Matthew: tsk

1 *3 And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said, Matthew:9:15-17; Matthew:12:43-45; Matthew:13:3-11; Matthew:20:1-16; Matthew:21:28-46; Mark:4:33-34; Luke:8:10; Luke:14:16

2 *1 kingdom Matthew:13:24 Matthew:13:31-33-44-47 1:25:1 Matthew:25:14 *2 which Matthew:25:1-13; Psalms:45:10-16; John:3:29-30; 2Corinthians:11:2; Ephesians:5:24-32; Revelation:19:7-9

3 *1 sent Matthew:3:2; Matthew:10:6-7; Psalms:68:11; Proverbs:9:1-3; Isaiah:55:1-2; Jeremiah:25:4; Jeremiah:35:15; Mark:6:7-11; Luke:9:1-6; Luke:14:15-17; Revelation:22:17 *2 that 1Samuel:9:13; Zephaniah:1:7 *3 and they would not Matthew:23:37; Psalms:81:10-12; Proverbs:1:24-32; Isaiah:30:15; Jeremiah:6:16-17; Hosea:11:2 Hosea:11:7 Luke:13:34; Luke:15:28; Luke:19:27; John:5:40; Acts:13:45; Romans:10:21; Hebrews:12:25

4 *1 other Luke:10:1-16; Luke:24:46-47; Acts:1:8; Acts:11:19-20; Acts:13:46; Acts:28:17-31 *2 Behold Proverbs:9:1-2; Songs:5:1; John:6:50-57; Romans:8:32; 1Corinthians:5:7-8 *3 and all Matthew:22:8; Nehemiah:9:17; Psalms:86:5; Luke:14:17

5 *1 they Genesis:19:14; Genesis:25:34; Psalms:106:24-25; Proverbs:1:7 Proverbs:1:24-25 Acts:2:13; Acts:24:25; Romans:2:4; Hebrews:2:3 *2 one Matthew:13:22; Matthew:24:38-39; Luke:14:18-20; Luke:17:26-32; Romans:8:6; 1Timothy:6:9-10; 2Timothy:3:4; 1John:2:15-16

6 *1 the remnant Matthew:5:10-12; Matthew:10:12-18 Matthew:10:22-25 Matthew:21:35-39; Matthew:23:34-37; John:15:19-20; John:16:2-3; Acts:4:1-3; Acts:5:40-41; Acts:7:51-57; Acts:8:1; 1Thessalonians:2:14-15

7 *1 he was Matthew:21:40-41; Daniel:9:26;z Ecclesiastes:14:1-2; Luke:19:27 Luke:19:42-44 Luke:21:21-24; 1Thessalonians:2:16; 1Peter:4:17-18 *2 his Deuteronomy:28:49-68; Isaiah:10:5-7; Isaiah:13:2-5; Jeremiah:51:20-23; Joel:2:11-25; Joel:3:2; Luke:19:27

8 *1 but Matthew:10:11-13 Matthew:10:37-38 Luke:20:35; Luke:21:36; Acts:13:46; 2Thessalonians:1:5; Revelation:3:4; Revelation:22:14

9 *1 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. Proverbs:1:20-23; Proverbs:8:1-5; Proverbs:9:4-6; Isaiah:55:1-3 Isaiah:55:6-7 Mark:16:15-16; Luke:14:21-24; Luke:24:47; Acts:13:47; Ephesians:3:8; Revelation:22:17

10 *1 both Matthew:22:11-12; Matthew:13:38 Matthew:13:47-48 Matthew:25:1-2; 1Corinthians:6:9-11; 2Corinthians:12:21; 1John:2:19; 1:2:14-15 Revelation:2:20-23 *2 and the Matthew:25:10; Revelation:5:9; Revelation:7:9; Revelation:19:6-9

11 *1 when Matthew:3:12; Matthew:13:30; Matthew:25:31-32; Zephaniah:1:12; 1Corinthians:4:5; Hebrews:4:12-13; Revelation:2:23 *2 which 2Kings:10:22; Psalms:45:13-14; Isaiah:52:1; Isaiah:61:3-10; Isaiah:64:6;z Ecclesiastes:3:3-4; Lamentations:5:22; Romans:3:22; Romans:13:14; Galatians:3:27; 2Corinthians:5:3; Ephesians:4:24; Colossians:3:10-11; Revelation:3:4-5 Revelation:3:18 Revelation:16:15; Revelation:19:8

12 *1 Friend Matthew:20:13; Matthew:26:50 *2 how Matthew:5:20; Acts:5:2-11; Acts:8:20-23; 1Corinthians:4:5 *3 And he was 1Samuel:2:9; Job:5:16; Psalms:107:42; Jeremiah:2:23 Jeremiah:2:26 Romans:3:19; Titus:3:11

13 *1 Bind Matthew:12:29; Matthew:13:30; Isaiah:52:1; Daniel:3:20; John:21:18; Acts:21:11; Revelation:21:27 *2 outer Matthew:8:12; Matthew:25:30; 2Thessalonians:1:9; 2Peter:2:4 2Peter:2:17 ju 1:1:6 Deuteronomy:1:13 *3 there Matthew:13:42 Matthew:13:50 Matthew:24:51; Psalms:37:12; Psalms:112:10; Luke:13:28; Acts:7:54

14 *1 For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew:7:13-14; Matthew:20:16; Luke:13:23-24

15 *1 went Psalms:2:2; Mark:12:13-17; Luke:20:20-26 *2 how Psalms:41:6; Psalms:56:5-7; Psalms:57:6; Psalms:59:3; Isaiah:29:21; Jeremiah:18:18; Jeremiah:20:10; Luke:11:53-54; Hebrews:12:3

16 *1 the Herodians Matthew:16:11-12; Mark:3:6; Mark:8:15 *2 Master Matthew:22:24-26; Matthew:26:18 Matthew:26:49 Mark:10:17; Luke:7:40 *3 we know Psalms:5:9; Psalms:12:2; Psalms:55:21; Proverbs:29:5; Isaiah:59:13-15; Jeremiah:9:3-5; Ezekiel:33:30-31 *4 true Malachi:2:6; John:7:18; John:14:6; John:18:37; 2Corinthians:2:17; 2Corinthians:4:2; 1John:5:20 *5 neither Deuteronomy:33:9; 1Kings:22:14; Job:32:21-22; Micah:3:9-12; Malachi:2:9; Mark:12:14; Luke:20:21; 2Corinthians:5:16; Galatians:1:10; Galatians:2:6; 1Thessalonians:2:4; James:3:17

17 *1 What Jeremiah:42:2-3 Jeremiah:42:20 Acts:28:22 *2 is Deuteronomy:17:14-15; Ezra:4:13; Ezra:7:24; Nehemiah:5:4; Nehemiah:9:37; Acts:5:37; Romans:13:6-7 *3 Caesar Luke:2:1; John:19:12-15; Acts:17:7; Acts:25:8

18 *1 perceived Mark:2:8; Luke:5:22; Luke:9:47; Luke:20:23; John:2:25; Revelation:2:23 *2 Why Matthew:16:1-4; Matthew:19:3; Mark:12:5; Luke:10:25; John:8:6; Acts:5:9

19 *1 a penny Matthew:18:28; Matthew:20:2; Revelation:6:6

20 *1 superscription Luke:20:24

21 *1 Render Matthew:17:25-27; Proverbs:24:21; Luke:23:2; Romans:13:7 *2 and Matthew:22:37; Matthew:4:10; Daniel:3:16-18; Daniel:6:10-11-20-23; Malachi:1:6-8; Malachi:3:8-10; Acts:4:19; Acts:5:29; 1Peter:2:13-17

22 *1 they marvelled Matthew:22:33-46; Matthew:10:16; Proverbs:26:4-5; Luke:20:25-26; Luke:21:15; Acts:6:10; Colossians:4:6

23 *1 same Mark:12:18-27; Luke:20:27-40 *2 the Sadducees Matthew:3:7; Matthew:16:6; Acts:4:1; Acts:5:17; Acts:23:6-8 *3 which 1Corinthians:15:12-14; 2Timothy:2:18

24 *1 Master Matthew:22:16 Matthew:22:36 Matthew:7:21; Luke:6:46 *2 Moses Genesis:38:8 Genesis:38:11 Deuteronomy:25:5-10; Ruth:1:11; Mark:12:19; Luke:20:28

25 *1 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: Mark:12:19-23; Luke:20:29-33; Hebrews:9:27

29 *1 not Job:19:25-27; Psalms:16:9-11; Psalms:17:15; Psalms:49:14-15; Psalms:73:25-26; Isaiah:25:8; Isaiah:26:19; Isaiah:57:1-2; Daniel:12:2-3; Hosea:13:14; Luke:24:44-47; John:20:9; Romans:15:4 *2 nor Genesis:18:14; Jeremiah:32:17; Luke:1:37; Acts:26:8; Philippians:3:21

30 *1 in the Mark:12:24-25; Luke:20:34-36; John:5:28-29; 1Corinthians:7:29-31; 1John:3:1-2 *2 as Matthew:13:43; Matthew:18:10; Psalms:103:20;z Ecclesiastes:3:7; 1John:3:2; Revelation:5:9-11; Revelation:19:10

31 *1 have Matthew:9:13; Matthew:12:3 Matthew:12:7 1:21:16 Matthew:21:42

32 *1 am Exodus:3:6 Exodus:3:15-16 Acts:7:32; Hebrews:11:16 *2 God is Mark:12:26-27; Luke:20:37-38

33 *1 they Matthew:22:22; Matthew:7:28-29; Mark:6:2; Mark:12:17; Luke:2:47; Luke:4:22; Luke:20:39-40; John:7:46

34 *1 when Mark:12:28 *2 they Matthew:12:14; Matthew:25:3-5; Isaiah:41:5-7; John:11:47-50; Acts:5:24-28; Acts:19:23-28; Acts:21:28-30

35 *1 a lawyer Luke:7:30; Luke:10:25-37; Luke:11:45-46 Luke:11:52 Luke:14:3; Titus:3:13 *2 tempting Matthew:22:18; Mark:10:2

36 *1 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Matthew:5:19-20; Matthew:15:6; Matthew:23:23-24; Hosea:8:12; Mark:12:28-33; Luke:11:42

37 *1 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Deuteronomy:6:5; Deuteronomy:10:12; Deuteronomy:30:6; Mark:12:29-30 Mark:12:33 Luke:10:27; Romans:8:7; Hebrews:10:16-17; 1John:5:2-5

39 *1 Thou Matthew:19:19; Leviticus:19:18; Mark:12:31; Luke:10:27-28; Romans:13:9-10; Galatians:5:14; James:2:8 *2 neighbour Luke:10:29-37; Romans:15:2; Galatians:6:10

40 *1 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew:7:12; John:1:17; Romans:3:19-21; Romans:13:9; 1Timothy:1:5; 1John:4:7-11 1John:4:19-21 James:2:8

41 *1 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, Matthew:22:15 Matthew:22:34 Mark:12:35-37; Luke:20:41-44

42 *1 What Matthew:2:4-6; Matthew:14:33; Matthew:16:13-17; John:1:49; John:6:68-69; John:20:28; Philippians:2:9-11; Philippians:3:7-10; Colossians:3:11; 1Peter:2:4-7; Revelation:5:12-14 *2 The Son Matthew:1:1; Matthew:21:9; Isaiah:7:13-14; Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:11:1-4; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Ezekiel:34:23-24; Amos:9:11; Luke:1:69-70; John:7:41-42; Acts:13:22-23

43 *1 in the spirit 2Samuel:23:2; Mark:12:36; Luke:2:26-27; Acts:1:16; Acts:2:30-31; Hebrews:3:7; 2Peter:1:21; Revelation:4:2

44 *1 The LORD Psalms:110:1; Acts:2:34-35; 1Corinthians:15:25; Hebrews:1:3 Hebrews:1:13 Hebrews:10:12-13; Hebrews:12:2 *2 my Lord John:20:28; 1Corinthians:1:2; Philippians:3:8 *3 till Genesis:3:15; Psalms:2:8-9; Psalms:21:9; Isaiah:63:1-6; Luke:19:27; Revelation:19:19-21; 1:20:1-3 Revelation:20:11-15

45 *1 how John:8:58; Romans:1:3-4; Romans:9:5; Philippians:2:6-8; 1Timothy:3:16; Hebrews:2:14; Revelation:22:16

46 *1 no Matthew:21:27; Job:32:15-16; Isaiah:50:2-9; Luke:13:17; Luke:14:6; John:8:7-9; Acts:4:14 *2 neither Mark:12:34; Luke:20:40

tsk Matthew 22 *

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