Mark: tsk

1 *3 A. M. 4033. A.D. 29. he arose Matthew:19:1-12 *4 by John:10:40; John:11:7 *5 he taught Ecclesiastes:12:9; Jeremiah:32:33; John:18:20

2 *1 the Pharisees Mark:8:15; Matthew:9:34; Matthew:15:12; Matthew:23:13; Luke:5:30; Luke:6:7; Luke:7:30; Luke:11:39 Luke:11:53-54 Luke:16:14; John:7:32-48; 1:11:47 John:11:57 *2 Is it Malachi:2:16; Matthew:5:31-32; Matthew:19:3; 1Corinthians:7:10-11 *3 tempting Mark:8:11; Matthew:16:1; Matthew:22:35; John:8:6; 1Corinthians:10:9

3 *1 What Isaiah:8:20; Luke:10:25; John:5:39; Galatians:4:21

4 *1 And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. Deuteronomy:24:1-4; Isaiah:50:1; Jeremiah:3:1; Matthew:1:19; Matthew:5:31-32; Matthew:19:7

5 *1 For Deuteronomy:9:6; Deuteronomy:31:27; Nehemiah:9:16-17 Nehemiah:9:26 Matthew:19:8; Acts:7:51; Hebrews:3:7-10

6 *1 the beginning Genesis:1:1; 2Peter:3:4 *2 God Genesis:1:27; Genesis:2:20-23; Genesis:5:2; Malachi:2:14-16

7 *1 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; Genesis:2:24; Matthew:19:5-6; Ephesians:5:31

8 *1 one flesh 1Corinthians:6:16; Ephesians:5:28

9 *1 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Romans:7:1-3; 1Chronicles:7:10-13

10 *1 And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. Mark:4:10; 1:9:28 Mark:9:33

11 *1 Whosoever Matthew:5:31-32; Matthew:19:9; Luke:16:18; Romans:7:3; 1Corinthians:7:4 1Corinthians:7:10-11 Hebrews:13:4

13 *1 they Matthew:19:13-15; Luke:18:15-16 *2 disciples Mark:10:48; Mark:9:38; Exodus:10:9-11; Deuteronomy:31:12-13; Joel:2:16

14 *1 he was Mark:3:5; Mark:8:33; Luke:9:54-56; Ephesians:4:26 *2 Suffer Genesis:17:7 Genesis:17:10-14 Numbers:14:31; Deuteronomy:4:37; Deuteronomy:29:11-12; 1Samuel:1:11-22 1Samuel:1:27-28 Psalms:78:4; Psalms:115:14-15; Isaiah:65:23; Jeremiah:32:39-40; Luke:18:15-16; Acts:2:39; Acts:3:25; Romans:11:16 Romans:11:28 1Corinthians:7:14; 2Timothy:1:5; 2Timothy:3:15 *3 for Psalms:131:1-2; Matthew:18:4 Matthew:18:10 Matthew:19:14; 1Corinthians:14:20; 1Peter:2:2; Revelation:14:5

15 *1 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. Matthew:18:3; Luke:18:17; John:3:3-6

16 *1 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. Genesis:48:14-16; Deuteronomy:28:3; Isaiah:40:11; Luke:2:28-34; Luke:24:50-51; John:21:15-17

17 *1 when Matthew:19:16-30; Luke:18:18-30 *2 running Mark:9:25; Matthew:28:8; John:20:2-4 *3 kneeled Mark:1:40; Daniel:6:10; Matthew:17:14 *4 Good Mark:12:14; John:3:2 *5 what John:6:28; Acts:2:37; Acts:9:6; Acts:16:30; Romans:10:2-4 *6 eternal John:5:39; John:6:27 John:6:40 Romans:2:7; Romans:6:23; 1John:2:25

18 *1 Why Matthew:19:17; Luke:18:19; John:5:41-44; Romans:3:12 *2 that is 1Samuel:2:2; Psalms:36:7-8; Psalms:86:5; Psalms:119:68; James:1:17; 1:4:8 1John:4:16

19 *1 knowest Mark:12:28-34; Isaiah:8:20; Matthew:5:17-20; Matthew:19:17-19; Luke:10:26-28; Luke:18:20; Romans:3:20; Galatians:4:21 *2 commit Exodus:20:12-17; Deuteronomy:5:16-24; Romans:13:9; Galatians:5:14; James:2:11 *3 Defraud 1Corinthians:6:7-9; 1Thessalonians:4:6

20 *1 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Isaiah:58:2; Ezekiel:5:14; Ezekiel:33:31-32; Malachi:3:8; Matthew:19:20; Luke:10:29; Luke:18:11-12; Romans:7:9; Philippians:3:6; 2Timothy:3:5

21 *1 loved Genesis:34:19; Isaiah:63:8-10; Luke:19:41; 2Corinthians:12:15 *2 One thing Luke:10:42; Luke:18:22; James:2:10; 1:2:4 Revelation:2:14,20 *3 sell Proverbs:23:23; Matthew:13:44-46; Matthew:19:21; Luke:12:33; Acts:2:45; Acts:4:34-37 *4 treasure Matthew:6:19-21; Luke:16:9; 1Timothy:6:17-19; Hebrews:10:34; 1Peter:1:4-5 *5 take Mark:8:34; Matthew:16:24; Luke:9:23; John:12:26; John:16:33; Romans:8:17-18; 2Timothy:3:12

22 *1 sad Mark:6:20 Mark:6:26 Matthew:19:22; Matthew:27:3 Matthew:27:24-26 Luke:18:23; 2Corinthians:7:10; 2Timothy:4:10 *2 for Genesis:13:5-11; Deuteronomy:6:10-12; Deuteronomy:8:11-14; Job:21:7-15; Ezekiel:33:31; Matthew:13:22; Luke:12:15; Ephesians:5:5; 1Timothy:6:9-10; 1John:2:15-16

23 *1 looked Mark:3:5; Mark:5:32 *2 How Matthew:19:23-26; Luke:18:24; 1Corinthians:1:26; James:2:5; James:4:4 *3 enter Mark:10:15; Matthew:18:3; John:3:5; 2Peter:1:11

24 *1 astonished Matthew:19:25; Luke:18:26-27; John:6:60 *2 Children John:13:33; John:21:5; Galatians:4:19; 1John:2:1; 1John:4:4; 1John:5:21 *3 trust Job:31:24-25; Psalms:17:14; Psalms:49:6-7; Psalms:52:7; Psalms:62:10; Proverbs:11:28; Proverbs:18:11; Proverbs:23:5; Jeremiah:9:23; Ezekiel:28:4-5; Habakkuk:2:9; Zephaniah:1:18; Luke:12:16-21; Luke:16:14; 1Timothy:6:17; James:5:1-3; Revelation:3:17

25 *1 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Jeremiah:13:23; Matthew:7:3-5; Matthew:19:24-25; Matthew:23:24; Luke:18:25

26 *1 out Mark:6:51; Mark:7:37; 2Corinthians:11:23 *2 Who Luke:13:23; Luke:18:26; Acts:16:31; Romans:10:9-13

27 *1 With men Genesis:18:13-14; Numbers:11:21-23; 2Kings:7:2;z Ecclesiastes:8:6; Matthew:19:26; Luke:18:27 *2 for Job:42:2; Jeremiah:32:17 Jeremiah:32:27 Luke:1:37; Philippians:3:21; Hebrews:7:25; Hebrews:11:19

28 *1 Lo Mark:1:16-20; Matthew:19:27-30; Luke:14:33; Luke:18:28-30; Philippians:3:7-9

29 *1 There Genesis:12:1-3; Genesis:45:20; Deuteronomy:33:9-11; Luke:22:28-30; Hebrews:11:24-26 *2 for Mark:8:35; Matthew:5:10-11; Matthew:10:18; 1Corinthians:9:23; Revelation:2:3

30 *1 an hundredfold 2Chronicles:25:9; Psalms:84:11; Proverbs:3:9-10; Proverbs:16:16; Malachi:3:10; Matthew:13:44-46; Luke:18:30; 2Corinthians:6:10; 2Corinthians:9:8-11; Philippians:3:8; 2Thessalonians:2:16; 1Timothy:6:6; 1John:3:1; Revelation:2:9; Revelation:3:18 *2 with persecutions Matthew:5:11-12; John:16:22-23; Acts:5:41; Acts:16:25; Romans:5:3; James:1:2-4 James:1:12 James:5:11; 1Peter:4:12-16 *3 eternal John:10:23; Romans:6:23; 1John:2:25

31 *1 But many that are first shall be last; and the last first. Matthew:8:11-12; Matthew:19:30; Matthew:20:16; Matthew:21:31; Luke:7:29-30 Luke:7:40-47 Luke:13:30; Luke:18:11-14; Acts:13:46-48; Romans:9:30-33

32 *1 they were in Matthew:20:17-19; Luke:18:31-34 *2 they were amazed z Ecclesiastes:3:8; Luke:9:51; 1:11:8 John:11:16 *3 And he Mark:4:34; Matthew:11:25; Matthew:13:11; Luke:10:23

33 *1 we go Acts:20:22 *2 and the Son Mark:8:31; Mark:9:31; Matthew:16:21; Matthew:17:22-23; Matthew:20:17-19; Luke:9:22; Luke:18:31-33; Luke:24:6-7 *3 condemn Mark:14:64; Matthew:26:66; Acts:13:27; James:5:6 *4 deliver Mark:15:1; Matthew:27:2; Luke:23:1-2 Luke:23:21 John:18:28; John:19:11; Acts:3:13-14

34 *1 mock Mark:14:65; Mark:15:17-20 Mark:15:29-31 Psalms:22:6-8 Psalms:22:13 Isaiah:53:3; Matthew:27:27-44; Luke:22:63-65; Luke:23:11-35-39; John:19:2-3 *2 spit Mark:14:63; Job:30:10; Isaiah:50:6; Matthew:26:67 *3 and the Psalms:16:10; Hosea:6:2; John:1:17; John:2:10; Matthew:12:39-40; 1Corinthians:15:4

35 *1 James Mark:1:19-20; Mark:5:37; Mark:9:2; Mark:14:33 *2 come Matthew:20:20-28 *3 we would 2Samuel:14:4-11; 1:2:16 1Kings:2:20

36 *1 What Mark:10:51; 1Kings:3:5-15; John:15:7

37 *1 sit Mark:16:19; 1Kings:22:19; Psalms:45:9; Psalms:110:1 *2 in Mark:8:38; Matthew:25:31; Luke:24:26; 1Peter:1:11

38 *1 Ye know not 1Kings:2:22; Jeremiah:45:5; Matthew:20:21-22; Romans:8:26; James:4:3 *2 drink of the Mark:14:36; Psalms:75:8; Isaiah:51:22; Jeremiah:25:15; Matthew:26:39; Luke:22:42; John:18:11 *3 baptized with the Luke:12:50

39 *1 We Mark:14:31; John:13:37 *2 Ye Mark:14:36; Matthew:10:25; John:15:20; John:17:14; Acts:12:2; Colossians:1:24; Revelation:1:9

40 *1 But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. Matthew:20:23; Matthew:25:34; John:17:2 John:17:24 Hebrews:11:16

41 *1 they Mark:9:33-36; Proverbs:13:10; Matthew:20:24; Luke:22:24; Romans:12:10; Philippians:2:3; James:4:5

42 *1 Ye know Matthew:20:25; Luke:22:25; 1Peter:5:3

43 *1 so John:18:36; Romans:12:2 *2 whosoever Mark:9:35; Matthew:20:26-27; Matthew:23:8-12; Luke:9:48; Luke:14:11; Luke:18:14; John:13:13-18; 1Corinthians:9:19-23; Galatians:5:13; 1Peter:5:5-6

45 *1 came Matthew:20:28; Luke:22:26-27; John:13:14; Philippians:2:5-8; Hebrews:5:8 *2 and to Isaiah:53:10-12; Daniel:9:24-26; 2Corinthians:5:21; Galatians:3:13; 1Timothy:3:4-6; Titus:2:14; 1Peter:1:19

46 *1 they came Matthew:20:29-34; Luke:18:35-43 *2 begging Luke:16:20-22; John:9:8; Acts:3:2-3

47 *1 Jesus Matthew:2:23; Matthew:21:11; Matthew:26:71; Luke:4:16; Luke:18:36-37; John:1:46; John:7:41 John:7:52 John:19:19; Acts:6:14 *2 thou Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:11:1; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Matthew:1:1; Matthew:9:27; Matthew:12:23; Matthew:15:22; Matthew:20:30; Matthew:21:9; Matthew:22:42-45; Acts:13:22-23; Romans:1:3-4; Revelation:22:16

48 *1 many Mark:5:35; Matthew:19:13; Matthew:20:31; Luke:18:39 *2 but Mark:7:26-29; Genesis:32:24-28; Jeremiah:29:13; Matthew:15:23-28; Luke:11:5-10; Luke:18:1-8; Ephesians:6:18; Hebrews:5:7 *3 have Psalms:62:12

49 *1 stood Psalms:86:15; Psalms:145:8; Matthew:20:32-34; Luke:18:40; Hebrews:2:17; Hebrews:4:15 *2 Be John:11:28

50 *1 And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. Philippians:3:7-9; Hebrews:12:1

51 *1 What Mark:10:36; 2Chronicles:1:7; Matthew:6:8; Matthew:7:7; Luke:18:41-43; Philippians:4:6

52 *1 thy faith Mark:5:34; Matthew:9:22 Matthew:9:28-30 Matthew:15:28; Luke:7:50; Luke:9:48 *2 he received Mark:8:25; Psalms:33:9; Psalms:146:8; Isaiah:29:18-19; Isaiah:35:5; Isaiah:42:16-18; Matthew:11:5; Matthew:12:22; Matthew:21:14; John:9:5-7 John:9:32-39 Acts:26:18 *3 followed Mark:1:31; Luke:8:2-3

tsk Mark 10 *

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