Luke: tsk

1 *3 upon Matthew:28:1; Mark:16:1-2; John:20:1-2 *4 they came Luke:24:10; Luke:8:2-3; Luke:23:55-56; Matthew:27:55-56; Mark:15:40

2 *1 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. Matthew:27:60-66; Matthew:28:2; Mark:15:46-47; Mark:16:3-4; John:20:1-2

3 *1 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. Luke:24:23; Matthew:16:5; John:20:6-7

4 *1 two men Genesis:18:2; Matthew:28:2-6; Mark:16:5; John:20:11-12; Acts:1:10;Lu24_5

5 *1 they Luke:1:12-13 Luke:1:29 Daniel:8:17-18; 1:10:7-12 Daniel:10:16,19; Matthew:28:3-5; Mark:16:5-6; Acts:10:3-4 *2 the living Hebrews:7:8; Revelation:1:18; Revelation:2:8

6 *1 remember Luke:24:44-46; Luke:9:22; Luke:18:31-33; Matthew:12:40; Matthew:16:21; Matthew:17:22-23; Matthew:20:18-19; Matthew:27:63; Matthew:28:6; Mark:8:31; Mark:9:9-10 Mark:9:31-32 Mark:10:33-34

8 *1 And they remembered his words, John:2:19-22; John:12:16; John:14:26

9 *1 And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest. Luke:24:22-24; Matthew:28:7-8; Mark:16:7-8-10

10 *1 It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles. Luke:8:2-3; Mark:15:40-41; Mark:16:9-11; John:20:11-18

11 *1 idle Luke:24:25; Genesis:19:14; 2Kings:7:2; Job:9:16; Psalms:126:1; Acts:12:9

12 *1 Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass. John:20:3-10

13 *1 two Luke:24:18; Mark:16:12-13

14 *1 And they talked together of all these things which had happened. Luke:6:45; Deuteronomy:6:7; Malachi:3:6

15 *1 Jesus Luke:24:36; Matthew:18:20; John:14:18-19

16 *1 But their eyes were holden that they should not know him. Luke:24:31; 2Kings:6:18-20; Mark:16:12; John:20:14; John:21:4

17 *1 and are Ezekiel:9:4-6; 1:16:6 John:16:20-22

18 *1 Cleopas John:19:25

19 *1 Concerning Luke:7:16; Matthew:21:11; John:3:2; John:4:19; John:6:14; John:7:40-42 John:7:52 Acts:2:22; Acts:10:38 *2 mighty Acts:7:22

20 *1 And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him. Luke:22:66-71; Luke:23:1-5; Matthew:27:1-2 Matthew:27:20 Mark:15:1; Acts:3:13-15; Acts:4:8-10; Acts:4:27-28; Acts:5:30-31; Acts:13:27-29

21 *1 But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done. Luke:1:68; Luke:2:38; Psalms:130:8; Isaiah:59:20; Acts:1:6; 1Peter:1:18-19; Revelation:5:9

22 *1 Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre; Luke:24:9-11; Matthew:28:7-8; Mark:16:9-10; 1:20:1-2 John:20:18

24 *1 went Luke:24:12; John:20:1-10

25 *1 O fools Mark:7:18; Mark:8:17-18; Mark:9:19; Mark:16:14; Hebrews:5:11-12

26 *1 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? Luke:24:46; Psalms:22:1-31; Psalms:69:1-36; Isaiah:53:1-12;z Ecclesiastes:13:7; Acts:17:3; 1Corinthians:15:3-4; Hebrews:2:8-10; Hebrews:9:22-23; 1:1:3 1Peter:1:11

27 *1 beginning Luke:24:44; Genesis:3:15; Genesis:22:18; Genesis:26:4; Genesis:49:10; Numbers:21:6-9; Deuteronomy:18:15; John:5:39 John:5:45-47 Acts:3:22; Acts:7:37 *2 and all Luke:24:25; Psalms:16:9-10; Psalms:132:11; Isaiah:7:14; Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:40:10-11; Isaiah:50:6; Isaiah:52:13-14; Isaiah:53:1-12; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Jeremiah:33:14-15; Ezekiel:34:23; Ezekiel:37:25; Daniel:9:24-26; Micah:5:2-4; Micah:7:20;z Ecclesiastes:9:9;z Ecclesiastes:13:7; Malachi:3:1-3; Malachi:4:2; John:1:45; Acts:3:24; Acts:10:43; Acts:13:27-30; Revelation:19:10

28 *1 he made Genesis:19:2; Genesis:32:26; Genesis:42:7; Mark:6:48

29 *1 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them. Luke:14:23; Genesis:19:3; 2Kings:4:8; Acts:16:14

30 *1 he took Luke:24:35; Luke:9:16; Luke:22:19; Matthew:14:19; Matthew:15:36; Matthew:26:26; Mark:6:41; Mark:8:6; Mark:14:22; John:6:11; Acts:27:35

31 *1 their eyes Luke:24:16; John:20:13-16 *2 vanished out of their sight Luke:4:30; John:8:59

32 *1 Did Psalms:39:3; Psalms:104:34; Proverbs:27:9 Proverbs:27:17 Isaiah:50:4; Jeremiah:15:16; Jeremiah:20:9; Jeremiah:23:29; John:6:63; Hebrews:4:12 *2 opened Luke:24:45; Acts:17:2-3; Acts:28:23

33 *1 and found John:20:19-26

34 *1 hath Luke:22:54-62; Mark:16:7; 1Corinthians:15:5

35 *1 And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread. Mark:16:12-13

36 *1 Jesus Mark:16:14; John:20:19-23; 1Corinthians:15:5 *2 Peace Luke:10:5; Isaiah:57:18; Matthew:10:13; John:14:27; John:16:33; John:20:26; 2Thessalonians:3:16; Revelation:1:4

37 *1 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. Luke:16:30; 1Samuel:28:13; Job:4:14-16; Matthew:14:26-27; Mark:6:49-50; Acts:12:15

38 *1 and why Jeremiah:4:14; Daniel:4:5 Daniel:4:19 Matthew:16:8; Hebrews:4:13

39 *1 my hands John:20:20 John:20:25-27 Acts:1:3; 1John:1:1 *2 for Luke:23:46; Numbers:16:22; Ecclesiastes:12:7; 1Thessalonians:5:23; Hebrews:12:9

41 *1 believe Genesis:45:26-28; Job:9:16; Psalms:126:1-2; John:16:22 *2 Have 1:21:5 John:21:10-13

43 *1 And he took it, and did eat before them. Acts:10:41

44 *1 These Luke:24:6-7; Luke:9:22; Luke:18:31-33; Matthew:16:21; Matthew:17:22-23; Matthew:20:18-19; Mark:8:31-32; Mark:9:31; Mark:10:33-34 *2 while John:16:4-5 John:16:16-17 John:17:11-13 *3 that all Luke:24:26-27 Luke:24:46 Luke:21:22; Matthew:26:54-56; John:19:24-37; Acts:3:18; Acts:13:29-31-33; 1Corinthians:15:3-4 *4 in the law Genesis:3:15; Genesis:14:18; Genesis:22:18; Genesis:49:10; Leviticus:16:2-19; Numbers:21:8; Numbers:35:25; Deuteronomy:18:15-19; John:3:14; John:5:46; Acts:3:22-24; Acts:7:37; Hebrews:3:5; Hebrews:7:1; Hebrews:9:8; Hebrews:10:1 *5 in the prophets Luke:24:27; Isaiah:7:14; Isaiah:9:6; Isaiah:11:1-10; Isaiah:28:16; Isaiah:40:1-11; Isaiah:42:1-4; Isaiah:49:1-8; Isaiah:50:2-6; Isaiah:52:13-15; Isaiah:53:1-12; Isaiah:61:1-3; Jeremiah:23:5; Jeremiah:33:14; Ezekiel:17:22; Ezekiel:34:23; Daniel:2:44; Daniel:7:13; Daniel:9:24-27; Hosea:1:7-11; Hosea:3:5; Joel:2:28-32; Amos:9:11; Micah:5:1-4; Haggai:2:7-9;z Ecclesiastes:6:12;z Ecclesiastes:9:9;z Ecclesiastes:11:8-13;z Ecclesiastes:12:10;z Ecclesiastes:13:7;z Ecclesiastes:14:4; Malachi:3:1-3; Malachi:4:2-6 *6 in the psalms Psalms:2:1-12; Psalms:16:9-11; Psalms:22:1-31; Psalms:40:6-8; Psalms:69:1-36; Psalms:72:1-20; Psalms:88:1-18; Psalms:109:4-20; Psalms:110:1-7; Psalms:118:22; John:5:39; Acts:17:2-3; 1Peter:1:11; Revelation:19:10

45 *1 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, Exodus:4:11; Job:33:16; Psalms:119:18; Isaiah:29:10-12 Isaiah:29:18-19 Acts:16:14; Acts:26:18; 2Corinthians:3:14-18; 2Corinthians:4:4-6; Ephesians:5:14; Revelation:3:7

46 *1 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: Luke:24:26-27 Luke:24:44 Psalms:22:1-31; Isaiah:50:6; Isaiah:53:2-12; Acts:4:12; Acts:17:3; 1Peter:1:3

47 *1 that Daniel:9:24; Matthew:3:2; Matthew:9:13; Acts:2:38; Acts:3:19; Acts:5:31; Acts:11:18; Acts:13:38-39 Acts:13:46 Acts:17:30-31; Acts:20:21; Acts:26:20; 1John:2:12 *2 among Genesis:12:3; Psalms:22:27; Psalms:67:2-4 Psalms:67:7 Psalms:86:9; Psalms:98:1-3; Psalms:117:1-2; Isaiah:2:1-3; Isaiah:11:10; Isaiah:49:6 Isaiah:49:22 Isaiah:52:10 Isaiah:52:15 Isaiah:60:1-3; Isaiah:66:18-21; Jeremiah:31:34; Hosea:2:23; Micah:4:2; Malachi:1:11; Matthew:8:10-11; Acts:10:46-48; Acts:18:5-6; Acts:28:28; Romans:10:12-18; Romans:15:8-16; Ephesians:3:8; Colossians:1:27 *3 beginning Luke:13:34; Isaiah:5:4; Hosea:11:8; Matthew:10:5-6; Acts:3:25-26; Acts:13:46; Romans:5:20; Romans:11:26-27; Ephesians:1:6

48 *1 And ye are witnesses of these things. John:15:27; Acts:1:8 Acts:1:22 Acts:2:32; Acts:3:15; Acts:4:33; Acts:5:32; Acts:10:39-41; Acts:13:31; Acts:22:15; Hebrews:2:3-4; 1John:1:2-3

49 *1 I send Isaiah:44:3-4; Isaiah:59:20-21; Joel:2:28-32; John:14:16-17 John:14:26 John:15:26; John:16:7-16 *2 but Isaiah:32:15; Acts:1:4 Acts:1:8 Acts:2:1-21

50 *1 as far Mark:11:1; Acts:1:12 *2 he lifted Genesis:14:18-20; Genesis:27:4; Genesis:48:9; Genesis:49:28; Numbers:6:23-27; Mark:10:16; Hebrews:7:5-7

51 *1 he was 2Kings:2:11; Mark:16:19; John:20:17; Acts:1:9; Ephesians:4:8-10; Hebrews:1:3; Hebrews:4:14

52 *1 they Matthew:28:9 Matthew:28:17 John:20:28 *2 with Psalms:30:11; John:14:28; John:16:7 John:16:22 1Peter:1:8

53 *1 in Acts:2:46-47; Acts:5:41-42 *2 Amen Matthew:28:20; Mark:16:20; Revelation:22:21

tsk Luke 24 *

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