Luke: tsk

1 *4 these Matthew:10:1-4; Mark:6:7-13 *5 other seventy 1:11:16 Numbers:11:24-26 *6 two and Acts:13:2-4; Revelation:11:3-10 *7 whither Luke:1:17 Luke:1:76 Luke:3:4-6; Luke:9:52

2 *1 The harvest Matthew:9:37-38; John:4:35-38; 1Corinthians:3:6-9 *2 the labourers Matthew:20:1; Mark:13:34; 1Corinthians:15:10; 2Corinthians:6:1; Philippians:2:25 Philippians:2:30 Colossians:1:29; Colossians:4:12; 1Thessalonians:2:9; 1Thessalonians:5:12; 1Timothy:4:10 1Timothy:4:15-16 1Timothy:5:17-18; 2Timothy:2:3-6; 2Timothy:4:5; Philemon:1:1 *3 are 1Kings:18:22; 1Kings:22:6-8; Isaiah:56:9-12; Ezekiel:34:2-6;z Ecclesiastes:11:5 Ecclesiastes:11:17 Matthew:9:36; Acts:16:9-10; Philippians:2:21; Revelation:11:2-3 *4 pray 2Thessalonians:3:1 *5 the Lord Luke:9:1; Numbers:11:17 Numbers:11:29 Psalms:68:11; Jeremiah:3:15; Mark:16:15 Mark:16:20 Acts:8:4; Acts:11:19; Acts:13:2-4; Acts:20:28; Acts:22:21; Acts:26:15-18; 1Corinthians:12:28; Ephesians:4:7-12; 1Timothy:1:12-14; Hebrews:3:6; Revelation:2:1

3 *1 I send Psalms:22:12-16 Psalms:22:21 Ezekiel:2:3-6; Matthew:10:16 Matthew:10:22 John:15:20; John:16:2; 1:9:2 Acts:9:16 *2 wolves Zephaniah:3:3; Matthew:7:15; John:10:12; Acts:20:29

4 *1 neither Luke:9:3-6; Luke:22:35; Matthew:10:9-10; Mark:6:8-9 *2 and Luke:9:59-60; Genesis:24:33-56; 1Samuel:21:8; 2Kings:4:24 2Kings:4:29 Proverbs:4:25

5 *1 And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house. Luke:19:9; 1Samuel:25:6; Isaiah:57:19; Matthew:10:12-13; Acts:10:36; 2Corinthians:5:18-20; Ephesians:2:17

6 *1 the Son 1Samuel:25:17; Isaiah:9:6; Ephesians:2:2-3; Ephesians:5:6; 2Thessalonians:3:16; 1Peter:1:14; James:3:18 *2 it shall Psalms:35:13; 2Corinthians:2:15-16

7 *1 in Luke:9:4; Matthew:10:11; Mark:6:10; 1:16:15 Acts:16:34,40 *2 for Deuteronomy:12:12 Deuteronomy:12:18-19 Matthew:10:10; 1Corinthians:9:4-15; Galatians:6:6; Philippians:4:17-18; 1Timothy:5:17-18; 2Timothy:2:6; 3John:1:5-8 *3 Go 1Timothy:5:13

8 *1 and Luke:10:10; Luke:9:48; Matthew:10:40; John:13:20 *2 eat 1Corinthians:10:27

9 *1 heal Luke:9:2; Matthew:10:8; Mark:6:13; Acts:28:7-10 *2 The kingdom Luke:10:11; Luke:17:20-21; Daniel:2:44; Matthew:3:2; Matthew:4:17; Matthew:10:7; Mark:4:30; John:3:3-5; 1:28:28 Acts:28:31

10 *1 go Luke:9:5; Matthew:10:14; Acts:13:51; Acts:18:6

11 *1 notwithstanding Luke:10:9; Deuteronomy:30:11-14; 1:13:26 Acts:13:40,46; Romans:10:8 Romans:10:21 Hebrews:1:3

12 *1 that Lamentations:4:6; Ezekiel:16:48-50; Matthew:10:15; Matthew:11:24; Mark:6:11

13 *1 unto Matthew:11:20-22 *2 for Ezekiel:3:6-7; Acts:28:25-28; Romans:9:29-33; Romans:11:8-11; 1Timothy:4:2 *3 Tyre Isaiah:23:1-18; Ezekiel:26:1-28 *4 which Luke:9:10-17; Mark:8:22-26 *5 repented Job:42:6; Isaiah:61:3; Daniel:9:3; John:3:5-6

14 *1 But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you. Luke:12:47-48; Amos:3:2; John:3:19; John:15:22-25; Romans:2:1-27

15 *1 Capernaum Luke:7:1-2; Matthew:4:13 *2 which Genesis:11:4; Deuteronomy:1:28; Isaiah:14:13-15; Jeremiah:51:53; Ezekiel:28:12-14; Amos:9:2-3; Obadiah:1:4; Matthew:11:23 *3 thrust Luke:13:28; Isaiah:5:14; Isaiah:14:15; Ezekiel:26:20; Ezekiel:31:18; Ezekiel:32:18-20 Ezekiel:32:27 Matthew:10:28; 2Peter:2:4

16 *1 heareth you Luke:9:48; Matthew:10:40; Matthew:18:5; Mark:9:37; John:12:44 John:12:48 John:13:20; 1Thessalonians:4:8 *2 despiseth you Exodus:16:7; Numbers:14:2 Numbers:14:11 Numbers:16:11; Acts:5:4 *3 despiseth him Malachi:1:6; John:5:22-23; 1Thessalonians:4:8

17 *1 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. Luke:10:1 Luke:10:9 Luke:9:1; Romans:16:20

18 *1 I beheld Satan John:12:31; John:16:11; Hebrews:2:14; 1John:3:8; Revelation:9:1; Revelation:12:7-9; Revelation:20:2

19 *1 I give Psalms:91:13; Isaiah:11:8; Ezekiel:2:6; Mark:16:18; Acts:28:5; Romans:16:20 *2 and nothing Luke:21:17-18; Romans:8:31-39; Hebrews:13:5-6; Revelation:11:5

20 *1 in this Matthew:7:22-23; Matthew:10:1; Matthew:26:24; Matthew:27:5; 1Corinthians:13:2-3 *2 your Exodus:32:32; Psalms:69:28; Isaiah:4:3; Daniel:12:1; Philippians:4:3; Hebrews:12:23; Revelation:3:5; Revelation:13:8; Revelation:20:12 Revelation:20:15 Revelation:21:27

21 *1 Jesus Luke:15:5 Luke:15:9 Isaiah:53:11; Isaiah:62:5; Zephaniah:3:17 *2 I thank Matthew:11:25-26; John:11:41; John:17:24-26 *3 Lord Psalms:24:1; Isaiah:66:1 *4 thou hast Job:5:12-14; Isaiah:29:14; 1Corinthians:1:9-26; 1Corinthians:2:6-8; 1Corinthians:3:18-20; 2Corinthians:4:3; Colossians:2:2-3 *5 revealed Psalms:8:2; Psalms:25:14; Isaiah:29:18-19; Isaiah:35:8; Matthew:13:11-16; Matthew:16:17; Matthew:21:16; Mark:10:15; 1Corinthians:1:27-29; 1Corinthians:2:6-7; 1Peter:2:1-2 *6 even 1:1:5 Ephesians:1:11

22 *1 All things Matthew:11:27; Matthew:28:18; John:3:35; John:5:22-27; John:13:3; John:17:2 John:17:10 1Corinthians:15:24; Ephesians:1:21; Philippians:2:9-11; Hebrews:2:8 *2 and no John:1:18; John:6:44-46; John:10:15; John:17:5 John:17:26 2Corinthians:4:6; 1John:5:20; 2John:1:9

23 *1 Blessed Matthew:13:16-17

24 *1 many John:8:56; Hebrews:11:13 Hebrews:11:39 1Peter:1:10-11

25 *1 a certain Luke:7:30; Luke:11:45-46; Matthew:22:35 *2 Master Luke:18:18; Matthew:19:16; Acts:16:30-31 *3 to Galatians:3:18

26 *1 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? Isaiah:8:20; Romans:3:19; Romans:4:14-16; Romans:10:5; 1:3:12-13 Galatians:3:21-22

27 *1 Thou Deuteronomy:6:5; Deuteronomy:10:12; Deuteronomy:30:6; Matthew:22:37-40; Mark:12:30-31-33-34; Hebrews:8:10 *2 and thy Leviticus:19:18; Matthew:19:19; Romans:13:9; Galatians:5:13; James:2:8; 1John:3:18

28 *1 Thou hast Luke:7:43; Mark:12:34 *2 this Leviticus:18:5; Nehemiah:9:29; Ezekiel:20:11-13 Ezekiel:20:21 Matthew:19:17; Romans:3:19; Romans:10:4; Galatians:3:12

29 *1 willing Luke:16:15; Luke:18:9-11; Leviticus:19:34; Job:32:2; Romans:4:2; Romans:10:3; Galatians:3:11; James:2:24 *2 And Luke:10:36; Matthew:5:43-44

30 *1 wounded Psalms:88:4; Jeremiah:51:52; Lamentations:2:12; Ezekiel:30:24

31 *1 by Ruth:2:3; 2Samuel:1:6; Ecclesiastes:9:11 *2 priest Jeremiah:5:31; Hosea:5:1; Hosea:6:9; Malachi:1:10 *3 he passed Job:6:14-21; Psalms:38:10-11; Psalms:69:20; Psalms:142:4; Proverbs:21:13; Proverbs:24:11-12; James:2:13-16; 1John:3:16-18

32 *1 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. Psalms:109:25; Proverbs:27:10; Acts:18:17; 2Timothy:3:2

33 *1 Samaritan Luke:9:52-53; Luke:17:16-18; Proverbs:27:10; Jeremiah:38:7-13; Jeremiah:39:16-18; John:4:9; John:8:48 *2 he had Luke:7:13; Exodus:2:6; 1Kings:8:50; Matthew:18:33

34 *1 went Luke:10:34; Exodus:23:4-5; Proverbs:24:17-18; Proverbs:25:21-22; Matthew:5:43-45; Romans:12:20; 1Thessalonians:5:15 *2 bound Psalms:147:3; Isaiah:1:5-6; Mark:14:8 *3 an inn Luke:2:7; Genesis:42:27; Exodus:4:24

35 *1 two pence Matthew:20:2 *2 the host Romans:16:23 *3 whatsoever Luke:14:13; Proverbs:19:17

36 *1 thinkest Luke:7:42; Matthew:17:25; Matthew:21:28-31; Matthew:22:42

37 *1 He that Proverbs:14:21; Hosea:6:6; Micah:6:8; Matthew:20:28; Matthew:23:23; 2Corinthians:8:9; Ephesians:3:18-19; Ephesians:5:2; Hebrews:2:9-15; Revelation:1:5 *2 Go Luke:6:32-36; John:13:15-17; 1Peter:2:21; 1John:3:16-18 1John:3:23-24 1John:4:10-11

38 *1 a certain John:11:1-5; John:12:1-3 *2 received Luke:8:2-3; Acts:16:15; 2John:1:10

39 *1 which Luke:2:46; Luke:8:35; Deuteronomy:33:3; Proverbs:8:34; Acts:22:3; 1Corinthians:7:32-40

40 *1 cumbered Luke:12:29; John:6:27 *2 dost Matthew:14:15; Matthew:16:22; Mark:3:21 *3 my Luke:9:55; Jonah:4:1-4

41 *1 thou Luke:8:14; Luke:21:34; Mark:4:19; 1Corinthians:7:32-35; Philippians:4:6 *2 many Ecclesiastes:6:11; Matthew:6:25-34

42 *1 one Luke:18:22; Psalms:27:4; Psalms:73:25; Ecclesiastes:12:13; Mark:8:36; John:17:3; 1Corinthians:13:3; Galatians:5:6; Colossians:2:10-19; 1John:5:11-12 *2 chosen Deuteronomy:30:19; Joshua:24:15 Joshua:24:22 Psalms:17:15; 1:119:30 Psalms:119:111,173 *3 good Psalms:16:5-6; Psalms:142:5 *4 which Luke:8:18; Luke:12:20 Luke:12:33 Luke:16:2 Luke:16:25 John:4:14; John:5:24; John:10:27-28; Romans:8:35-39; Colossians:3:3-4; 1Peter:1:4-5

tsk Luke 10 *

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