Luke: tsk

1 *2 Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover. Exodus:12:6-23; Leviticus:23:5-6; Matthew:26:2; Mark:14:1-2 Mark:14:12 John:11:55-57; 1Corinthians:5:7-8

2 *1 And the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him; for they feared the people. Luke:19:47-48; Luke:20:19; Psalms:2:1-5; Matthew:21:38 Matthew:21:45-46 Matthew:26:3-5; John:11:47-53-57; Acts:4:27

3 *1 entered Matthew:26:14; Mark:14:10-11; John:6:70-71; John:12:6; John:13:2 John:13:27 Acts:5:3 *2 being Luke:22:21; Luke:6:16; Psalms:41:9; Psalms:55:12-14; Matthew:26:23; Mark:14:18-20; 1:13:18 John:13:26

4 *1 went Matthew:26:14; Mark:14:10-11

5 *1 and covenanted z Ecclesiastes:11:12-13; Matthew:26:15-16; Matthew:27:3-5; Acts:1:18; Acts:8:20; 1Timothy:6:9-10; 2Peter:2:3 2Peter:2:15 ju Deuteronomy:1:11

6 *1 in the absence of the multitude Matthew:26:5; Mark:14:2

7 *1 Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed. Luke:22:1; Exodus:12:6 Exodus:12:18 Matthew:26:17; Mark:14:12

8 *1 he Mark:14:13-16 *2 Go Luke:1:6; Matthew:3:15; Galatians:4:4-5

10 *1 And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. Luke:19:29-40; 1Samuel:10:2-7; Matthew:26:18-19; John:16:4; Acts:8:26-29

11 *1 The Master Luke:19:31-34; Matthew:21:3; John:11:28 *2 Where is Luke:19:5; Revelation:3:20

12 *1 he John:2:25; John:21:17; Acts:16:14-15 *2 a large Acts:1:13; Acts:20:8

13 *1 And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover. Luke:21:33; John:2:5; John:11:40; Hebrews:11:8

14 *1 And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. Deuteronomy:16:6-7; Matthew:26:20; Mark:14:17

15 *1 With desire I have desired Luke:12:50; John:4:34; John:13:1; John:17:1

16 *1 until Luke:22:30; Luke:12:37; Luke:14:15; John:6:27 John:6:50-58 Acts:10:41; 1Corinthians:5:7-8; Hebrews:10:1-10; Revelation:19:9

17 *1 took Psalms:23:5; Psalms:116:13; Jeremiah:16:7 *2 gave Luke:22:19; Luke:9:16; Deuteronomy:8:10; 1Samuel:9:13; Romans:14:6; 1Timothy:4:4-5

18 *1 I will not Luke:22:16; Matthew:26:29; Mark:14:23; Mark:15:23 *2 the fruit Judges:9:13; Psalms:104:15; Proverbs:31:6-7; Songs:5:1; Isaiah:24:9-11; Isaiah:25:6; Isaiah:55:1;z Ecclesiastes:9:15-17; Ephesians:5:18-19 *3 until Luke:9:27; Luke:21:31; Daniel:2:44; Matthew:16:18; Mark:9:1; Acts:2:30-36; Colossians:1:13

19 *1 he took Matthew:26:26-28; Mark:14:22-24; 1Corinthians:10:16; 1Corinthians:11:23-29 *2 gave thanks Luke:22:17; Luke:24:30; John:6:23; 1Thessalonians:5:18 *3 is my Luke:22:20; Genesis:41:26-27; Ezekiel:37:11; Daniel:2:38; Daniel:4:22-24;z Ecclesiastes:5:7-8; 1Corinthians:10:4; Galatians:4:25 *4 given John:6:51; Galatians:1:4; Ephesians:5:2; Titus:2:14; 1Peter:2:24 *5 this do Psalms:78:4-6; Psalms:111:4; Songs:1:4; 1Corinthians:11:24

20 *1 This Exodus:24:8;z Ecclesiastes:9:11; 1Corinthians:10:16-21; 1Corinthians:11:25; Hebrews:8:6-13; Hebrews:9:17; Hebrews:12:24; Hebrews:13:20

21 *1 But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table. Job:19:19; Psalms:41:9; Micah:7:5-6; Matthew:26:21-23; Mark:14:18; John:13:18-19-21-26

22 *1 truly Luke:24:25-27 Luke:24:46 Genesis:3:15; Psalms:22:1-31; Psalms:69:1-36; Isaiah:53:1-12; Daniel:9:24-26;z Ecclesiastes:13:7; Matthew:26:24-53-54; Mark:14:21; Acts:2:23; Acts:4:25-28; Acts:13:27-28; Acts:26:22-23; 1Corinthians:15:3-4; 1Peter:1:11 *2 but Psalms:55:12-15; Psalms:69:22-28; Psalms:109:6-15; Matthew:27:5; John:17:12; Acts:1:16-25; 2Peter:2:3

23 *1 And they began to enquire among themselves, which of them it was that should do this thing. Matthew:26:22; Mark:14:19; John:13:22-25

24 *1 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. Luke:9:46; Matthew:20:20-24; Mark:9:34; Mark:10:37-41; Romans:12:10; 1Corinthians:13:4; Philippians:2:3-5; James:4:5-6; 1Peter:5:5-6

25 *1 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. Matthew:20:25-28; Mark:10:41-45

26 *1 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. Luke:9:48; Matthew:18:3-5; Matthew:23:8-12; Romans:12:2; 1Peter:5:3; 3John:1:9-10

27 *1 For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth. Luke:12:37; Luke:17:7-9; Matthew:20:28; John:13:5-16; 2Corinthians:8:9; Philippians:2:7-8

28 *1 Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. Matthew:19:28-29; Matthew:24:13; John:6:67-68; John:8:31; Acts:1:25; Hebrews:2:18; Hebrews:4:15

29 *1 And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; Luke:12:32; Luke:19:17; Matthew:24:47; Matthew:25:34; 1Corinthians:9:25; 2Corinthians:1:7; 2Timothy:2:12; James:2:5; 1Peter:5:4; Revelation:21:14

30 *1 eat Luke:22:16-18; Luke:12:37; Luke:14:15; 2Samuel:9:9-10; 2Samuel:19:28; Matthew:8:11; Revelation:19:9 *2 and sit Psalms:49:14; Matthew:19:28; 1Corinthians:6:2-3; Revelation:2:26-27; Revelation:3:21; Revelation:4:4

31 *1 Simon Luke:10:41; Acts:9:4 *2 Satan Job:1:8-11; Job:2:3-6;z Ecclesiastes:3:1; 1Peter:5:8; Revelation:12:10 *3 sift Amos:9:9

32 *1 I have z Ecclesiastes:3:2-4; John:14:19; John:17:9-11 John:17:15-21 Romans:5:9-10; Romans:8:32-34; Hebrews:7:25; 1Peter:1:5; 1John:2:1-2 *2 thy faith Luke:8:13; 2Timothy:2:18; Titus:1:1; Hebrews:12:15; 1Peter:1:1; 1John:2:19 *3 and when Luke:22:61-62; Matthew:18:3; Matthew:26:75; Mark:14:72; Mark:16:7; Acts:3:19 *4 strengthen Psalms:32:3-6; Psalms:51:12-13; John:21:15-17; 2Corinthians:1:4-6; 1Timothy:1:13-16; Hebrews:12:12-13; 1Peter:1:13; 1Peter:5:8-10; 2Peter:1:10-12; 1:3:14 2Peter:3:17-18

33 *1 I am 2Kings:8:12-13; Proverbs:28:26; Jeremiah:10:23; Jeremiah:17:9; Matthew:20:22; Matthew:26:33-35 Matthew:26:40-41 Mark:14:29-31-37-38; John:13:36-37; Acts:20:23-24; Acts:21:13

34 *1 the cock Matthew:26:34 Matthew:26:74 Mark:14:30 Mark:14:71-72 John:13:38; John:18:27

35 *1 When Luke:9:3; Luke:10:4; Matthew:10:9-10; Mark:6:8-9 *2 lacked Luke:12:29-31; Genesis:48:15; Deuteronomy:8:2-3 Deuteronomy:8:16 Psalms:23:1; Psalms:34:9-10; Psalms:37:3; Matthew:6:31-33

36 *1 But Matthew:10:22-25; John:15:20; John:16:33; 1Thessalonians:2:14-15; 1Thessalonians:3:4; 1Peter:4:1

37 *1 this Luke:22:22; Luke:18:31; Luke:24:44-46; Matthew:26:54-56; John:10:35; John:19:28-30; Acts:13:27-29 *2 And he Luke:23:32; Isaiah:53:12; Mark:15:27-28; 2Corinthians:5:21; Galatians:3:13

38 *1 It Matthew:26:52-54; John:18:36; 2Corinthians:10:3-4; Ephesians:6:10-18; 1Thessalonians:5:8; 1Peter:5:9

39 *1 he came Matthew:26:36-38; Mark:14:32-34; John:18:1-2 *2 as Luke:21:37; Mark:11:11 Mark:11:19 Mark:13:3

40 *1 Pray Luke:22:46; Luke:11:4; 1Chronicles:4:10; Psalms:17:5; Psalms:19:13; Psalms:119:116-117 Psalms:119:133 Proverbs:30:8-9; Matthew:6:13; Matthew:26:41; Mark:14:38; 2Corinthians:12:7-10; Ephesians:6:18-19; 1Peter:4:7; 1Peter:5:8-9; Revelation:3:10

41 *1 and kneeled Matthew:26:39; Mark:14:35

42 *1 Father Matthew:26:42-44; Mark:14:36; John:12:27-28 *2 cup Luke:22:17-20; Isaiah:51:17 Isaiah:51:22 Jeremiah:25:15; Matthew:20:22; John:18:11 *3 not Psalms:40:8; John:4:34; John:5:30; John:6:38; Hebrews:10:7-10

43 *1 an Luke:4:10-11; Psalms:91:11-12; Matthew:4:6 Matthew:4:11 Matthew:26:53; 1Timothy:3:16; 1:1:6 Hebrews:1:14 *2 strengthening Luke:22:32; Deuteronomy:3:28; Job:4:3-4; Daniel:10:16-19; Daniel:11:1; Acts:18:23; Hebrews:2:17

44 *1 being Genesis:32:24-28; Psalms:22:1-2 Psalms:22:12-21 Psalms:40:1-3; Psalms:69:14-18; Psalms:88:1-18; Psalms:130:1-2; Psalms:143:6-7; Lamentations:1:12; Lamentations:3:53-56; Jonah:2:2-3; John:12:27; Hebrews:5:7 *2 his Isaiah:53:10; Lamentations:1:12; Romans:8:32

45 *1 sleeping Matthew:26:40 Matthew:26:43 1:14:37 Mark:14:40-41

46 *1 Why sleep ye Luke:22:40; Luke:21:34-36; Proverbs:6:4-11; Jonah:1:6

47 *1 while Matthew:26:45-47; Mark:14:41-43; John:18:2-9 *2 Judas Luke:22:3-6; Matthew:26:14-16 Matthew:26:47 Mark:14:10 Mark:14:43 Acts:1:16-18

48 *1 betrayest 2Samuel:20:9-10; Psalms:55:21; Proverbs:27:6; Matthew:26:48-50; Mark:14:44-46

50 *1 And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. Matthew:26:51-54; Mark:14:47; John:18:10-11; Romans:12:19; 2Corinthians:10:4

51 *1 Suffer John:17:12; John:18:8-9 *2 And he Romans:12:21; 2Corinthians:10:1; 1Peter:2:21-23

52 *1 Jesus Matthew:26:55; Mark:14:48-49 *2 captains Luke:22:4; 2Kings:11:15; John:17:12; Acts:5:26

53 *1 I was Luke:21:37-38; Matthew:21:12-15 Matthew:21:23-45-46 1:7:25-26 John:7:30,45 *2 but Judges:16:21-30; Job:20:5; John:12:27; John:16:20-22 *3 the power John:14:30; Acts:26:18; 2Corinthians:4:3-6; Ephesians:6:12; Colossians:1:13; Revelation:12:9-12

54 *1 took Matthew:26:57-58; Mark:14:53-54; 1:18:12-17 John:18:24 *2 And Peter Luke:22:33-34; 2Chronicles:32:31

55 *1 had Luke:22:44; Matthew:26:69; Mark:14:66; John:18:17-18 *2 Peter Psalms:1:1; Psalms:26:4-5; Psalms:28:3; Proverbs:9:6; Proverbs:13:20; 1Corinthians:15:33; 2Corinthians:6:15-17

56 *1 a certain maid Matthew:26:69; 1:14:6 Mark:14:17,66-68; John:18:17

57 *1 he denied Luke:22:33-34; Luke:12:9; Matthew:10:33; Matthew:26:70; John:18:25-27; Acts:3:13-14 Acts:3:19 2Timothy:2:10-12; 1John:1:9

58 *1 another Matthew:26:71-72; Mark:14:69-70; John:18:25

59 *1 confidently Matthew:26:73-74; Mark:14:69-70; John:18:26-27

60 *1 the cock Luke:22:34; Matthew:26:74-75; Mark:14:71-72; John:18:27

61 *1 turned Luke:10:41; Mark:5:30 *2 looked Job:33:27; Isaiah:57:15-18; Jeremiah:31:18-20; Hosea:11:8; Acts:5:31 *3 And Peter Ezekiel:16:63; Ezekiel:36:31-32; Ephesians:2:11; Revelation:2:5 *4 Before Luke:22:34; Matthew:26:34 Matthew:26:75 John:13:38

62 *1 and wept Psalms:38:18; Psalms:126:5-6; Psalms:130:1-4; Psalms:143:1-4; Jeremiah:31:18; Ezekiel:7:16;z Ecclesiastes:12:10; Matthew:5:4; Matthew:26:75; Mark:14:72; 1Corinthians:10:12; 2Corinthians:7:9-11

63 *1 the men Matthew:26:59-68; Mark:14:55-65; John:18:22 *2 mocked Job:16:9-10; Job:30:9-14; Psalms:22:6-7 Psalms:22:13 Psalms:35:15-16 Psalms:35:25 Psalms:69:7-12; Isaiah:49:7; Isaiah:50:6-7; Isaiah:52:14; Isaiah:53:3; Micah:5:1; Matthew:27:28-31-39-44; Mark:15:16-20; Mark:15:27-32; Hebrews:12:2; 1Peter:2:23

64 *1 blindfolded Judges:16:21-25

65 *1 blasphemously Luke:12:10; Matthew:12:31-32; Acts:26:11; 1Timothy:1:13-14

66 *1 as soon Matthew:27:1; Mark:15:1 *2 elders Psalms:2:1-3; Acts:4:25-28; Acts:22:5

67 *1 Art Matthew:11:3-5; Matthew:26:63-68; Mark:14:61-66; John:10:24 *2 If Luke:16:31; John:5:39-47; John:8:43-45; John:9:27-28; John:10:25-26; John:12:37-43

68 *1 And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go. 1:20:3-7 Luke:20:41-44

69 *1 shall Matthew:26:64; Mark:14:62 *2 on Psalms:110:1; Daniel:7:13-14; Matthew:22:44; Mark:16:19; Acts:2:34-36; Acts:7:55-56; Romans:8:34; Ephesians:1:20-23; Ephesians:4:8-10; Colossians:3:1; Hebrews:1:3; Hebrews:8:1; Hebrews:12:2; 1Peter:3:22; Revelation:3:21; Revelation:22:1

70 *1 the Son Luke:4:41; Psalms:2:7 Psalms:2:12 Matthew:3:17; Matthew:27:43-54; John:1:34 John:1:49 John:10:30 John:10:36 John:19:7 *2 Ye say Luke:23:3; Matthew:26:64; Mark:14:62; Mark:15:2; John:18:37

71 *1 And they said, What need we any further witness? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth. Matthew:26:65-66; Mark:14:63-64

tsk Luke 22 *

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