Matthew: tsk

1 *2 Herod Mark:6:14-16; Mark:8:15; Luke:9:7-9; Luke:13:31-32; Luke:23:8-12 Luke:23:15 Acts:4:27 *3 tetrarch Luke:3:1

2 *1 This Matthew:11:11; Matthew:16:14; Mark:8:28; John:10:41

3 *1 Herod Matthew:4:12; Mark:6:17; Luke:3:19-20; John:3:23-24 *2 his Luke:13:1

4 *1 For John:said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her. Leviticus:18:16; Leviticus:20:21; Deuteronomy:25:5-6; 2Samuel:12:7; 1Kings:21:19; 2Chronicles:26:18-19; Proverbs:28:1; Isaiah:8:20; Mark:6:18; Acts:24:24-25

5 *1 when Mark:6:19-20; Mark:14:1-2; Acts:4:21; Acts:5:26 *2 because Matthew:21:26 Matthew:21:32 Mark:11:30-32; Luke:20:6

6 *1 birth-day Genesis:40:20; Esther:1:2-9; Esther:2:18; Daniel:5:1-4; Hosea:1:5-6; Mark:6:21-23 *2 the daughter Matthew:22:24 *3 danced Esther:1:10-12

7 *1 Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask. Esther:5:3 Esther:5:6 Esther:7:2

8 *1 being 2Chronicles:22:2-3; Mark:6:24 *2 Give 1Kings:18:4 1Kings:18:13 1Kings:19:2; 2Kings:11:1; Proverbs:1:16; Proverbs:29:10 *3 a charger 1:7:13 Numbers:7:19,84-85; Ezra:1:9

9 *1 the king Matthew:14:1; Mark:6:14 *2 sorry Matthew:14:5; Matthew:27:17-26; Daniel:6:14-16; Mark:6:20 Mark:6:26 Luke:13:32; John:19:12-16; Acts:24:23-27; Acts:25:3-9 *3 the oath's Numbers:30:5-8; Judges:11:30-31-39; Judges:21:1 Judges:21:7-23 1:14:24 1Samuel:14:28,39-45; 1Samuel:25:22; 1Samuel:25:32-34; 1Samuel:28:10; 2Kings:6:31-33; Ecclesiastes:5:2

10 *1 and beheaded Matthew:17:12; Matthew:21:35-36; Matthew:22:3-6; Matthew:23:34-36; 2Chronicles:36:16; Jeremiah:2:30; Mark:6:27-29; Mark:9:13; Luke:9:9; Revelation:11:7

11 *1 and given Genesis:49:7; Proverbs:27:4; Proverbs:29:10; Jeremiah:22:17; Ezekiel:16:3-4; Ezekiel:19:2-3; Ezekiel:35:6; Revelation:16:6; Revelation:17:6

12 *1 took Matthew:27:58-61; Acts:8:2

13 *1 When Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities. Matthew:14:1-2; Matthew:10:23; Matthew:12:15; Mark:6:30-33; Luke:9:10-17; John:6:1-15

14 *1 and was Matthew:9:36; Matthew:15:32-39; Mark:6:34; Mark:8:1-2; Mark:9:22; Luke:7:13; Luke:19:41; John:11:33-35; Hebrews:2:17; Hebrews:4:15; Hebrews:5:2

15 *1 his Mark:6:35-36; Luke:9:12 *2 send Matthew:15:23; Mark:8:3

16 *1 they 2Kings:4:42-44; Job:31:16-17; Proverbs:11:24; Ecclesiastes:11:2; Luke:3:11; John:13:29; 2Corinthians:8:2-3; 2Corinthians:9:7-8

17 *1 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. Matthew:15:33-34; Numbers:11:21-23; Psalms:78:19-20; Mark:6:37-38; Mark:8:4-5; Luke:9:13; John:6:5-9

19 *1 he commanded Matthew:15:35; Mark:6:39; Mark:8:6; Luke:9:14; John:6:10 *2 looking Mark:6:41; Mark:7:34; Luke:9:16; John:11:41 *3 he blessed Matthew:15:36; Matthew:26:26-27; 1Samuel:9:13; Mark:8:6; Mark:14:22-23; Luke:22:19; Luke:24:30; John:6:11-23; Acts:27:35; Romans:14:6; 1Corinthians:10:16 1Corinthians:10:31 1Corinthians:11:24; Colossians:3:17; 1Timothy:4:4-5

20 *1 were Matthew:5:6; Matthew:15:33; Exodus:16:8 Exodus:16:12 Leviticus:26:26; 1Kings:17:12-16; 2Kings:4:43-44; Proverbs:13:25; Ezekiel:4:14-16; Haggai:1:6; Luke:1:53; Luke:9:17; 1:6:7 John:6:11 *2 and they took Matthew:15:37-38; Matthew:16:8-10; 2Kings:4:1-7; Mark:6:42-44; Mark:8:8-9 Mark:8:16-21 John:6:12-14

21 *1 about John:6:10; Acts:4:4 Acts:4:34 2Corinthians:9:8-11; Philippians:4:19

22 *1 Jesus Mark:6:45 *2 while Matthew:13:36; Matthew:15:39

23 *1 he went Matthew:6:6; Matthew:26:36; Mark:6:46; Luke:6:12; Acts:6:4 *2 he was John:6:15-17

24 *1 tossed Matthew:8:24; Isaiah:54:11; Mark:6:48; John:6:18

25 *1 the fourth watch Matthew:24:43; Luke:12:38 *2 walking Job:9:8; Psalms:93:3-4; Psalms:104:3; Mark:6:48; John:6:19; 1:10:2 Revelation:10:5,8

26 *1 they were 1Samuel:28:12-14; Job:4:14-16; Daniel:10:6-12; Mark:6:49-50; Luke:1:11-12; Luke:24:5 Luke:24:45 Acts:12:15; Revelation:1:17

27 *1 Be Matthew:9:2; John:16:33; Acts:23:11 *2 it 1:41:4 Isaiah:41:10,14; Isaiah:51:12; Luke:24:38-39; John:6:20; John:14:1-3; Revelation:1:17-18

28 *1 bid Matthew:19:27; Matthew:26:33-35; Mark:14:31; Luke:22:31-34 Luke:22:49-50 John:6:68; John:13:36-38; Romans:12:3

29 *1 he walked Matthew:17:20; Matthew:21:21; Mark:9:23; Mark:11:22-23; Luke:17:6; Acts:3:16; Romans:4:19; Philippians:4:13

30 *1 when Matthew:26:69-75; 2Kings:6:15; Mark:14:38 Mark:14:66-72 Luke:22:54-61; John:18:25-27; 2Timothy:4:16-17 *2 Lord Matthew:8:24-25; Psalms:3:7; Psalms:69:1-2; Psalms:107:27-30; Psalms:116:3-4; Lamentations:3:54-57; Jonah:2:2-7; 2Corinthians:12:7-10

31 *1 stretched Psalms:138:7; Isaiah:63:12; Mark:1:31 Mark:1:41 Mark:5:41; Acts:4:30 *2 and caught Genesis:22:14; Deuteronomy:32:36; Mark:16:7; Luke:22:31-32; Luke:24:34; 1Peter:1:5 *3 O thou Matthew:8:26; Matthew:16:8; Matthew:17:20; Mark:11:23; Romans:4:18-20; 1Timothy:2:8; James:1:6-8

32 *1 come Psalms:107:29-30; Mark:4:41; Mark:6:51; John:6:21

33 *1 worshipped Matthew:15:25; Matthew:28:9 Matthew:28:17 Luke:24:52 *2 Of Matthew:16:16; Matthew:17:5; Matthew:26:63; Matthew:27:43-54; Psalms:2:7; Daniel:3:25; Mark:1:1; Mark:14:61; Mark:15:39; Luke:4:41; Luke:8:28; John:1:49; John:6:69; John:9:35-38; John:11:27; John:17:1; John:19:7; Acts:8:37; Romans:1:4

34 *1 when Mark:6:53-56 *2 the land of Gennesaret Luke:5:1

35 *1 And when the men of that place had knowledge of him, they sent out into all that country round about, and brought unto him all that were diseased; Matthew:4:24-25; Mark:1:28-34; Mark:2:1-12; Mark:3:8-10; Mark:6:55

36 *1 only Matthew:9:20-21; Mark:3:10; Luke:6:19; Acts:19:11-12 *2 hem Matthew:23:5; Exodus:28:33-43; Numbers:15:38-39 *3 perfectly John:6:37; John:7:23; Acts:3:16; 1:4:9-10 Acts:4:14-16

tsk Matthew 14 *

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