2:18-19;z Ecclesiastes:8:12

5 *1 threshing Amos:9:13; Matthew:9:37-38; John:4:35-36 *2 eat your Leviticus:25:19; Exodus:16:8; Deuteronomy:11:15; Joel:2:19 Joel:2:26 Acts:14:17; 1Timothy:6:17 *3 dwell Leviticus:25:18; Job:11:18-19; Psalms:46:1-7; Psalms:90:1; Psalms:91:1-14; Proverbs:1:33; Proverbs:18:10; Jeremiah:23:6; Ezekiel:34:25-28; Matthew:23:37; 1Peter:1:5

6 *1 I will 1Chronicles:22:9; Psalms:29:11; Psalms:147:14; Isaiah:9:7; Isaiah:45:7; Jeremiah:30:10; Hosea:2:18; Micah:4:4; Haggai:2:9;z Ecclesiastes:9:10; John:14:27; Romans:5:1; Philippians:4:7-9 *2 ye shall Job:11:19; Psalms:3:5; Psalms:4:8; Psalms:127:1-2; Proverbs:3:24; Proverbs:6:22; Isaiah:35:9; Jeremiah:30:10; Jeremiah:31:26; Ezekiel:34:25; Zephaniah:3:13; Acts:12:6 *3 rid Exodus:23:29; 2Kings:2:24; 2Kings:17:25-26; Job:5:23; Isaiah:35:9; Ezekiel:5:17; 1:14:15 Ezekiel:14:21 *4 shall the sword Ezekiel:14:17

8 *1 And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword. Numbers:14:9; Deuteronomy:28:7; Deuteronomy:32:30; Joshua:23:10; Judges:7:19-21; 1Samuel:14:6-16; 1Samuel:17:45-52; 1Chronicles:11:11-20; Psalms:81:14-15

9 *1 for I Exodus:2:25; 2Kings:13:23; Nehemiah:2:20; Psalms:89:3; Psalms:138:6-7; Jeremiah:33:3; Hebrews:8:9 *2 make you Genesis:17:6-7 Genesis:17:20 Genesis:26:4; Genesis:28:3 Genesis:28:14 Exodus:1:7; Deuteronomy:28:4 Deuteronomy:28:11 Nehemiah:9:23; Psalms:107:38 *3 establish Genesis:6:18; Genesis:17:7; Exodus:6:4; Isaiah:55:3; Ezekiel:16:62; Luke:1:72

10 *1 And ye shall eat old store, and bring forth the old because of the new. Leviticus:25:22; Joshua:5:11; 2Kings:19:29; Luke:12:17

11 *1 I will Exodus:25:8; Exodus:29:45; Joshua:22:19; 1Kings:8:13 1Kings:8:27 Psalms:76:2; Psalms:78:68-69; Psalms:132:13-14; Ezekiel:37:26-28; Ephesians:2:22; Revelation:21:3 *2 abhor Leviticus:20:23; Deuteronomy:32:19; Psalms:78:59; Psalms:106:40; Jeremiah:14:21; Lamentations:2:7;z Ecclesiastes:11:8

12 *1 I will Genesis:3:8; Genesis:5:22-24; Genesis:6:9; Deuteronomy:23:14; 2Corinthians:6:16; Revelation:2:1 *2 will be Genesis:17:7; Exodus:3:6; Exodus:6:7; Exodus:19:5-6; Psalms:50:7; Psalms:68:18-20; Isaiah:12:2; Isaiah:41:10; Jeremiah:7:23; Jeremiah:11:4; Jeremiah:30:22; Jeremiah:31:33; Jeremiah:32:38; Ezekiel:11:20; Ezekiel:36:38; Joel:2:27;z Ecclesiastes:13:9; Matthew:22:32; Hebrews:11:16; Revelation:21:7

13 *1 I am 1:25:38 Leviticus:25:42,55; Exodus:20:2; Psalms:81:6-10; 1Corinthians:6:19-20 *2 and I have Psalms:116:16; Isaiah:51:23; Jeremiah:2:20; Ezekiel:34:27

14 *1 But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments; Leviticus:26:18; Deuteronomy:28:15-68; Jeremiah:17:27; Lamentations:1:18; Lamentations:2:17; Malachi:2:2; Acts:3:23; Hebrews:12:25

15 *1 despise Leviticus:26:43; Numbers:15:31; 2Samuel:12:9-10; 2Kings:17:15; 2Chronicles:36:16; Proverbs:1:7 Proverbs:1:30 Jeremiah:6:19;z Ecclesiastes:7:11-13; Acts:13:41; 1Thessalonians:4:8 *2 soul Psalms:50:17; Proverbs:5:12; Romans:8:7 *3 break Genesis:17:14; Exodus:19:5; Exodus:24:7; Deuteronomy:31:16; Isaiah:24:5; Jeremiah:11:10; Jeremiah:31:32; Ezekiel:16:59; Hebrews:8:9

16 *1 appoint Psalms:109:6 *2 terror Deuteronomy:28:65-67; Deuteronomy:32:25; Job:15:20-21; Job:18:11; Job:20:25; Psalms:73:19; Isaiah:7:2; Jeremiah:15:8; Jeremiah:20:4; Hebrews:10:31 *3 consumption Exodus:15:26; Deuteronomy:28:21-22-35 *4 consume Deuteronomy:28:32-34-67; 1Samuel:2:33; Psalms:78:33; Ezekiel:33:10;z Ecclesiastes:14:12 *5 and ye shall Deuteronomy:28:33-51; Judges:6:3-6 Judges:6:11 Job:31:8; Isaiah:65:22-24; Jeremiah:5:17; Jeremiah:12:13; Micah:6:15; Haggai:1:6 *6 for your Isaiah:10:4

17 *1 set Leviticus:17:10; Leviticus:20:5-6; Psalms:68:1-2 *2 ye shall be Deuteronomy:28:25; Judges:2:14; 1Samuel:4:10; 1Samuel:31:1; Nehemiah:9:27-30; Psalms:106:41-42; Jeremiah:19:7; Lamentations:1:5 *3 shall flee Leviticus:26:36; Psalms:53:5; Proverbs:28:1

18 *1 seven times Leviticus:26:21-24 Leviticus:26:28 1Samuel:2:5; Psalms:119:164; Proverbs:24:16; Daniel:3:19

19 *1 will break 1Samuel:4:3 1Samuel:4:11 Isaiah:2:12; Isaiah:25:11; Isaiah:26:5; Jeremiah:13:9; Ezekiel:7:24; Ezekiel:30:6; Daniel:4:37; Zephaniah:3:11 *2 make Deuteronomy:28:23; 1Kings:17:1; Jeremiah:14:1-6; Luke:4:25

20 *1 your strength Psalms:127:1; Isaiah:49:4; Habakkuk:2:13; Galatians:4:11 *2 for your land Leviticus:26:4; Deuteronomy:11:17; Deuteronomy:28:18 Deuteronomy:28:38-40-42 Job:31:40; Psalms:107:34; Haggai:1:9-11; Haggai:2:16; 1Corinthians:3:6

22 *1 wild Leviticus:26:6; Deuteronomy:32:24; 2Kings:17:25; Jeremiah:15:3; Ezekiel:5:17; 1:14:15 Ezekiel:14:21 *2 rob you 2Kings:2:24 *3 your high Judges:5:6; 2Chronicles:15:5; Isaiah:24:6; Isaiah:33:8; Lamentations:1:4; Ezekiel:14:15; Ezekiel:33:28; Micah:3:12;z Ecclesiastes:7:14

23 *1 And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary unto me; Isaiah:1:16-20; Jeremiah:2:30; Jeremiah:5:3; Ezekiel:24:13-14; Amos:4:6-12

24 *1 Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times for your sins. 2Samuel:22:27; Job:9:4; Psalms:18:26; Isaiah:63:10

25 *1 will bring Deuteronomy:32:25 Deuteronomy:32:41 Judges:2:14-16; Psalms:78:62-64; Isaiah:34:5-6; Jeremiah:9:16; Jeremiah:14:12-13; Jeremiah:15:2-4; Lamentations:2:21; Ezekiel:5:17; Ezekiel:6:3; Ezekiel:14:17; Ezekiel:21:4-17; Ezekiel:29:8; Ezekiel:33:2 *2 avenge Deuteronomy:32:35; Psalms:94:1; Ezekiel:20:37; Hebrews:10:28-30 *3 I will send Numbers:14:12; Numbers:16:49; Deuteronomy:28:21; 2Samuel:24:15; Jeremiah:14:12; Jeremiah:24:10; Jeremiah:29:17-18; Amos:4:10; Luke:21:11

26 *1 And when I have broken the staff of your bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight: and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied. Psalms:105:16; Isaiah:3:1; Isaiah:9:20; Jeremiah:14:12; Lamentations:4:3-9; Ezekiel:4:10 Ezekiel:4:16 Ezekiel:5:16; Ezekiel:14:13; Hosea:4:10; Micah:6:14; Haggai:1:6

27 *1 And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me; Leviticus:26:21-24

28 *1 in fury Isaiah:27:4; Isaiah:59:18; Isaiah:63:3; Isaiah:66:15; Jeremiah:21:5; Ezekiel:5:13-15; Ezekiel:8:18; 1:1:2 Nahum:1:6

29 *1 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. Deuteronomy:28:53-57; 2Kings:6:28-29; Jeremiah:19:9; Lamentations:2:20; Lamentations:4:10; Ezekiel:5:10; Matthew:24:19; Luke:23:29

30 *1 I will destroy 1Kings:13:2; 1:23:8 2Kings:23:16,20; 2Chronicles:14:3-5; 2Chronicles:23:17; 2Chronicles:31:1; 2Chronicles:34:3-7; Isaiah:27:9; Jeremiah:8:1-3; 1:6:3-6 Ezekiel:6:13 *2 my soul Leviticus:26:11 Leviticus:26:15 Leviticus:20:23; Psalms:78:58-59; Psalms:89:38; Jeremiah:14:19

31 *1 And I will make 2Kings:25:4-10; 2Chronicles:36:19; Nehemiah:2:3 Nehemiah:2:17 Isaiah:1:7; Isaiah:24:10-12; Jeremiah:4:7; Jeremiah:9:11; Lamentations:1:1; Lamentations:2:7; Ezekiel:6:6; Ezekiel:21:15; Micah:3:12 *2 and bring Psalms:74:3-8; Jeremiah:22:5; Jeremiah:26:6 Jeremiah:26:9 Jeremiah:52:13; Lamentations:1:10; Ezekiel:9:6; Ezekiel:21:7; Ezekiel:24:21; Matthew:24:1-2; Luke:21:5-6 Luke:21:24 Acts:6:14 *3 I will not smell Genesis:8:21; Isaiah:1:11-14; Isaiah:66:3; Amos:5:21-23; Hebrews:10:26

32 *1 And I Deuteronomy:29:23; Isaiah:1:7-8; Isaiah:5:6 Isaiah:5:9 Isaiah:6:11; Isaiah:24:1; Isaiah:32:13-14; Isaiah:64:10; Jeremiah:9:11; 1:25:11 Jeremiah:25:18,38; Jeremiah:44:2 Jeremiah:44:22 Lamentations:5:18; Ezekiel:33:28-29; Daniel:9:2 Daniel:9:18 Habakkuk:3:17; Luke:21:20 *2 and your Deuteronomy:28:37; Deuteronomy:29:24-28; 1Kings:9:8; Jeremiah:18:16; Jeremiah:19:8; Lamentations:4:12; Ezekiel:5:15

33 *1 And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste. Deuteronomy:4:27; Deuteronomy:28:64-66; Psalms:44:11; Jeremiah:9:16; Lamentations:1:3; Lamentations:4:15; Ezekiel:12:14-16; Ezekiel:20:23; Ezekiel:22:15;z Ecclesiastes:7:14; Luke:21:24; James:1:1

34 *1 Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' land; even then shall the land rest, and enjoy her sabbaths. Leviticus:25:2-4 Leviticus:25:10 2Chronicles:36:21

35 *1 As long as it lieth desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest in your sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it. Isaiah:24:5-6; Romans:8:22

36 *1 I will send Genesis:35:5; Deuteronomy:28:65-67; Joshua:2:9-11; Joshua:5:1; 1Samuel:17:24; 2Kings:7:6-7; 2Chronicles:14:14; Job:15:21-22; Isaiah:7:2-4; 1:21:7 Ezekiel:21:12,15 *2 and the Leviticus:26:7-8 Leviticus:26:17 Deuteronomy:1:44; Job:15:21; Proverbs:28:1; Isaiah:30:17

37 *1 they shall Judges:7:22; 1Samuel:14:15-16; Isaiah:10:4; Jeremiah:37:10 *2 and ye shall Numbers:14:42; Joshua:7:12-13; Judges:2:14

38 *1 And ye shall perish among the heathen, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up. Deuteronomy:4:27; Deuteronomy:28:48 Deuteronomy:28:68 Isaiah:27:13; Jeremiah:42:17-18 Jeremiah:42:22 1:44:12-14 Jeremiah:44:27-28

39 *1 shall pine Deuteronomy:28:65; Deuteronomy:30:1; Nehemiah:1:9; Psalms:32:3-4; Jeremiah:3:25; Jeremiah:29:12; Lamentations:4:9; Ezekiel:4:17; Ezekiel:6:9; Ezekiel:20:43; Ezekiel:24:23; Ezekiel:33:10; Ezekiel:36:31; Hosea:5:15;z Ecclesiastes:10:9 *2 and also Exodus:20:5; Exodus:34:7; Numbers:14:18; Deuteronomy:5:9; Jeremiah:31:29; Ezekiel:18:2-3 Ezekiel:18:19 Matthew:23:35-36; Romans:11:8-10

40 *1 confess Numbers:5:7; Deuteronomy:4:29-31; Deuteronomy:30:1-3; Joshua:7:19; 1Kings:8:33-36 1Kings:8:47 Nehemiah:9:2-5; Job:33:27-28; Psalms:32:5; Proverbs:28:13; Jeremiah:31:18-20; Ezekiel:36:31; Daniel:9:3-20; Hosea:5:15; Hosea:6:1-2; Luke:15:18-19; 1John:1:8-10 *2 and that 1:26:21-24 Leviticus:26:27-28

41 *1 their uncircumcised Deuteronomy:30:6; Jeremiah:4:4; Jeremiah:6:10; Jeremiah:9:25-26; Ezekiel:44:7; Acts:7:51; Romans:2:28-29; Galatians:5:6; Philippians:3:3; Colossians:2:11 *2 humbled Exodus:10:3; 1Kings:21:29; 2Chronicles:12:6-7 2Chronicles:12:12 2Chronicles:32:26; 1:33:12-13 2Chronicles:33:19,23; Ezekiel:6:9; Ezekiel:20:43; Matthew:23:12; Luke:14:11; Luke:18:14; James:4:6-9; 1Peter:5:5-6 *3 and they Ezra:9:13-15; Nehemiah:9:33; Psalms:39:9; Psalms:51:3-4; 1:9:7-14 Daniel:9:18-19

42 *1 will I Genesis:9:16; Exodus:2:24; Exodus:6:5; Deuteronomy:4:31; Psalms:106:45; Ezekiel:16:60; Luke:1:72 *2 and I will Psalms:85:1-2; Psalms:136:23; Ezekiel:36:1-15 Ezekiel:36:33-34 Joel:2:18

43 *1 shall enjoy Leviticus:26:34-35 *2 and they Leviticus:26:41; 1Kings:8:46-48; 2Chronicles:33:12; Job:5:17; Job:34:31-32; Psalms:50:15; 1:119:67 Psalms:119:71,75; Isaiah:26:16; Jeremiah:31:19; Daniel:9:7-9 Daniel:9:14 Hebrews:12:5-11 *3 they despised Leviticus:26:15; 2Kings:17:7-17; 2Chronicles:36:14-16 *4 their soul Leviticus:26:15 Leviticus:26:30 Psalms:50:17; Amos:5:10;z Ecclesiastes:11:8; John:7:7; John:15:23-24; Romans:8:7

44 *1 I will Deuteronomy:4:29-31; 2Kings:13:23; Nehemiah:9:31; Psalms:94:14; Ezekiel:14:22-23; 1:11:2 Romans:11:26 *2 break Psalms:89:33; Jeremiah:14:21; Jeremiah:33:20-21; Ezekiel:16:60

45 *1 for their Genesis:12:2; Genesis:15:18; Genesis:17:7-8; Exodus:2:24; Exodus:19:5-6; Luke:1:72-73; Romans:11:12 Romans:11:23-26-28-29 2Corinthians:3:15-16 *2 whom I Leviticus:22:33; Leviticus:25:38; Exodus:20:2 *3 in the sight Psalms:98:2-3; 1:20:9 Ezekiel:20:14,22

46 *1 the statues Leviticus:27:34; Deuteronomy:6:1; Deuteronomy:12:1; Deuteronomy:13:4; John:1:17 *2 in mount Sinai Leviticus:25:1 *3 by the hand Leviticus:8:36; Numbers:4:37; Psalms:77:20

tsk Leviticus 26 *

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