Mark: tsk

1 *3 as he Matthew:24:1-2; Luke:21:5-7 *4 out Ezekiel:7:20-22; Ezekiel:8:6; Ezekiel:10:4 Ezekiel:10:19 Ezekiel:11:22-23; Malachi:3:1-2

2 *1 there 1Kings:9:7-8; 2Chronicles:7:20-21; Jeremiah:26:18; Micah:3:12; Matthew:24:2; Luke:19:41-44; Luke:21:6; Acts:6:14; Revelation:11:2

3 *1 as Matthew:24:3 *2 Peter Mark:1:16-19; Mark:5:37; Mark:9:2; Mark:10:35; Mark:14:33; John:1:40-41 *3 privately Mark:4:34; 1:13:10 Matthew:13:36

4 *1 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? Daniel:12:6-8; Matthew:24:3; Luke:21:7; John:21:21-22; Acts:1:6-7

5 *1 Take Jeremiah:29:8; Matthew:24:4-5; Luke:21:8; 1Corinthians:15:33; Ephesians:5:6; Colossians:2:8; 2Thessalonians:2:3; 1John:4:1; Revelation:20:7-8

6 *1 many Mark:13:22; Jeremiah:14:14; Jeremiah:23:21-25; John:5:43; 1John:4:1 *2 and shall Mark:13:22; Matthew:24:5 Matthew:24:11-23-24 Acts:5:36-39

7 *1 when Psalms:27:3; Psalms:46:1-3; Psalms:112:7; Proverbs:3:25; Isaiah:8:12; Jeremiah:4:19-21; Jeremiah:51:46; Matthew:24:6-7; Luke:21:9-11; John:14:1-27 *2 must 2Samuel:14:14; Matthew:18:7; Acts:17:3

8 *1 nation shalt 2Chronicles:15:6; Isaiah:19:2; Jeremiah:25:32; Haggai:2:22;z Ecclesiastes:14:13; Revelation:6:4 *2 famines Acts:11:28 *3 these Matthew:24:8 *4 sorrows Psalms:48:6; Isaiah:37:3; Jeremiah:4:31; Jeremiah:6:24; Jeremiah:13:21; Jeremiah:22:23; Jeremiah:49:24; Jeremiah:50:43; Micah:4:9-10; 1Thessalonians:5:3

9 *1 take Mark:13:5; Matthew:10:17-18; Matthew:23:34-37; Matthew:24:9-10; Luke:21:16-18; John:15:20; John:16:2; Acts:4:1-21; Acts:5:17-40; Acts:6:11-15; Acts:7:54-60; Acts:8:1-3; Acts:9:1-2 Acts:9:13-14-16 Acts:12:1-3; Acts:16:20-24; Acts:21:11-31-40; Acts:22:19-20; Acts:23:1-2; Acts:24:1-9; Acts:25:1-26; 1Corinthians:4:9-13; 2Corinthians:11:23-27; Philippians:1:29; 2Thessalonians:1:5; Revelation:1:9; Revelation:2:10 Revelation:2:13 Revelation:6:9-11 *2 a Mark:1:44; Mark:6:11; Matthew:10:18; Luke:9:5

10 *1 And the gospel must first be published among all nations. Mark:16:15; Matthew:24:14; Matthew:28:18-19; Romans:1:8; Romans:10:18; Romans:15:19; Colossians:1:6 Colossians:1:23 Revelation:14:6

11 *1 and deliver Mark:13:9; Matthew:10:17 Matthew:10:21 Acts:3:13 *2 take Exodus:4:10-12; Jeremiah:1:6-9; Daniel:3:16-18; Matthew:10:19-20; Luke:12:11-12; Luke:21:14-15; Acts:2:4; Acts:4:8-22-31; Acts:6:10 Acts:6:15 Acts:7:55 *3 shall be Isaiah:50:4; John:3:27; Ephesians:6:19-20; James:1:5 *4 but 2Samuel:23:2; 1Corinthians:2:13; Ephesians:3:5; 1Peter:1:12

12 *1 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. Ezekiel:38:21; Micah:7:4-6; Matthew:10:21; Matthew:24:10; Luke:12:52-53; Luke:21:16

13 *1 ye Matthew:5:11-12; Matthew:24:9; Luke:6:22; Luke:21:17; John:15:18-19; John:17:14; 1John:3:13 *2 but Daniel:12:12; Matthew:10:22; Matthew:24:13; Romans:2:7; Galatians:6:9; Hebrews:3:14; Hebrews:10:39; James:1:12; Revelation:2:10; Revelation:3:10

14 *1 the abomination Daniel:8:13; Daniel:9:27; Daniel:12:11; Matthew:24:15-28; Luke:21:20-22 *2 where Lamentations:1:10; Ezekiel:44:9 *3 let him Matthew:13:51; Acts:8:30-31; 1Corinthians:14:7-8 1Corinthians:14:20 Revelation:1:3; Revelation:13:18 *4 then Luke:21:21-24

15 *1 And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house: 1:19:15-17 Genesis:19:22,26; Job:2:4; Proverbs:6:4-5; Proverbs:22:3; Matthew:24:16-18; Luke:17:31-33; Acts:27:18-19 Acts:27:38 Philippians:3:7-8; Hebrews:11:7

17 *1 But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! Deuteronomy:28:56-57; Lamentations:2:19-20; Lamentations:4:3-4 Lamentations:4:10 Hosea:9:14; Hosea:13:16; Matthew:24:19-21; Luke:21:23; Luke:23:29

19 *1 in those Deuteronomy:28:59; Deuteronomy:29:22-28; Isaiah:65:12-15; Lamentations:1:12; Lamentations:2:13; Lamentations:4:6; Daniel:9:12 Daniel:9:26 Daniel:12:1; Joel:2:2; Matthew:24:21; Luke:21:22-24 *2 from Deuteronomy:4:32

20 *1 for Isaiah:1:9; Isaiah:6:13; Isaiah:65:8-9;z Ecclesiastes:13:8-9; Matthew:24:22; 1:11:5-7 Romans:11:23-24,28-32

21 *1 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: Deuteronomy:13:1-3; Matthew:24:5 Matthew:24:23-25 Luke:17:23-24; Luke:21:8; John:5:43

22 *1 if it Mark:13:6; Matthew:24:24; John:10:27-28; 2Thessalonians:2:8-14; 2Timothy:2:19; 1John:2:19 1John:2:26 Revelation:13:8 Revelation:13:13-14 Revelation:17:8

23 *1 take 1:13:5 Mark:13:9,33; Matthew:7:15; Luke:21:8 Luke:21:34 2Peter:3:17 *2 behold Isaiah:44:7-8; John:14:29; John:16:1-4

24 *1 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, Isaiah:13:10; Isaiah:24:20-23; Jeremiah:4:23-25 Jeremiah:4:28 Ezekiel:32:7; Daniel:7:10; Daniel:12:1; Joel:2:30-31; Amos:5:20; Zephaniah:1:14-18; Matthew:24:29-31; Luke:21:25-27; Acts:2:19-20; 2Peter:3:10-12; Revelation:6:12-14; Revelation:20:11

26 *1 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. Mark:8:38; Mark:14:62; Daniel:7:9-14; Matthew:16:17 Matthew:16:27 Matthew:24:30; Matthew:25:31; Acts:1:11; 1Thessalonians:4:16; 2Thessalonians:1:7-10; Revelation:1:7

27 *1 shall he Matthew:13:41 Matthew:13:49 Matthew:24:31; Luke:16:22; Revelation:7:1-3; Revelation:15:6-7 *2 shall gather Genesis:49:10; Matthew:25:31-32; John:10:16; John:11:52; 1Thessalonians:4:14-17; 2Thessalonians:2:1; Revelation:7:5-9 *3 his elect Mark:13:20-22; Isaiah:65:9; Matthew:24:22-24 Matthew:24:31 Luke:18:7; Romans:8:33; Colossians:3:12; 2Timothy:2:10; 1Peter:1:2 *4 from Deuteronomy:30:4; Matthew:12:42

28 *1 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: Matthew:24:32-33; Luke:21:29-31

29 *1 know Ezekiel:7:10-12; Ezekiel:12:25-28; Hebrews:10:25-37; James:5:9; 1Peter:4:17-18

30 *1 that Matthew:16:28; Matthew:23:36; Matthew:24:34; Luke:21:32

31 *1 Heaven Psalms:102:25-27; Isaiah:51:6; Matthew:5:18; Matthew:24:35; Hebrews:1:10-12; 2Peter:3:10-12; Revelation:20:11 *2 my Numbers:23:19; Joshua:23:14-15; Psalms:19:7; Isaiah:40:8;z Ecclesiastes:1:6; Luke:21:33; 2Timothy:2:13; Titus:1:2

32 *1 of Mark:13:26-27; Matthew:24:36-42; 1:25:6 Matthew:25:13,19; Acts:1:7; 1Thessalonians:5:2; 2Peter:3:10; Revelation:3:3 *2 neither Revelation:1:1

33 *1 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. Mark:13:23 Mark:13:35-37 Mark:14:37-38; Matthew:24:42-44; Matthew:25:13; Matthew:26:40-41; Luke:12:40; Luke:21:34-36; Romans:13:11-12-14; 1Corinthians:16:13; Ephesians:6:18; 1Thessalonians:5:5-8; Hebrews:12:15; 1Peter:4:7; 1Peter:5:8; Revelation:3:2; Revelation:16:15

34 *1 as a Matthew:24:45; Matthew:25:14-30; Luke:19:12-17 *2 and to Romans:12:4-8; Romans:13:6; 1Corinthians:3:5-10; 1Corinthians:12:4-31; 1Corinthians:15:58; Colossians:3:24; Colossians:4:1 *3 and commanded Ezekiel:3:17-21; Ezekiel:33:2-9; Matthew:24:45-47; Luke:12:36-40; Acts:20:29-31 *4 the porter Matthew:16:19; John:10:3; Revelation:3:7

35 *1 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Mark:13:33; Matthew:24:42-44

36 *1 he find Mark:14:37 Mark:14:40 Proverbs:6:9-11; Proverbs:24:33-34; Songs:3:1; Songs:5:2; Isaiah:56:10; Matthew:24:48-51; Matthew:25:5; Luke:21:34; Luke:22:45; Romans:13:11-14; Ephesians:5:14; 1Thessalonians:5:6-7

37 *1 I say Mark:13:33-35; Luke:12:41-46

tsk Mark 13 *

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