Mark: tsk

1 *2 he began Mark:2:13; Matthew:13:1-2-9; Luke:8:4-8 *3 so that Luke:5:1-3

2 *1 by parables Mark:4:11-34; Mark:3:23; Psalms:49:4; Psalms:78:2; 1:13:3 Matthew:13:10,34-35 *2 in his Mark:12:38; Matthew:7:28; John:7:16-17; John:18:19

3 *1 Hearken Mark:4:9 Mark:4:23 Mark:7:14-16; Deuteronomy:4:1; Psalms:34:11; Psalms:45:10; Proverbs:7:24; Proverbs:8:32; Isaiah:46:3 Isaiah:46:12 Isaiah:55:1-2; Acts:2:14; Hebrews:2:1-3; James:2:5; 1:2:7 Revelation:2:11-29 *2 there Mark:4:14 Mark:4:26-29 Ecclesiastes:11:6; Isaiah:28:23-26; Matthew:13:3 Matthew:13:24-26 Luke:8:5-8; John:4:35-38; 1Corinthians:3:6-9

4 *1 And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. Mark:4:15; Genesis:15:11; Matthew:13:4 Matthew:13:19 1:8:5 Luke:8:12

5 *1 And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: Mark:4:16-17; Ezekiel:11:19; Ezekiel:36:26; Hosea:10:12; Amos:6:12; Matthew:13:5-6 Matthew:13:20 1:8:6 Luke:8:13

6 *1 the sun Songs:1:6; Isaiah:25:4; Jonah:4:8; James:1:11; Revelation:7:16 *2 no root Psalms:1:3-4; Psalms:92:13-15; Jeremiah:17:5-8; Ephesians:3:17; Colossians:2:7; 2Thessalonians:2:10;ju Deuteronomy:1:12

7 *1 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. Mark:4:18-19; Genesis:3:17-18; Jeremiah:4:3; Matthew:13:7 Matthew:13:22 Luke:8:7 Luke:8:14 Luke:12:15; Luke:21:34; 1Timothy:6:9-10; 1John:2:15-16

8 *1 fell Mark:4:20; Isaiah:58:1; Jeremiah:23:29; Matthew:13:8 Matthew:13:23 Luke:8:8 Luke:8:15 John:1:12-13; John:3:19-21; John:7:17; John:15:5; Acts:17:11; Colossians:1:6; Hebrews:4:1-2; James:1:19-22; 1Peter:2:1-3 *2 an hundred Genesis:26:12; Philippians:1:11

9 *1 See on ver Mark:4:3 Mark:4:23-24 Mark:7:14-16; Matthew:11:15; Matthew:13:9; Matthew:15:10; Luke:8:18; 1:3:6 Revelation:3:13,22

10 *1 And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. Mark:4:34; Mark:7:17; Proverbs:13:20; Matthew:13:10-17 Matthew:13:36 Luke:8:9-15

11 *1 Unto you Matthew:11:25; Matthew:13:11-12 Matthew:13:16 Matthew:16:17; Luke:8:10; Luke:10:21-24; 1Corinthians:4:7; 2Corinthians:4:6; Ephesians:1:9; Ephesians:2:4-10; Titus:3:3-7; James:1:16-18; 1John:5:20 *2 them 1Corinthians:5:12-13; Colossians:4:5; 1Thessalonians:4:12; 1Timothy:3:7 *3 all these Matthew:13:13

12 *1 That seeing Deuteronomy:29:4; Isaiah:6:9-10; Isaiah:44:18; Jeremiah:5:21; Matthew:13:14-15; Luke:8:10; John:12:37-41; Acts:28:25-27; Romans:11:8-10 *2 be converted Jeremiah:31:18-20; Ezekiel:18:27-32; Acts:3:19; 2Timothy:2:25; Hebrews:6:6

13 *1 Know Mark:7:17-18; Matthew:13:51-52; Matthew:15:15-17; Matthew:16:8-9; Luke:24:25; 1Corinthians:3:1-2; Hebrews:5:11-14; Revelation:3:19

14 *1 sower Mark:4:3; Isaiah:32:20; Matthew:13:19 Matthew:13:37 Luke:8:11 *2 the word Mark:2:2; Colossians:1:5-6; 1Peter:1:23-25

15 *1 these Mark:4:4; Genesis:19:14; Isaiah:53:1; Matthew:22:5; Luke:8:12; Luke:14:18-19; Acts:17:18-20 Acts:17:32 Acts:18:14-17; Acts:25:19-20; Acts:26:31-32; Hebrews:2:1; Hebrews:12:16 *2 Satan Job:1:6-12;z Ecclesiastes:3:1; Matthew:13:19; Acts:5:3; 2Corinthians:2:11; 2Corinthians:4:3-4; 2Thessalonians:2:9; 1Peter:5:8; Revelation:12:9; 1:20:2-3 Revelation:20:7,10

16 *1 which Mark:6:20; Mark:10:17-22; Ezekiel:33:31-32; Matthew:8:19-20; Matthew:13:20-21; Luke:8:13; John:5:35; Acts:8:13 Acts:8:18-21 Acts:24:25-26; Acts:26:28

17 *1 have Mark:4:5-6; Job:19:28; Job:27:8-10; Matthew:12:31; Luke:12:10; John:8:31; John:15:2-7; 2Timothy:1:15; 2Timothy:2:17-18; 2Timothy:4:10; 1John:2:19 *2 when Matthew:11:6; Matthew:13:21; Matthew:24:9-10; 1Corinthians:10:12-13; Galatians:6:12; 1Thessalonians:3:3-5; 2Timothy:4:16; Hebrews:10:29; 1:2:10 Revelation:2:13

18 *1 See on ver Mark:4:7; Jeremiah:4:3; Matthew:13:22; Luke:8:14

19 *1 the cares Luke:10:41; Luke:12:17-21-29-30; Luke:14:18-20; Luke:21:34; Philippians:4:6; 2Timothy:4:10 *2 the deceitfulness Proverbs:23:5; Ecclesiastes:4:8; Ecclesiastes:5:10-16; 1:6:9-10 1Timothy:6:17 *3 and the lusts 1Peter:4:2-3; 1John:2:15-17 *4 unfruitful Isaiah:5:2-4; Matthew:3:10; John:15:2; Hebrews:6:7-8; 2Peter:1:8;ju Deuteronomy:1:12

20 *1 which Mark:4:8; Matthew:13:23; Luke:8:15; John:15:4-5; Romans:7:4; Galatians:5:22-23; Philippians:1:11; Colossians:1:10; 1Thessalonians:4:1; 2Peter:1:8 *2 an hundred Genesis:26:12

21 *1 Is a Isaiah:60:1-3; Matthew:5:15; Luke:8:16; Luke:11:33; 1Corinthians:12:7; Ephesians:5:3-15; Philippians:2:15-16

22 *1 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. Psalms:40:9-10; Psalms:78:2-4; Ecclesiastes:12:14; Matthew:10:26-27; Luke:8:17; Luke:12:2-3; Acts:4:20; Acts:20:27; 1Corinthians:4:5; 1John:1:1-3

23 *1 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. Mark:4:9; Matthew:11:15; 1:2:7 Revelation:2:11,17,29

24 *1 Take Proverbs:19:27; Luke:8:18; Acts:17:11; Hebrews:2:1; 1John:4:1; 1Peter:2:2; 2Peter:2:1-3 *2 with Matthew:7:2; Luke:6:37-38; 2Corinthians:9:6 *3 hear Mark:9:7; Isaiah:55:3; John:5:25; 1:10:16 John:10:27

25 *1 For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath. Matthew:13:12; Matthew:25:28-29; Luke:8:18; Luke:16:9-12; Luke:19:24-26; John:15:2

26 *1 So Matthew:3:2; Matthew:4:17; Matthew:13:11-31-33; Luke:13:18 *2 as Mark:4:3-4 Mark:4:14-20 Proverbs:11:18; Ecclesiastes:11:4-6; Isaiah:28:24-26; Isaiah:32:20; Matthew:13:3 Matthew:13:24 Luke:8:5 Luke:8:11 John:4:36-38; John:12:24; 1Corinthians:3:6-9; James:3:18; 1Peter:1:23-25

27 *1 and grow Ecclesiastes:8:17; Ecclesiastes:11:5; John:3:7-8; 1Corinthians:15:37-38; 2Thessalonians:1:3; 2Peter:3:18

28 *1 the earth Genesis:1:11-12; Genesis:2:4-5 Genesis:2:9 Genesis:4:11-12; Isaiah:61:11 *2 first Mark:4:31-32; Psalms:1:3; Psalms:92:13-14; Proverbs:4:18; Ecclesiastes:3:1 Ecclesiastes:3:11 Hosea:6:3; Philippians:1:6 Philippians:1:9-11 Colossians:1:10; 1Thessalonians:3:12-13 *3 blade Matthew:13:26

29 *1 brought forth Job:5:26; 2Timothy:4:7-8 *2 he putteth Isaiah:57:1-2; Joel:3:13; Matthew:13:30 Matthew:13:40-43 Revelation:14:13-17

30 *1 And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? Lamentations:2:13; Matthew:11:16; Luke:13:18-20-21

31 *1 like Matthew:13:31-33; Luke:13:18-19 *2 is less than Genesis:22:17-18; Psalms:72:16-19; Isaiah:2:2-3; Isaiah:9:7; Isaiah:49:6-7; Isaiah:53:2 Isaiah:53:12 Isaiah:54:1-3; Isaiah:60:22; Ezekiel:17:22-24; Daniel:2:34-35 Daniel:2:44-45 Amos:9:11-15; Micah:4:1-2;z Ecclesiastes:2:11;z Ecclesiastes:8:20-23;z Ecclesiastes:12:8;z Ecclesiastes:14:6-9; Malachi:1:11; Acts:2:41; Acts:4:4; Acts:5:14; Acts:19:20; Acts:21:20; Revelation:11:15; Revelation:20:1-6

32 *1 and becometh Proverbs:4:18; Isaiah:11:9 *2 shooteth Psalms:80:9-11; Ezekiel:31:3-10; 1:4:10-14 Daniel:4:20-22 *3 lodge Psalms:91:1; Songs:2:3; Isaiah:32:2; Lamentations:4:20

33 *1 with Matthew:13:34-35 *2 as John:16:12; 1Corinthians:3:1-2; Hebrews:5:11-14

34 *1 when Mark:4:10; Mark:7:17-23; Matthew:13:36-43; Matthew:15:15-20; Luke:8:9-10; 1:24:27 Luke:24:44-46

35 *1 the same Matthew:8:23; Luke:8:22 *2 Let Mark:5:21; Mark:6:45; Mark:8:13; Matthew:8:18; Matthew:14:22; 1:6:1 John:6:17,25

36 *1 even Mark:4:1; Mark:3:9

37 *1 there arose Matthew:8:23-24; Luke:8:22-23 *2 great storm Job:1:12 Job:1:19 Psalms:107:23-31; Jonah:1:4; Acts:27:14-20 Acts:27:41 2Corinthians:11:25

38 *1 in the John:4:6; Hebrews:2:17; Hebrews:4:15 *2 and they 1Kings:18:27-29; Job:8:5-6; Psalms:44:23-24; Isaiah:51:9-10; Matthew:8:25; Luke:8:24 *3 carest Psalms:10:1-2; Psalms:22:1-2; Psalms:77:7-10; Isaiah:40:27-28; Isaiah:49:14-16; Isaiah:54:6-8; Isaiah:63:15; Isaiah:64:12; Lamentations:3:8; 1Peter:5:7

39 *1 he arose 1:14:16 Exodus:14:22,28-29; Job:38:11; Psalms:29:10; Psalms:93:3-4; Psalms:104:7-9; Psalms:107:29; Psalms:148:8; Proverbs:8:29; Jeremiah:5:22 *2 rebuked Mark:9:25; Nahum:1:4; Luke:4:39 *3 the wind Psalms:89:9; Lamentations:3:31

40 *1 Why Psalms:46:1-3; Isaiah:42:3; Isaiah:43:2; Matthew:8:26; Matthew:14:31; Luke:8:25; John:6:19-20 *2 no faith Matthew:6:30; Matthew:16:8

41 *1 feared Mark:5:33; 1Samuel:12:18-20 1Samuel:12:24 Psalms:89:7; Jonah:1:9-10 Jonah:1:15-16 Malachi:2:5; Hebrews:12:28; Revelation:15:4 *2 What Mark:7:37; Job:38:11; Matthew:8:27; Matthew:14:32; Luke:4:36; Luke:8:25

tsk Mark 4 *

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