Luke: tsk

1 *5 when Matthew:7:28-29 *6 he entered Matthew:8:5-13

2 *1 centurion's Luke:23:47; Matthew:27:54; Acts:10:1; Acts:22:26; Acts:23:17; Acts:27:1-3-43 *2 who 1:24:2-14 Genesis:24:27,35-49; Genesis:35:8; Genesis:39:4-6; 2Kings:5:2-3; Job:31:5; Proverbs:29:21; Acts:10:7; Colossians:3:22-25; Colossians:4:1 *3 was sick Luke:8:42; John:4:46-47; John:11:2-3

3 *1 And when he heard of Jesus, he sent unto him the elders of the Jews, beseeching him that he would come and heal his servant. Luke:8:41; Luke:9:38; Matthew:8:5; John:4:47; Philemon:1:10

4 *1 worthy Luke:7:6-7; Luke:20:35; Matthew:10:11-13 Matthew:10:37-38 Revelation:3:4

5 *1 he loveth 1Kings:5:1; 2Chronicles:2:11-12; Galatians:5:6; 1John:3:14; 1John:5:1-3 *2 and 1Chronicles:29:3-9; Ezra:7:27-28; 1John:3:18-19

6 *1 Jesus Matthew:20:28; Mark:5:24; Acts:10:38 *2 trouble Luke:8:49 *3 for Luke:7:4; Luke:5:8; Luke:15:19-21; Genesis:32:10; Proverbs:29:23; Matthew:3:11; Matthew:5:26-27; 1:4:6 James:4:10

7 *1 but Luke:4:36; Luke:5:13; Exodus:15:26; Deuteronomy:32:39; 1Samuel:2:6; Psalms:33:9; Psalms:107:20; Mark:1:27

8 *1 under Acts:22:25-26; 1:23:17 Acts:23:23,26; Acts:24:23; Acts:25:26 *2 and he goeth Acts:10:7-8; Colossians:3:22; 1Timothy:6:1-2

9 *1 he marvelled Matthew:8:10; Matthew:15:28 *2 not in Psalms:147:19-20; Matthew:9:33; Romans:3:1-3; Romans:9:4-5

10 *1 And they that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole that had been sick. Matthew:8:13; Matthew:15:28; Mark:9:23; John:4:50-53

11 *1 he went Acts:10:38

12 *1 the only Luke:8:42; Genesis:22:2 Genesis:22:12 2Samuel:14:7; 1:17:9 1Kings:17:12,18,23; 2Kings:4:16 2Kings:4:20 z Ecclesiastes:12:10 *2 a widow Job:29:13; Acts:9:39-41; 1Timothy:5:4-5; James:1:27 *3 and much Luke:8:52; John:11:19

13 *1 he Judges:10:16; Psalms:86:5 Psalms:86:15 Psalms:103:13; Isaiah:63:9; Jeremiah:31:20; Lamentations:3:32-33; Mark:8:2; John:11:33-35; Hebrews:2:17; Hebrews:4:15 *2 Weep not Luke:8:52; Jeremiah:31:15-16; John:20:13-15; 1Corinthians:7:30; 1Thessalonians:4:13

14 *1 Young Luke:8:54-55; 1Kings:17:21; Job:14:12-14; Psalms:33:9; Isaiah:26:19; Ezekiel:37:3-10; John:5:21-25 John:5:28-29 John:11:25 John:11:43-44 Acts:9:40-41; Romans:4:17; Ephesians:5:12

15 *1 And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. 1Kings:17:23-24; 2Kings:4:32-37; 2Kings:13:21

16 *1 a fear Luke:1:65; Luke:5:8 Luke:5:26 Luke:8:37; Jeremiah:33:9; Matthew:28:8; 1:5:5 Acts:5:11-13 *2 they Luke:2:20; Matthew:9:8; Matthew:15:31; Galatians:1:24 *3 a great Luke:7:39; Luke:9:19; Luke:24:19; John:1:21-25; John:4:19; John:6:14; John:7:40-41; John:9:17; Acts:3:22-23; Acts:7:37 *4 God Luke:1:68; Luke:19:44; Exodus:4:31; Psalms:65:9; Psalms:106:4-5

17 *1 And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about. Luke:7:14; Matthew:4:24; Matthew:9:31; Mark:1:28; Mark:6:14

18 *1 And the disciples of John:shewed him of all these things. Matthew:11:2-6; John:3:26

19 *1 two Luke:10:1; Joshua:2:1; Mark:6:7; Acts:10:7-8; Revelation:11:3 *2 Art Genesis:3:15; Genesis:22:18; Genesis:49:10; Deuteronomy:18:15-18; Psalms:110:1-4; Isaiah:7:14; Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:11:1; Isaiah:40:10-11; Isaiah:59:20-21; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Daniel:9:24-26; Micah:5:2; Haggai:2:7;z Ecclesiastes:9:9; Malachi:3:1-3; Malachi:4:2; John:4:25

21 *1 plagues 1Kings:8:37; Psalms:90:7-9; Mark:3:10; Mark:5:29 Mark:5:34 1Corinthians:11:30-32; Hebrews:12:6; James:5:14-15

22 *1 Go John:1:46 *2 how Luke:7:21; Luke:18:35-43; Job:29:15; Psalms:146:8; Isaiah:29:18-19; Isaiah:32:3-4; Isaiah:35:5-6; Isaiah:42:6-7 Isaiah:42:16 Isaiah:61:1-3; Jeremiah:31:8; Matthew:9:28-30; Matthew:21:14; John:9:30-33; Acts:26:18 *3 the lame Matthew:15:30-31; Acts:3:2-8; Acts:8:7; Acts:14:8-10 *4 the lepers Luke:5:12-15; Luke:17:12-19 *5 the deaf Isaiah:43:8; Mark:7:32-37 *6 the dead Luke:7:14-15; Luke:8:53-55 *7 to Luke:4:18; Zephaniah:3:12; James:2:5

23 *1 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. Luke:2:34; Isaiah:8:14-15; Matthew:11:6; Matthew:13:57-58; John:6:60-66; Romans:9:32-33; 1Corinthians:1:21-28; 1Corinthians:2:14; 1Peter:2:7-8

24 *1 What Matthew:11:7-8 *2 wilderness Luke:1:80; Luke:3:2; Matthew:3:1-5; Mark:1:4-5; John:1:23 *3 A reed Genesis:49:4; 2Corinthians:1:17-20; Ephesians:4:14; James:1:6-8; 2Peter:2:17; 2Peter:3:17

25 *1 A man 2Kings:1:8; Isaiah:59:17; Matthew:3:4; 1Peter:3:3-4 *2 are in 2Samuel:19:35; 1Kings:10:5; Esther:1:3 Esther:1:11 Esther:4:2; Esther:5:1; Esther:8:15; Matthew:6:29

26 *1 A prophet Luke:1:76; Luke:20:6 *2 and Luke:16:16; Matthew:11:9-14; John:3:26-30; John:5:35

27 *1 Behold Luke:1:15-17 Luke:1:76 Isaiah:40:3; Malachi:3:1; Malachi:4:5-6; John:1:23

28 *1 Among Luke:1:14-15; Luke:3:16 *2 but Luke:9:48; Luke:10:23-24; Matthew:11:11; Matthew:13:16-17; Ephesians:3:8-9; Colossians:1:25-27; Hebrews:11:39-40; 1Peter:1:10-12

29 *1 justified Luke:7:35; Judges:1:7; Psalms:51:4; Romans:3:4-6; Romans:10:3; Revelation:15:3; Revelation:16:5 *2 being Luke:3:12; Matthew:3:5-6; Matthew:21:31-32

30 *1 rejected Luke:13:34; Jeremiah:8:8; Romans:10:21; 2Corinthians:6:1; Galatians:2:21 *2 the counsel Acts:20:27; Ephesians:1:11

31 *1 Whereunto Lamentations:2:13; Matthew:11:16-19; Mark:4:30

32 *1 are Proverbs:17:16; Isaiah:28:9-13; Isaiah:29:11-12; Jeremiah:5:3-5; Matthew:11:16-19 *2 children z Ecclesiastes:8:5

33 *1 came Luke:1:15; Jeremiah:16:8-10; Matthew:3:4; Mark:1:6 *2 He Matthew:10:25; John:8:48 John:8:52 John:10:20; Acts:2:13

34 *1 eating Luke:7:36; Luke:5:29; Luke:11:37; Luke:14:1; John:2:2; John:12:2 *2 a friend Luke:15:2; Luke:19:7; Matthew:9:11

35 *1 But wisdom is justified of all her children. Luke:7:29; Proverbs:8:32-36; Proverbs:17:16; Hosea:14:9; Matthew:11:19; 1Corinthians:2:14-15

36 *1 one Matthew:26:6-5; Mark:14:3-9; John:11:2-16 *2 And he Luke:7:34; Luke:11:37; Luke:14:1

37 *1 which Luke:7:34 Luke:7:39 Luke:5:30-32; Luke:18:13; Luke:19:7; Matthew:21:31; John:9:24 John:9:31 Romans:5:8; 1Timothy:1:9 1Timothy:1:15 1Peter:4:18 *2 an Matthew:26:7; Mark:14:3; John:11:2; John:12:2-3

38 *1 weeping Luke:6:21; Luke:22:62; Judges:2:4-5; Ezra:10:1; Psalms:6:6-8; Psalms:38:18; Psalms:51:17; Psalms:126:5-6; Isaiah:61:3; Jeremiah:31:9 Jeremiah:31:18-20 Joel:2:12;z Ecclesiastes:12:10; Matthew:5:4; 2Corinthians:7:10-11; James:4:9 *2 wash Luke:7:44; Genesis:18:4; John:13:4-5 *3 and anointed Luke:7:45-46; Ecclesiastes:9:8; Songs:1:3; Isaiah:57:9

39 *1 he spake Luke:3:8; Luke:12:17; Luke:16:3; Luke:18:4; 2Kings:5:20; Proverbs:23:7; Mark:2:6-7; Mark:7:21 *2 This man Luke:7:16; John:7:12-40-41 John:7:47-52 John:9:24 *3 would Luke:7:37; Luke:15:2 Luke:15:28-30 Luke:18:9-11; Isaiah:65:5; Matthew:9:12-13; Matthew:20:16; Matthew:21:28-31

40 *1 answering Luke:5:22-31; Luke:6:8; 1:16:19 John:16:30 *2 Master Luke:18:18; Luke:20:20-21; Ezekiel:33:31; Malachi:1:6; Matthew:7:22; Matthew:26:49; John:3:2; John:13:13

41 *1 a certain Luke:11:4; Luke:13:4; Isaiah:50:1; Matthew:6:12; Matthew:18:23-25 *2 the one Luke:7:47; Romans:5:20; 1Timothy:1:15-16 *3 pence Matthew:18:28 *4 the other Luke:12:48; Numbers:27:3; Jeremiah:3:11; John:15:22-24; Romans:3:23; 1John:1:8-10

42 *1 when Psalms:49:7-8; Matthew:18:25-26 Matthew:18:34 Romans:5:6; Galatians:3:10 *2 he Psalms:32:1-5; Psalms:51:1-3; Psalms:103:3; Isaiah:43:25; Isaiah:44:22; Jeremiah:31:33-34; Daniel:9:18-19; Micah:7:18-20; Matthew:6:12; Acts:13:38-39; Romans:3:24; Romans:4:5-8; Ephesians:1:7; Ephesians:4:32; Colossians:3:13

43 *1 I Luke:7:47; 1Corinthians:15:9-10; 2Corinthians:5:14-15; 1Timothy:1:13-16 *2 Thou Luke:10:38; Psalms:116:16-18; Mark:12:34

44 *1 thou Genesis:19:2; Judges:19:21; 1Samuel:25:41; 1Timothy:5:10; James:2:6

45 *1 gavest Genesis:29:11; Genesis:33:4; 2Samuel:15:5; 2Samuel:19:39; Matthew:26:48; Romans:16:16; 1Corinthians:16:20; 1Thessalonians:5:26

46 *1 Thou Ruth:3:3; 2Samuel:14:2; Psalms:23:5; Psalms:104:15; Ecclesiastes:9:8; Daniel:10:3; Amos:6:6; Micah:6:15; Matthew:6:17

47 *1 Her Luke:7:42; Luke:5:20-21; Exodus:34:6-7 *2 which Isaiah:1:18; Isaiah:55:7; Ezekiel:16:63; Ezekiel:36:29-32; Micah:7:19; Acts:5:31; Romans:5:20; 1Corinthians:6:9-11; 1Timothy:1:14; 1John:1:7 *3 she Luke:7:43; Matthew:10:37; John:21:15-17; 2Corinthians:5:14; Galatians:5:6; Ephesians:6:24; Philippians:1:9; 1John:3:18; 1John:4:19; 1John:5:3

48 *1 Thy Matthew:9:2; Mark:2:5

49 *1 Who Luke:5:20-21; Matthew:9:3; Mark:2:7

50 *1 Thy Luke:8:18 Luke:8:42-48 Luke:18:42; Habakkuk:2:4; Matthew:9:22; Mark:5:34; Mark:10:52; Ephesians:2:8-10; James:2:14-26 *2 go Ecclesiastes:9:7; Romans:5:1-2

tsk Luke 7 *

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