Mark: tsk

1 *3 again Mark:1:45; Matthew:9:1; Luke:5:18 *4 and it Mark:7:24; Luke:18:35-38; John:4:47; Acts:2:6

2 *1 straightway Mark:2:13; 1:1:33 Mark:1:37,45; Mark:4:1-2; Luke:5:17; Luke:12:1 *2 and he Mark:1:14; Mark:6:34; Psalms:40:9; Matthew:5:2; Luke:8:1 Luke:8:11 Acts:8:25; Acts:11:19; Acts:14:25; Acts:16:6; Romans:10:8; 2Timothy:4:2

3 *1 bringing Matthew:9:1-2-8; Luke:5:18-26

4 *1 they uncovered Deuteronomy:22:8; Luke:5:19

5 *1 saw Genesis:22:12; John:2:25; Acts:11:23; Acts:14:9; Ephesians:2:8; 1Thessalonians:1:3-4; James:2:18-22 *2 he said Mark:2:9-10; Isaiah:53:11; Matthew:9:2; Luke:5:20; Luke:7:47-50; Acts:5:31; 2Corinthians:2:10; Colossians:3:13 *3 Son Mark:5:34; Matthew:9:22; Luke:8:48 *4 sins Job:33:17-26; Psalms:32:1-5; Psalms:90:7-9; Psalms:103:3; Isaiah:38:17; John:5:14; 1Corinthians:11:30; James:5:15

6 *1 and reasoning Mark:8:17; Matthew:16:7-8; Luke:5:21-22; 2Corinthians:10:5

7 *1 speak Mark:14:64; Matthew:9:3; Matthew:26:65; 1:10:33 John:10:36 *2 who Job:14:4; Psalms:130:4; Isaiah:43:25; Daniel:9:9; Micah:7:18; Luke:5:21; Luke:7:49; John:20:20-23

8 *1 when 1Chronicles:29:17; Matthew:9:4; Luke:5:22; Luke:6:8; Luke:7:39-40; John:2:24-25; John:6:64; John:21:17; Hebrews:4:13; Revelation:2:23 *2 Why Mark:7:21; Psalms:139:2; Proverbs:15:26; Proverbs:24:9; Isaiah:55:7; Ezekiel:38:10; Luke:24:38; Acts:5:3; Acts:8:22

9 *1 is it Matthew:9:5; Luke:5:22-25

10 *1 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) Daniel:7:13-14; Matthew:9:6-8; Matthew:16:13; John:5:20-27; Acts:5:31; 1Timothy:1:13-16

11 *1 I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. Mark:1:41; John:5:8-10; John:6:63

12 *1 insomuch Mark:1:27; Matthew:9:8; Matthew:12:23; Luke:7:16 *2 glorified Matthew:15:31; Luke:5:26; Luke:13:13; Luke:17:15; Acts:4:21 *3 We never Matthew:9:33; John:7:31; John:9:32

13 *1 by Matthew:9:9; Matthew:13:1 *2 and all Mark:2:2; Mark:3:7-8 Mark:3:20-21 Mark:4:1; Proverbs:1:20-22; Luke:19:48; Luke:21:38

14 *1 he saw Mark:3:18; Matthew:9:9; Luke:5:27 *2 Alphaeus Mark:3:18; Luke:6:15; Acts:1:13 *3 Follow me Mark:1:17-20; Matthew:4:19-22

15 *1 And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him. Matthew:9:10-11; Matthew:21:31-32; Luke:5:29-30; Luke:6:17; Luke:15:1

16 *1 How Mark:2:7; Isaiah:65:5; Luke:15:2-7; Luke:18:11; Luke:19:7 Luke:19:10 1Corinthians:2:15; Hebrews:12:3 *2 publicans Matthew:18:17

17 *1 They that are whole Matthew:9:12-13; Luke:5:31-32; Luke:15:7 Luke:15:29 Luke:16:15; 1:9:34 John:9:40 *2 I came Isaiah:1:18; Isaiah:55:7; Matthew:18:11; Luke:15:10; Luke:19:10; Acts:20:21; Acts:26:20; Romans:5:6-8 Romans:5:20-21 1Corinthians:6:9-11; 1Timothy:1:15-16; Titus:2:14; Titus:3:3-7

18 *1 the disciples Matthew:9:14-17; Luke:5:33-39 *2 Why Matthew:6:16-18; Matthew:23:5; Luke:18:12; Romans:10:3

19 *1 Can Genesis:29:22; Judges:14:10-11; Psalms:45:14; Songs:6:8; Matthew:25:1-10

20 *1 the bridegroom Psalms:45:11; Songs:3:11; Isaiah:54:5; Isaiah:62:5; John:3:29; 2Corinthians:11:2; Revelation:19:7; Revelation:21:9 *2 be taken z Ecclesiastes:13:7; Matthew:26:31; John:7:33-34; John:12:8; John:13:33; John:16:7 John:16:28 John:17:11-13; Acts:1:9; Acts:3:21 *3 and Acts:13:2-3; Acts:14:23; 1Corinthians:7:5; 2Corinthians:6:5; 2Corinthians:11:27

21 *1 seweth Psalms:103:13-15; Isaiah:57:16; 1Corinthians:10:13 *2 new Matthew:9:16

22 *1 bottles Joshua:9:4 Joshua:9:13 Job:32:19; Psalms:119:80 Psalms:119:83 Matthew:9:17; Luke:5:37-38

23 *1 that Matthew:12:1-8; Luke:6:1-5 *2 to pluck Deuteronomy:23:24-25

24 *1 why Mark:2:7 Mark:2:16 Matthew:7:3-5; Matthew:15:2-3; Matthew:23:23-24; Hebrews:12:3 *2 that Exodus:20:10; Exodus:31:15; Exodus:35:2-3; Numbers:15:32-36; Nehemiah:13:15-22; Isaiah:56:2-4-6; Isaiah:58:13; Jeremiah:17:20-27

25 *1 Have Mark:12:20 Mark:12:26 Matthew:19:4; Matthew:21:16 Matthew:21:42 Matthew:22:31; Luke:10:26 *2 what 1Samuel:21:3-6

26 *1 Abiathar 1Samuel:22:20-22; 1Samuel:23:6 1Samuel:23:9 2Samuel:8:17; 1:15:24 2Samuel:15:29,35; 2Samuel:20:25; 1Kings:1:7; 1Kings:2:22 1Kings:2:26-27 1Kings:4:4 *2 which is not lawful Exodus:29:32-33; Leviticus:24:5-9

27 *1 And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Exodus:23:12; Deuteronomy:5:14; Nehemiah:9:13-14; Isaiah:58:13; Ezekiel:20:12 Ezekiel:20:20 Luke:6:9; John:7:23; 1Corinthians:3:21-22; 2Corinthians:4:15; Colossians:2:16

28 *1 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. Mark:3:4; Matthew:12:8; Luke:6:5; Luke:13:15-16; John:5:9-11 John:5:17 John:9:5-11 John:9:14-16 Ephesians:1:22; Revelation:1:10

tsk Mark 2 *

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